2 research outputs found

    Incorporating conceptual site models into national-scale environmental risk assessments for legacy waste in the coastal zone

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    Solid wastes deposited in the coastal zone that date from an era of lax environmental regulations continue to pose significant challenges for regulators and coastal managers worldwide. The increasing risk of contaminant release from these legacy disposal sites, due to a range of factors including rising sea levels, associated saline intrusion, and greater hydrological extremes, have been highlighted by many researchers. Given this widespread challenge, and the often-limited remedial funds available, there is a pressing need for the development of new advanced site prioritization protocols to limit potential pollution risks to sensitive ecological or human receptors. This paper presents a multi-criteria decision analysis that integrates the principles of Conceptual Site Models (Source-Pathway-Receptor) at a national scale in England and Wales to identify legacy waste sites where occurrence of pollutant linkages are most likely. A suite of spatial data has been integrated in order to score potential risks associated with waste type (Source), likelihood of pollutant release relating to current and future flood and erosion climate projections, alongside current management infrastructure (Pathway), and proximity to sensitive ecological features or proxies of human use in coastal areas (Receptors). Of the 30,281 legacy waste deposits identified in England and Wales, 3,219 were located within the coastal zone, with coastal areas containing a density of legacy wastes (by area) 10.5 times higher than inland areas. Of these, 669 were identified as priority sites in locations without existing coastal defences or flood management infrastructure, with 2550 sites identified in protected areas where contaminant transfer risks could still be apparent. The majority (63%) of the priority sites have either undefined source terms, or are classified as mixed wastes. Mining and industrial wastes were also notable waste categories, and displayed strong regional distributions in the former mining areas of north-east and south-west of England, south Wales, and post-industrial estuaries. The large-scale screening process presented here could be used by environmental managers as a foundation to direct more high-resolution site assessment and remedial work at priority sites, and can be used as a tool by governments for directing funding to problematic sites

    The impact of natural and anthropogenic Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC), and pH on the toxicity of triclosan to the crustacean Gammarus pulex (L.).

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    Regulatory ecotoxicology testing rarely accounts for the influence of natural water chemistry on the bioavailability and toxicity of a chemical. Therefore, this study identifies whether key omissions in relation to Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) and pH have an impact on measured effect concentrations (EC). Laboratory ecotoxicology tests were undertaken for the widely used antimicrobial compound triclosan, using adult Gammarus pulex (L.), a wild-type amphipod using synthetic fresh water, humic acid solutions and wastewater treatment works effluent. The toxicity of triclosan was tested at two different pHs of 7.3 and 8.4, with and without the addition of DOC and 24 and 48hour EC values with calculated 95% confidence intervals calculated. Toxicity tests undertaken at a pH above triclosan's pKa and in the presents of humic acid and effluent, containing 11 and 16mgL(-1) mean DOC concentrations respectively, resulted in significantly decreased triclosan toxicity. This was most likely a result of varying triclosan speciation and complexation due to triclosan's pKa and high hydrophobicity controlling its bioavailability. The mean 48hour EC50 values varied between 0.75±0.45 and 1.93±0.12mgL(-1) depending on conditions. These results suggest that standard ecotoxicology tests can cause inaccurate estimations of triclosan's bioavailability and subsequent toxicity in natural aquatic environments. These results highlight the need for further consideration regarding the role that water chemistry has on the toxicity of organic contaminants and how ambient environmental conditions are incorporated into the standard setting and consenting processes in the future