204 research outputs found

    An analysis of the airport experience from an air traveler perspective

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    This study investigates the nature of airport experience (AE) from the perspective of air travelers. This study elaborates experiential components within the airport context and highlights the associations among the components of this experience through text analysis. This study also aims to clarify how air travelers perceive airports in relation to destinations. The analysis of passenger reviews on Skytrax indicates that AE differs from the concepts of customer and tourist experiences, because hedonic and aesthetic consumptions are not primarily associated with the memorable feelings of consumers and tourists, but with aspects of functional experience and service personnel. This study reviews three aspects that air travelers associate airports with a destination. First, an airport is a representative of a destination. Second, an airport exhibits the positive characteristics of a destination. Finally, an airport is perceived as an internal component of tourism experience. This study provides theoretical and managerial implications for airport and tourism industries

    Probing eigenstate thermalization in quantum simulators via fluctuation-dissipation relations

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    The eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH) offers a universal mechanism for the approach to equilibrium of closed quantum many-body systems. So far, however, experimental studies have focused on the relaxation dynamics of observables as described by the diagonal part of ETH, whose verification requires substantial numerical input. This leaves many of the general assumptions of ETH untested. Here, we propose a theory-independent route to probe the full ETH in quantum simulators by observing the emergence of fluctuation-dissipation relations, which directly probe the off-diagonal part of ETH. We discuss and propose protocols to independently measure fluctuations and dissipations as well as higher-order time ordered correlation functions. We first show how the emergence of fluctuation dissipation relations from a nonequilibrium initial state can be observed for the 2D Bose-Hubbard model in superconducting qubits or quantum gas microscopes. Then we focus on the long-range transverse field Ising model (LTFI), which can be realized with trapped ions. The LTFI exhibits rich thermalization phenomena: For strong transverse fields, we observe prethermalization to an effective magnetization-conserving Hamiltonian in the fluctuation dissipation relations. For weak transverse fields, confined excitations lead to non-thermal features resulting in a violation of the fluctuation-dissipation relations up to long times. Moreover, in an integrable region of the LTFI, thermalization to a generalized Gibbs ensemble occurs and the fluctuation-dissipation relations enable an experimental diagonalization of the Hamiltonian. Our work presents a theory-independent way to characterize thermalization in quantum simulators and paves the way to quantum simulate condensed matter pump-probe experiments.Comment: 10+7 pages, 4+2 figure

    Between past, present and future – implications of socio-demographic changes in tourism.

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    This paper discusses the possibilities and limits of today’s tourism industry analyses regarding the predicted future travel behaviour on the basis of socio-demographic changes. Based on a written survey of German-speaking visitors of a destination in Switzerland, the results support the thesis of cohort-specific travel behaviour. The highlighted changes shall serve as a source for the development of a more diversified supply structure in tourism directed to the mature customer

    Characteristics of Control Piston Motion and Pressure Inside of a Common Rail Diesel Injector

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    [EN] In this paper the experimental setup of a commercial third generation common rail solenoid injector with advanced measurement is discussed. The motion of the control piston is measured while performing injection rate investigations using a purpose-built injection rate analyzer of the Bosch type. At the same time fuel pressure in the feed line of the nozzle is gauged and contrasted to fuel pressure before the inlet connector. In contrast to the steady rise observed in a similar study, the motion of the control piston in this case is characterized by a changing gradient in the upward movement. The magnitude of the negative displacement of the upper part of the control piston due to the fuel pressure in the control volume corresponds to simulation results of the elastic deformation. Pressure before the inlet connector and pressure in the feed line exhibit a similar course with a difference in magnitude that is rising with higher rail pressures. Precisely with the end of injection the pressure in the feed line surpasses the pressure before the inlet connector for a short moment. The measurement results of control piston motion and pressure inside the injector are of particular interest because these parameters are to serve as indicators for changes in the injection rate caused by phenomena like wear and coking amongst others.The authors thank the German Research Foundation DFG for the funding of the project (reference number WA 2468/4-1) in which the here presented results originated. Furthermore, the authors thank Martin Niedermeier for the development the injector and Mario Meinhardt for the development of the data acquisition.Schuckert, S.; Wachtmeister, G. (2017). Characteristics of Control Piston Motion and Pressure Inside of a Common Rail Diesel Injector. En Ilass Europe. 28th european conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems. Editorial Universitat PolitĂšcnica de ValĂšncia. 569-577. https://doi.org/10.4995/ILASS2017.2017.6454OCS56957

    Network governance and regional resilience to climate change: empirical evidence from mountain tourism communities in the Swiss Gotthard region

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    Mountain regions and peripheral communities, which often depend on few economic sectors, are among the most exposed and sensitive to climate change. Governance of such socio-economic-ecological networks plays a strong role in determining their resilience. Social processes of governance, such as collaboration between communities, can be systematically assessed through the existence and strength of connections between actors and their embeddedness in the broader socio-economic network by social network analysis (SNA). This paper examines how network governance of the tourism industry-dependent Swiss Gotthard region relates to resilience to climate change by SNA. The paper argues that economic diversification and a network structure supporting stability, flexibility, and innovation increase regional resilience to climate change. The Gotthard network has a high diversification capability due to high cohesion and close collaboration, limited innovative capacity by the existence of only two subgroups, and considerable flexibility through the centralized structure. Main weaknesses are a low density, uneven distribution of power, and a lack of integration of some supply chain sectors into the overall networ

    Maßgebliche Handlungsweisen als SchlĂŒsselmomente und Indikatoren fĂŒr weniger gelungene Lehr- und Lernprozesse

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    Der Fokus der vorliegenden Arbeit liegt auf zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen im spezifischen Bereich des Lehrens und Lernens. Konkret wird - unter psychoanalytisch-pĂ€dagogischer Perspektive - der Frage nachgegangen, welche bewussten beziehungsweise unbewussten Handlungsweisen von MĂŒttern, die im Vorfeld bereits als weniger förderlich eingestuft wurden, sich in einer Mutter-Kind-Interaktion in einem gemeinsamen Lehr- und Lernprozess beobachten lassen. Diese Handlungsweisen werden weiters daraufhin ĂŒberprĂŒft, inwiefern sie als maßgeblicher Beitrag fĂŒr den Verlauf des Lehr- und Lernprozesses zu verstehen sind. Ziel ist es, mit den Erkenntnissen einen weiteren, tiefgreifenden Beitrag fĂŒr das VerstĂ€ndnis von gesetzten Handlungsweisen in einem Lehr- und Lernprozess zu leisten, welche einerseits fĂŒr das Individuelle in Beziehungen aus psychoanalytisch-pĂ€dagogischer Perspektive von Relevanz sind, andererseits auch fĂŒr ein allgemeines VerstĂ€ndnis von Lehren und Lernen. Zur Beantwortung der Fragestellung werden auf Video aufgezeichnete Mutter-Kind- Interaktionen als Datenbasis verwendet, welche mittels eines eigens arrangierten Analyseverfahrens bearbeitet werden. Als theoretische Basis zur qualitativen Auswertung der Daten gilt zum Einen das theoretische Konstrukt Scaffolding, welches ausfĂŒhrliche Informationen einen Lehr- und Lernprozess betreffend liefert. Zum Anderen werden theoretische Erkenntnisse in Bezug auf einen Lehr- und Lernprozess aus psychoanalytisch-pĂ€dagogischer Perspektive herangezogen.This study focuses on interpersonal relations in the specific area of a teaching and learning process. The core of this analysis considers to the question what conscious and unconscious behaviour can be noticed in low rated mothers in a mother-child-interaction in a joint teaching and learning process from the psychoanalytic-educational point of view. Thereafter, this behaviour recovered is examined for its importance to the course of a teaching and learning process. The main aim is to gain further profound knowledge of the executed acts in a teaching and learning process that is important in two ways. On the one hand, the individual aspect of relationships is highlighted from the psychoanalytic-educational standpoint and on the other hand, this information contributes to a better understanding of teaching and learning in general. Mother-child-interactions recorded on video are the data basis that is analyzed in a specific way in order to study and solve the research question. The construct ‘scaffolding’ is used as a theoretical basis during the qualitative data analysis, as it provides a great variety of knowledge for the teaching and learning process. Furthermore, theoretical insights of the teaching and learning process from the psychoanalytic-educational viewpoint are taken into consideration

    Haute couture-to-table? A study of luxury fashion-brand restaurants/Cafés

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    The significant rise in luxury shopping has recently gained much attention. This paper seeks to better understand the factors involved in luxury consumption. Specifically, a list of 10 luxury fashion-brand restaurants/cafĂ©s are identified and used to survey customers’ motivations, perceptions, demographics, and purchase behavior. This study finds that brand equity drivers significantly influence individual’s intention to visit other luxury fashion-brand restaurants/cafĂ©s, and purchase products that are associate with the luxury fashion-brand restaurants/cafĂ©s where he/she has previously patronized. Female customers show loyalty to luxury fashion brand products and revisit that specific fashion brand restaurants/cafĂ©s. These findings enrich and update the existing body of knowledge on luxury-branded restaurants/cafĂ©s in relation to customers’ decision making. This study also provides practical implications for luxury fashion-brand F&B owners
