18,482 research outputs found

    Survey of electric power plants for space applications

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    Fuel and solar cells, chemical batteries, Rankine and Brayton cycle power plants, thermoelectric generators, and thermionic converters for space power application

    Generalized Supersymmetric Perturbation Theory

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    Using the basic ingredient of supersymmetry, we develop a simple alternative approach to perturbation theory in one-dimensional non-relativistic quantum mechanics. The formulae for the energy shifts and wave functions do not involve tedious calculations which appear in the available perturbation theories. The model applicable in the same form to both the ground state and excited bound states, unlike the recently introduced supersymmetric perturbation technique which, together with other approaches based on logarithmic perturbation theory, are involved within the more general framework of the present formalism.Comment: 13 pages article in LaTEX (uses standard article.sty). No Figures. Sent to Ann. Physics (2004

    The oscillating wing with aerodynamically balanced elevator

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    The two-dimensional problem of the oscillating wing with aerodynamically balanced elevator is treated in the manner that the wing is replaced by a plate with bends and stages and the airfoil section by a mean line consisting of one or more straights. The computed formulas and tables permit, on these premises, the prediction of the pressure distribution and of the aerodynamic reactions of oscillating elevators and tabs with any position of elevator hinge in respect to elevator leading edge

    Scaling in activated escape of underdamped systems

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    Noise-induced escape from a metastable state of a dynamical system is studied close to a saddle-node bifurcation point, but in the region where the system remains underdamped. The activation energy of escape scales as a power of the distance to the bifurcation point. We find two types of scaling and the corresponding critical exponents.Comment: 9 page

    Exploring the views of students on the use of Facebook in university teaching and learning

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    Facebook use among students is almost ubiquitous; however, its use for formal academic purposes remains contested. Through an online survey monitoring student use of module Facebook pages and focus groups, this study explores students’ current academic uses of Facebook and their views on using Facebook within university modules. Students reported using Facebook for academic purposes, notably peer–peer communication around group work and assessment – a use not always conceptualised by students as learning. Focus groups revealed that students are not ready or equipped for the collaborative style of learning envisaged by the tutor and see Facebook as their personal domain, within which they will discuss academic topics where they see a strong relevance and purpose, notably in connection with assessment. Students use Facebook for their own mutually defined purposes and a change in student mind- and skill-sets is required to appropriate the collaborative learning benefits of Facebook in formal educational contexts

    A Theorem on the origin of Phase Transitions

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    For physical systems described by smooth, finite-range and confining microscopic interaction potentials V with continuously varying coordinates, we announce and outline the proof of a theorem that establishes that unless the equipotential hypersurfaces of configuration space \Sigma_v ={(q_1,...,q_N)\in R^N | V(q_1,...,q_N) = v}, v \in R, change topology at some v_c in a given interval [v_0, v_1] of values v of V, the Helmoltz free energy must be at least twice differentiable in the corresponding interval of inverse temperature (\beta(v_0), \beta(v_1)) also in the N -> \inftylimit.Thustheoccurrenceofaphasetransitionatsomeβc=β(vc)isnecessarilytheconsequenceofthelossofdiffeomorphicityamongtheΣvv<vc limit. Thus the occurrence of a phase transition at some \beta_c =\beta(v_c) is necessarily the consequence of the loss of diffeomorphicity among the {\Sigma_v}_{v < v_c} and the {\Sigma_v}_{v > v_c}, which is the consequence of the existence of critical points of V on \Sigma_{v=v_c}, that is points where \nabla V=0.Comment: 10 pages, Statistical Mechanics, Phase Transitions, General Theory. Phys. Rev. Lett., in pres

    Immune-Mediated Inflammation May Contribute to the Pathogenesis of Cardiovascular Disease in Mucopolysaccharidosis Type I.

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    BackgroundCardiovascular disease, a progressive manifestation of α-L-iduronidase deficiency or mucopolysaccharidosis type I, continues in patients both untreated and treated with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation or intravenous enzyme replacement. Few studies have examined the effects of α-L-iduronidase deficiency and subsequent glycosaminoglycan storage upon arterial gene expression to understand the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease.MethodsGene expression in carotid artery, ascending, and descending aortas from four non-tolerized, non-enzyme treated 19 month-old mucopolysaccharidosis type I dogs was compared with expression in corresponding vascular segments from three normal, age-matched dogs. Data were analyzed using R and whole genome network correlation analysis, a bias-free method of categorizing expression level and significance into discrete modules. Genes were further categorized based on module-trait relationships. Expression of clusterin, a protein implicated in other etiologies of cardiovascular disease, was assessed in canine and murine mucopolysaccharidosis type I aortas via Western blot and in situ immunohistochemistry.ResultsGene families with more than two-fold, significant increased expression involved lysosomal function, proteasome function, and immune regulation. Significantly downregulated genes were related to cellular adhesion, cytoskeletal elements, and calcium regulation. Clusterin gene overexpression (9-fold) and protein overexpression (1.3 to 1.62-fold) was confirmed and located specifically in arterial plaques of mucopolysaccharidosis-affected dogs and mice.ConclusionsOverexpression of lysosomal and proteasomal-related genes are expected responses to cellular stress induced by lysosomal storage in mucopolysaccharidosis type I. Upregulation of immunity-related genes implicates the potential involvement of glycosaminoglycan-induced inflammation in the pathogenesis of mucopolysaccharidosis-related arterial disease, for which clusterin represents a potential biomarker

    Hadamard regularization of the third post-Newtonian gravitational wave generation of two point masses

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    Continuing previous work on the 3PN-accurate gravitational wave generation from point particle binaries, we obtain the binary's 3PN mass-type quadrupole and dipole moments for general (not necessarily circular) orbits in harmonic coordinates. The final expressions are given in terms of their ``core'' parts, resulting from the application of the pure Hadamard-Schwartz (pHS) self-field regularization scheme, and augmented by an ``ambiguous'' part. In the case of the 3PN quadrupole we find three ambiguity parameters, xi, kappa and zeta, but only one for the 3PN dipole, in the form of the particular combination xi+kappa. Requiring that the dipole moment agree with the center-of-mass position deduced from the 3PN equations of motion in harmonic coordinates yields the relation xi+kappa=-9871/9240. Our results will form the basis of the complete calculation of the 3PN radiation field of compact binaries by means of dimensional regularization.Comment: 33 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Locally Localized Gravity Models in Higher Dimensions

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    We explore the possibility of generalizing the locally localized gravity model in five space-time dimensions to arbitrary higher dimensions. In a space-time with negative cosmological constant, there are essentially two kinds of higher-dimensional cousins which not only take an analytic form but also are free from the naked curvature singularity in a whole bulk space-time. One cousin is a trivial extension of five-dimensional model, while the other one is in essence in higher dimensions. One interesting observation is that in the latter model, only anti-de Sitter (AdSpAdS_p) brane is physically meaningful whereas de Sitter (dSpdS_p) and Minkowski (MpM_p) branes are dismissed. Moreover, for AdSpAdS_p brane in the latter model, we study the property of localization of various bulk fields on a single brane. In particular, it is shown that the presence of the brane cosmological constant enables bulk gauge field and massless fermions to confine to the brane only by a gravitational interaction. We find a novel relation between mass of brane gauge field and the brane cosmological constant.Comment: 20 pages, LaTex 2e, revised version (to appear in Phys. Rev. D