48 research outputs found

    Polarity-Specific Cortical Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Primary Somatosensory Cortex of Healthy Humans

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    Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a noninvasive stimulation method that has been shown to modulate the excitability of the motor and visual cortices in human subjects in a polarity dependent manner in previous studies. The aim of our study was to investigate whether anodal and cathodal tDCS can also be used to modulate the excitability of the human primary somatosensory cortex (S1). We measured paired-pulse suppression (PPS) of somatosensory evoked potentials in 36 right-handed volunteers before and after anodal, cathodal or sham stimulation over the right non-dominant S1. Paired-pulse stimulation of the median nerve was performed at the dominant and non-dominant hand. After anodal tDCS, PPS was reduced in the ipsilateral S1 compared to sham stimulation, indicating an excitatory effect of anodal tDCS. In contrast, PPS in the stimulated left hemisphere was increased after cathodal tDCS, indicating an inhibitory effect of cathodal tDCS. Sham stimulation induced no pre-post differences. Thus, tDCS can be used to modulate the excitability of S1 in polarity-dependent manner, which can be assessed by paired-pulse suppression. An interesting topic for further studies could be the investigation of direct correlations between sensory changes and excitability changes induced by tDCS

    A Randomized and Controlled Crossover Study Investigating the Improvement of Walking and Posture Functions in Chronic Stroke Patients Using HAL Exoskeleton – The HALESTRO Study (HAL-Exoskeleton STROke Study)

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    Background: The exoskeleton HAL (hybrid assistive limb) has proven to improve walking functions in spinal cord injury and chronic stroke patients when using it for body-weight supported treadmill training (BWSTT). Compared with other robotic devices, it offers the possibility to initiate movements actively. Previous studies on stroke patients did not compare HAL-BWSTT with conventional physiotherapy (CPT). Therefore, we performed a crossover clinical trial comparing CPT and HAL-BWSTT in chronic stroke patients with hemiparesis, the HALESTRO study. Our hypothesis was that HAL-training would have greater effects on walking and posture functions compared to a mixed-approach CPT.Methods: A total of 18 chronic stroke patients participated in this study. Treatment consisted of 30 CPT sessions and of 30 sessions of BWSTT with a double leg type HAL exoskeleton successively in a randomized, crossover study design. Primary outcome parameters were walking time and speed in 10-meter walk test (10MWT), time in timed-up-and-go test (TUG) and distance in 6-min walk test (6MWT). Secondary outcome parameters were the functional ambulatory categories (FAC) and the Berg-Balance Scale (BBS). Data were assessed at baseline, at crossover and at the end of the study, all without using and wearing HAL.Results: Our study demonstrate neither a significant difference in walking parameters nor in functional and balance parameters. When HAL-BWSTT was applied to naĂŻve patients, it led to an improvement in walking parameters and in balance abilities. Pooling all data, we could show a significant effect in 10MWT, 6MWT, FAC and BBS, both therapies sequentially applied over 12 weeks. Thereby, FAC improve from dependent to independent category (3 to 4). One patient dropped out of the study due to intensive fatigue after each training session.Conclusion: HAL-BWSTT and mixed-approach CPT were effective therapies in chronic stroke patients. However, compared with CPT, HAL training with 30 sessions over 6 weeks was not more effective. The combination of both therapies led to an improvement of walking and balance functions. Robotic rehabilitation of walking disorders alone still lacks the proof of superiority in chronic stroke. Robotic treatment therapies and classical CPT rehabilitation concepts should be applied in an individualized therapy program

    Einfluss einer 5 Hz repetitiven transkraniellen Magnetstimulation über dem primär motorischen Kortex auf das Erlernen einer motorischen Übung bei Gesunden

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    Eine 5 Hz rTMS über dem somatosensorischen Kortex führt zu einer Verbesserung der Zweipunktediskrimination. Ziel war es festzustellen, ob dasselbe Stimulationsprotokoll über dem primär motorischen Kortex (M1) zu einer Verbesserung des motorischen Lernens führen kann. Nach 1250 Pulse einer 5 Hz rTMS erlernten 15 gesunde Probanden eine Kokontraktionsübung des M. deltoideus\textit {M. deltoideus} und M. abductor pollicis brevis\textit {M. abductor pollicis brevis} trotz elektrophysiologisch nachgewiesener kortikospinaler Erregbarkeitssteigerung ohne signifikanten Unterschied im Vergleich zu einer Kontrollgruppe von 15 Probanden, die eine Scheinstimulation über dem M1 erhielt. Eine Erklärung ist die im Vergleich zum perzeptuellen Lernen höhere Komplexität des motorischen Lernens, welche eine einfache Übertragung von Untersuchungsergebnissen aus dem somatosensorischen ins motorische System verbietet

    Daily repetitive sensory stimulation of the paretic hand for the treatment of sensorimotor deficits in patients with subacute stroke: RESET, a randomized, sham-controlled trial

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    Abstract Background Repetitive sensory stimulation (RSS) adapts the timing of stimulation protocols used in cellular studies to induce synaptic plasticity. In healthy subjects, RSS leads to widespread sensorimotor cortical reorganization paralleled by improved sensorimotor behavior. Here, we investigated whether RSS reduces sensorimotor upper limb impairment in patients with subacute stroke more effectively than conventional therapy. Methods A single-blinded sham-controlled clinical trial assessed the effectiveness of RSS in treating sensorimotor deficits of the upper limbs. Patients with subacute unilateral ischemic stroke were randomly assigned to receive standard therapy in combination with RSS or with sham RSS. Patients were masked to treatment allocation. RSS consisted of intermittent 20 Hz electrical stimulation applied on the affected hand for 45 min/day, 5 days per week, for 2 weeks, and was transmitted using custom-made stimulation-gloves with built-in electrodes contacting each fingertip separately. Before and after the intervention, we assessed light-touch and tactile discrimination, proprioception, dexterity, grip force, and subtasks of the Jebsen Taylor hand-function test for the non-affected and the affected hand. Data from these quantitative tests were combined into a total performance index serving as primary outcome measure. In addition, tolerability and side effects of RSS intervention were recorded. Results Seventy one eligible patients were enrolled and randomly assigned to receive RSS treatment (n = 35) or sham RSS (n = 36). Data of 25 patients were not completed because they were transferred to another hospital, resulting in n = 23 for each group. Before treatment, sensorimotor performance between groups was balanced (p = 0.237). After 2 weeks of the intervention, patients in the group receiving standard therapy with RSS showed significantly better restored sensorimotor function than the control group (standardized mean difference 0.57; 95% CI -0.013–1.16; p = 0.027) RSS treatment was superior in all domains tested. Repetitive sensory stimulation was well tolerated and accepted, and no adverse events were observed. Conclusions Rehabilitation including RSS enhanced sensorimotor recovery more effectively than standard therapy alone. Rehabilitation outcome between the effects of RSS and standard therapy was largest for sensory and motor improvement; however, the results for proprioception and everyday tasks were encouraging warranting further studies in more severe patients. Trial registration The trial was retrospectively registered January 31, 2012 under DRKS00003515 ( https://www.drks.de/drks_web/navigate.do;jsessionid=AEE2585CCB82A22A2B285470B37C47C8?navigationId=results )

    Pain Perception, Brain Connectivity, and Neurochemistry in Healthy, Capsaicin-Sensitive Subjects

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    Most of the occupational exposure limits (OELs) are based on local irritants. However, exposure to much lower concentrations of irritant substances can also lead to health complaints from workers. Exposure to irritants is often accompanied by strong unpleasant odors, and strong odors might have distracting effects and hence pose a safety risk. The findings obtained in human exposure studies with chemically sensitive, stressed, or anxious persons suggest that their ability to direct attention away from the odorous exposure and to focus on a cognitive task is reduced. In addition, after repeated odor exposure, these persons show signs of sensitization, i.e., difficulties in ignoring or getting used to the exposure. The question arises as to whether certain health conditions are accompanied by a change in sensitivity to odors and irritants, so that these persons are potentially more distracted by odors and irritants and therefore more challenged in working memory tasks than nonsusceptible persons. In our study, susceptible persons with sensory airway hyperreactivity (“capsaicin-sensitive”) respond more strongly to mechanical skin stimuli than controls and show altered network connectivity. Capsaicin-sensitive subjects have a lower pain threshold and thus are more sensitive to mechanical skin stimuli. The intrinsic functional connectivity of their saliency network is higher, and the lower the GABAergic tone of the thalamus, the higher their pain sensitivity to mechanical stimuli. It seems that the increased communication between resting-state networks promotes a stronger perception of the sensory input signal. The results can be used to inform about actual risks (i.e., attention diversion and increased risk of accidents) and “pseudo” risks such as odor perception without a negative impact on one’s well-being. This way, uncertainties that still prevail in the health assessment of odorous and sensory irritating chemicals could be reduced

    Treadmill Training with HAL Exoskeleton—A Novel Approach for Symptomatic Therapy in Patients with Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy—Preliminary Study

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    Purpose: Exoskeletons have been developed for rehabilitation of patients with walking impairment due to neurological disorders. Recent studies have shown that the voluntary-driven exoskeleton HAL® (hybrid assistive limb) can improve walking functions in spinal cord injury and stroke. The aim of this study was to assess safety and effects on walking function of HAL® supported treadmill therapy in patients with limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD).Materials and Methods: Three LGMD patients received 8 weeks of treadmill training with HAL® 3 times a week. Outcome parameters were 10-meter walk test (10 MWT), 6-minute walk test, and timed-up-and-go test (TUG). Parameters were assessed pre and post training and 6 weeks later (follow-up).Results: All patients completed the therapy without adverse reactions and reported about improvement in endurance. Improvements in outcome parameters after 8 weeks could be demonstrated. Persisting effects were observed after 6 weeks for the 10 MWT and TUG test (follow-up).Conclusions: HAL® treadmill training in LGMD patients can be performed safely and enables an intensive highly repetitive locomotor training. All patients benefitted from this innovative method. Upcoming controlled studies with larger cohorts should prove its effects in different types of LGMD and other myopathies