44 research outputs found

    Fault diagnosis of power converters in a grid connected photovoltaic system using artificial neural networks

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    Introduction. The widespread use of photovoltaic systems in various applications has spotlighted the pressing requirement for reliability, efficiency and continuity of service. The main impediment to a more effective implementation has been the reliability of the power converters. Indeed, the presence of faults in power converters that can cause malfunctions in the photovoltaic system, which can reduce its performance. Novelty. This paper presents a technique for diagnosing open circuit failures in the switches (IGBTs) of power converters (DC-DC converters and three-phase inverters) in a grid-connected photovoltaic system. Purpose. To ensure supply continuity, a fault-diagnosis process is required throughout all phases of energy production, transfer, and conversion. Methods. The diagnostic approach is based on artificial neural networks and the extraction of features corresponding to the open circuit fault of the IGBT switch. This approach is based on the Clarke transformation of the three-phase currents of the inverter output as well as the calculation of the average value of these currents to determine the exact angle of the open circuit fault. Results. This method is able to effectively identify and localize single or multiple open circuit faults of the DC-DC converter IGBT switch or the three-phase inverter IGBT switches.Вступ. Широке використання фотоелектричних систем у різних застосуваннях висунуло на перший план нагальні вимоги до надійності, ефективності та безперервності обслуговування. Основною перешкодою для ефективнішого застосування була надійність силових перетворювачів. Справді, наявність несправностей у силових перетворювачах може спричинити збої в роботі фотоелектричної системи, що може знизити її продуктивність. Новизна. У цій статті представлена методика діагностики обриву кола в перемикачах (IGBT) силових перетворювачів (перетворювачів постійного струму та трифазних інверторів) у фотоелектричній системі, підключеній до мережі. Мета. Для забезпечення безперервності постачання потрібен процес діагностики несправностей на всіх етапах виробництва, передачі та перетворення енергії. Методи. Діагностичний підхід заснований на штучних нейронних мережах та вилучення ознак, що відповідають обриву кола IGBT-перемикача. Цей підхід ґрунтується на перетворенні Кларка трифазних струмів на виході інвертора, а т акож розрахунку середнього значення цих струмів для визначення точного кута обриву кола. Результати. Цей метод дозволяє ефективно ідентифікувати та локалізувати одиночні або множинні несправності розімкнутого кола IGBT-перемикача DC-DC перетворювача або IGBT-перемикача трифазного інвертора

    Fault diagnosis of power converters in a grid connected photovoltaic system using artificial neural networks

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    Introduction. The widespread use of photovoltaic systems in various applications has spotlighted the pressing requirement for reliability, efficiency and continuity of service. The main impediment to a more effective implementation has been the reliability of the power converters. Indeed, the presence of faults in power converters that can cause malfunctions in the photovoltaic system, which can reduce its performance. Novelty. This paper presents a technique for diagnosing open circuit failures in the switches (IGBTs) of power converters (DC-DC converters and three-phase inverters) in a grid-connected photovoltaic system. Purpose. To ensure supply continuity, a fault-diagnosis process is required throughout all phases of energy production, transfer, and conversion. Methods. The diagnostic approach is based on artificial neural networks and the extraction of features corresponding to the open circuit fault of the IGBT switch. This approach is based on the Clarke transformation of the three-phase currents of the inverter output as well as the calculation of the average value of these currents to determine the exact angle of the open circuit fault. Results. This method is able to effectively identify and localize single or multiple open circuit faults of the DC-DC converter IGBT switch or the three-phase inverter IGBT switches

    Wave propagation in stereo-lithographical (STL) bone replicas at oblique incidence

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    Comparisons between predictions of a Biot-Allard model allowing for angle-dependent elasticity and angle-and-porosity dependent tortuosity and transmission data obtained at normal incidence on water-saturated replica bones are extended to oblique incidence. The model includes two parameters which are adjusted for best fit at normal incidence. Using the same parameter values, it is found that predictions of the variation of transmitted waveforms with angle through two types of bone replica are in reasonable agreement with data despite the fact that scattering is not included in the theory

    Prevalence and risk factors of intestinal protozoan infection among symptomatic and asymptomatic populations in rural and urban areas of southern Algeria

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    Background: Intestinal parasitic infections are amongst the most common infections worldwide and have been identified as one of the most significant causes of morbidity and mortality among disadvantaged populations. This comparative cross-sectional study was conducted to assess the prevalence of intestinal protozoan infections and to identify the significant risk factors associated with intestinal parasitic infections in Laghouat province, Southern Algeria. Methods: A comparative cross-sectional study was conducted, involving 623 symptomatic and 1654 asymptomatic subjects. Structured questionnaires were used to identify environmental, socio demographic and behavioral factors. Stool specimens were collected and examined using direct wet mount, formalin-ether concentration, xenic in vitro culture and staining methods. Results: A highly significant difference of prevalence was found between symptomatic (82.3%) and asymptomatic subjects (14.9%), with the majority attributable to protozoan infection. The most common species in the symptomatic subjects were Blastocystis spp. (43.8%), E. histolytica/dispar (25.4%) and Giardia intestinalis (14.6%) and more rarely Enterobius vermicularis (02.1%), Teania spp. (0.6%) and Trichuris trichiura (0.2%), while in asymptomatic population Blastocystis spp. (8%), Entamoeba coli (3.3%) and Entamoeba histolytica/dispar (2.5%) were the most common parasites detected with no case of helminth infection. Multivariate log-linear analysis showed that contact with animals was the main risk factor for transmission of these protozoa in both populations. Furthermore, living in rural areas was significantly associated with combined protozoan infection in the asymptomatic population, whereas, in the symptomatic population an increasing trend of protozoan infection was detected in the hot season. In addition, Blastocystis spp. and G. intestinalis infection were found to be associated with host sex and contact with animals across the study period. Conclusions: Based on these results, several strategies are recommended in order to effectively reduce these infections including good animal husbandry practices, health education focused on good personal hygiene practices and adequate sanitation

    Study of the curative role of "Draas" in evacuating dunes threatening roads in the Lower Algerian Sahara: physical model on a smaller scale

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    Sand drifting on road networks in the region of the Lower Algerian Sahara is one of the main problems for the sector. Machines are repeatedly deployed to overcome this phenomenon. The long experience acquired while dealing with the removal of sand from roads pushed us to focus on obstacles called "Draas". The purpose of this study is to perform an optimization of these special protective structures called “Draas”, using a reduced physical model. Model tests were performed in flow channel. The principle of modeling the wind transport using a reduced model is to simulate the wind using a liquid stream while respecting the laws of hydraulic and sedimentological similarity. The results obtained are extrapolated to make a normal size prototype

    Вплив збільшення концентрацій при отриманні тонкої плівки Cu2ZnSnS4

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    Спрей-піроліз – це проста техніка, що використовується для виробництва великих тонких плівок. У роботі ми повідомляємо про виготовлення тонких плівок Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) методом спрей-піролізу на скляних підкладках з використанням різних водних розчинів. Отже, ми вирішили змінювати концентрації аніонів (S) та катіонів (Cu, Zn, Sn). Метою цього вибору є аналіз EDX, щоб відсоток міді був ближче до 25 %; з іншого боку, цинк і олово складають близько 12.5 %, а сірка – 50 %. Структурний та хімічний склад, морфологічні та оптичні властивості тонких плівок CZTS досліджували за допомогою рентгенівської дифракції (XRD) та Раманівської спектроскопії, енергетично-дисперсійного рентгенівського аналізу (EDAX), скануючої електронної мікроскопії (SEM) та атомно-силової мікроскопії (AFM) та спектроскопічного аналізу в ультрафіолетовому та видимому діапазонах відповідно. Рентгенівська дифракція показала утворення кестеритової структури з домінуючими піками в напрямках (112), (220) та (312). Раманівська спектроскопія підтвердила наявність внутрішньої напруги стиску в тонких плівках CZTS. Аналіз EDX показав кращу стехіометрію при оптимізації концентрацій прекурсора. Тонкі плівки CZTS демонстрували низьку оптичну пропускну здатність та оптичне поглинання вище 5×104 см – 1, завдяки чому тонкі плівки CZTS, підготовлені методом спрей-піролізу, підходять для сонячних батарей CZTS.Spray pyrolysis is a simple and low cost technique used for large thin films fabrication. In this paper, we reported the preparation of Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) thin films with spray pyrolysis on glass substrates using different aqueous solutions. So, we chose to vary anions (S) and cations (Cu, Zn, Sn) concentrations. The purpose of this choice is the EDX analysis so that the percentage of copper is closer to 25 %; on the other hand, zinc and tin are around 12.5 % and sulfur at 50 %. The structural, chemical composition, morphological and optical properties of CZTS thin films were investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy, energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM), and UV-visible spectroscopy analysis, respectively. The X-ray diffraction showed the formation of kesterite structure with dominant peaks along (112), (220) and (312) directions. Raman spectroscopy confirmed the existence of internal compressive stress in the CZTS thin films. The EDX analysis showed a better stoichiometry when optimizing the precursor concentrations. CZTS thin films showed low optical transmission and optical absorbance higher than 5×104 сm–1, which make the CZTS thin films prepared by spray pyrolysis technique suitable for CZTS solar cells

    <i>E. coli</i> Secretome Metabolically Modulates MDA-MB-231 Breast Cancer Cells’ Energy Metabolism

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    Breast cancer (BC) is commonly diagnosed in women. BC cells are associated with altered metabolism, which is essential to support their energetic requirements, cellular proliferation, and continuous survival. The altered metabolism of BC cells is a result of the genetic abnormalities of BC cells. Risk factors can also enhance it, including age, lifestyle, hormone disturbances, etc. Other unknown BC-promoting risk factors are under scientific investigation. One of these investigated factors is the microbiome. However, whether the breast microbiome found in the BC tissue microenvironment can impact BC cells has not been studied. We hypothesized that E. coli, part of a normal breast microbiome with more presence in BC tissue, secretes metabolic molecules that could alter BC cells’ metabolism to maintain their survival. Thus, we directly examined the impact of the E. coli secretome on the metabolism of BC cells in vitro. MDA-MB-231 cells, an in vitro model of aggressive triple-negative BC cells, were treated with the E. coli secretome at different time points, followed by untargeted metabolomics analyses via liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry to identify metabolic alterations in the treated BC cell lines. MDA-MB-231 cells that were not treated were used as controls. Moreover, metabolomic analyses were performed on the E. coli secretome to profile the most significant bacterial metabolites affecting the metabolism of the treated BC cell lines. The metabolomics results revealed about 15 metabolites that potentially have indirect roles in cancer metabolism that were secreted from E. coli in the culture media of MDA-MB-231 cells. The cells treated with the E. coli secretome showed 105 dysregulated cellular metabolites compared to controls. The dysregulated cellular metabolites were involved in the metabolism of fructose and mannose, sphingolipids, amino acids, fatty acids, amino sugar, nucleotide sugar, and pyrimidine, which are vital pathways required for the pathogenesis of BC. Our findings are the first to show that the E. coli secretome modulates the BC cells’ energy metabolism, highlighting insights into the possibility of altered metabolic events in BC tissue in the actual BC tissue microenvironment that are potentially induced by the local bacteria. Our study provides metabolic data that could be as a basis for future studies searching for the underlying mechanisms mediated by bacteria and their secretome to alter the metabolism of BC cells