871 research outputs found


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    An integrated place-based approach for the improvement of territorial and social cohesion is the new instance for planning disciplines, coming from EU New Cohesion Policies. This paper considers the territorial impact assessment of regional development policies as a precondition in order to develop balanced and effective operative programs at national and regional levels. The contribution of 'open data' appears to be mature in order to support this application and in this paper we present a spatial analysis technique for the evaluation of EU funds effects at territorial level, starting from open data by Open Cohesion. The application is focused on internal areas of Basilicata Region: Agri river Valley. A complex contest, where environmental and agricultural traditional vocations conflict with a recent development of oil extraction industries. Conclusions concern further applications and perspectives to improve and support regional development planning considering the exploitation of open data sources and spatial analysis

    Accuracy Characterization of a MEMS Accelerometer for Vibration Monitoring in a Rotating Framework

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    Active and passive vibration control systems are of paramount importance in many engineering applications. If an external load excites a structure’s resonance and the damping is too low, detrimental events, such as crack initiation, growth and, in the worst case, fatigue failure, can be entailed. Damping systems can be commonly found in applications such as industrial machines, vehicles, buildings, turbomachinery blades, and so forth. Active control systems usually achieve higher damping effectiveness than passive ones, but they need a sensor to detect the working conditions that require damping system activation. Recently, the development of such systems in rotating structures has received considerable interest among designers. As a result, the development of vibration monitoring equipment in rotating structures is also a topic of particular interest. In this respect, a reliable, inexpensive and wireless monitoring system is of utmost importance. Typically, optical systems are used to measure vibrations, but they are expensive and require rather complex processing algorithms. In this paper, a wireless system based on a commercial MEMS accelerometer is developed for rotating blade vibration monitoring. The proposed system measurement accuracy was assessed by means of comparison with a reference wired measurement setup based on a mini integrated circuit piezoelectric (ICP) accelerometer adapted for data acquisition in a rotating frame. Both the accelerometers were mounted on the tip of the blade and, in order to test the structure under different conditions, the first four blade resonances were excited by means of piezoelectric actuators, embedded in a novel experimental setup. The frequency and amplitude of acceleration, simultaneously measured by the reference and MEMS sensors, were compared with each other in order to investigate the viability and accuracy of the proposed wireless monitoring system. The rotor angular speed was varied from 0 to 300 rpm, and the data acquisitions were repeated six times for each considered condition. The outcomes reveal that the wireless measurement system may be successfully used for vibration monitoring in rotating blades

    Partição do carbono decomposto do reservatório ativo no simulador century: análise de sensibilidade

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    ACHA: Avaliação da Contaminação hídrica por agrotóxico.

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    Modelos matemáticos e simuladores têm sido desenvolvidos para prever a lixiviação de agrotóxicos em solos, permitindo grande economia de tempo e recursos financeiros, além de permitir análises de risco com maior representatividade e confiabilidade. O Brasil ainda não faz uso dessas ferramentas no processo de avaliação de risco e classificação ambiental dos agrotóxicos. Estas ferramentas não são utilizadas pelas autoridades nacionais por não estarem adaptadas às condições brasileiras. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver uma ferramenta computacional para simulação da lixiviação de agrotóxicos em cenários agrícolas brasileiros. A ferramenta computacional recebeu o nome de ACHA, que se refere ao acrônimo de Avaliação da Contaminação Hídrica por Agrotóxico. Para simulação do fluxo no solo utilizou-se a equação de Richards e para o transporte de agrotóxicos considerou-se os mecanismos de convecção, dispersão e difusão na fase líquida. A sorção do agrotóxico na fase sólida foi descrita pela isoterma de Freundlich e a degradação por uma equação de primeira ordem. O efeito dos fatores ambientais como temperatura, umidade e profundidade do solo é considerado na simulação da degradação do agrotóxico no solo. Os processos de absorção de água e agrotóxicos pelas plantas não são considerados. A ferramenta é composta de três partes: (i) código em Fortran para solução e integração dos modelos matemáticos; (ii) base de dados para armazenamento dos cenários e (iii) interface gráfica para inserção dos dados de entrada e visualização das simulações. Como resultados, a ferramenta é capaz de simular perfis de umidade e concentração do agrotóxico no solo em função do tempo.bitstream/item/29245/1/BP201058.pd

    Expression Patterns Of Passiflora Edulis Apetala1/fruitfull Homologues Shed Light Onto Tendril And Corona Identities

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Passiflora (passionflowers) makes an excellent model for studying plant evolutionary development. They are mostly perennial climbers that display axillary tendrils, which are believed to be modifications of the inflorescence. Passionflowers are also recognized by their unique flower features, such as the extra whorls of floral organs composed of corona filaments and membranes enclosing the nectary. Although some work on Passiflora organ ontogeny has been done, the developmental identity of both Passiflora tendrils and the corona is still controversial. Here, we combined ultrastructural analysis and expression patterns of the flower meristem and floral organ identity genes of the MADS-box AP1/FUL clade to reveal a possible role for these genes in the generation of evolutionary novelties in Passiflora. Results: We followed the development of structures arising from the axillary meristem from juvenile to adult phase in P.edulis. We further assessed the expression pattern of P.edulis AP1/FUL homologues (PeAP1 and PeFUL), by RT-qPCR and in situ hybridization in several tissues, correlating it with the developmental stages of P.edulis. PeAP1 is expressed only in the reproductive stage, and it is highly expressed in tendrils and in flower meristems from the onset of their development. PeAP1 is also expressed in sepals, petals and in corona filaments, suggesting a novel role for PeAP1 in floral organ diversification. PeFUL presented a broad expression pattern in both vegetative and reproductive tissues, and it is also expressed in fruits. Conclusions: Our results provide new molecular insights into the morphological diversity in the genus Passiflora. Here, we bring new evidence that tendrils are part of the Passiflora inflorescence. This points to the convergence of similar developmental processes involving the recruitment of genes related to flower identity in the origin of tendrils in different plant families. The data obtained also support the hypothesis that the corona filaments are likely sui generis floral organs. Additionally, we provide an indication that PeFUL acts as a coordinator of passionfruit development.8Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP, Sao Paulo, Brazil) [2015/18900-3]Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES, Brazil)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq, Brazil)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Increasing urban walkability through citizens’ participation processes

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    The work is focused on the integration of space syntax analysis (SSA) in a process of participatory planning focused on a neighbourhood scale where the challenge of promoting pedestrian-friendly regeneration process is a bottom-up priority. The promotion of active mobility is one of the main themes of the urban regeneration project CAST operating on the western part of the city of Potenza (capital of the Basilicata region, Italy). Both the state of the art of the case study area and the potential effects of the intervention proposed on the basis of the participatory process have been assessed by SSA as a walkability assessment method. By measuring a street network’s syntactic parameters, it was possible to further enrich the cognitive framework relating to the current situa-tion and to simultaneously evaluate the effects (in terms of potential movement and social usage) deriving from design interventions. The paper presents a methodology to evaluate the urban pedestrian environment and to provide an insight for walking-related intervention and improvements in neighbourhood-scale planning, according to a participatory approach. The research, based on specific local characteristics, represents a transferable approach to supporting and informing policy-makers and designers engaged in inclusive and participative urban regeneration projects

    Baixas temperaturas e risco de morte súbita cardíaca na esquizofrenia: desvendando um novo calcanhar de Aquiles?

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    Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Laboratory of Experimental NeurologyUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Department of PhysiologyUniversidade de São Paulo School of Medicine Department and Institute of PsychiatryUNIFESP, Laboratory of Experimental NeurologyUNIFESP, EPM, Department of PhysiologySciEL

    Brain-vascular segmentation for SEEG planning via a 3D fully-convolutional neural network

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    Three dimensional visualization of vascular structures can assist clinicians in preoperative planning, intra-operative guidance, and post-operative decision-making. The goal of this work is to provide an automatic, accurate and fast method for brain vessels segmentation in Contrast Enhanced Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CE-CBCT) dataset based on a residual Fully Convolutional Neural Network (FCNN). The proposed NN embeds in an encoder-decoder architecture residual elements which decreases the vanishing effect due to deep architecture while accelerating the convergence. Moreover, a two-stage training has been proposed as a countermeasure for the unbalanced nature of the dataset. The FCNN training was performed on 20 CE-CBCT volumes exploiting mini-batch gradient descent andthe Adam optimizer. Binary cross-entropy was used as loss function. Performance evaluation was conducted considering 5 datasets. A median value of Dice, Precision and Recall of 0.79, 0.8 and 0.69 were obtained with respect to manual annotations

    Lines on projective varieties and applications

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    The first part of this note contains a review of basic properties of the variety of lines contained in an embedded projective variety and passing through a general point. In particular we provide a detailed proof that for varieties defined by quadratic equations the base locus of the projective second fundamental form at a general point coincides, as a scheme, with the variety of lines. The second part concerns the problem of extending embedded projective manifolds, using the geometry of the variety of lines. Some applications to the case of homogeneous manifolds are included.Comment: 15 pages. One example removed; one remark and some references added; typos correcte
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