13 research outputs found

    Effects of Stepwise Denervation of the Stellate Ganglion: Novel Insights from an Acute Canine Study

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    Background The stellate ganglion (SG) is important for cardiac autonomic control. SG modification is an option for treating refractory ventricular tachyarrhythmias. The optimal extent of left- and right-sided SG denervation necessary for antiarrhythmic effect, however, remains to be learned. Objective The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of stepwise SG denervation on hemodynamic and electrophysiological parameters in dogs. Methods After sequential left and right thoracotomy in 8 healthy dogs, the SG was exposed by dissection. Two pacing wires were placed in the upper SG to deliver high-frequency stimulation. The lower SG, ansae subclaviae, and upper SG were removed in a stepwise manner. The same protocol was performed on the right side. Blood pressure (BP), heart rate, and electrophysiological parameters were recorded at baseline and after 5 minutes of stimulation. Results Systolic and diastolic BP significantly increased during stimulation of the upper left SG. The mean increase in systolic BP from baseline was 49.4 ± 26.6 mm Hg (P = .007), 25.5 ± 14.1 mm Hg after the lower SG was removed (P = .02), and 8.6 ± 3.4 mm Hg after resection of the ipsilateral ansae subclaviae (P = .048). Heart rate and other electrophysiological parameters did not change significantly. After the complete removal of the left SG, systolic BP increased by 34.0 ± 17.6 mm Hg (P = .005) after stimulation of the right SG. Conclusion Sympathetic output remains after the lower SG is removed, and sympathetic output from the right SG remains after the complete resection of the left SG and ansae subclaviae. Thus, some patients who undergo left SG denervation can still have significant sympathetic response via right SG regulation

    Children's Divergent Thinking Improves When They Understand False Beliefs

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    This research utilized longitudinal and cross sectional methods to investigate the relation between the development of a representational theory of mind and children's growing ability to search their own minds for appropriate problem solutions. In the first experiment 59 pre-school children were given three false-belief tasks and a divergent thinking task. Those children who passed false-belief tasks produced significantly more items, as well as more original items, in response to divergent thinking questions than those children who failed. This significant association persisted even when chronological age, verbal and nonverbal general ability were partialed out. In a second study 20 children who failed the false-belief tasks in the first experiment were re-tested three months later. Again, those who now passed the false-belief tasks were significantly better at the divergent thinking task than those who continued to fail. The associations between measures of divergent thinking and understanding false-beliefs remained significant when controlling for the covariates. Earlier divergent thinking scores did not predict false-belief understanding three months later. Instead, children who passed false-belief tasks on the second measure improved significantly in relation to their own earlier performance and improved significantly more than children who continued to fail. False-belief task performance was significantly correlated to the amount of intra-individual improvement in divergent thinking even when age, verbal and nonverbal skills were partialed out. These findings suggest that developments in common underlying skills are responsible for the improvement in understanding other minds and searching one's own. Changes in representational and executive skills are discussed as potential causes for the improvement

    Spontaneous and deliberate future thinking: A dual process account

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    © 2019 Springer Nature.This is the final published version of an article published in Psychological Research, licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-bution 4.0 International License. Available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00426-019-01262-7.In this article, we address an apparent paradox in the literature on mental time travel and mind-wandering: How is it possible that future thinking is both constructive, yet often experienced as occurring spontaneously? We identify and describe two ‘routes’ whereby episodic future thoughts are brought to consciousness, with each of the ‘routes’ being associated with separable cognitive processes and functions. Voluntary future thinking relies on controlled, deliberate and slow cognitive processing. The other, termed involuntary or spontaneous future thinking, relies on automatic processes that allows ‘fully-fledged’ episodic future thoughts to freely come to mind, often triggered by internal or external cues. To unravel the paradox, we propose that the majority of spontaneous future thoughts are ‘pre-made’ (i.e., each spontaneous future thought is a re-iteration of a previously constructed future event), and therefore based on simple, well-understood, memory processes. We also propose that the pre-made hypothesis explains why spontaneous future thoughts occur rapidly, are similar to involuntary memories, and predominantly about upcoming tasks and goals. We also raise the possibility that spontaneous future thinking is the default mode of imagining the future. This dual process approach complements and extends standard theoretical approaches that emphasise constructive simulation, and outlines novel opportunities for researchers examining voluntary and spontaneous forms of future thinking.Peer reviewe

    Intramural conduction system gradients and electrogram regularity during ventricular fibrillation

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    Introduction: The His-Purkinje system has been shown to harbor triggers for ventricular fibrillation (VF) initiation. However, the substrate responsible for VF maintenance remains elusive. We hypothesized that standard, electrode-based, point-to-point mapping would yield meaningful insight into site-specific patterns and organization which may shed light on the critical substrate for maintenance of VF. Methods: VF was induced under general anesthesia by direct current (DC) application to the right ventricle in 7 acute canines. A standard EPT Blazer mapping catheter (Boston Scientific, Natuck, MA) was used for mapping in conjunction with a Prucka recording system. We collected 30 consecutive electrograms at 24 distinct sites, confirmed by fluoroscopy and intracardiac echo. These sites included both endocardial and epicardial locations throughout the ventricles and conduction system. Results: A total of 5040 individual data points were collected in 7 separate canine studies. During VF mapping, a transmural disparity was found between the epicardium (average cycle length [CL] of 1136 m s) and the endocardium (average CL of 123 m s) with a p value of <0.01. An additional, intramural gradient was found when comparing the proximal, insulated conduction system to the distal, non-insulated conduction system (average CL 218 versus 111 m s [p = 0.03]). Conclusion: Our data are supportive of a novel observation of intramural difference between insulated and non-insulated regions of the His-Purkinje network in canines. In addition, certain areas exhibited periods of regular electrogram characteristics; this was despite the heart remaining in terminal VF. These early canine data merit further study to investigate if specific ablation of the distal conduction system can perturb or extinguish VF. Keywords: Ventricular fibrillation, Purkinje, His-purkinje network, Transmural gradient, Epicardium, Endocardium, Conduction syste

    Autobiographical Memory and Social Problem-solving in Asperger Syndrome

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    Difficulties in social interaction are a central feature of Asperger syndrome. Effective social interaction involves the ability to solve interpersonal problems as and when they occur. Here we examined social problem-solving in a group of adults with Asperger syndrome and control group matched for age, gender and IQ. We also assessed autobiographical memory, on a cueing task and during social problem-solving, and examined the relationship between access to specific past experiences and social problem-solving ability. Results demonstrated a social problem-solving impairment in the Asperger group. Their solutions were less detailed, less effective and less extended in time. Autobiographical memory performance was also impaired with significantly longer latencies to retrieve specific memories and fewer specific memories retrieved in comparison to controls.</p