343 research outputs found

    An investigation of tape spring fold curvature

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    Tape springs are being used with increasing frequency in today’s space industry to deploy small satellite aerials and array areas. However, to accurately model the deployment of an appendage mounted with tape spring hinges, it is necessary to accurately model the opening moments produced from the material strains in the tape spring fold. These moments are primarily a function of curvature. This paper uses a photographic method to study the post buckling curvatures at the fold location for both two and three dimensional tape spring folds. The results are finally compared to determine the overall data trends

    Thermal study of a transport container

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    A thermal study of a container for international transport has been carried out in order to determine the temperature distributions. Several experimental conditions such as cooling modes, the onset of defrosting, the existence of cargo inside the container and two varying set points have been evaluated. It was observed that the difference between the temperature inside the container and the set point raised up to 30% of ambient temperature. Moreover, it was observed that the modulated cooling allowed to obtain a more homogeneous refrigeration. However, temperature differences up to 8 °C were observed under on–off control cooling

    The Reporting on ERAS Compliance, Outcomes, and Elements Research (RECOvER) Checklist: A Joint Statement by the ERAS<sup>®</sup> and ERAS<sup>®</sup> USA Societies.

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    Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) programs are multimodal care pathways designed to minimize the physiological and psychological impact of surgery for patients. Increased compliance with ERAS guidelines is associated with improved patient outcomes across surgical types. As ERAS programs have proliferated, an unintentional effect has been significant variation in how ERAS-related studies are reported in the literature. To improve the quality of ERAS reporting, ERAS &lt;sup&gt;®&lt;/sup&gt; USA and the ERAS &lt;sup&gt;®&lt;/sup&gt; Society launched an effort to create an instrument to assist authors in manuscript preparation. Criteria to include were selected by a combination of literature review and expert opinion. The final checklist was refined by group consensus. The Societies present the Reporting on ERAS Compliance, Outcomes, and Elements Research (RECOvER) Checklist. The tool contains 20 items including best practices for reporting clinical pathways, compliance auditing, and formatting guidelines. The RECOvER Checklist is intended to provide a standardized framework for the reporting of ERAS-related studies. The checklist can also assist reviewers in evaluating the quality of ERAS-related manuscripts. Authors are encouraged to include the RECOvER Checklist when submitting ERAS-related studies to peer-reviewed journals

    Urban evictions, public housing, and the gendered rationalisation of Kampung life in Jakarta

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    The dispossession of urban communities across class and racial lines is a global phenomenon linked to the expansion of international investment in the development of ‘exemplary’ city space. However, city evictions are also historically-informed and gendered processes which are continuous with past colonial and postcolonial urban rationalisation projects. Drawing on testimonies of women evictees in Jakarta, as well as interviews with public housing managers, this article details the gendered nature of the rationalisation of urban life in the context of a contemporary evictions regime. We argue that the rationalisation of urban space serves to sharpen the gender order by placing material constraints on women’s roles, limiting their economic activities, and defining them as hygiene-responsible housewives. Further, and in turn, the limited provision of ‘rusunawa’ public housing, which we show to be a gendered spatial and social transition informed by state doctrine on the family, provides the state with justification for dispossession itself. Finally, women’s everyday acts of refusal and resistance show not only that kampung forms of social life continue to be preserved in Jakarta, but also that rationalisation itself is a negotiated and contingent process

    Dynamics of entanglement for coherent excitonic states in a system of two coupled quantum dots and cavity QED

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    The dynamics of the entanglement for coherent excitonic states in the system of two coupled large semiconductor quantum dots (R/aB1R/a_{B}\gg 1) mediated by a single-mode cavity field is investigated. Maximally entangled coherent excitonic states can be generated by cavity field initially prepared in odd coherent state. The entanglement of the excitonic coherent states between two dots reaches maximum when no photon is detected in the cavity. The effects of the zero-temperature environment on the entanglement of excitonic coherent state are also studied using the concurrence for two subsystems of the excitonsComment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Evaluation of a SPLUNC1-derived peptide for the treatment of cystic fibrosis lung disease

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    In cystic fibrosis (CF) lungs, epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) hyperactivity causes a reduction in airway surface liquid volume, leading to decreased mucocilliary clearance, chronic bacterial infection, and lung damage. Inhibition of ENaC is an attractive therapeutic option. However, ENaC antagonists have failed clinically because of off-target effects in the kidney. The S18 peptide is a naturally occurring short palate lung and nasal epithelial clone 1 (SPLUNC1)-derived ENaC antagonist that restores airway surface liquid height for up to 24 h in CF human bronchial epithelial cultures. However, its efficacy and safety in vivo are unknown. To interrogate the potential clinical efficacy of S18, we assessed its safety and efficacy using human airway cultures and animal models. S18-mucus interactions were tested using superresolution microscopy, quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation, and confocal microscopy. Human and murine airway cultures were used to measure airway surface liquid height. Off-target effects were assessed in conscious mice and anesthetized rats. Morbidity and mortality were assessed in the β-ENaC-transgenic (Tg) mouse model. Restoration of normal mucus clearance was measured in cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator inhibitor 172 [CFTR(inh)-172]-challenged sheep. We found that S18 does not interact with mucus and rapidly penetrated dehydrated CF mucus. Compared with amiloride, an early generation ENaC antagonist, S18 displayed a superior ability to slow airway surface liquid absorption, reverse CFTR(inh)-172-induced reduction of mucus transport, and reduce morbidity and mortality in the β-ENaC-Tg mouse, all without inducing any detectable signs of renal toxicity. These data suggest that S18 is the first naturally occurring ENaC antagonist to show improved preclinical efficacy in animal models of CF with no signs of renal toxicity

    Star-Forming, Rotating Spheroidal Galaxies in the GAMA and SAMI Surveys

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    The Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey has morphologically identified a class of ‘Little Blue Spheroid’ (LBS) galaxies whose relationship to other classes of galaxies we now examine in detail. Considering a sample of 868 LBSs, we find that such galaxies display similar but not identical colours, specific star formation rates, stellar population ages, mass-to-light ratios, and metallicities to Sd-Irr galaxies. We also find that LBSs typically occupy environments of even lower density than those of Sd-Irr galaxies, where ∼65 per cent of LBS galaxies live in isolation. Using deep, high-resolution imaging from VST KiDS and the new Bayesian, 2D galaxy profile modelling code PROFIT, we further examine the detailed structure of LBSs and find that their Sérsic indices, sizes, and axial ratios are compatible with those of low-mass elliptical galaxies. We then examine SAMI Galaxy survey integral field emission line kinematics for a subset of 62 LBSs and find that the majority (42) of these galaxies display ordered rotation with the remainder displaying disturbed/non-ordered dynamics. Finally, we consider potential evolutionary scenarios for a population with this unusual combination of properties, concluding that LBSs are likely formed by a mixture of merger and accretion processes still recently active in low-redshift dwarf populations. We also infer that if LBS-like galaxies were subjected to quenching in a rich environment, they would plausibly resemble cluster dwarf ellipticals