253 research outputs found

    Equivalency points: predicting concrete compressive strength evolution

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    Knowledge of the compressive strength evolution of concrete is critical for activities such as stripping formwork, construction scheduling and pre-stressing operations. Although there are several procedures for predicting concrete compressive strength, reliable methodologies involve either extensive testing or voluminous databases. This paper presents a simple and efficient procedure to predict concrete strength evolution. The procedure uses an experimentally-determined parameter called the Equivalency Point as an indicator of equivalent degree of reaction. Equivalency Points are based on early age concrete deformation and temperature variations. Test results from specimens made from seven concrete types validate the approach

    The ateneo as an effective model of continuing professional development:Findings from southern Argentina

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    Despite a sustainable research interest in different forms of teachers’ professional development, scant international attention has been paid to forms of professional development which are implemented in South America. Based on a qualitative research design, this study explores the impact of the ateneo as an innovative model of continuing professional development. An ateneo is a model which supports teacher reflection and change in teaching practices by concentrating on context-responsive practical issues such as lesson planning and delivery. The study was carried out with 22 teachers of English as a foreign language in southern Argentina. Data were gathered through the teachers’ lesson plans, whole group discussions, and the teachers’ final assignments to receive credits for completion of the ateneo. Drawing on thematic analysis, the participants envisaged the ateneo as a practice-oriented, dynamic, interaction-based, and personal as well as collective space for developing teaching skills and professional knowledge. In particular, findings show that the participants exhibited an improvement in lesson contextualization, sequencing and transitioning, maximization of resources, class time management, and reflective teaching. The study argues that the ateneo became successful given the shared teacher identity among the participants and the course tutors and the explicit focus on the teachers’ daily practices

    Characteristics of Copper-based Oxygen Carriers Supported on Calcium Aluminates for Chemical-Looping Combustion with Oxygen Uncoupling (CLOU)

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    Eight different oxygen carriers (OC) containing CuO (60 wt %) and different mass ratios of CaO to Al2O3 as the support were synthesized by wet-mixing followed by calcination at 1000 °C. The method of synthesis used involved the formation of calcium aluminum hydrate phases and ensured homogeneous mixing of the Ca2+ and Al3+ ions in the support at the molecular level. The performance of the OCs for up to 100 cycles of reduction and oxidation was evaluated in both a thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA) and a fluidized bed reactor, covering a temperature range of 800 to 950 °C. In these cycling experiments, complete conversion of the OC, from CuO to Cu and vice versa, was always achieved for all OCs. The reactivity of the materials was so high that no deactivation could be observed in the TGA, owing to mass transfer limitations. It was found that OCs prepared with a mass ratio of CaO to Al2O3 in the support >0.55 agglomerated in the fluidized bed, resulting in an apparent deactivation over 25 cycles for all temperatures investigated. High ratios of mass of CaO to Al2O3 in the support resulted in CuO interacting with CaO, forming mixed oxides that have low melting temperatures, and this explains the tendency of these materials to agglomerate. This behavior was not observed when the mass ratio of CaO to Al2O3 in the support was ≤0.55 and such materials showed excellent cyclic stability operating under redox conditions at temperatures as high as 950 °C.The authors thank Mohammad Ismail and Matthew Dunstan for helping with the XRD analysis and Alex Casabuena-Rodriguez and for helping with the SEM. This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC grant EP/I010912/1).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from ACS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.iecr.5b0117

    Falls, Depression and Antidepressants in Later Life: A Large Primary Care Appraisal

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    BACKGROUND: Depression and falls are common and co-exist for older people. Safe management of each of these conditions is important to quality of life. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was used to examine medication use associated with injurious and non-injurious falls in 21,900 community-dwelling adults, aged 60 years or over from 383 Australian general practices recruited for the DEPS-GP Project. Falls and injury from falls, medication use, depressive symptoms (Primary Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)), clinical morbidity, suicidal ideation and intent, health status (SF-12 Health Survey), demographic and lifestyle information was reported in a standardised survey. FINDINGS: Respondents were 71.8 years (sd 7.7) of age and 58.4% were women. 24% 11% and 8% reported falls, fall related injury, and sought medical attention respectively. Antidepressant use (odds ratio, OR: 1.46; 95% confidence interval, 95%CI: 1.25, 1.70), questionable depression (5-14 on PHQ OR: 1.32, 95%CI: 1.13, 1.53) and clinically significant symptoms of depression (15 or more on PHQ OR: 1.70, 95%CI: 1.14, 1.50) were independently associated with multiple falls. SSRI use was associated with the highest risk of multiple falls (OR: 1.66, 95%CI: 1.36, 2.02) amongst all psychotropic medications. Similar associations were observed for injurious falls. Over 60% of those with four accumulated risk factors had multiple falls in the previous year (OR: 3.40, 95%CI: 1.79, 6.45); adjusted for other demographic and health factors. INTERPRETATION: Antidepressant use (particularly SSRIs) was strongly associated with falls regardless of presence of depressive symptoms. Strategies to prevent falls should become a routine part of the management of older people with depression

    Fludarabine modulates composition and function of the T cell pool in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia

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    The combination of cytotoxic treatment with strategies for immune activation represents an attractive strategy for tumour therapy. Following reduction of high tumour burden by effective cytotoxic agents, two major immune-stimulating approaches are being pursued. First, innate immunity can be activated by monoclonal antibodies triggering antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity. Second, tumour-specific T cell responses can be generated by immunization of patients with peptides derived from tumour antigens and infused in soluble form or loaded onto dendritic cells. The choice of cytotoxic agents for such combinatory regimens is crucial since most substances such as fludarabine are considered immunosuppressive while others such as cyclophosphamide can have immunostimulatory activity. We tested in this study whether fludarabine and/or cyclophosphamide, which represent a very effective treatment regimen for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, would interfere with a therapeutic strategy of T cell activation. Analysis of peripheral blood samples from patients prior and during fludarabine/cyclophosphamide therapy revealed rapid and sustained reduction of tumour cells but also of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. This correlated with a significant cytotoxic activity of fludarabine/cyclophosphamide on T cells in vitro. Unexpectedly, T cells surviving fludarabine/cyclophosphamide treatment in vitro had a more mature phenotype, while fludarabine-treated T cells were significantly more responsive to mitogenic stimulation than their untreated counterparts and showed a shift towards TH1 cytokine secretion. In conclusion, fludarabine/cyclophosphamide therapy though inducing significant and relevant T cell depletion seems to generate a micromilieu suitable for subsequent T cell activation

    Influence of fly ash blending on hydration and physical behavior of Belite-Alite-Ye'elimite cements

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    A cement powder, composed of belite, alite and ye’elimite, was blended with 0, 15 and 30 wt% of fly ash and the resulting lended cements were further characterized. During hydration, the presence of fly ash caused the partial inhibition of both AFt degradation and belite reactivity, even after 180 days. The compressive strength of the corresponding mortars increased by increasing the fly ash content (68, 73 and 82 MPa for mortars with 0, 15 and 30 wt% of fly ash, respectively, at 180 curing days), mainly due to the diminishing porosity and pore size values. Although pozzolanic reaction has not been directly proved there are indirect evidences.This work is part of the Ph.D. of D. Londono-Zuluaga funded by Beca Colciencias 646—Doctorado en el exterior and Enlaza Mundos 2013 program grant. Cement and Building materials group (CEMATCO) from National University of Colombia is acknowledged for providing the calorimetric measurements. Funding from Spanish MINECO BIA2017-82391-R and I3 (IEDI-2016-0079) grants, co-funded by FEDER, are acknowledged

    Transcriptomic Analysis of the Salivary Glands of an Invasive Whitefly

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    <div><h3>Background</h3><p>Some species of the whitefly <em>Bemisia tabaci</em> complex cause tremendous losses to crops worldwide through feeding directly and virus transmission indirectly. The primary salivary glands of whiteflies are critical for their feeding and virus transmission. However, partly due to their tiny size, research on whitefly salivary glands is limited and our knowledge on these glands is scarce.</p> <h3>Methodology/Principal Findings</h3><p>We sequenced the transcriptome of the primary salivary glands of the Mediterranean species of <em>B. tabaci</em> complex using an effective cDNA amplification method in combination with short read sequencing (Illumina). In a single run, we obtained 13,615 unigenes. The quantity of the unigenes obtained from the salivary glands of the whitefly is at least four folds of the salivary gland genes from other plant-sucking insects. To reveal the functions of the primary glands, sequence similarity search and comparisons with the whole transcriptome of the whitefly were performed. The results demonstrated that the genes related to metabolism and transport were significantly enriched in the primary salivary glands. Furthermore, we found that a number of highly expressed genes in the salivary glands might be involved in secretory protein processing, secretion and virus transmission. To identify potential proteins of whitefly saliva, the translated unigenes were put into secretory protein prediction. Finally, 295 genes were predicted to encode secretory proteins and some of them might play important roles in whitefly feeding.</p> <h3>Conclusions/Significance:</h3><p>The combined method of cDNA amplification, Illumina sequencing and <em>de novo</em> assembly is suitable for transcriptomic analysis of tiny organs in insects. Through analysis of the transcriptome, genomic features of the primary salivary glands were dissected and biologically important proteins, especially secreted proteins, were predicted. Our findings provide substantial sequence information for the primary salivary glands of whiteflies and will be the basis for future studies on whitefly-plant interactions and virus transmission.</p> </div