831 research outputs found

    Libere di scegliere? L'aborto delle donne migranti in Italia tra politiche migratorie, sfruttamento lavorativo e casi estremi di abusi e violenze

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    The essay take into account the increase in the number of abortion among migrant women in Italy in the wider context of the living conditions of these women which are often subjected to a multiple discrimination related to gender, migrant status, and kind of job. The feminization of migrations towards Italy is put in connection with the feminization of the labour market and with the arrival of specific nationalities of migrants. After having compared the data related to the abortion with respect to Italian and migrant women, this contribution enter into the details of the socio-economic characteristics of these second ones\u2019 life, by analyzing the bond existing with the recourse to abortion. Far from any perspective of victimization of these women, the essay aims to question their actual freedom of choice, and concludes with an analysis of a case of extreme violence and exploitation

    Dopo Lampedusa: la nuova sfida dell'asilo allo spazio europeo e mediterraneo

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    A causa della nuova composizione delle migrazioni contemporanee, sempre piĂč legate a situazioni di conflitto e guerra, il diritto d'asilo rappresenta oggi una sfida centrale per la stessa definizione geopolitica dello spazio europeo e mediterraneo. In questa prospettiva, l'articolo analizza l'evoluzione storica di questo diritto, la sua formalizzazione in ambito internazionale ed europeo, e l'impatto che le politiche migratorie messe in atto a partire dal naufragio di Lampedusa del 2013 hanno avuto sulla sua riconfigurazione

    The vulnerability to exploitation of women migrant workers in agriculture in the EU The need for a human rights and gender based approach .Study

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    This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality, explores the working conditions of migrant women in agriculture in the EU, focusing on some case studies in Italy and Spain. In particular, it aims to examine the factors that render women vulnerable to exploitation, paying attention to gendered dynamics and power relations. The study contends that to prevent and combat exploitation in agriculture it is necessary to implement concerted actions aimed at tackling, from a human rights and gender perspective, the structural factors of a socio-economic system which fosters and relies on workers’ vulnerability

    Non nei nostri nomi. La strumentalizzazione culturalista della difesa dei diritti delle donne e la violenza di genere delle politiche migratorie

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    This paper describes how the differentialist and reductionist use of the notion of ‘culture’, within dynamics defined as sexual nationalism (Fassin) or femonationalism (Farris) are used to legitimize contemporary migratory policies of borders externalization which have the direct effect of producing specific positions of vulnerability to violence that particularly affects women. By way of example, the manipulation of the ‘events’ that occurred in Cologne on New Year’s Eve 2015, and the story of F., an Ivorian woman who, to emancipate herself from the patriarchal dynamics stigmatized by Western democracies, had to suffer even worse abuse in his migration history, are analized. Finally, the procedures for evaluating asylum requests as a practice of secondary victimization are considered, by taking into account the excerpts from the minutes of the hearing of a Nigerian asylum seeker victim of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation

    Giustizia di transizione: modelli, potenzialitĂ , limiti: Casi concreti e un focus sulla Tunisia contemporanea

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    Questo contributo considera potenzialità e limiti della giustizia di transi- zione, di cui analizza i modelli definendo tre ordini di ragioni – strategiche, giuridiche e sostanziali – per i quali, nei contesti in cui tale giustizia si applica, il solo diritto penale si rivela insufficiente. La descrizione delle ragioni sostanziali apre quindi all’analisi delle contiguità e delle differenze tra la giustizia di transizione e la giustizia riparativa, concentrandosi sulle nozioni di “verità”, “memoria” e “perdono” e guardando al caso esemplare del Sudafrica dopo l’apartheid. Si affronta quindi il ruolo del lascito coloniale nei paesi del Sud del mondo, oggi scenari privilegiati della giustizia di transizione, come elemento non eludibile al fine di restituire una memoria compiuta e condivisa. Queste riflessioni sono infine messe alla prova attraverso il confronto col caso concreto della Tunisia dopo la cosiddetta Primavera del 2011, a partire da una ricerca sul campo condotta tra l’autunno del 2021 e la primavera del 2022.This paper examines the potential and the limits of transitional justice, analysing its main models and defining three sets of reasons – strategic, legal and substantive – for which criminal law alone proves insufficient in the contexts in which this type of justice is applied. The description of the substantive reasons therefore leads to an analysis of the similarities and differences between transitional justice and restorative justice, focusing on the notions of “truth”, “memory” and “forgiveness”, and using the exemplary case of post-apartheid South Africa. It then addresses the role of the colonial legacy in the countries of the South of the world, which have been the privileged scenarios of transitional justice since the 1980s, as an unavoidable element in the objective of restoring a complete and truly shared memory. Finally, these reflections will be put to the test by comparing them with the concrete case of Tunisia after the so-called Spring of 2011, on the basis of a field research carried-out between the autumn of 2021 and the spring of 2022
