39 research outputs found

    Frailty, Sarcopenia, and Malnutrition Frequently (Co-)occur in Hospitalized Older Adults:A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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    OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to summarize the prevalence of, and association between, physical frailty or sarcopenia and malnutrition in older hospitalized adults. DESIGN: A systematic literature search was performed in 10 databases. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: Articles were selected that evaluated physical frailty or sarcopenia and malnutrition according to predefined criteria and cutoffs in older hospitalized patients. MEASURES: Data were pooled in a meta-analysis to evaluate the prevalence of prefrailty and frailty [together (pre-)frailty], sarcopenia, and risk of malnutrition and malnutrition [together (risk of) malnutrition], and the association between either (pre-)frailty or sarcopenia and (risk of) malnutrition. RESULTS: Forty-seven articles with 18,039 patients (55% female) were included in the systematic review, and 39 articles (8868 patients, 62% female) were eligible for the meta-analysis. Pooling 11 studies (2725 patients) revealed that 84% [95% confidence interval (CI): 77%, 91%, I2 = 98.4%] of patients were physically (pre-)frail. Pooling 15 studies (4014 patients) revealed that 37% (95% CI: 26%, 48%, I2 = 98.6%) of patients had sarcopenia. Pooling 28 studies (7256 patients) revealed a prevalence of 66% (95% CI: 58%, 73%, I2 = 98.6%) (risk of) malnutrition. Pooling 10 studies (2427 patients) revealed a high association [odds ratio (OR): 5.77 (95% CI: 3.88, 8.58), P < .0001, I2 = 42.3%] and considerable overlap (49.7%) between physical (pre-)frailty and (risk of) malnutrition. Pooling 7 studies (2506 patients) revealed a high association [OR: 4.06 (95% CI: 2.43, 6.80), P < .0001, I2 = 71.4%] and considerable overlap (41.6%) between sarcopenia and (risk of) malnutrition. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: The association between and prevalence of (pre-)frailty or sarcopenia and (risk of) malnutrition in older hospitalized adults is substantial. About half of the hospitalized older adults suffer from 2 and perhaps 3 of these debilitating conditions. Therefore, standardized screening for these conditions at hospital admission is highly warranted to guide targeted nutritional and physical interventions

    Mapping ongoing nutrition intervention trials in muscle, sarcopenia, and cachexia: a scoping review of future research

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    Muscle loss alone, or in the context of sarcopenia or cachexia, is a prevalent condition and a predictor of negative outcomes in aging and disease. As adequate nutrition is essential for muscle maintenance, a growing number of studies has been conducted to explore the role of specific nutrients on muscle mass or function. Nonetheless, more research is needed to guide evidence-based recommendations. This scoping review aimed to compile and document ongoing clinical trials investigating nutrition interventions as a strategy to prevent or treat low muscle mass or function (strength and physical performance), sarcopenia, or cachexia. ClinicalTrials.gov and the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform were searched up to 21 April 2021 for planned and ongoing trials. Randomized controlled trials with ≥20 participants per arm were included based on intent to explore the effects of nutrition interventions on muscle-related outcomes (i.e. muscle mass or strength, physical performance, or muscle synthesis rate) in both clinical and non-clinical conditions (i.e. aging). Two reviewers independently screened records for eligibility, and a descriptive synthesis of trials characteristics was conducted. A total of 113 trials were included in the review. Most trials (69.0%) enroll adults with clinical conditions, such as cancer (19.5%), obesity and metabolic diseases (16.8%), and musculoskeletal diseases (10.7%). The effects of nutrition interventions on age-related muscle loss are explored in 31% of trials. Although nutrition interventions of varied types were identified, food supplements alone (48.7%) or combined with dietary advice (11.5%) are most frequently reported. Protein (17.7%), amino acids (10.6%), and β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (HMB, 6.2%) are the top three food supplements' nutrients under investigation. Primary outcome of most trials (54.9%) consists of measures of muscle mass alone or in combination with muscle strength and/or performance (as either primary or secondary outcomes). Muscle strength and physical performance are primary outcomes of 38% and 31.9% of the trials, respectively. These measurements were obtained using a variety of techniques. Only a few trials evaluate muscle synthesis rate either as a primary or secondary outcome (5.3%). Several nutrition studies focusing on muscle, sarcopenia, and cachexia are underway and can inform future research in this area. Although many trials have similar type of interventions, methodological heterogeneity may challenge study comparisons, and future meta-analyses aiming to provide evidence-based recommendations. Upcoming research in this area may benefit from guidelines for the assessment of therapeutic effects of nutrition interventions

    Higher Muscle Strength Is Associated with Prolonged Survival in Older Patients with Advanced Cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Identifying predictors of treatment toxicity and overall survival (OS) is important for selecting patients who will benefit from chemotherapy. In younger patients with cancer, muscle mass and radiodensity are associated with treatment toxicity and OS. In this study, we investigated whether muscle mass, radiodensity, and strength were associated with treatment toxicity and OS in patients with advanced cancer aged 60 years or older. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Before starting palliative chemotherapy, muscle mass and radiodensity were assessed using computed tomography scans and muscle strength was assessed using a hydraulic hand grip dynamometer. Treatment toxicity was defined as any toxicity resulting in dose reduction and/or discontinuation of treatment. Multiple logistic and Cox regression analyses were performed to study potential associations of muscle mass, radiodensity, and strength with treatment toxicity and OS, respectively. RESULTS: The participants were 103 patients, with a mean age of 70 years, with advanced colorectal, prostate, or breast cancer. Muscle parameters were not significantly associated with treatment toxicity. Higher muscle strength was associated with longer OS (hazard ratio 1.03; 95% confidence interval 1.00-1.05). Muscle mass and radiodensity were not significantly associated with OS. CONCLUSION: Higher muscle strength at the start of palliative chemotherapy is associated with significantly better OS in older patients with advanced cancer. None of the investigated muscle parameters were related to treatment toxicity. Future studies are needed to evaluate whether muscle strength can be used for treatment decisions in older patients with advanced cancer. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: This study in older patients with advanced cancer showed that adequate muscle strength is associated with longer overall survival. The results of this study imply that muscle strength might be helpful in estimating survival and therefore in identifying older patients who will benefit from anticancer treatment

    Associations Between Nutrient Intake and Corresponding Nutritional Biomarker Levels in Blood in a Memory Clinic Cohort:The NUDAD Project

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    Diet is a promising intervention target to prevent or slow Alzheimer's disease (AD). Early (predementia) stages of AD offer a unique opportunity for dietary interventions. Nutritional assessment methods to estimate nutrient intake have, however, not been validated in clinical populations. Hence, we assessed the association between nutrient intake assessed by food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) and nutrient status measured by nutritional biomarkers in blood in a clinical sample of controls, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and patients with AD

    Efficacy of non-pharmacological interventions to treat malnutrition in older persons : A systematic review and meta-analysis. The SENATOR project ONTOP series and MaNuEL Knowledge Hub project

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    The preparation of this paper was supported by the MalNutrition in the ELderly (MaNuEL) knowledge hub. MaNuEL is supported by the Joint Programming Initiative ‘Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life’. The MaNuEL funding agencies supporting this paper are (in alphabetical order of participating Member State): France: Ecole Supérieure d’Agricultires (ESA); Germany: Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) represented by Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE); The Netherlands: The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw). This work was also supported by the SENATOR trial (FP7-HEALTH-2012-305930).Peer reviewedPostprin

    Nutritional support strategies for malnourished cancer patients

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    A large body of evidence exists, which demonstrates the importance of nutritional support in cancer. The nutritional needs of patients with cancer may differ from those of the healthy population due to hypermetabolism, impaired organ function, increased nutrient losses and therapy-related malnutrition. Patients with cancer often have increased requirements for both macro- and micronutrients due to long periods of undernutrition prior to diagnosis. The aim of nutritional support should be the prevention or reversal of malnutrition, and this should be initiated as early as possible to improve outcomes. Oral supplementation is a simple, non-invasive method of increasing the nutrient intake of those patients who are unable to meet nutritional requirements, despite dietary counselling. Enteral tube feeding is indicated for patients who are unable to meet their nutritional needs by oral intake alone, and has been shown to improve clinical outcomes. Novel approaches in oral supplementation include the use of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), a compound under investigation for its role in preventing and treating cancer-associated malnutrition. Individual studies suggest that EPA attenuates cancer-associated wasting and improves immune function. In addition, it has been shown to have anti-tumour effects and improve clinical outcomes. However, results are not consistent for all patient groups and further research is required

    Malnutrition risk screening : New insights in a new era

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    Twenty years ago, ESPEN published its “Guidelines for nutritional screening 2002”, with the note that these guidelines were based on the evidence available until 2002, and that they needed to be updated and adapted to current state of knowledge in the future. Twenty years have passed, and tremendous progress has been made in the field of malnutrition risk screening. Many screening tools have been developed and validated for different patient groups and different health care settings. Some countries even have introduced mandatory screening for malnutrition at admission to hospital. Yet, changes in society and healthcare require a reflection on current practice and policies regarding malnutrition risk screening. In this opinion paper, we share our perspectives on malnutrition risk screening in the twenty-twenties, addressing the changing and varying profile of the malnourished individual, the goals of screening and screening tools (i.e., preventive or reactive), the construct of malnutrition risk (i.e., screening for risk factors or screening for existing malnutrition), and screening alongside a patient's journey

    Malnutrition assessment by Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition criteria in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    Malnutrition can play an important prognostic role in terms of survival in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). In this clinical context, applying criteria defining malnutrition requires particular attention, especially in the initial stage of the disease. This article discusses the application of the most recent criteria used for the definition of malnutrition when applied to patients with ALS. Currently, the Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition (GLIM) criteria, which have received a worldwide consensus, are based on parameters such as unintentional weight loss, low body mass index (BMI), and reduced muscle mass (phenotypic criteria) in combination with reduced food intake and assimilation or inflammation and disease (etiologic criteria). However, as discussed in this review, the initial unintentional weight loss and the consequent BMI reduction could be attributed, at least in part, to muscle atrophy, which also alters the reliability of muscle mass assessment. Moreover, the condition of hypermetabolism, which is observed in up to 50% of these patients, may complicate the calculation of total energy requirements. Finally, it remains to be established if the presence of neuroinflammation can be considered a type of inflammatory process able to induce malnutrition in these patients. In conclusion, the monitoring of BMI, associated with body composition evaluation by bioimpedance measurement or specific formulas, could be a practicable approach to the diagnosis of malnutrition in patients with ALS. In addition, attention should be given to dietary intake (e.g., in patients with dysphagia) and excessive involuntary weight loss. On the other hand, as suggested by GLIM criteria, a single assessment of BMI resulting in <20 kg/m2 or <22 kg/m2 in patients aged <70 y and ≥70 y, respectively, should always be considered a sign of malnutrition

    Malnutrition in patients with COVID-19: assessment and consequences

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: COVID-19 disease often presents with malnutrition and nutrition impact symptoms, such as reduced appetite, nausea and loss of taste. This review summarizes the most up-to-date research on nutritional assessment in relation to mortality and morbidity risk in patients with COVID-19. RECENT FINDINGS: Numerous studies have been published on malnutrition, muscle wasting, obesity, and nutrition impact symptoms associated with COVID-19, mostly observational and in hospitalized patients. These studies have shown a high prevalence of symptoms (loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dysphagia, fatigue, and loss of smell and taste), malnutrition, micronutrient deficiencies and obesity in patients with COVID-19, all of which were associated with increased mortality and morbidity risks. SUMMARY: Early screening and assessment of malnutrition, muscle wasting, obesity, nutrition impact symptoms and micronutrient status in patients with COVID-19, followed by pro-active nutrition support is warranted, and expected to contribute to improved recovery. There is limited research on nutritional status or nutrition impact symptoms in patients living at home or in residential care. RCTs studying the effects of nutrition intervention on clinical outcomes are lacking. Future research should focus on these evidence gaps

    The association of weight loss with one-year mortality in hospital patients, stratified by BMI and FFMI subgroups

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    Background: The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) has recently published consensus-based criteria for the diagnosis of malnutrition; in subjects identified at nutritional risk the diagnosis is confirmed by either BMI 5% weight loss in the previous month or >10% weight loss in the previous six months. The association between CWL and one-year mortality was analyzed with a priori stratification by BMI cut-off values (</≥20.0 kg/m2 for patients <70 years and </≥22.0 kg/m2 for patients ≥70 years) and FFMI cut-off values (derived from BIA measurements, </≥15 kg/m2 for females and </≥17 kg/m2 for males). Mortality risks were calculated (HR, 95% CI). Results: CWL occurred in 35% of patients and was associated with an increased one-year mortality rate vs. no-CWL (25% vs. 15%, p = 0.001), HR for mortality risk 1.76 (1.26-2.45)). CWL + low FFMI was associated with higher mortality risk (HR 1.95 (1.20-3.17), whereas CWL + normal FFMI was not (HR 1.37 (0.85-2.21)). Among patients with normal/high BMI, those with CWL had a significantly higher mortality risk compared to those without critical weight loss, however additionally adding FFMI to that model showed that a low FFMI was crucial in the observed association with mortality (CWL + normal BMI + low FFMI, HR 2.69 (1.29-5.65); CWL + normal BMI + normal FFMI, HR 1.38 (0.84-2.27)). Conclusion: - Patients with critical weight loss have a higher one-year mortality compared to patients with no critical weight loss. FFMI seems to play a crucial role in this association, as normal weight patients with normal FFMI had lower mortality rates than their counterparts with low FFMI