162 research outputs found

    Theory and Practice of Human Security concerns in EU-Japan relations: the EU perspective

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    The European Union, its member states and Japan differ somewhat in their approaches to human security. Most European states tend to emphasize ‘freedom from fear’. Some prefer ‘freedom to take action on one’s own behalf’ while Japan stresses ‘freedom from want’. Realists posit that these differences arise from power (a-)symmetries between the United States and its partners and/or the relative positioning of the EU and Japan vis-à-vis other powers. Liberals tend to emphasis ideational or commercial preferences in respective aid policies when explaining the commonalities and divergence between the two. Social constructivists, in turn, argue that pacifist and humanitarian self-identifications are crucial when accounting for the prominent role of Japan, the EU, its member states in this field. Drawing on this work, this paper first describes and explains the emergence of the EU institutions’ positioning on the issue. It then extends this research to EU member states. A brief comparative analysis of trends of convergence and divergence with the Japanese position is conducted. It concludes by finding significant potential for a reinvigorated human security policy by EU institutions with support from some and tolerance from most of its member states

    Die Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO): Genese, Struktur und Perspektiven fĂŒr 1999

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    Am 9. MĂ€rz 1995 Unterzeichneten die USA, Japan und SĂŒdkorea die GrĂŒndungsakte der Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO). Das Ziel der KEDO ist die Umsetzung des Genfer Rahmenabkommens zwischen den USA und der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea, das kurzfristig das nordkoreanische Nuklearprogramm auf dem Stand von 1994 einfriert. Langfristig sollen die bestehenden nordkoreanischen Nuklearanlagen mit Hilfe der KEDO vollstĂ€ndig demontiert und durch moderne, proliferationsresistente Leichtwasserreaktoren (LWR) ersetzt werden. Aufgabe der KEDO ist es hierbei einerseits, die Finanzierung fĂŒr die beiden LWR bereitzustellen und andererseits die Energieversorgung Nordkoreas durch die Lieferung von Alternativenergie bis zur Fertigstellung der beiden Reaktoren zu ergĂ€nzen

    Die Nordkoreapolitik der USA im letzten Amtsjahr der Clinton-Administration

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    Der innerkoreanische Gipfel vom Juni 2000 hat die bilaterale Konstellation zwischen Washington und Pyongyang und die gesamte Sicherheitsstruktur in Nordostasien erheblich verĂ€ndert. Erstmals seit Anfang der 1990er Jahre ist es dem sĂŒdkoreanischen PrĂ€sidenten Kim Dae-jung wieder gelungen, den innerkoreanischen Dialog als gleichgewichtigen Prozess neben die US-DVRK-Verhandlungen zu rĂŒcken. Zum anderen haben eine große Zahl weiterer Staaten, darunter fast alle EU-Staaten, auf DrĂ€ngen der sĂŒdkoreanischen Regierung damit begonnen, diplomatische Beziehungen mit Pyongyang aufzubauen. Dadurch sind die bilateralen US-DVRK GesprĂ€che, die seit der Nuklearkrise 1993/94 die Diplomatie auf der koreanischen Halbinsel beherrschten, in den Hintergrund gedrĂ€ngt worden. Dieser Trend wird durch die neue US-Administration unter George W. Bush verstĂ€rkt, die bereits in den ersten Amtsmonaten verdeutlichte, dass sie zunĂ€chst der sĂŒdkoreanischen Regierung den Vortritt bei der Öffnung des nordkoreanischen Regimes ĂŒberlassen wolle. Diese (temporĂ€re) Aussetzung des US-nordkoreanischen Verhandlungsstranges steht im Widerspruch zu dessen zentraler Bedeutung fĂŒr die FortfĂŒhrung des diplomatischen Öffnungsprozesses Nordkoreas. Deshalb kann eine krisenhafte Zuspitzung der sicherheitspolitischen Situation auf der koreanischen Halbinsel in den kommenden Monaten nicht ausgeschlossen werden

    Zwölf Thesen zum Thema Zeitwohlstand

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    Spricht man von Zeitwohlstand, mag man intuitiv an einen Zugewinn an Freizeit denken. Doch dies ist nur ein Aspekt. Mit unseren Thesen wollen wir die Vielschichtigkeit dieser ErzÀhlung nachzeichnen

    How Comparable are Microbial Electrochemical Systems around the Globe? An Electrochemical and Microbiological Cross‐Laboratory Study

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    A cross‐laboratory study on microbial fuel cells (MFC) which involved different institutions around the world is presented. The study aims to assess the development of autochthone microbial pools enriched from domestic wastewater, cultivated in identical single‐chamber MFCs, operated in the same way, thereby approaching the idea of developing common standards for MFCs. The MFCs are inoculated with domestic wastewater in different geographic locations. The acclimation stage and, consequently, the startup time are longer or shorter depending on the inoculum, but all MFCs reach similar maximum power outputs (55±22 ΌW cm−2) and COD removal efficiencies (87±9 %), despite the diversity of the bacterial communities. It is inferred that the MFC performance starts when the syntrophic interaction of fermentative and electrogenic bacteria stabilizes under anaerobic conditions at the anode. The generated power is mostly limited by electrolytic conductivity, electrode overpotentials, and an unbalanced external resistance. The enriched microbial consortia, although composed of different bacterial groups, share similar functions both on the anode and the cathode of the different MFCs, resulting in similar electrochemical output

    Influence of platinum group metal-free catalyst synthesis on microbial fuel cell performance

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    © 2017 The Authors Platinum group metal-free (PGM-free) ORR catalysts from the Fe-N-C family were synthesized using sacrificial support method (SSM) technique. Six experimental steps were used during the synthesis: 1) mixing the precursor, the metal salt, and the silica template; 2) first pyrolysis in hydrogen rich atmosphere; 3) ball milling; 4) etching the silica template using harsh acids environment; 5) the second pyrolysis in ammonia rich atmosphere; 6) final ball milling. Three independent batches were fabricated following the same procedure. The effect of each synthetic parameters on the surface chemistry and the electrocatalytic performance in neutral media was studied. Rotating ring disk electrode (RRDE) experiment showed an increase in half wave potential and limiting current after the pyrolysis steps. The additional improvement was observed after etching and performing the second pyrolysis. A similar trend was seen in microbial fuel cells (MFCs), in which the power output increased from 167 ± 2 ÎŒW cm−2 to 214 ± 5 ÎŒW cm−2. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) was used to evaluate surface chemistry of catalysts obtained after each synthetic step. The changes in chemical composition were directly correlated with the improvements in performance. We report outstanding reproducibility in both composition and performance among the three different batches

    Searching for time-dependent high-energy neutrino emission from X-ray binaries with IceCube

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