7,291 research outputs found

    Kinetic simulation of the sheath dynamics in the intermediate radio-frequency regime

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    The dynamics of temporally modulated plasma boundary sheaths is studied in the intermediate radio frequency regime where the applied radio frequency and the ion plasma frequency are comparable. Two kinetic simulation codes are employed and their results are compared. The first code is a realization of the well-known scheme, Particle-In-Cell with Monte Carlo collisions (PIC/MCC) and simulates the entire discharge, a planar radio frequency capacitively coupled plasma (RF-CCP) with an additional heating source. The second code is based on the recently published scheme Ensemble-in-Spacetime (EST); it resolves only the sheath and requires the time resolved voltage across and the ion flux into the sheath as input. Ion inertia causes a temporal asymmetry (hysteresis) of the sheath charge-voltage relation; also other ion transit time effects are found. The two codes are in good agreement, both with respect to the spatial and temporal dynamics of the sheath and with respect to the ion energy distributions at the electrodes. It is concluded that the EST scheme may serve as an efficient post-processor for fluid or global simulations and for measurements: It can rapidly and accurately calculate ion distribution functions even when no genuine kinetic information is available

    Shear stabilization of solidification fronts

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    A linear-stability analysis is performed on the interface formed during the directional solidification of a dilute binary alloy in the presence of a time-periodic flow. In general, the flow is generated by the elliptical motion of the crystal parallel to the interface. The presence of the flow can either stabilize or destabilize the system relative to the case without flow with the result depending on the frequency and amplitude of the oscillations as well as the properties of the material. In the particular, we find that the morphological instability present in the absence of flow can be entirely suppressed with respect to disturbances of the same frequency as the oscillation

    Kinetic Interpretation of Resonance Phenomena in Low Pressure Capacitively Coupled Radio Frequency Plasmas

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    The kinetic origin of resonance phenomena in capacitively coupled radio frequency plasmas is discovered based on particle-based numerical simulations. The analysis of the spatio-temporal distributions of plasma parameters such as the densities of hot and cold electrons, as well as the conduction and displacement currents reveals the mechanism of the formation of multiple electron beams during sheath expansion. The interplay between highly energetic beam electrons and low energetic bulk electrons is identified as the physical origin of the excitation of harmonics in the current

    Stress-Minimizing Orthogonal Layout of Data Flow Diagrams with Ports

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    We present a fundamentally different approach to orthogonal layout of data flow diagrams with ports. This is based on extending constrained stress majorization to cater for ports and flow layout. Because we are minimizing stress we are able to better display global structure, as measured by several criteria such as stress, edge-length variance, and aspect ratio. Compared to the layered approach, our layouts tend to exhibit symmetries, and eliminate inter-layer whitespace, making the diagrams more compact

    In medium T matrix for neutron matter

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    We calculate the equation of state of pure neutron matter, comparing the G-matrix calculation with the in-medium T-matrix result. At low densities, we obtain similar energies per nucleon, however some differences appear at higher densities. We use the self-consistent spectral functions from the T-matrix approach to calculate the 1S0 superfluid gap including self-energy effects. We find a reduction of the superfluid gap by 30%

    Nonlinear Convection in Mushy Layers

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    When alloys solidify in a gravitational field there are complex interactions between solidification and natural, buoyancy-driven convection that can alter the composition and impair the structure of the solid product. The particular focus of this project has been the compositional convection within mushy layers that occurs in situations where the lighter component of the alloy is rejected into the melt during solidification by cooling from below. The linear stability of such a situation was previously described and has been further elucidated in a number of published articles. Here we describe some recent developments in the study of nonlinear evolution of convection in mushy layers

    Multiscale Kinetic Monte-Carlo for Simulating Epitaxial Growth

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    We present a fast Monte-Carlo algorithm for simulating epitaxial surface growth, based on the continuous-time Monte-Carlo algorithm of Bortz, Kalos and Lebowitz. When simulating realistic growth regimes, much computational time is consumed by the relatively fast dynamics of the adatoms. Continuum and continuum-discrete hybrid methods have been developed to approach this issue; however in many situations, the density of adatoms is too low to efficiently and accurately simulate as a continuum. To solve the problem of fast adatom dynamics, we allow adatoms to take larger steps, effectively reducing the number of transitions required. We achieve nearly a factor of ten speed up, for growth at moderate temperatures and large D/F.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures; revised text, accepted by PR

    Qa-SNAREs localized to the trans-Golgi network regulate multiple transport pathways and extracellular disease resistance in plants

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    In all eukaryotic cells, a membrane-trafficking system connects the post-Golgi organelles, such as the trans-Golgi network (TGN), endosomes, vacuoles, and the plasma membrane. This complex network plays critical roles in several higher-order functions in multicellular organisms. The TGN, one of the important organelles for protein transport in the post-Golgi network, functions as a sorting station, where cargo proteins are directed to the appropriate post-Golgi compartments. Unlike its roles in animal and yeast cells, the TGN has also been reported to function like early endosomal compartments in plant cells. However, the physiological roles of the TGN functions in plants are not understood. Here, we report a study of the SYP4 group (SYP41, SYP42, and SYP43), which represents the plant orthologs of the Tlg2/syntaxin16 Qa-SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor attachment protein receptor) that localizes on the TGN in yeast and animal cells. The SYP4 group regulates the secretory and vacuolar transport pathways in the post-Golgi network and maintains the morphology of the Golgi apparatus and TGN. Consistent with a secretory role, SYP4 proteins are required for extracellular resistance responses to a fungal pathogen. We also reveal a plant cell-specific higher-order role of the SYP4 group in the protection of chloroplasts from salicylic acid-dependent biotic stress