8 research outputs found

    Associations between social isolation, loneliness, and objective physical activity in older men and women

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    BACKGROUND: The impact of social isolation and loneliness on health risk may be mediated by a combination of direct biological processes and lifestyle factors. This study tested the hypothesis that social isolation and loneliness are associated with less objective physical activity and more sedentary behavior in older adults. METHODS: Wrist-mounted accelerometers were worn over 7 days by 267 community-based men (n = 136) and women (n = 131) aged 50-81 years (mean 66.01), taking part in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA; wave 6, 2012-13). Associations between social isolation or loneliness and objective activity were analyzed using linear regressions, with total activity counts and time spent in sedentary behavior and light and moderate/vigorous activity as the outcome variables. Social isolation and loneliness were assessed with standard questionnaires, and poor health, mobility limitations and depressive symptoms were included as covariates. RESULTS: Total 24 h activity counts were lower in isolated compared with non-isolated respondents independently of gender, age, socioeconomic status, marital status, smoking, alcohol consumption, self-rated health, limiting longstanding illness, mobility limitations, depressive symptoms, and loneliness (β = - 0.130, p = 0.028). Time spent in sedentary behavior over the day and evening was greater in isolated participants (β = 0.143, p = 0.013), while light (β = - 0.143, p = 0.015) and moderate/vigorous (β = - 0.112, p = 0.051) physical activity were less frequent. Physical activity was greater on weekdays than weekend days, but associations with social isolation were similar. Loneliness was not associated with physical activity or sedentary behavior in multivariable analysis. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that greater social isolation in older men and women is related to reduced everyday objective physical activity and greater sedentary time. Differences in physical activity may contribute to the increased risk of ill-health and poor wellbeing associated with isolation

    The Home Environment Interview and associations with energy balance behaviours and body weight in school-aged children - a feasibility, reliability, and validity study.

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    BACKGROUND: The home environment is thought to influence children's weight trajectories. However, few studies utilise composite measures of the home environment to examine associations with energy balance behaviours and weight. The present study aimed to adapt and update a comprehensive measure of the obesogenic home environment previously developed for pre-schoolers, and explore associations with school-aged children's energy balance behaviours and weight. METHODS: Families from the Gemini cohort (n = 149) completed the Home Environment Interview (HEI) via telephone when their children were 12 years old. The HEI comprises four composite scores: one for each domain (food, activity and media) of the environment, as well as a score for the overall obesogenic home environment. The primary caregiver also reported each child's height and weight (using standard scales and height charts), diet, physical activity and sedentary screen-based behaviours. A test-retest sample (n = 20) of caregivers completed the HEI a second time, 7-14 days after the initial interview, to establish test-retest reliability. RESULTS: Children (n = 298) living in 'higher-risk' home environments (a 1 unit increase in the HEI obesogenic risk score) were less likely to consume fruits (OR; 95% CI = 0.40; 0.26-0.61, p < 0.001), and vegetables (0.30; 0.18-0.52, p < 0.001), and more likely to consume energy-dense snack foods (1.71; 1.08-2.69, p = 0.022), convenience foods (2.58; 1.64-4.05, p < 0.001), and fast foods (3.09; 1.90-5.04, p < 0.001). Children living in more obesogenic home environments also engaged in more screen-time (β (SE) = 4.55 (0.78), p < 0.001), spent more time playing video games (β (SE) = 1.56 (0.43), p < 0.001), and were less physically active (OR; 95% CI = 0.57; 0.40-0.80, p < 0.01). Additionally, there was a positive association between higher-risk overall home environment composite score and higher BMI-SDS (β (SE) = 0.23 (0.09), p < 0.01). This finding was mirrored for the home media composite (β (SE) = 0.12 (0.03), p < 0.001). The individual home food and activity composite scores were not associated with BMI-SDS. CONCLUSION: Findings reveal associations between the overall obesogenic home environment and dietary intake, activity levels and screen-based sedentary behaviours, as well as BMI in 12 year olds. These findings suggest that the home environment, and in particular the home media environment, may be an important target for obesity prevention strategies

    Primary caregiver knowledge of paediatric physical activity recommendations in the United Kingdom and its association with caregiver behaviour:an observational study

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    Most children in affluent developed countries do not meet basic physical activity recommendations. This study assessed primary caregiver knowledge of the UK recommendations on physical activity for children and examined the relationship between knowledge and components of parental support and modelling of physical activity

    Descriptive characteristics for the study samples (% (n) unless stated otherwise).

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    <p>BMI = body mass index; SDS = standard deviation score.</p><p><sup>1</sup>Compared to other children of the same age and sex.</p><p>Descriptive characteristics for the study samples (% (n) unless stated otherwise).</p

    Associations between the home environment tertiles and BMI SDS at 4 years<sup>1</sup> (N = 915).

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    <p><sup>1</sup> Adjusting for the child’s age at the time of the BMI measurement, age at the time of the HEI, birth weight, and sex, and maternal education level.</p><p>Associations between the home environment tertiles and BMI SDS at 4 years<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0134490#t004fn001" target="_blank"><sup>1</sup></a> (N = 915).</p

    Associations between the home environment and childhood weight change: a cross-lagged panel analysis.

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    BACKGROUND: The obesogenic quality of the home environment is hypothesised to play an important role in children's weight development but few prospective studies have investigated relationships between the home environment and adiposity across childhood. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the continuity and stability of the home environment from ages 4 to 12, and bi-directional relationships between the home environment and BMI-SDS from ages 4 to 12. METHODS: Parents from the Gemini cohort completed the Home Environment Interview (HEI), a comprehensive measure of the obesogenic home environment, when their children were aged 4 and 12 (n = 149 families, n = 298 children). The obesogenic home environment was measured using four composite scores capturing the food, activity, media environments, and the overall home environment. Child weights and heights were used to calculate BMI-SDS. Continuity was assessed with Pearson's correlations between scores at each time point, and stability by changes in mean scores over time. Cross-lagged analyses were performed (HEI composites at age 4 to BMI-SDS at age 12 and the reverse) to measure the magnitude and direction of associations. RESULTS: The home environment showed moderate-to-high continuity from ages 4 to 12 (r = 0.30-0.64). The overall home environment (r = 0.21, p < 0.01) and media composites (r = 0.23, p < 0.01) were cross-sectionally associated with child BMI-SDS at age 12, but not at age 4. Longitudinally, the home media environment at age 4 predicted increases in child BMI-SDS at age 12 (β; 95% CI = 0.18; 0.08,0.28, p < 0.01). No associations were observed for the reverse path, or the remaining composites (the overall, food and activity) in either direction. CONCLUSION: This study provides evidence that the obesogenic home environment tracks across childhood and highlights the importance of the early home media environment for child weight development. The findings provide insight into key aspects of the home environment that could be targeted when developing obesity treatment or prevention strategies

    Maternal characteristics associated with the obesogenic quality of the home environment in early childhood

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    The home environment is likely to influence children's diet and activity patterns and ultimately, their weight trajectories. Identifying family characteristics associated with a more ‘obesogenic’ home can provide insight into the determinants, and has implications for targeting and tailoring strategies to promote healthier lifestyles. The present study examined maternal characteristics associated with a more obesogenic home environment in 1113 families with preschool children. Primary caregivers (99% mothers) from the Gemini cohort completed the Home Environment Interview (HEI) when their children were 4 years old. Maternal demographics and BMI were assessed in the Gemini baseline questionnaire when the children were on average 8 months old. Maternal eating style was assessed when the children were on average 2 years old, using the Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (DEBQ). Responses to the HEI were standardised and summed to create a composite score of the obesogenic quality of the home; this was categorised into tertiles. Multivariate ordinal logistic regression showed that mothers who were younger (adjusted OR; 95% CI = 0.96; 0.94–0.98), less educated (1.97; 1.40–2.77), and had lower incomes (1.89; 1.43–2.49) at baseline were more likely to live in an obesogenic home environment at 4 years, as were mothers who scored higher on the DEBQ External Eating scale (1.40; 1.16–1.70) at 2 years, and had a higher baseline BMI (1.05; 1.02–1.08). Using a novel, composite measure of the home environment, this study finds that families who are more socio-economically deprived, and where the mothers are themselves heavier and have a more food responsive eating style, tend to provide a home environment with the hallmarks of a higher risk of weight gain