67 research outputs found

    Societal Expectations on Structural Change in Agriculture: How can the Sector Cope with it?

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    In Germany, productivity gains and other factors induce structural changes in agriculture since decades. While the number of farms decreases simultaneously average farm sizes with respect to area and herd sizes increases. Conflicts between agricultural reality and society’s perception will always surface when production methods of large farms become public and significantly divert from the societal expectations mainly if the society still have romantic views from story-books in their mind. In this study societal perception of structural change in agriculture is analyzed using a mixed method approach to identify the main conflicts and to evaluate options to cope with these. In the focus group discussions as well as in the online survey a rejecting or critical attitude towards structural change in agriculture was stated. Structural change in agriculture was often associated with ‘mass production’, ‘mechanization’ or ‘agrarian factories’. Participants requested a restructuring of agriculture towards smaller and more diversified farms; however, most are aware that the technical progress require also adjustments in the agriculture. As expected, results do not provide an easy solution to cope with societal expectations. Responsibility for a better alignment of structural change to societal expectations is seen multi-layered: The government, the farmers, the processing industry as well as the consumers seem to be in demand

    Trust no One? Citizens’ Concerns regarding the Pork and Dairy Supply Chain

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    Latest studies show that a responsible treatment of farm animals is important to many citizens. Furthermore, societal expectations towards animal husbandry and present husbandry systems mismatch more and more. Thereby, pig production is criticized more than dairy farming. This paper gives insights into citizens’ main points of criticism among the pork and dairy cattle supply chain. It also intends to show several aspects of distrust.To capture a variety of opinions and expectations among the population, focus groups with citizens were carried out. For each topic (pig and dairy cattle husbandry) six focus groups took place in three German cities. Participants discussed about their perception of actual animal husbandry with respect to housing systems, animal health and well-being. Using content analysis with a mixed inductive and deductive category system, three sources of concerns were identified: role of farmers, legal framework and food retail.First, participants reflect the role of farmers and discuss that farmers only comply with the minimum of statutory requirements. Accordingly, participants think that farmers accept fines in order to avoid changes in their animal husbandry. Second, participants doubt the legal framework. In their view the standards are very low, especially regarding animal welfare. So, for instance, it enables farmers to circumvent the regulations. To improve the situation, participants emphasize a major revision of the legal framework for animal husbandry. Another critical focus is on legal controls. Participants remark that controls are often announced previously. The third point of criticism affects food retail. It is complicated for consumers to understand the complete supply chain. According to this, animal production takes more and more place behind closed doors without transparency. Altogether these aspects lead to an increasing rejection of animal products. The concerns were stronger in case of pork than in case of dairy cattle. As a consequence, some participants state to consume less or no pork or change to meat alternatives.Results suggest different possibilities among the complete supply chain, to understand citizens’ points of concerns better and to improve the situation of farm animal husbandry. Doing so, citizens’ concerns might be reduced resulting in more trust into the whole system again. Hence, more consumers of meat will be kept and will not consume more and more meat substitutes

    Das Internet als Heiratsmarkt: ausgewählte Aspekte aus Sicht der empirischen Partnerwahlforschung

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    "Im Mittelpunkt des Beitrags stehen die spezifischen Gelegenheitsstrukturen und Funktionalitäten, die Internetkontaktbörsen ihren Nutzern zur Partnersuche bieten. Aus Sicht der empirischen soziologischen Partnerwahlforschung wird idealtypisch herausgearbeitet, hinsichtlich welcher Aspekte des Partnerwahlprozesses die Akteure bei der Partnersuche im Internet heute mit neuen Herausforderungen und Chancen konfrontiert sind. Anhand zweier Beispiele aus der aktuellen Forschung wird aufgezeigt, inwiefern sich die Prozesse und Mechanismen der Partnerwahl im Internet von den klassischen Handlungskontexten des Alltags unterscheiden." (Autorenreferat)"This paper describes the specific contextual opportunity structures and functionalities which online dating platforms provide their users for searching partners. From the perspective of empirical sociological mate selection research it is shown how far actors searching for intimate relationships on the web are confronted with new challenges and chances nowadays. Two examples from current research illustrate how the processes and mechanisms of online mate selection actually differ from traditional opportunity structures of everyday life." (author's abstract

    Indicating mate preferences by mixing survey and process-generated data: the case of attitudes and behaviour in online mate search

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    'Web-basierte prozess-generierte Daten werden durch soziales Handeln von Nutzern erzeugt und vom jeweiligen Anbieter ohne ursprünglich wissenschaftliches Interesse aufgezeichnet. Die Autoren veranschaulichen ihre Idee einer vorteilhaften Anwendung prozess-generierter Daten mittels eines Forschungsbeispiels aus dem Bereich der partnerschaftlichen Präferenzen, welches auf Emailkontaktierungen bei einer Onlinedating-Seite fußt. Dieser Ansatz folgt dem Paradigma der Präferenzindikation mit Hilfe der Beobachtung von Wahlakten. Vor- und Nachteile dieses Ansatzes werden im Vergleich mit dem Paradigma der 'angegebenen Präferenzen', wie sie traditionell bei der Fragebogenforschung verwendet werden, diskutiert. Beide Ansätze weisen unterschiedliche informationale Einschränkungen auf und induzieren unterschiedliche Validitätsprobleme. Die Autoren schließen mit einem Ausblick auf Forschungsstraegien, die die beiden quantitativen Paradigmen integrieren.' (Autorenreferat)'Web-based process-generated data is produced by social agency of users and recorded by the respective provider without any originally scientific purpose. The authors support their idea of advantageous applications of process-generated data by outlining a research example that uses data generated by email contacting on an online dating website for the investigation of mate preferences. This approach follows the paradigm of indicating or 'revealing' preferences by observing choosing acts. Advantages and disadvantages of this approach in comparison to the traditional 'stated preference'-paradigm of survey research are discussed. Both approaches suffer different informational restrictions and induce different problems of valid inference. In conclusion they offer an outlook towards research strategies of an integration of the two quantitative paradigms.' (author's abstract

    A new type of Na+-driven ATP synthase membrane rotor with a two-carboxylate ion-coupling motif

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    Abstract: The anaerobic bacterium Fusobacterium nucleatum uses glutamate decarboxylation to generate a transmembrane gradient of Na+. Here, we demonstrate that this ion-motive force is directly coupled to ATP synthesis, via an F1Fo-ATP synthase with a novel Na+ recognition motif, shared by other human pathogens. Molecular modeling and free-energy simulations of the rotary element of the enzyme, the c-ring, indicate Na+ specificity in physiological settings. Consistently, activity measurements showed Na+ stimulation of the enzyme, either membrane-embedded or isolated, and ATP synthesis was sensitive to the Na+ ionophore monensin. Furthermore, Na+ has a protective effect against inhibitors targeting the ion-binding sites, both in the complete ATP synthase and the isolated c-ring. Definitive evidence of Na+ coupling is provided by two identical crystal structures of the c11 ring, solved by X-ray crystallography at 2.2 and 2.6 Ã… resolution, at pH 5.3 and 8.7, respectively. Na+ ions occupy all binding sites, each coordinated by four amino acids and a water molecule. Intriguingly, two carboxylates instead of one mediate ion binding. Simulations and experiments demonstrate that this motif implies that a proton is concurrently bound to all sites, although Na+ alone drives the rotary mechanism. The structure thus reveals a new mode of ion coupling in ATP synthases and provides a basis for drug-design efforts against this opportunistic pathogen. Author Summary: Essential cellular processes such as biosynthesis, transport, and motility are sustained by the energy released in the hydrolysis of ATP, the universal energy carrier in living cells. Most ATP in the cell is produced by a membrane-bound enzyme, the ATP synthase, through a rotary mechanism that is coupled to the translocation of ions across the membrane. The majority of ATP synthases are energized by transmembrane electrochemical gradients of protons (proton-motive force), but a number of organisms, including some important human pathogens, use gradients of sodium ions instead (sodium-motive force). The ion specificity of ATP synthases is determined by a membrane-embedded sub-complex, the c-ring, which is the smallest known biological rotor. The functional mechanism of the rotor ring and its variations among different organisms are of wide interest, because of this enzyme's impact on metabolism and disease, and because of its potential for nanotechnology applications. Here, we characterize a previously unrecognized type of Na+-driven ATP synthase from the opportunistic human pathogen Fusobacterium nucleatum, which is implicated in periodontal diseases. We analyzed this ATP synthase and its rotor ring through a multi-disciplinary approach, combining cell-growth and biochemical assays, X-ray crystallography and computer-simulation methods. Two crystal structures of the membrane rotor were solved, at low and high pH, revealing an atypical ion-recognition motif mediated by two carboxylate side-chains. This motif is shared by other human pathogens, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Streptococcus pneumonia, whose ATP synthases are targets of novel antibiotic drugs. The implications of this ion-recognition mode on the mechanism of the ATP synthase and the cellular bioenergetics of F. nucleatum were thus examined. Our results provide the basis for future pharmacological efforts against this important pathogen

    Wer nutzt Internetkontaktbörsen in Deutschland?

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    'Der Aufsatz stellt die Frage, wer in Deutschland die Möglichkeit der internetgestützten Partnersuche nutzt. Ausgehend von der Debatte um digitale Ungleichheiten werden in Auseinandersetzung mit den Erkenntnissen der soziologischen Partnerwahlforschung theoretische Hypothesen formuliert, nach welchen sozialstrukturellen Merkmalen die Teilnahme am Onlinedating variiert. Diese Überlegungen werden auf Basis der Daten der ARD/ ZDF-Onlinestudie 2007, einer für Deutschland repräsentativen Erhebung zur Internetnutzung, empirisch geprüft. Verglichen mit der Gesamtbevölkerung zeigt sich, dass die Onlinedater eher männlich, jünger und höher gebildet sind, sowie tendenziell in Haushalten mit höherem Einkommen leben. Verglichen mit den Internetnutzern sind die Onlinedater wiederum eher männlich, jünger und alleinwohnend; allerdings sind hier niedriger gebildete Personen leicht überrepräsentiert. In Erweiterung zu früheren Untersuchungen zeigen unsere Ergebnisse, dass die Neigung von Männern und Frauen, am Onlinedating teilzunehmen, von ihren jeweiligen Perspektiven am Heiratsmarkt abhängig ist. Vor allem höher gebildete Frauen und niedrig gebildete Männer gehören dabei zu den Gruppen, die durch die Nutzung von Online-Kontaktbörsen ihre Partnersuche ausweiten.' (Autorenreferat)'This paper seeks to identify, who is using online dating sites in Germany. Theoretically, it is drawn on the debate about the digital divide of society and the findings of sociological mate selection research. Several hypotheses are presented on how individuals using internet dating vary in socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. These considerations are then tested empirically, using the data of the ARD/ ZDF-Online Study 2007, a representative national sample of internet behaviour in Germany. Compared to the total population, the results show that online daters are rather male, younger, higher educated and live in households with a higher income. Compared to all internet users, online daters are also rather male, younger and living in single households; however, lower educated individuals are slightly overrepresented. Our work contributes to the research by showing that the propensity of men and women to participate in online dating depends on their individual perspectives at the marriage market. Particularly higher educated women and lower educated men belong to those groups that try to extend their pool of partners by using dating sites.' (author's abstract

    Synthesis of mono Cytochrome P450 in a modified CHO-CPR cell-free protein production platform

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    Cytochromes P450 (CYPs) are a group of monooxygenases that can be found in almost all kinds of organisms. For CYPs to receive electrons from co-substrate NADPH, the activity of NADPH-Cytochrome-P450-oxidoreductase (CPR) is required as well. In humans, CYPs are an integral part of liver-based phase-1 biotransformation, which is essential for the metabolization of multiple xenobiotics and drugs. Consequently, CYPs are important players during drug development and therefore these enzymes are implemented in diverse screening applications. For these applications it is usually advantageous to use mono CYP microsomes containing only the CYP of interest. The generation of mono-CYP containing mammalian cells and vesicles is difficult since endogenous CYPs are present in many cell types that contain the necessary co-factors. By obtaining translationally active lysates from a modified CHO-CPR cell line, it is now possible to generate mono CYPs in a cell-free protein synthesis process in a straightforward manner. As a proof of principle, the synthesis of active human CYPs from three different CYP450 gene families (CYP1A2, CYP2B6 and CYP3A4), which are of outstanding interest in industry and academia was demonstrated. Luciferase based activity assays confirm the activity of the produced CYPs and enable the individual adaptation of the synthesis process for efficient cell-free enzyme production. Furthermore, they allow for substrate and inhibitor screenings not only for wild-type CYPs but also for mutants and further CYP isoforms and variants. As an example, the turnover of selected CYP substrates by cell-free synthesized CYPs was demonstrated via an indirect luciferase assay-based screening setup

    Die Integration von Befragungs- und Prozessdaten einer Online-Kontaktbörse

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    'Online-Befragungen stellen mittlerweile ein Standardwerkzeug der empirischen Sozialforschung dar, dessen Potentiale und Grenzen seit längerem diskutiert werden. Im Kontext vieler Internetanwendungen fallen jedoch zusätzliche Daten an, deren Verwendung für sozialwissenschaftliche und methodische Fragestellungen noch keine vergleichbare Verbreitung gefunden hat. Es handelt sich hierbei um prozessproduzierte Daten, die durch (soziale) Handlungen von Nutzern erzeugt und vom jeweiligen Provider ohne einen ursprünglich wissenschaftlichen Verwendungszweck aufgezeichnet werden. Am Beispiel des Projektes 'Prozesse der Partnerwahl auf Online-Kontaktbörsen' wird argumentiert, dass Verhaltensspuren, die durch Such-, Interaktions- und Kommunikationshandlungen in Social-Web-Applikationen generiert und aufgezeichnet werden, gewinnbringend für die sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung genutzt werden können. Neben einem empirischen Anwendungsbeispiel des ergänzenden bzw. komplementären Gebrauchs nichtreaktiver Beobachtungsdaten und Befragungsdaten, werden methodische Möglichkeiten vorgestellt, mit denen prozessproduzierte Daten supplementär zur Aufwertung der Qualität von Befragungsdaten verwendet werden können.' (Autorenreferat

    The Prevalence of Hepatitis B Co infection in a South African (SA) Urban government HIV Clinic

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    Objective: There are 350 million hepatitis B carriers world-wide. Mono-infection with Hepatitis B in urban South Africa has been estimated at approximately 1%. The exact prevalence rate of hepatitis B in the HIV population has not been well established. Hepatitis B screening is not standard of care in the HIV government clinics. Coinfection with hepatitis B and HIV can influence ARV treatment and prognosis of both of these diseases. Evaluating the Hepatitis B/HIV coinfection prevalence was the goal of this study. Design: This is the first prospective observational report of the prevalence of hepatitis B/HIV co infection in South Africa. Patients were recruited from a HIV clinic in regional hospital in Johannesburg. Previous hepatitis B serology could not have been previously done. Standard hepatitis B serology was performed. Results: 502 participants were screened. The cohort’s average age was 37 +/- 9 years and an average CD4 count of 128 cells/mm3 Twenty- four (4.8%) were hepatitis B surface antigen positive. 47% of the participants showed some evidence of hepatitis B exposure. The risk of hepatitis B coinfecition was not significantly different by sex, race, CD4 count or age. Liver function tests were not a good predictor of hepatitis B infection. Conclusion: The coinfection rate of hepatitis B/HIV as defined by hepatitis B surface antigen positivity is 5X the prevalence of non HIV infected individuals in urban SA. With a 5% hepatitis B/HIV coinfection rate, consideration to increase accessibility of Truvada for first line treatment for this population is imperative
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