29,597 research outputs found

    Bureau of Mines research on lunar resource utilization

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    Site-saturation studies of β-lactamase: Production and characterization of mutant β-lactamases with all possible amino acid substitutions at residue 71

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    A mutagenic technique that "saturates" a particular site in a protein with all possible amino acid substitutions was used to study the role of residue 71 in β-lactamase (EC Threonine is conserved at residue 71 in all class A β-lactamases and is adjacent to the active site Ser-70. All 19 mutants of the enzyme were characterized by the penam and cephem antibiotic resistance they provided to Escherichia coli LS1 cells. Surprisingly, cells producing any of 14 of the mutant β-lactamases displayed appreciable resistance to ampicillin; only cells with mutants having Tyr, Trp, Asp, Lys, or Arg at residue 71 had no observable resistance to ampicillin. However, the mutants are less stable to cellular proteases than wild-type enzyme is. These results suggest that Thr-71 is not essential for binding or catalysis but is important for stability of the β-lactamase protein. An apparent change in specificity indicates that residue 71 influences the region of the protein that accommodates the side chain attached to the β-lactam ring of the substrate

    Insights into antibody catalysis: Structure of an oxygenation catalyst at 1.9-Ă… resolution

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    The x-ray crystal structures of the sulfide oxidase antibody 28B4 and of antibody 28B4 complexed with hapten have been solved at 2.2-Ă… and 1.9-Ă… resolution, respectively. To our knowledge, these structures are the highest resolution catalytic antibody structures to date and provide insight into the molecular mechanism of this antibody-catalyzed monooxygenation reaction. Specifically, the data suggest that entropic restriction plays a fundamental role in catalysis through the precise alignment of the thioether substrate and oxidant. The antibody active site also stabilizes developing charge on both sulfur and periodate in the transition state via cation-pi and electrostatic interactions, respectively. In addition to demonstrating that the active site of antibody 28B4 does indeed reflect the mechanistic information programmed in the aminophosphonic acid hapten, these high-resolution structures provide a basis for enhancing turnover rates through mutagenesis and improved hapten design

    The effect of cave illumination on bats

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    Artificial light at night has large impacts on nocturnal wildlife such as bats, yet its effect varies with wavelength of light, context, and across species involved. Here, we studied in two experiments how wild bats of cave-roosting species (Rhinolophus mehelyi, R. euryale, Myotis capaccinii and Miniopterus schreibersii) respond to LED lights of different colours. In dual choice experiments, we measured the acoustic activity of bats in response to neutral-white, red or amber LED at a cave entrance and in a flight room – mimicking a cave interior. In the flight room, M. capaccinii and M. schreibersii preferred red to white light, but showed no preference for red over amber, or amber over white light. In the cave entrance experiment, all light colours reduced the activity of all emerging species, yet red LED had the least negative effect. Rhinolophus species reacted most strongly, matching their refusal to fly at all under any light treatment in the flight room. We conclude that the placement and light colour of LED light should be considered carefully in lighting concepts for caves both in the interior and at the entrance. In a cave interior, red LED light could be chosen – if needed at all – for careful temporary illumination of areas, yet areas important for bats should be avoided based on the precautionary principle. At cave entrances, the high sensitivity of most bat species, particularly of Rhinolophus spp., towards light sources almost irrespective of colour, calls for utmost caution when illuminating cave entrances

    The Effects of JIT on the Development of Productivity Norms

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    Low inventory, or just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing systems, enjoy increasing application worldwide, yet the behavioral effects of such systems remain largely unexplored. Operations Research (OR) models of low inventory systems typically make a simplifying assumption that individual worker processing times are independent random variables. This leads to predictions that low-inventory systems will exhibit production interruptions. Yet empirical results suggest that low-inventory systems do not exhibit the predicted productivity losses. This paper develops a model integrating feedback, goal-setting, group cohesiveness, task norms, and peer pressure to predict how individual behavior may adjust to alleviate production interruptions in low-inventory systems. In doing so we integrate previous research on the development of task norms. Findings suggest that low-inventory systems induce individual and group responses that cause behavioral changes that mitigate production interruptions

    Ocean shrimp report 1977 season

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    Statewide Pacific ocean shrimp, Pandalus jordani, landings totaled 15,639,585 lb, more than triple the 1975 record catch of 4,992,233 lb. Record landings were recorded in Area A (Eureka-Crescent City), Area B-2 (Bodega Ray) with catches totaling 13,025,844 and 2,028,607 lb, respectively. Area B-1 (Fort Bragg) landings totaled 585,133 lb and no landings were reported from Area C (Avila-Morro Bay). In Area A the average catch per hour for the season for single-rig vessels was 1,241 lb and 2,228 lb for double-rig vessels. Area B-2 average catch per hour by the single-rig vessels was 2,536 lb. Two-year-old (1975 year class) shrimp dominated the catches in all areas. The outlook for the 1978 season in all areas is questionable because of the relatively weak showing of the incoming 1977 year class but it might make a significant contribution if abundant and of a marketable slze. (19pp.
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