1,852 research outputs found

    The Relevance of the European Consumer Protection Law for the Development of the European Contract Law

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    This paper deals with the interaction of consumer law and contract law in the European Union. Over the last two decades the European legislature has adopted many legislative measures in the field of consumer protection that were designed to strengthen the single market and to avoid distortion of competition. Thus the European legislature tried to approximate or harmonise consumer protection standards within the European Community and consequently created a new layer of supranational contract law which now coexists with the traditional national contract law regimes. The paper assesses the various types of contract law on the international, supranational and national levels and discusses the problems arising from the fact that the contract law in the European Community is so diverse. Directive 2005/29/EC on Unfair Business-to-Consumer Commercial Practices is discussed as a very prominent recent product of European Community consumer legislation. The paper points out how the development of European consumer law serves as a catalyst for the further development of a genuine European contract law

    Charitable Foundations in the Principality of Liechtenstein – Tradition and Recent Developments

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the evolution of the foundation (Stiftung) in the Principality of Liechtenstein. The article therefore deals with recent changes in the statutory legislation governing them as well as with current developments in case law. The paper will also address the different approaches taken towards foundations by the civil law and common law traditions within Europe. In fact, the jurisdiction of Liechtenstein embraces elements of both the civil and the common law traditions

    Towards a Graphene-Based Quantum Impedance Standard

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    Precision measurements of the quantum Hall resistance with alternating current (ac) in the kHz range were performed on epitaxial graphene in order to assess its suitability as a quantum standard of impedance. The quantum Hall plateaus measured with alternating current were found to be flat within one part in 10^7. This is much better than for plain GaAs quantum Hall devices and shows that the magnetic-flux-dependent capacitive ac losses of the graphene device are less critical. The observed frequency dependence of about -8x10^-8/kHz is comparable in absolute value to the positive frequency dependence of plain GaAs devices, but the negative sign is attributed to stray capacitances which we believe can be minimized by a careful design of the graphene device. Further improvements thus may lead to a simpler and more user-friendly quantum standard for both resistance and impedance

    Base sequence dependent sliding of proteins on DNA

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    The possibility that the sliding motion of proteins on DNA is influenced by the base sequence through a base pair reading interaction, is considered. Referring to the case of the T7 RNA-polymerase, we show that the protein should follow a noise-influenced sequence-dependent motion which deviate from the standard random walk usually assumed. The general validity and the implications of the results are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    The Relevance of the European Consumer Protection Law for the Development of the European Contract Law

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    This paper deals with the interaction of consumer law and contract law in the European Union. Over the last two decades the European legislature has adopted many legislative measures in the field of consumer protection that were designed to strengthen the single market and to avoid distortion of competition. Thus the European legislature tried to approximate or harmonise consumer protection standards within the European Community and consequently created a new layer of supranational contract law which now coexists with the traditional national contract law regimes. The paper assesses the various types of contract law on the international, supranational and national levels and discusses the problems arising from the fact that the contract law in the European Community is so diverse. Directive 2005/29/EC on Unfair Business-to-Consumer Commercial Practices is discussed as a very prominent recent product of European Community consumer legislation. The paper points out how the development of European consumer law serves as a catalyst for the further development of a genuine European contract law

    A Measurement of Newton's Gravitational Constant

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    A precision measurement of the gravitational constant GG has been made using a beam balance. Special attention has been given to determining the calibration, the effect of a possible nonlinearity of the balance and the zero-point variation of the balance. The equipment, the measurements and the analysis are described in detail. The value obtained for G is 6.674252(109)(54) 10^{-11} m3 kg-1 s-2. The relative statistical and systematic uncertainties of this result are 16.3 10^{-6} and 8.1 10^{-6}, respectively.Comment: 26 pages, 20 figures, Accepted for publication by Phys. Rev.

    Forming a Mogi Doughnut in the Years Prior to and Immediately Before the 2014 M8.1 Iquique, Northern Chile, Earthquake

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    Asperities are patches where the fault surfaces stick until they break in earthquakes. Locating asperities and understanding their causes in subduction zones is challenging because they are generally located offshore. We use seismicity, interseismic and coseismic slip, and the residual gravity field to map the asperity responsible for the 2014M8.1 Iquique, Chile, earthquake. For several years prior to the mainshock, seismicity occurred exclusively downdip of the asperity. Two weeks before the mainshock, a series of foreshocks first broke the upper plate then the updip rim of the asperity. This seismicity formed a ring around the slip patch (asperity) that later ruptured in the mainshock. The asperity correlated both with high interseismic locking and a circular gravity low, suggesting that it is controlled by geologic structure. Most features of the spatiotemporal seismicity pattern can be explained by a mechanical model in which a single asperity is stressed by relative plate motion

    Expression of adhesion molecules and cytokines after coronary artery bypass grafting during normothermic and hypothermic cardiac arrest

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    Objective: Cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) results in vascular injury and tissue damage which involves leukocyte-endothelial interactions mediated by cytokines and adhesion molecules. This study was designed to demonstrate the effect of normothermic and hypothermic CPB to cytokine and soluble adhesion molecule levels in adults and to determine whether these levels correlate to the patients postoperative course. Design and patients: In 25 patients after normothermic and in 25 patients after hypothermic coronary artery bypass grafting with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), blood samples for cytokine and soluble adhesion molecule analysis were taken preoperatively, 24, 36, 48 h, and 6 days postoperatively. Soluble adhesion molecules (sE-selectin, sICAM-1) were measured by ELISA and cytokines (TNF-α, IL-6, IL-8) by chemilumenscent-immunoassay. Clinical data were collected prospectively. Results: Postoperatively, adhesion molecule and cytokine levels were significantly elevated after CPB. Mean plasma levels of sICAM-1 was 2.4-fold higher after 6 days. Mean plasma concentration of sE-selectin peaked after 48 h with a 2-fold increase compared to normothermic conditions. In the hypothermia group sICAM-1, sE-selectin, IL-6, and IL-8 showed significantly higher levels (P≪0.0057, P≪0.0012, P≪0.0419, P≪0.0145) after 24 h compared to the normothermia group. No clinical differences were seen. Conclusion: Adhesion molecules and cytokines are elevated after CPB. Patients after hypothermic CPB show significant higher sICAM-1, sE-selectin, IL-6, and IL-8 levels after 24 h compared to normothermic conditions. These results are mainly due to longer CPB and crossclamp times but do not alter the patient's postoperative cours
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