397 research outputs found

    Far-infrared emission of massive stars

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    We present results of the analysis of a sample of 22 stars of spectral types from O7 to B5 and luminosity classes I-V for which Spitzer/IRS spectra are available. The IRS spectra of these stars are examined for signs of excess infrared (IR) emission by comparison with stellar atmospheric spectra. We find that the spectra of half of the studied stars are dominated by excess emission in the far-IR, including all six super- and bright giants. In order to examine the origin of the far-IR excess, we supplement the Spitzer data with optical high-resolution echelle spectroscopy (λ/Δλ105\lambda/\Delta \lambda \sim 10^5), near-IR high-contrast coronagraphic imaging taken with the SPHERE instrument at VLT with a spatial resolution of 0.05", and WISE and Herschel photometry. In the optical region, we detect various absorption and emission lines (Hα\alpha, CIII, and NIII) irrespective of the far-IR excess. Pfund(α\alpha) and Humphrey(α\alpha) lines are observed at the same time as the far-IR excess. These lines are stronger in stars with far-IR excess than in stars without excess. A scattered-light disk in the central r < 2.5" region of the far-IR excess stars HD149404, HD151804, and HD154368 can be excluded from H band imaging down to a 1σ\sigma contrast of F(r)/F106F(r)/F_{*} \sim 10^{-6}. The far-IR excess is fit either by a free-free component from ionized gas as for the winds of hot stars or a large (1pc) circumstellar dust shell. The putative dust envelopes required to explain the excess have a visual extinction as low as a few hundred μ\mu-mag.Comment: A&A accepted, 10 pages, 6 Figures, HR spectra availabe at CD

    The probability distribution functions of emission line flux measurements and their ratios

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    Many physical parameters in astrophysics are derived using the ratios of two observed quantities. If the relative uncertainties on measurements are small enough, uncertainties can be propagated analytically using simplifying assumptions, but for large normally distributed uncertainties, the probability distribution of the ratio become skewed, with a modal value offset from that expected in Gaussian uncertainty propagation. Furthermore, the most likely value of a ratio A/B is not equal to the reciprocal of the most likely value of B/A. The effect is most pronounced when the uncertainty on the denominator is larger than that on the numerator. We show that this effect is seen in an analysis of 12 126 spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The intrinsically fixed ratio of the [O III] lines at 4959 and 5007 Å is conventionally expressed as the ratio of the stronger line to the weaker line. Thus, the uncertainty on the denominator is larger, and non-Gaussian probability distributions result. By taking this effect into account, we derive an improved estimate of the intrinsic 5007/4959 ratio. We obtain a value of 3.012 ± 0.008, which is slightly but statistically significantly higher than the theoretical value of 2.98. We further investigate the suggestion that fluxes measured from emission lines in noisy spectra are strongly biased upwards. We were unable to detect this effect in the SDSS line flux measurements, and we could not reproduce the results of Rola and Pelat who first described this bias. We suggest that the magnitude of this effect may depend strongly on the specific fitting algorithm used

    An Extreme-AO Search for Giant Planets around a White Dwarf --VLT/SPHERE performance on a faint target GD 50

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    CONTEXT. Little is known about the planetary systems around single white dwarfs although there is strong evidence that they do exist. AIMS. We performed a pilot study with the extreme-AO system on the Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet REsearch (SPHERE) on the Very Large Telescopes (VLT) to look for giant planets around a young white dwarf, GD 50. METHODS. We were awarded science verification time on the new ESO instrument SPHERE. Observations were made with the InfraRed Dual-band Imager and Spectrograph in classical imaging mode in H band. RESULTS. Despite the faintness of the target (14.2 mag in R band), the AO loop was closed and a strehl of 37\% was reached in H band. No objects were detected around GD 50. We achieved a 5-sigma contrast of 6.2, 8.0 and 8.25 mags at 0{\farcs}2, 0{\farcs}4 and 0{\farcs}6 and beyond, respectively. We exclude any substellar objects more massive than 4.0 MJ_\textrm{J} at 6.2 AU, 2.9 MJ_\textrm{J} at 12.4 AU and 2.8 MJ_\textrm{J} at 18.6 AU and beyond. This rivals the previous upper limit set by Spitzer. We further show that SPHERE is the most promising instrument available to search for close-in substellar objects around nearby white dwarfs.Comment: A&A letters, accepte

    Precision medicine and enrichment in sepsis

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    Sepsis is defined as a dysregulated host response to infection leading to life-threatening organ dysfunction. While this recent iteration of the sepsis definition rightly centralizes organ dysfunction, it does not reflect on the extensive heterogeneity in the host response observed in sepsis patient populations. Heterogeneity in sepsis has hindered the identification of effective therapeutic targets, with current treatment consisting of antimicrobials and supportive care. In order to address the shortcomings in identifying specific therapeutics for sepsis, the focus of various research activities turned towards developing precision medicine approaches. In particular, efforts aimed at stratifying patients into more homogenous subgroups having common dominant pathophysiological features and outcome trajectories, in turn facilitating the delineation of specific therapies. Here, I review current initiatives in prognostic and predictive enrichment strategies in sepsis patient populations, which will be key to identify patients who would benefit, or be harmed, from specific therapeutic interventions.peer-reviewe

    Rapid grain growth in post-AGB disc systems from far-infrared and sub-millimetre photometry

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    The timescales on which astronomical dust grows remain poorly understood, with important consequences for our understanding of processes like circumstellar disk evolution and planet formation.A number of post-asymptotic giant branch stars are found to host optically thick, dust- and gas-rich circumstellar discs in Keplerian orbits. These discs exhibit evidence of dust evolution, similar to protoplanetary discs; however since post-AGB discs have substantially shorter lifetimes than protoplanetary discs they may provide new insights on the grain-growth process. We examine a sample of post-AGB stars with discs to determine the FIR and sub-mm spectral index by homogeneously fitting a sample of data from \textit{Herschel}, the SMA and the literature. We find that grain growth to at least hundreds of micrometres is ubiquitous in these systems, and that the distribution of spectral indices is more similar to that of protoplanetary discs than debris discs. No correlation is found with the mid-infrared colours of the discs, implying that grain growth occurs independently of the disc structure in post-AGB discs. We infer that grain growth to \simmm sizes must occur on timescales <<105<<10^{5} yr, perhaps by orders of magnitude, as the lifetimes of these discs are expected to be 105\lesssim10^{5}~yr and all objects have converged to the same state. This growth timescale is short compared to the results of models for protoplanetary discs including fragmentation, and may provide new constraints on the physics of grain growth.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    PRECISION: a fast PYTHON pipeline for high-contrast imaging – application to SPHERE observations of the red supergiant VX Sagitariae

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    The search for extrasolar planets has driven rapid advances in instrumentation, resulting in cameras such as SPHERE at the VLT, GPI at Gemini South and SCExAO at Subaru, capable of achieving very high contrast (∼106) around bright stars with small inner working angles (⁠∼0.1arcsec⁠). The optimal exploitation of data from these instruments depends on the availability of easy-to-use software to process and analyse their data products. We present a pure-PYTHON pipeline, PRECISION, which provides fast, memory-efficient reduction of data from the SPHERE/IRDIS near-infrared imager, and can be readily extended to other instruments. We apply PRECISION to observations of the extreme red supergiant VX Sgr, the inner outflow of which is revealed to host complex, asymmetric structure in the near-IR. In addition, optical polarimetric imaging reveals clear extended polarized emission on ∼0.5 arcsec scales that varies significantly with azimuth, confirming the asymmetry. While not conclusive, this could suggest that the ejecta are confined to a disc or torus, which we are viewing nearly face on, although other non-spherical or clumpy configurations remain possible. VX Sgr has no known companions, making such a geometry difficult to explain, as there is no obvious source of angular momentum in the system

    Interleukin-27: a potential new sepsis biomarker exposed through genome-wide transcriptional profiling

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    Sepsis is a complex clinical condition that is driven predominantly by deviations from the orderly stereotypic immunological response to infection. Much effort has been undertaken in the search for biomarkers that can assist in discriminating critically ill patients with sterile inflammation from those with sepsis. Such biomarkers may aid the clinician in therapeutic decision making upon admission of a patient. Interleukin-27 may be such a discriminative biomarker, as suggested in the previous issue of Critical Care by a study of critically ill childre

    {\sc precision}: A fast python pipeline for high-contrast imaging -- application to SPHERE observations of the red supergiant VX Sagitariae

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    The search for extrasolar planets has driven rapid advances in instrumentation, resulting in cameras such as SPHERE at the VLT, GPI at Gemini South and SCExAO at Subaru, capable of achieving very high contrast (106\sim10^{6}) around bright stars with small inner working angles (\sim 0\farcs{1}). The optimal exploitation of data from these instruments depends on the availability of easy-to-use software to process and analyse their data products. We present a pure-python pipeline, {\sc precision}, which provides fast, memory-efficient reduction of data from the SPHERE/IRDIS near-infrared imager, and can be readily extended to other instruments. We apply {\sc precision} to observations of the extreme red supergiant VX~Sgr, the inner outflow of which is revealed to host complex, asymmetric structure in the near-IR. In addition, optical polarimetric imaging reveals clear extended polarised emission on 0.5\sim0.5^{\prime\prime} scales which varies significantly with azimuth, confirming the asymmetry. While not conclusive, this could suggest that the ejecta are confined to a disc or torus, which we are viewing nearly face on, although other non-spherical or clumpy configurations remain possible. VX~Sgr has no known companions, making such a geometry difficult to explain, as there is no obvious source of angular momentum in the system.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures. Accepted by MNRA

    XSHOOTER spectroscopy of the enigmatic planetary nebula Lin49 in the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    We performed a detailed spectroscopic analysis of the fullerene C60-containing planetary nebula (PN) Lin49 in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) using XSHOOTER at the European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope and the Spitzer/Infrared Spectrograph instruments. We derived nebular abundances for nine elements. We used TLUSTY to derive photospheric parameters for the central star. Lin49 is C-rich and metal-deficient PN (Z ∼ 0.0006). The nebular abundances are in good agreement with asymptotic giant branch nucleosynthesis models for stars with initial mass 1.25 M⊙ and metallicity Z = 0.001. Using the TLUSTY synthetic spectrum of the central star to define the heating and ionizing source, we constructed the photoionization model with CLOUDY that matches the observed spectral energy distribution (SED) and the line fluxes in the UV to far-IR wavelength ranges simultaneously. We could not fit the ∼1–5 μm SED using a model with 0.005–0.1-μm-sized graphite grains and a constant hydrogen density shell owing to the prominent near-IR excess, while at other wavelengths the model fits the observed values reasonably well. We argue that the near-IR excess might indicate either (1) the presence of very small particles in the form of small carbon clusters, small graphite sheets, or fullerene precursors, or (2) the presence of a high-density structure surrounding the central star. We found that SMC C60 PNe show a near-IR excess component to lesser or greater degree. This suggests that these C60 PNe might maintain a structure nearby their central star