96 research outputs found


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    El presente proyecto tiene como fin promover el uso y recolección de papel con campañas publicitarias que logren fomentar en la familia UNIMINUTO Soacha prácticas de reutilización de papel. Identificando como es utilizado y desechado el papel en la institución, diseñando una estrategia gráfica funcional con el objetivo de reciclar el papel blanco y proponiendo entidades interesadas en reutilizar el papel recolectado

    Comparación del desempeño de indicadores eléctricos para la detección de PID en paneles fotovoltaicos

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    La degradación inducida por potencial (PID) en paneles solares fotovoltaicos (FV) se produce debido a su operación en cadenas que hacen parte de grandes instalaciones, y bajo ciertas condiciones operativas de voltaje y ambientales, especialmente humedad y temperatura. El PID puede ocasionar hasta un 40 % de disminución en la capacidad de potencia generada del panel FV, y en los casos más severos la terminación de su vida útil. Cuando este fenómeno se detecta a tiempo, las causas se pueden corregir y el efecto en los paneles FV podría ser susceptible a un proceso de reversibilidad. Este artículo presenta un análisis comparativo del desempeño de cuatro indicadores eléctricos para detectar el PID reportados en la literatura reciente. Este estudio se realiza mediante simulación, utilizando el modelo de un solo diodo para representar el comportamiento del panel FV, y bajo diferentes condiciones de irradiancia y temperatura. Los resultados encontrados demuestran ventajas de un indicador basado en la resistencia paralelo normalizada, en cuanto a su practicidad y baja sensibilidad ante cambios en las condiciones de irradiancia y temperatura.Potential-induced degradation (PID) in photovoltaic (PV) solar panels occurs due to the operation in strings that are part of large installations, and under determinate voltage and environmental operating conditions, especially humidity and temperature. The PID can cause decreasing of up to 40 % in the generated power capacity of the PV panel and, in the most severe cases, the end of its lifetime. When this phenomenon is detected in time, the causes can be corrected and, the effect on the PV panels could be susceptible to a reversibility process. This article presents a comparative analysis of the performance of four electrical indicators to detect PID reported in recent literature. This study is carried out by simulation, using the single-diode model to represent the PV panel, and under different irradiance and temperature conditions. The results show the advantages of an indicator based on normalized parallel resistance, in terms of its practicality and low sensitivity to changes in irradiance and temperature conditions

    The insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor is essential for axonal regeneration in adult central nervous system neurons

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    Axonal regeneration is an essential condition to re-establish functional neuronal connections in the injured adult central nervous system (CNS), but efficient regrowth of severed axons has proven to be very difficult to achieve. Although significant progress has been made in identifying the intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms involved, many aspects remain unresolved. Axonal development in embryonic CNS (hippocampus) requires the obligate activation of the insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF-1R). Based on known similarities between axonal growth in fetal compared to mature CNS, we decided to examine the expression of the IGF-1R, using an antibody to the βgc subunit or a polyclonal anti-peptide antibody directed to the IGF-R (C20), in an in vitro model of adult CNS axonal regeneration, namely retinal ganglion cells (RGC) derived from adult rat retinas. Expression of both βgc and the β subunit recognized by C20 antibody were low in freshly isolated adult RGC, but increased significantly after 4 days in vitro. As in embryonic axons, βgc was localised to distal regions and leading growth cones in RGC. IGF-1R-βgc co-localised with activated p85 involved in the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K) signaling pathway, upon stimulation with IGF-1. Blocking experiments using either an antibody which neutralises IGF-1R activation, shRNA designed against the IGF-1R sequence, or the PI3K pathway inhibitor LY294002, all significantly reduced axon regeneration from adult RGC in vitro (∼40% RGC possessed axons in controls vs 2-8% in the different blocking studies). Finally, co-transfection of RGC with shRNA to silence IGF-1R together with a vector containing a constitutively active form of downstream PI3K (p110), fully restored axonal outgrowth in vitro. Hence these data demonstrate that axonal regeneration in adult CNS neurons requires re-expression and activation of IGF-1R, and targeting this system may offer new therapeutic approaches to enhancing axonal regeneration following trauma.Fil: Dupraz, Sebastian, Enrique. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Química Biológica de Cordoba (p); Argentina;Fil: Grassi, Diego Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Química Biológica de Cordoba (p); Argentina;Fil: Karnas, Diana. Rhythms, Life and Death in the Retina. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). Université de Strasbourg. Institut des Neurosciences Cellulaires et Intégratives; France;Fil: Nieto Guil, Alvaro Fernando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Química Biológica de Cordoba (p); Argentina;Fil: Hicks, David. Rhythms, Life and Death in the Retina. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). Université de Strasbourg. Institut des Neurosciences Cellulaires et Intégratives; France;Fil: Quiroga, Santiago. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Química Biológica de Cordoba (p); Argentina

    El papel de la industria tequilera dentro de la economía mexicana, en comparación con el papel de la industria licorera en Colombia

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    Salida InternacionalEl presente trabajo pretende estudiar el comportamiento de la industria tequilera en la Ciudad de México como un referente del desarrollo del país, analizando factores como las exportaciones y el consumo a nivel nacional, para poder así realizar un símil con la industria licorera de Colombia y estudiar la posibilidad de replicar el modelo de posicionamiento y referencia a nivel mundial.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. LEVANTAMIENTO DE INFORMACIÓN 3. CONCLUSIONES 4. RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSEspecializaciónEspecialista en Formulación y Evaluación Social y Económica de Proyecto

    Aplicación de la fotogrametría de objeto cercano en el modelamiento tridimensional de caderas

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    La necesidad de la ciencia médica ortopédica por establecer diagnósticos precisos, eficientes y de bajos costos, partiendo de métodos poco invasivos al paciente, establece el planteamiento de nuevos procedimientos a partir de herramientas ya existentes. La cadera es una de las articulaciones del cuerpoque soporta más peso y ocupa el segundo lugar en el número de articulaciones que se reemplazan en el continente americano. Es por esto que surge la inquietud por parte de la ingeniería topográfica de diseñar, modelar y establecer la solución adecuada para este problema, basando la investigación en los procedimientos bioestadísticos que permitan un alto grado de confiabilidad. Estos modelos han sido verificados utilizando el método ANOVA (análisis de varianza), analizandomediciones sobre el modelo con respecto a las mediciones sobre las radiografías. La confiabilidad obtenida es de 95%. Es posible utilizar la metodología descrita en este artículo para estudiar el desgaste total de cadera, caracterización de fracturas acetabulares y en general el modelamiento tridimensionalde cualquier hueso

    Inhaled Loxapine as a Rapid Treatment for Agitation in Patients with Personality Disorder : A Prospective Study on the Effects of Time

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    Agitation in patients diagnosed with personality disorders (PD) is one of the most frequent crises in emergency departments (ED). Although many medications have been tested, their effectiveness has been small or non-significant, and no specific drugs are supported by the available evidence. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of Inhaled loxapine (IL) as a therapeutic option for agitated patients with PD. A naturalistic, unicentric, prospective study was carried out. Thirty subjects diagnosed with PD and attending the ED with episodes of agitation were recruited most of whom were women diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. Subjects were treated with a single dose of IL (9.1 mg). Efficacy was assessed with the Clinical Global Impression scale, the Excited Component of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS-EC) and the Agitation-Calmness Evaluation Scale (ACES). Patients were followed 60 minutes after administration to measure IL effect and its duration. IL exhibited an overall efficacy in managing mild to severe agitation, with a quick onset of effect and persistence. 'Effect of time', where IL efficacy is maintained over time, is more marked in higher-severity agitation. No additional treatments were needed to improve agitation during the follow-up time. Results suggest that IL could be a safe and effective option to manage agitation in PD

    The force loading rate drives cell mechanosensing through both reinforcement and cytoskeletal softening.

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    Cell response to force regulates essential processes in health and disease. However, the fundamental mechanical variables that cells sense and respond to remain unclear. Here we show that the rate of force application (loading rate) drives mechanosensing, as predicted by a molecular clutch model. By applying dynamic force regimes to cells through substrate stretching, optical tweezers, and atomic force microscopy, we find that increasing loading rates trigger talin-dependent mechanosensing, leading to adhesion growth and reinforcement, and YAP nuclear localization. However, above a given threshold the actin cytoskeleton softens, decreasing loading rates and preventing reinforcement. By stretching rat lungs in vivo, we show that a similar phenomenon may occur. Our results show that cell sensing of external forces and of passive mechanical parameters (like tissue stiffness) can be understood through the same mechanisms, driven by the properties under force of the mechanosensing molecules involved

    Estructura del software: sistema integrado de operaciones aéreas

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    El siguiente documento tiene como objetivo presentar un método de automatización de los procesos en el área de operaciones de empresas de transporte aéreo, los cuales se realizan de forma manual generando malas decisiones o retrasos en la toma de decisiones en organizaciones en crecimiento y con bajo presupuesto. Automatizar procesos como los que se realizan en el área de control vuelos o programación de tripulaciones, ayuda a realizar de forma más eficiente la labor del personal encargado y así reducir los tiempos de programación de aeronaves y tripulaciones. La comunicación es un factor clave en cualquier empresa para poder funcionar eficientemente, especialmente en una aerolínea, ya que esta depende de la sincronización entre diversas áreas como mantenimiento y operaciones, es por esta que las herramientas tecnológicas son de gran utilidad para mejorar la comunicación y los tiempos de respuesta entre las áreas. Para el cumplimiento del objetivo propuesto se empleó un proceso de investigación descriptiva y proyectiva

    Treatment and outcome of patients with stage IS testicular cancer: a retrospective study from the Spanish Germ Cell Cancer Group.

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    La revista ha dado permiso para publicar. Ver correos con fecha 8/05/2024.Stage IS testicular cancer is defined by the persistence of elevated serum tumor markers, including α-fetoprotein and/or β-human chorionic gonadotropin, after orchiectomy without radiological evidence of metastatic disease. Current treatment recommendations include cisplatin based chemotherapy up front but the recommendations are based on limited single center series. Results: The elevated prechemotherapy tumor markers were α-fetoprotein in 48% of cases, β-human chorionic gonadotropin in 14%, and α-fetoprotein and β-human chorionic gonadotropin in 38%. Median α-fetoprotein and β-human chorionic gonadotropin values were 71 ng/ml and 80 mIU/ml, respectively. The IGCCCG (International Germ Cell Cancer Collaborative Group) prognostic classification was good in 94% of cases. Mixed nonseminomatous germ cell tumor was found in 78% of cases. Of the patients 103 achieved a complete response to chemotherapy. In 6 patients radiological signs of progressive disease developed during chemotherapy, while 8 experienced relapse after an initial complete response. At a median followup of 108 months 108 patients were alive and disease-free. Five and 10-year disease-free survival rates were 87% and 85%, respectively. The predominance of embryonal carcinoma in the primary tumor was the only factor associated with the probability of needing additional therapy. Stage IS testicular cancer is more commonly associated with elevated α-fetoprotein, an IGCCCG good prognosis and mixed nonseminomatous germ cell tumor. Treatment with cisplatin based chemotherapy leads to cure in most cases. However, a proportion of patients require the integration of additi