20,204 research outputs found

    Micromechanics of fatigue in woven and stitched composites

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    The goal is to determine how microstructural factors, especially the architecture of microstructural factors, control fatigue damage in 3D reinforced polymer composites. Test materials were fabricated from various preforms, including stitched quasi-isotropic laminates, and through-the-thickness angle interlock, layer-to-layer angle interlock, and through-the-thickness stitching effect weaves. Preforms were impregnated with a tough resin by a special vacuum infiltration method. Most tests are being performed in uniaxial compression/compression loading. In all cases to date, failure has occurred not by delamination, but by shear failure, which occurs suddenly rather than by gradual macroscopic crack growth. Some theoretical aspects of bridging are also examined

    Neurogenic Fever after Acute Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: A Qualitative Systematic Review.

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    STUDY DESIGN: Systematic review. OBJECTIVE: To determine the incidence, pathogenesis, and clinical outcomes related to neurogenic fevers following traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI). METHODS: A systematic review of the literature was performed on thermodysregulation secondary to acute traumatic SCI in adult patients. A literature search was performed using PubMed (MEDLINE), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and Scopus. Using strict inclusion and exclusion criteria, seven relevant articles were obtained. RESULTS: The incidence of fever of all origins (both known and unknown) after SCI ranged from 22.5 to 71.7% with a mean incidence of 50.6% and a median incidence of 50.0%. The incidence of fever of unknown origin (neurogenic fever) ranged from 2.6 to 27.8% with a mean incidence of 8.0% and a median incidence of 4.7%. Cervical and thoracic spinal injuries were more commonly associated with fever than lumbar injuries. In addition, complete injuries had a higher incidence of fever than incomplete injuries. The pathogenesis of neurogenic fever after acute SCI is not thoroughly understood. CONCLUSION: Neurogenic fevers are relatively common following an acute SCI; however, there is little in the scientific literature to help physicians prevent or treat this condition. The paucity of research underscored by this review demonstrates the need for further studies with larger sample sizes, focusing on incidence rate, clinical outcomes, and pathogenesis of neurogenic fever following acute traumatic SCI

    Cd-vacancy and Cd-interstitial complexes in Si and Ge

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    The electrical field gradient (EFG), measured e.g. in perturbed angular correlation (PAC) experiments, gives particularly useful information about the interaction of probe atoms like 111In / 111Cd with other defects. The interpretation of the EFG is, however, a difficult task. This paper aims at understanding the interaction of Cd impurities with vacancies and interstitials in Si and Ge, which represents a controversial issue. We apply two complementary ab initio methods in the framework of density functional theory (DFT), (i) the all electron Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (KKR) Greenfunction method and (ii) the Pseudopotential-Plane-Wave (PPW) method, to search for the correct local geometry. Surprisingly we find that both in Si and Ge the substitutional Cd-vacancy complex is unstable and relaxes to a split-vacancy complex with the Cd on the bond-center site. This complex has a very small EFG, allowing a unique assignment of the small measured EFGs of 54MHz in Ge and 28MHz in Si. Also, for the Cd-selfinterstitial complex we obtain a highly symmetrical split configuration with large EFGs, being in reasonable agreement with experiments

    A 12-year-old girl with absent radial pulse: arterial thoracic outlet syndrome with subclavian artery aneurysm and thrombosis of the brachial artery

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    Brachial arterial occlusion is rare in children and adolescents. Once a traumatic cause is excluded, the differential diagnosis consists of a variety of rare conditions. We report the case of a 12-year-old girl whose presenting symptoms—an absent radial pulse and Raynaud's phenomenon of the right hand—could be easily mistaken for a vasculitis. She was found to have arterial thoracic outlet syndrome with right subclavian artery compression and aneurysm formation caused by an anomalous first rib and consecutive thromboembolic occlusion of the brachial artery. The diagnosis and differential diagnosis of this condition are reviewe

    Evidence for magnetic clusters in Ni1−x_{1-x}Vx_{x} close to the quantum critical concentration

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    The d-metal alloy Ni1−x_{1-x}Vx_{x} undergoes a quantum phase transition from a ferromagnetic ground state to a paramagnetic ground state as the vanadium concentration xx is increased. We present magnetization, ac-susceptibility and muon-spin relaxation data at several vanadium concentrations near the critical concentration xc≈11.6x_c \approx11.6% at which the onset of ferromagnetic order is suppressed to zero temperature. Below xcx_c, the muon data reveal a broad magnetic field distribution indicative of long-range ordered ferromagnetic state with spatial disorder. We show evidence of magnetic clusters in the ferromagnetic phase and close to the phase boundary in this disordered itinerant system as an important generic ingredient of a disordered quantum phase transition. In contrast, the temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility above xcx_c is best described in terms of a magnetic quantum Griffiths phase with a power-law distribution of fluctuation rates of dynamic magnetic clusters. At the lowest temperatures, the onset of a short-range ordered cluster-glass phase is recognized by an increase in the muon depolarization in transverse fields and maxima in ac-susceptibility.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Proceedings of SCES 201

    Quasi-monoenergetic femtosecond photon sources from Thomson Scattering using laser plasma accelerators and plasma channels

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    Narrow bandwidth, high energy photon sources can be generated by Thomson scattering of laser light from energetic electrons, and detailed control of the interaction is needed to produce high quality sources. We present analytic calculations of the energy-angular spectra and photon yield that parametrize the influences of the electron and laser beam parameters to allow source design. These calculations, combined with numerical simulations, are applied to evaluate sources using conventional scattering in vacuum and methods for improving the source via laser waveguides or plasma channels. We show that the photon flux can be greatly increased by using a plasma channel to guide the laser during the interaction. Conversely, we show that to produce a given number of photons, the required laser energy can be reduced by an order of magnitude through the use of a plasma channel. In addition, we show that a plasma can be used as a compact beam dump, in which the electron beam is decelerated in a short distance, thereby greatly reducing radiation shielding. Realistic experimental errors such as transverse jitter are quantitatively shown to be tolerable. Examples of designs for sources capable of performing nuclear resonance fluorescence and photofission are provided

    Vacancy complexes with oversized impurities in Si and Ge

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    In this paper we examine the electronic and geometrical structure of impurity-vacancy complexes in Si and Ge. Already Watkins suggested that in Si the pairing of Sn with the vacancy produces a complex with the Sn-atom at the bond center and the vacancy split into two half vacancies on the neighboring sites. Within the framework of density-functional theory we use two complementary ab initio methods, the pseudopotential plane wave (PPW) method and the all-electron Kohn-Korringa-Rostoker (KKR) method, to investigate the structure of vacancy complexes with 11 different sp-impurities. For the case of Sn in Si, we confirm the split configuration and obtain good agreement with EPR data of Watkins. In general we find that all impurities of the 5sp and 6sp series in Si and Ge prefer the split-vacancy configuration, with an energy gain of 0.5 to 1 eV compared to the substitutional complex. On the other hand, impurities of the 3sp and 4sp series form a (slightly distorted) substitutional complex. Al impurities show an exception from this rule, forming a split complex in Si and a strongly distorted substitutional complex in Ge. We find a strong correlation of these data with the size of the isolated impurities, being defined via the lattice relaxations of the nearest neighbors.Comment: 8 pages, 4 bw figure

    Laser-heater assisted plasma channel formation in capillary discharge waveguides

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    A method of creating plasma channels with controllable depth and transverse profile for the guiding of short, high power laser pulses for efficient electron acceleration is proposed. The plasma channel produced by the hydrogen-filled capillary discharge waveguide is modified by a ns-scale laser pulse, which heats the electrons near the capillary axis. This interaction creates a deeper plasma channel within the capillary discharge that evolves on a ns-time scale, allowing laser beams with smaller spot sizes than would otherwise be possible in the unmodified capillary discharge.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
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