489 research outputs found

    Structural Agnostic Modeling: Adversarial Learning of Causal Graphs

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    A new causal discovery method, Structural Agnostic Modeling (SAM), is presented in this paper. Leveraging both conditional independencies and distributional asymmetries in the data, SAM aims at recovering full causal models from continuous observational data along a multivariate non-parametric setting. The approach is based on a game between dd players estimating each variable distribution conditionally to the others as a neural net, and an adversary aimed at discriminating the overall joint conditional distribution, and that of the original data. An original learning criterion combining distribution estimation, sparsity and acyclicity constraints is used to enforce the end-to-end optimization of the graph structure and parameters through stochastic gradient descent. Besides the theoretical analysis of the approach in the large sample limit, SAM is extensively experimentally validated on synthetic and real data

    Lithofacies and depositional environment of volcano-sedimentary deposits of SE Mayo Oulo basin

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    The study of volcano-sedimentary deposits of Mangbai in SE Mayo Oulo basin-Cameroon leads to the identification of five major distinct lithofacies types. From the coarset to the finest lithofacies, there are : Gb-clast supported by massive coble and boulder, Gg-granule to massive gravel, Sm-massive sand, Shhorizontal layered sandstones, Fml-massive laminated claystones. Coarse facies (Gb, Gg, Sm) are cemented with volcanic matrix while the finest facies (Sh, Fml) are normal sedimentary compacted deposits. The coarsest facies distribution is identified on the top SE of the mountain while the medium to finest facies deposits are located at the base of the sequence. The formation of the volcano-sedimentary deposits of Mangbai are associated to the development and establishment of Africa major rift system while sedimentary deposits in the Mayo Oulo basin are more recent and date from Lower Cretaceous

    Calcium transfer and mass balance associated with soil carbonate in a semi‐arid silicate watershed (North Cameroon): an overlooked geochemical cascade?

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    International audienceCalcium is a key element of the Earth system and closely coupled to the carbon cycle. Weathering of silicate releases Ca, which is exported and sequestered in oceans. However, pedogenic calcium carbonate constitutes a second Ca-trapping pathway that has received less attention. Large accumulations of pedogenic calcium carbonate nodules, associated with palaeo-Vertisols, are widespread in North Cameroon, despite a carbonate-free watershed. A previous study suggested that a significant proportion of Ca released during weathering was trapped in palaeo-Vertisols but the pathways involved in the transfer of Ca from sources (the granite and the Saharan dust) to a temporary sink (the carbonate nodules) remain unclear. This study aims to compare the distribution of elements in carbonate nodules and their associated past and present compartments for Ca in the landscape. These compartments are all characterised by a distinctive geochemical composition, resulting from specific processes. Three end members have been defined based on geochemical data: (a) the granite and its residual products, dominated by K2O and Na2O, Ti and Zr, HREE, and a positive Ce anomaly; (b) the soil parental material and the Saharan dust, dominated by Al2O3, Fe2O3 and MgO, V, HREE, and a positive Ce anomaly; and finally (c) the carbonate nodules, which are dominated by CaO, a depletion in V, Ti and Zr, and an enrichment in REE with a negative Ce anomaly. Mass balance calculations in soil profiles demonstrated that the accumulation of Ca in carbonate nodules exceeds the Ca released by chemical weathering of the parental material, because of a continuous accumulation and contribution from lateral transfers. Consequently, at the landscape scale, carbonate nodules associated with palaeo-Vertisols constitute a temporary sink for Ca. Such a spatial relationship between sources and transient compartments opens an avenue to the new concept of 'geochemical cascade', similar in terms of geochemistry, to the concept of 'sediment cascade' developed by continental sedimentologists

    Variabilité des précipitations au sahel Central et Recherche du forcage climatique par analyse du signal : la station de Maïne-Soroa (SE Niger) entre 1950 et 2005. Rainfall variability in the Central Sahel and climate forcing by signal analysis: Maïné-Soroa station (SE Niger) over the period 1950-2005

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    International audienceUne régression polynomiale non-paramétrique (méthode LOESS) appliquée aux précipitations annuelles de Maïné-Soroa (SE Niger) montre trois périodes : humide (1950-1967), aride (1968-1993), semi-aride (1994-2005). L'utilisation de la transformée en ondelettes continues permet de séparer la variabilité interne (haute fréquence) et la variabilité forcée (basse fréquence). Nous avons pu mettre en évidence sept modes de fréquence localisés dans le temps : deux modes intra-saisonniers (4-9jrs, 16-20jrs), deux modes saisonniers (6 mois, 1an), deux modes pluriannuels (2-4ans et 5-8ans) et un mode quasi-décennal (12-18ans). Lors du régime humide, on retrouve une forte variance des modes saisonniers liés à la ZCIT et des modes pluriannuels se succédant dans le temps (5-8ans puis 2-4ans) en liaison avec les températures de l'Atlantique Tropical Nord (TNA) puis avec l'Anticyclone des Açores. Ces modes basses fréquences sont synchrones avec une activité convective mature (mode 4-9jrs) et l'apparition d'une perturbation (mode 16-20jrs) lors de la transition entre la phase océanique et la phase continentale de la mousson. Au contraire, lors des années arides on retrouve le mode quasi-décennal, en lien avec les températures de l'Atlantique Tropical Sud (TSA), forçant une activité convective peu développée et perturbée au coeur de la phase continentale. A non-parametric polynomial regression applied to the Maine-Soroa annual rainfall timeseries reveals three periods: wet (1950-1967), arid (1968-1993) and semi-arid (1994-2005). Continuous Wavelet Transform allows crossing internal variability (high frequency) and forcing variability (low frequency). We could reveal seven frequency modes highly localized in time: two intraseasonal modes (4-9 days, 16-20 days), two seasonal modes (6mo, 1yr), two interannuals modes (2- 4yrs, 5-8yrs) and one quasidecadal mode (12-18yrs). During wet period, we notice a strong variance across seasonal modes in relation to ITCZ and the two interannual modes succeeding in time (5-8yrs then 2-4yrs) in connection with the Tropical North Atlantic temperatures (TNA) then Azores high. At the same time, we notice great convective activity (4-9days) and the oceanic/continental transition phase disturbation (16-20days). During the arid period, we notice the quasidecadal mode in relation with the Tropical South Atlantic temperatures (TSA), forcing a weak convective activity and disturbed in the medium of the continental phase

    Petrographic characterization of sedimentary organic matter: study of current wetland deposits (Marais Vernier, Normandy, France) and application to Holocene fluvio-palustrine deposits (Seine Valley).

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    International audienceSeveral approaches based on isotopic and/or molecular markers applied to determine organic matter (OM) sources. Although such chemical methods are quite successful, there are limitations