14 research outputs found

    Determinantes individuales y sociales del estado de salud subjetivo y bienestar de la población de la tercera edad de Portugal

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    This article aims to identify the main determinants of self-rated health and well-being in the elderly Portuguese population, using a set of dimensions including demographic and socioeconomic indicators, characteristics of interpersonal networks and social activities, health, sexual activity, representations of aging, and feeling of happiness. Taking socioeconomic, behavioral, and attitudinal predictors into account to analyze the explanatory value of the interrelated dimensions and weights for each factor, the author argues that social capital, activities associated with active aging, and greater optimism towards aging can contribute greatly to better self-rated health and wellbeing among the elderly, partially offsetting the effect of socioeconomic factors and illness associated with age.Neste artigo pretende-se identificar os principais determinantes da autoavaliação do estado de saúde e do bem-estar da população sênior, tendo em conta um conjunto de dimensões que reúnem indicadores demográficos e socioeconômicos, características das redes interpessoais e atividades sociais praticadas, de saúde, atividade sexual, de representações sobre o envelhecimento e sentimento de felicidade. A equação em simultâneo de preditores socioeconômicos e de caráter comportamental e atitudinal dessas várias vertentes, com o intuito de analisar o valor explicativo de cada uma das dimensões inter-relacionadas e o peso de cada um dos fatores, permite concluir que o social capital, a prática de atividades associadas ao envelhecimento ativo e um maior otimismo em relação ao envelhecimento podem contribuir em grande medida para uma melhor autoavaliação do estado de saúde e do bemestar dos mais velhos, compensando, em parte, o efeito de fatores socioeconômicos e de doença associados à idade

    Closeness, autonomy, equity, and relationship satisfaction in lesbian couples

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    It is often assumed that in lesbian relationships a high degree of closeness is reached at the expense of autonomy of the partners. The present study among 119 Dutch lesbian couples examined the effect on relational satisfaction of two dimensions of closeness, emotional dependency and intimacy, and of autonomy and equity. The women in this study were generally open about their lesbian relationship, and reactions of the social environment were mostly positive. Autonomy was negatively related to dependency, but not at all to intimacy. Intimacy and equity as reported by the respondent and her partner, as well as dependency and autonomy reported by the respondent, were independent predictors of relationship satisfaction. Support from the social environment and participation in lesbian subcultures did not play a role in relationship satisfaction

    Handboek pijnrevalidatie: Voor de eerste-, tweede- en derdelijns gezondheidszorg

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    Dit boek is een naslagwerk op het gebied van pijnrevalidatie. Als pijn niet weg te nemen is, moeten patiënten ondersteund worden op hun weg naar beter functio­neren. Het boek is onmisbaar voor profes­sionals in de eerste-, tweede- en derde­lijnszorg die werken met patiënten met (chronische) pijn, zoals fysiotherapeuten, oefentherapeuten, ergotherapeuten, psy­chologen, huisartsen, revalidatieartsen en andere medisch specialisten. Handboek pijnrevalidatie laat zien dat pijn een ervaring is die beïnvloed wordt door biologische, psychologische en sociale factoren. U leest over de neurofysiologie, neuropsychologie, psychologie en epidemiologie van chronische pijn, over de gevolgen voor het individu en omgeving, diagnostiek, meetinstrumenten, over behandeldoelen en –methoden en over de ketenzorg voor patiënten met chronische pijn. In deze hoofdstukken leest u dat beter functio­neren met pijn voor iedereen anders is. Daarom is goede samenwerking tussen de verschillende zorgspecialisaties van groot belang om de passende zorg te vinden voor elke patiënt

    A systematic review of the effectiveness of interventions using the Common Sense Self-Regulatory Model to improve adherence behaviours

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    This systematic review assessed the effectiveness of the Common Sense Self-Regulatory Model in the design of interventions to improve adherence behaviours. Of nine eligible studies, six reported improvements in adherence behaviours and three showed moderate to large effects on return to work and lifestyle recommendations. Four studies stated how Common Sense Self-Regulatory Model constructs were addressed in the intervention and five measured illness perceptions as outcomes. Evidence was found for targeting cure/control perceptions in studies aimed at improving adherence behaviours. Future studies need to measure illness perceptions pre- and post-intervention to enable mediational analyses to assess the effect of Common Sense Self-Regulatory Model interventions on improving health outcomes