3,072 research outputs found

    Occupation numbers in Self Consistent RPA

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    A method is proposed which allows to calculate within the SCRPA theory the occupation numbers via the single particle Green function. This scheme complies with the Hugenholtz van Hove theorem. In an application to the Lipkin model it is found that this prescription gives consistently better results than two other commonly used approximations: lowest order boson expansion and the number operator method.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Nucl. Phys.

    A Class of Exactly Solvable Pairing Models

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    We present three classes of exactly solvable models for fermion and boson systems, based on the pairing interaction. These models are solvable in any dimension. As an example we show the first results for fermion interacting with repulsive pairing forces in a two dimensional square lattice. Inspite of the repulsive pairing force the exact results show attractive pair correlations.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Control system maintains selected liquid level

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    Single-sensor control system maintains liquid hydrogen at a preselected desired level within a tank, regardless of boiloff. It calibrates output in percentage. Thus, when the fuel is at the desired level, the system output will indicate 100 percent regardless of what percent of tank capacity the fuel has reached

    The Linear Sigma-Model in the 1/N-Expansion via Dynamical Boson Mappings and Applications to ππ\pi\pi-Scattering

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    We present a non-perturbative method for the study of the O(N+1)-version of the linear sigma-model. Using boson-mapping techniques, in close analogy to those well-known for fermionic systems, we obtain a systematic 1/N-expansion for the Hamiltonian which is symmetry-conserving order by order. The leading order for the Hamiltonian is evaluated explicitly and we apply the method to ππ\pi\pi-scattering, in deriving the T-matrix to leading order.Comment: 28 pages, Latex, (with minor corrections to some misprints in the appendix of the old version

    Investigation of the role of neutron transfer in the fusion of 32,34S with 197Au,208Pb using quasi-elastic scattering

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    Excitation functions for quasi-elastic scattering have been measured at backward angles for the systems 32,34S+197Au and 32,34S+208Pb for energies spanning the Coulomb barrier. Representative distributions, sensitive to the low energy part of the fusion barrier distribution, have been extracted from the data. For the fusion reactions of 32,34S with 197Au couplings related to the nuclear structure of 197Au appear to be dominant in shaping the low energy part of the barrier distibution. For the system 32S+208Pb the barrier distribution is broader and extends further to lower energies, than in the case of 34S+208Pb. This is consistent with the interpretation that the neutron pick-up channels are energetically more favoured in the 32S induced reaction and therefore couple more strongly to the relative motion. It may also be due to the increased collectivity of 32S, when compared with 34S

    The proteasome biogenesis regulator Rpn4 cooperates with the unfolded protein response to promote ER stress resistance

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    Misfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) activate the unfolded protein response (U PR), which enhances protein folding to restore homeostasis. Additional pathways respond to ER stress, but how they help counteract protein misfolding is incompletely understood. Here, we develop a titratable system for the induction of ER stress in yeast to enable a genetic screen for factors that augment stress resistance independently of the UPR. We identify the proteasome biogenesis regulator Rpn4 and show that it cooperates with the UPR. Rpn4 abundance increases during ER stress, first by a post-transcriptional, then by a transcriptional mechanism. Induction of RPN4 transcription is triggered by cytosolic mislocalization of secretory proteins, is mediated by multiple signaling pathways and accelerates clearance of misfolded proteins from the cytosol. Thus, Rpn4 and the UPR are complementary elements of a modular cross-compartment response to ER stress

    Two-particle spatial correlations in superfluid nuclei

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    We discuss the effect of pairing on two-neutron space correlations in deformed nuclei. The spatial correlations are described by the pairing tensor in coordinate space calculated in the HFB approach. The calculations are done using the D1S Gogny force. We show that the pairing tensor has a rather small extension in the relative coordinate, a feature observed earlier in spherical nuclei. It is pointed out that in deformed nuclei the coherence length corresponding to the pairing tensor has a pattern similar to what we have found previously in spherical nuclei, i.e., it is maximal in the interior of the nucleus and then it is decreasing rather fast in the surface region where it reaches a minimal value of about 2 fm. This minimal value of the coherence length in the surface is essentially determined by the finite size properties of single-particle states in the vicinity of the chemical potential and has little to do with enhanced pairing correlations in the nuclear surface. It is shown that in nuclei the coherence length is not a good indicator of the intensity of pairing correlations. This feature is contrasted with the situation in infinite matter.Comment: 14 pages, 17 figures, submitted to PR