359 research outputs found


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    Our current concept of space is going through a radical change of perception. While some theories proclaim skepticism about the disappearance of space, other theories talk about the extension of space. For millennia of years our perception of space was dominated by a body-focused spatial experience. Today static definitions of visibility are increasingly replaced through a new flexibility, dynamic and mobility. The physical coexists with the electronic space yet at the same time the sensual feeling of space vanishes in the virtual world. Influenced by telematics media and machines we are blurring the boundaries of our physical space towards the virtual reality (VR). As consequence a new form of hybrid spaces appear. Space is no longer exclusively the housing for context anymore, instead networked contexts generates space and extend it towards another dimension. Characterized by immateriality, nonlocation and the leave of the container space new forms and aesthetics appear. This article explores how processes connected with a spatial-specific focus might drastically change in the near future

    Effects of Television on Rural Minnesota Viewer Attitudes Toward Capital Punishment

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    This thesis examines the relationship between television viewing and attitudes toward capital punishment by making comparisons between viewers watching Canadian television and viewers receiving United States television. The adult population of three rural Minnesota areas was enumerated providing a sample N of 414. These areas were closely matched in all respects except type of television received. The first area receives only Canadian television signals, the second both United States and Canadian television signals, and the third receives only United States television signals. One adult from each household was interviewed in his/her home. High school youths in corresponding areas were also enumerated with similar interviews in their scnool classes, N=28C. Pretests and a pilot study were conducted prior to the major research effort. Factor analysis of these data yielded six items forming a scale measuring attitudes toward capital punishment. The independent variable, television viewing, is measured by three single measures of type of television viewed. These are: (1) a geographic factor inherent in the samples, (2) an item requesting respondents to estimate what percentage of total viewing time is spent viewing Canadian television, and (3) an item requesting the type of news program chosen to be viewed. Data were analyzed using parametric measures of association. Slight but steady correlations were observed. Interestingly, these correlations were as strong or stronger than correlations of attitudes toward capital punishment with variables suggested as correlates in the literature or with items measuring familiarity with Canada and other media usage. Partial correlations of attitudes toward capital punishment with tele- vision viewing controlling for all such variables singly and simultaneously found the relationship unchanged. Television viewing is, therefore, found to be an important correlate and probable cause of attitudes toward capital punishment

    Flip to Jim, 11 March 1963

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    Personal correspondenc

    Reaching out

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    Reference-less measurement of the transmission matrix of a highly scattering material using a DMD and phase retrieval techniques

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    This paper investigates experimental means of measuring the transmission matrix (TM) of a highly scattering medium, with the simplest optical setup. Spatial light modulation is performed by a digital micromirror device (DMD), allowing high rates and high pixel counts but only binary amplitude modulation. We used intensity measurement only, thus avoiding the need for a reference beam. Therefore, the phase of the TM has to be estimated through signal processing techniques of phase retrieval. Here, we compare four different phase retrieval principles on noisy experimental data. We validate our estimations of the TM on three criteria : quality of prediction, distribution of singular values, and quality of focusing. Results indicate that Bayesian phase retrieval algorithms with variational approaches provide a good tradeoff between the computational complexity and the precision of the estimates

    Sportfinanzierung - Spannungen zwischen Markt und Staat

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    Sport wird einerseits wie jede andere Tätigkeit in der Gesellschaft mit öffentlichen Abgabelasten beschwert, andererseits im Vergleich zu ähnlichen Tätigkeiten steuerlich geschont und sogar öffentlich unterstützt. Diese Ambivalenz der steuerlichen Behandlung des Sports hat wiederholt Fragen nach der öffentlichen Finanzierung des Sportes aufgeworfen: Inwieweit sind Leistungen der öffentlichen Hände gerechtfertigt, inwieweit lösen Sportveranstaltungen den Tatbestand der Besteuerung aus? Dieser von Hans-Peter Büch, Wolfgang Maennig und Hans-Jürgen Schulke herausgegebene Band versucht, unter dem Motto Science meets Practice ausgewählte Fragestellungen zu dieser Problematik aus wissenschaftlicher und sportpolitischer Sicht zu beantworten

    Finanzierung von Sport - im Spannungsfeld von Markt und Staat

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    Diverter AI based decision aid, phases 1 and 2

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    It was determined that a system to incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) into airborne flight management computers is feasible. The AI functions that would be most useful to the pilot are to perform situational assessment, evaluate outside influences on the contemplated rerouting, perform flight planning/replanning, and perform maneuver planning. A study of the software architecture and software tools capable of demonstrating Diverter was also made. A skeletal planner known as the Knowledge Acquisition Development Tool (KADET), which is a combination script-based and rule-based system, was used to implement the system. A prototype system was developed which demonstrates advanced in-flight planning/replanning capabilities