1,998 research outputs found

    Sustainable Habitat Restoration: Fish, Farms, and Ecosystem Services

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    Biomass burning impacts biogeochemical cycling, vegetation dynamics and climate. However, interactions between fire, climate and vegetation are not well understood and therefore studies have attempted to reconstruct fire and vegetation history under different climatic conditions using sedimentary archives. Here we focus on levoglucosan, a thermal by-product of cellulose generated during biomass burning, and, therefore, a potential fire biomarker in the marine sedimentary archive. However, before levoglucosan can be applied as a biomass burning proxy in marine sediments, there is a need for studies on how levoglucosan is transported to the marine environment, how it is reflecting biomass burning on continents, as well as the fate of levoglucosan in the marine water column and during deposition in marine sediments. Here we present analyses of levoglucosan, using an improved Ultra High Pressure Liquid Chromatography-Electro Spray Ionization/High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (UHPLC-ESI/HRMS) method, in atmospheric particles, in particulate matter settling through the water column and in marine surface sediments on a longitudinal transect crossing the tropical North Atlantic Ocean at 12°N. Levoglucosan was detected in the atmosphere, although in low concentration, possibly due to the sampled particle size, the source area of the aerosols, or the short time interval of sampling by which large burning events may have been missed. In sinking particles in the tropical North Atlantic Ocean we find that levoglucosan deposition is influenced by a mineral ballast effect associated with marine biogenic particles, and that levoglucosan is not transported in association with mineral dust particles. Highest levoglucosan concentrations and seasonal differences in sinking particles were found close to continents and low concentrations and seasonal differences were found in the open ocean. Close to Africa, levoglucosan concentration is higher during winter, reflecting seasonal burning in northwestern Africa. However, close to South America levoglucosan concentrations appear to be affected by riverine transport from the Amazon River. In surface sediments close to South America, levoglucosan concentration is higher than in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, implying that here the influence from the South American continent is important and perennial. Our study provides evidence that degradation of levoglucosan during settling in the marine water column is not substantial, but is substantial at the sediment–water interface. Nevertheless, levoglucosan was detected in all surface sediments throughout the tropical North Atlantic, indicating its presence in the marine sedimentary record, which reveals the potential for levoglucosan as a biomass burning proxy in marine sediments

    Foundation investigation -- Kaimuki High School auditorium, Honolulu, Hawaii

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    D.A.G.S. Job no. 02-16-6051.2Sections: investigation, site and subsurface conditions, recommendations, services during construction, field and laboratory data, specifications for installation of driven piles, site plan, subsurface profiles, settlement chart, strip footings settlement chart, boring logs, soil classification chart, plasticity chart, and consolidation test reports.Miyachi, HarryGroup Architect

    Personality and susceptibility to political microtargeting: A comparison between a machine-learning and self-report approach

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    Based on recent technological advances, campaigners and political actors can use psychographic-based political marketing. Yet, empirical evidence about its effectiveness is still very limited. Based on self-congruity theory, a pre-registered experiment (N = 280) investigated the persuasion effects of personality-congruent political microtargeting on the attitude toward the political party and voting intentions of citizens. More precisely, the focus was on the thinking vs feeling personality dimension (MBTI), and it was tested whether this personality “interacts” with exposure to a matching advertising appeal: rational vs. emotional political ad. To do so, two different methodological approaches were used: 1) a machine learning approach; 2) a self-report survey measure of personality. Results revealed significant “congruence effects” between personality and ad appeal, and showed that perceived ad relevance was serving as the underlying mechanism (mediator). However, these results were only found when the self-report measure of personality was used. When the algorithmic approach was used, no significant results were found. These findings feed into timely societal, methodological, and theoretical contributions

    Localized Lna Cooling in Vacuum

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    In the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) telescope [1], [2], the noise temperature of the first LNA must be reduced in order to reduce the necessary active area and the total system costs. Cooling the LNA locally would significantly decrease the noise figure but also the necessary power since not the whole system has to be cooled. For optimal thermal isolation, an LNA chip which only needs 6 bondwires has been chosen, 4 Ground and 2 signal wires. Biasing occurs on-chip. If the bondwires are 1.5mm long, the total heat conduction of the 6 bondwires is 31 mW, which is added to the power consumption of the LNA (30 mW). With a power of 61 mW to cool, the Peltier element can achieve a -T of 60K. With this system, a noise reduction of 30% has been measured with 0.5W of electrical power. For 15% noise reduction, only 35mW of electrical power was needed.Comment: Submitted on behalf of TIMA Editions (http://irevues.inist.fr/tima-editions


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    Using an improved testing procedure based on bootstrap and weighted jack-knife confidence intervals with the same model as used in Bechtold et al. (1991) and Ruark et al. (1991), analysis in this paper generally confirm the results of a significant decrease in growth rate in pine in Georgia and Alabama for 1972 - 1982 (5th cycle) relative to 1961 - 1972 (4th cycle) discussed in these papers

    Milieueffectiviteit en kosten van maatregelen gewasbescherming

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    Uit de tussenevaluatie van de Nota Duurzame Gewasbescherming van 2006 blijkt dat de milieubelasting vanuit de landbouw flink gedaald is en dat geïntegreerde gewasbescherming steeds meer wordt toegepast. Toch worden de normen voor waterkwaliteit nog vaak overschreden en wordt het tussendoel voor de drinkwaternorm niet gehaald. In een vooruitblik stelt het evaluatierapport dat de behaalde milieuwinst niet genoeg is om in 2010 uit te komen bij de gewenste milieukwaliteit. Gesteld wordt dat hiervoor extra maatregelen nodig zijn. Vooruitlopend op de eindevaluatie is behoefte aan inzicht in het milieueffect van maatregelen van geïntegreerde gewasbescherming, de kosten ervan en de eventuele teeltrisico’s. Vanuit onderzoek en praktijk zijn maatregelen ontworpen die beogen de milieubelasting te verlagen. In het project ‘Telen met Toekomst’ zijn deze maatregelen door onderzoekers, voorlichting en ondernemers verder ontwikkeld en door de ondernemers toegepast. In de in dit rapport beschreven pilotstudie zijn berekeningen uitgevoerd over 4 modelbedrijven uit de akkerbouw, vollegrondsgroenten- en bloembollensector. De milieueffectiviteit van de maatregelen is getoetst aan de hand van de reductie in Milieu Indicator Punten (MIP) voor de milieubelasting van oppervlaktewater door drift bij gewasbescherming (conform de toetsingsparameter in de Tussenevaluatie) en de kosten en risico’s van effectieve maatregelen zijn in beeld gebracht. Voor de MIP-berekeningen is het Milieutechnisch en Economisch Bedrijfsmodel voor de Open Teelten (MEBOT) aangepast. Uit deze pilotstudie blijkt bij de modelbedrijven voor vollegrondsgroenten en bloembollen dat driftbeperkende maatregelen die verder gaan dan nu is voorgeschreven de MIP-waarde sterk kunnen verlagen en de grootste milieuwinst opleveren in vergelijking met geïntegreerde maatregelen per gewas. Deze verder door te voeren driftbeperkende maatregelen bestaan uit vergroting van de huidige teeltvrije zone en het gebruik van nieuwe spuittechnieken die de drift nog verder beperken. Omdat de kosten voor spuitdoppen die de drift nog verdere reduceren relatief gering zijn, is de kosteneffectiviteit (MIP/euro) van deze maatregel groot. Sommige middelen moeten nu al met 75% of 90% reducerende doppen worden gespoten. Er zou een behoorlijke verbetering van de kwaliteit van oppervlaktewater kunnen optreden als meer middelen in een strook van 14 meter bij een sloot met deze driftreducerende doppen moeten worden gespoten. Verder blijkt uit deze studie dat er enkele stoffen zijn met zeer hoge MIP-waarden. De grootste milieuwinst (naast driftbeperkende maatregelen) kan worden behaald door juist voor het bestrijdingsdoel van deze milieubelastende stoffen alternatieven te vinden

    Route information from a central route planner

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    We present a discussion of a problem posed by researchers of the comapny Ericsson, namely, to estimate the fraction of road users in a road network that must participate in a central route planning scheme such that travel time predictions improve significantly. The aim of this work is to derive a measure of travel time performance depending on the number of road users who are participating in the central route planner. The approach is mainly of a statistical nature