396 research outputs found

    Fiktive Feindbilder und verschleierte Gewalt. Sprachwissenschaftliche Analysen zum Interview mit einem Islamisten

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    Przedmiotem rozważań artykułu jest wywiad dwójki dziennikarzy z Erhanem A., „wyznawcą“ IS, który ukazał się w Süddeutsche Zeitung (nr 40, 2014, 13–19). Celem publikacji jest wyizolowanie islamistycznych wzorców myślowych poprzez analizę specyfiki doboru słownictwa. Czynnik powtarzalności („wzorce językowe“) w przytaczanych przykładach jest przy tym decydujący dla doboru kryteriów analizy. Pod uwagę zostały także wzięte aspekty wynikające ze struktury wywiadu. Analiza koncentruje się na werbalizowaniu nazw kolektywnych oraz zawoalowanej przemocy. Wyizolowana (semantyczna) nieostrość w wyrażeniach powstaje między innymi poprzez zastosowanie konstrukcji strony biernej, jak również zaimka nieokreślonego. W szerszym ujęciu niniejszy artykuł stanowi językoznawcze badanie poświęcone użyciu w islamie języka niemieckiego, w węższym zaś – języka niemieckiego przez zwolenników tak zwanego Państwa Islamskiego (IS).This article examines an interview of two journalists with Erhan A., a confessor of the IS, which appeared in the magazine of the Süddeutsche Zeitung (No. 40, 2014, 13–19). The aim is to bring out Islamist thought patterns through conspicuous features in the choice of words. The moment of repetition (“language patterns”) in the examples is decisive for the selection of the analysis categories. Special features which result from the interview structure are taken into account. The focus of the analysis is on the verbalization of collective names and veiled violence. The identified (semantic) vagueness results from passive constructions and, for example, from indefinite pronouns. In a superior sense, it is a linguistic work on the German language used in Islam or in the narrower sense on the use of the German language in statements by advocates of the so-called Islamic State (IS).Die Publikation wurde aus Mitteln des Instituts für Germanistik der Universität Łódź und des Vereins akademischer Lehrer zur Förderung der Kultur europäischer Sprachen finanziert

    Welche Informationen benötigen Erfasserinnen für den Einsatz der Observed Emotion Rating Scale?

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    As there have so far not been any empirical results in German-speaking Europe with regard to training people in the use of the Observed Emotion Rating Scale (OERS) instrument, the investigation needs to establish what information is required for those involved in OERS data entry. The explorative analysis was carried out with 12 probands using a methodological approach based on the Mayring (2003) qualitative content analysis procedure. Based on the results, it became clear that the use of OERS needs to be well prepared in advance, as the estimation¨of emotions with sufferers of dementia requires background knowledge of the illness, as well as the adjustment of those under observation to the surroundings being required. Furthermore, it became apparent that the use of OERS is suited to reflecting the surroundings of those suffering from dementia, as the rarity of emotions being expressed can itself be a sign of a maladjusted environment. Da im deutschsprachigen Raum bisher keine empirischen Ergebnisse im Bedarf einer Schulung mit dem Instrument Observed Emotion Rating Scale (OERS) vorliegen, sollte mit der Untersuchung herausgefunden werden, welche Informationen Erfasserinnen für den Einsatz der OERS benötigen. Die Untersuchung wurde explorativ mit dem methodischen Ansatz der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring (2003) bei 12 Probandinnen durchgeführt.Anhand der Ergebnisse wurde ersichtlich, dass der Einsatz der OERS gut vorbereitet werden muss, weil die Einschätzung von Emotionen bei demenzerkrankten Menschen Hintergrundwissen zur Erkrankung benötigt und eine Anpassung der Beobachtenden an die Umgebung Voraussetzung ist. Ferner stellte sich heraus, dass sich der Einsatz der OERS dazu eignet, die Umgebung von Demenzerkrankten zu reflektieren, weil der Umstand, dass nur selten Emotionen geäußert werden, auch ein Zeichen für eine unangepasste Umgebung sein kann

    Begleitumstände von Agitation bei demenzerkrankten Heimbewohnern

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    Die vorliegende Studie hatte das Ziel, die Begleitumstände von Agitation im Pflegeheimkontext zu erfassen sowie Rückschlüsse auf deren Ursachen zu ziehen. Dazu wurden in zwei Pflegezentren und in einem demenzspezialisierten Krankenheim während eines Zeitraums von elf Wochen 359 Tagebucheinträge zu agitationsbedingtem Verhalten erfasst. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Agitation in Situationen auftrat, in denen die Bewohner mit Demenz in Interaktion mit anderen standen, aber dass sie auch in Situationen stattgefunden hat, in denen die Pflegepersonen keine direkten Einflüsse/Reize aus der Umgebung wahrnehmen konnten. Im Weiteren konnte ein gewisses Muster zwischen der Tageszeit und der Häufigkeit des Auftretens von Agitation festgestellt werden. Ergänzend konnten personenspezifische Verhaltensmuster nachgewiesen werden. Die Ergebnisse der Studie verstärken die Forderung nach individualisierten und dem Kontext sowie der aktuellen Situation Rechnung tragenden Interventionen des Pflegepersonals. The present study examined the circumstances of agitation in nursing homes and drew conclusions about the causes and context of agitated behaviour. It took place in two nursing homes as well as in one dementia-specialised home health care. The study utilized recordings created during a period of eleven weeks and 359 diary entries relating to the pre-agitation conditions. The results showed that agitation occurred during situations in which the person interacted with others, but also in situations in which no direct influences or stimuli from the environment were visible. Secondly, a certain pattern could be identified in the relationship between the time and the frequency of the occurrence of agitation. Person-specific patterns could also be detected. The results of this study reinforce the call for the individualised and situation-oriented behaviour intervention of nurses

    Wie erleben Erfasserinnen den Umgang mit der Observed Emotional Rating Scale?

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    Da im deutschsprachigen Raum bisher kaum empirische Daten zur Anwendung der Observed Emotion Rating Scale (OERS) bei demenzerkrankten Personen vorliegen, sollte im Rahmen des Pilotprojekts «Agitation» untersucht werden, wie Erfasserinnen den Einsatz des Instruments OERS erleben. Zu diesem Zweck konnten 12 Probandinnen gewonnen werden, die in drei Pflegezentren im Kanton Zürich Beobachtungen mit dem Instrument OERS durchführten. Der überwiegende Teil der Probandinnen verfügte über pflegerische Qualifikationen bzw. Erfahrung im Umgang mit demenzerkrankten Personen. Die Datensammlung erfolgte anhand von drei Fokusgruppeninterviews, die mittels einer qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse ausgewertet worden waren. Die vorläufigen Ergebnisse aus den Fokusgruppeninterviews wurden von denselben Probandinnen anhand eines Fragebogens validiert. Die Kategorien «fehlende Eindeutigkeit», «fehlende Kodiermöglichkeit», «Demenzschwere», «Einschätzen von Emotionen», «Einflussfaktoren» und «Anwenderschulung» zeigten, dass das Wissen um die Demenzerkrankung genauso bedeutsam ist wie eine geübte Handhabung der OERS. As barely any empirical data on the application of the Observed Emotion Rating Scale (OERS) on sufferers of dementia is available for German-speaking Europe, the pilot project titled “Agitation” aimed to see how those persons entering the data get along with the OERS instrument. For this purpose, 12 test persons were persuaded to carry out observations with the OERS instrument in three care centres located in the Swiss Canton of Zurich. The test persons were predominantly holders of nursing qualifications and/or experienced in caring for patients suffering from dementia. Data collection was undertaken on the basis of three focus group interviews which were evaluated via qualitative content analysis. The preliminary results gained in the focus group interviews were validated by the same people using a questionnaire. The categories were titled “Missing Clearness”, “Missing Possibility to Encode”, “Level of Dementia”, “Estimation of Emotions”, “Influencing Factors” and “User Training”. These indicated that know­ledge of dementia is just as important as skilled use of OERS

    Anti-inflammatory activity of Wnt signaling in enteric nervous system: in vitro preliminary evidences in rat primary cultures

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    Background: In the last years, Wnt signaling was demonstrated to regulate inflammatory processes. In particular, an increased expression of Wnts and Frizzled receptors was reported in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and ulcerative colitis to exert both anti- and pro-inflammatory functions regulating the intestinal activated nuclear factor \u3baB (NF-\u3baB), TNFa release, and IL10 expression. Methods: To investigate the role of Wnt pathway in the response of the enteric nervous system (ENS) to inflammation, neurons and glial cells from rat myenteric plexus were treated with exogenous Wnt3a and/or LPS with or without supporting neurotrophic factors such as basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), epithelial growth factor (EGF), and glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF). The immunophenotypical characterization by flow cytometry and the protein and gene expression analysis by qPCR and Western blotting were carried out. Results: Flow cytometry and immunofluorescence staining evidenced that enteric neurons coexpressed Frizzled 9 and toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) while glial cells were immunoreactive to TLR4 and Wnt3a suggesting that canonical Wnt signaling is active in ENS. Conclusions: The results of this study suggested the existence of neuronal surveillance through FZD9 and Wnt3a in enteric myenteric plexus. Moreover, experimental evidences were provided to clarify the correlation among soluble trophic factors, Wnt signaling, and anti-inflammatory protection of ENS

    Still ‘native’? Morphological processing in second-language immersed speakers

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    Aims and objectives/purpose/research questions: This paper investigates whether sustained immersion in a dominant second-language (L2) environment alters morphological processing strategies compared to those of L1-immersed speakers. Furthermore, we assess the methodological usefulness of a language-mode task in light of the validity of conducting native processing research on L2-immersed speakers. Design/methodology/approach: We use the design and stimuli of a previous long-lag visual lexical decision task conducted with native German speakers in Germany and use this group as a control. Thirty-two native German speakers resident in the UK (>2 years; minimal day-to-day German use) participated in two experimental sessions (one containing a 20-minute conversation task in German). Data and analysis: The data shows clear differences between facilitation patterns of L1 and L2-immersed participants. L2-immersed speakers display decreased sensitivity to subtle morphological differences as well as facilitation in a form condition similar to effects seen in L2 processing. Lexical decisions of pseudowords based on plausibility, however, remain similar. While the pre-experiment language-mode task resulted in overall faster responses, there was no effect on processing patterns. Findings/conclusions: L1 morphological processing is affected by continued exposure to a dominant second language with sensitivity to the internal structure or differences of morphologically complex items decreasing. The attrition group shows certain similarities to L2 morphological processing. Our findings also call for caution in the recruitment of L2-immersed experiment participants. Originality: Research on morphological processing in language attrition is scarce and no previous work has examined complex derived words. The addition of a principled manipulation of the pre-experiment task is also uncommon. Significance/implications: The possible similarity of L1-attrition and L2-learner processing challenges the concept of ‘native’ processing and the notion of ‘nativeness’ as a stable property. Further comparison of these populations may lead to a more thorough understanding of the adaptability of our processing system

    Limited Multidrug Resistance Efflux Pump Overexpression among Multidrug-Resistant Escherichia coli Strains of ST131

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    Gram-negative bacteria partly rely on efflux pumps to facilitate growth under stressful conditions and to increase resistance to a wide variety of commonly used drugs. In recent years E. coli ST131 has emerged as a major cause of extraintestinal infection frequently exhibiting an MDR phenotype. The contribution of efflux to MDR in emerging E. coli MDR clones however, is not well studied. We characterized strains from an international collection of clinical MDR-E. coli isolates by MIC testing with and without the addition of the AcrAB-TolC efflux inhibitor 1-(1-naphthylmethyl)-piperazine (NMP). MIC data for 6 antimicrobial agents and their reversion by NMP were analyzed by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). PCA revealed a group of 17/34 MDR-E. coli exhibiting increased susceptibility to treatment with NMP suggesting an enhanced contribution of efflux pumps to antimicrobial resistance in these strains (termed "enhanced efflux phenotype" [EEP]). Only 1/17 EEP strains versus 12/17 non-EEP MDR strains belonged to the ST131 clonal group. Whole-genome sequencing revealed marked differences in efflux-related genes between EEP and control strains, with the majority of notable amino-acid substitutions occurring in AcrR, MarR and SoxR. qRT-PCR of multiple efflux-related genes showed significant overexpression of the AcrAB-TolC-system in EEP strains, whereas in the remaining strains we found enhanced expression of alternative efflux proteins. We conclude that a proportion of MDR E. coli exhibit an EEP, which is linked to an overexpression of the AcrAB-TolC-efflux-pump and a distinct array of genomic variations. Members of ST131, although highly successful, are less likely to exhibit the EEP

    Distinct orthography boosts morphophonological discrimination: Vowel raising in Bengali verb inflections

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    This study is concerned with how vowel alternation, in combination with and without orthographic reflection of the vowel change, affects lexical access and the discrimination of morphologically related forms. Bengali inflected verb forms provide an ideal test case, since present tense verb forms undergo phonologically conditioned, predictable vowel raising. The mid-to-high alternations, but not the low-to-mid ones, are represented in the orthography. This results in three different cases: items with no change (NoDiff), items with a phonological change not represented in the orthography (PronDiff) and items for which both phonology and orthography change (OrthPronDiff). To determine whether these three cases differ in terms of lexical access and discrimination, we conducted two experiments. Experiment 1 was a cross-modal lexical decision task with auditory primes (1 st PERSON and 3 rd PERSON forms, e.g. [lek he] or [lik hi]) and visual targets (verbal noun; e.g. [lek ha]). Experiment 2 uses eye tracking in a fragment completion task, in which auditory fragments (first syllable of 1 st or 3 rd PERSON form, e.g. [le-] from [lek he]) were to be matched to one of two visual targets (full 1 st and 3 rd PERSON forms, [lek he] vs. [lik hi] in Bengali script). While the lexical decision task, a global measure of lexical access, did not show a difference between the cases, the eye-tracking experiment revealed effects of both phonology and orthography. Discrimination accuracy in the OrthPronDiff condition (vowel alternation represented in the orthography) was high. In the PronDiff condition, where phonologically differing forms are represented by the same graphemes, manual responses were at chance, although eye movements revealed that match and non-match were discriminated. Thus, our results indicate that phonological alternations which are not represented in spelling are difficult to process, whereas having orthographically distinct forms boosts discrimination performance, implying orthographically influenced mental phonological representations

    Applicability of molecular markers to determine parasitic infection origins in the animal trade: a case study from Sarcoptes mites in wildebeest

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    The development of non-manipulative molecular tools to determine the origin of parasite infections in the animal trade (if infected before their export or import) is of great interest worldwide for both the animal trade industry and for animal welfare. Molecular tools have a wide range of applications, including forensic identification, wildlife preservation and conservation, veterinary public health protection, and food safety. Nonetheless, genetic markers were not reported to detect the source of infection in the animal trade. In this study we tested the applicability of molecular tools to detect the origin of Sarcoptes mite infection of wildebeest imported by the United Arab Emirate (UAE) from Tanzania. Using one multiplex of seven microsatellite markers and control samples from UAE, Kenya and Italy, we demonstrated the usefulness of the multiplex STR-typing as a molecular tool of pivotal interest to help commercialist, authorities, and conservationists, to identify the geographical origin of parasitic infection