344 research outputs found

    Personality and situational correlates of false confessions.

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    Personality correlates, such as the need to belong, unstable self-esteem, and insecure-anxious attachment style may predict false confessions and internalization. Study 1 examined the influence of these personality correlates. Situational correlates, such as social exclusion and interrogation tactics may predict false confessions and internalization. Social exclusion may put individuals at risk for falsely confessing through the self-regulation deficits that can follow exclusion. Interrogation tactics, such as minimization, increase the likelihood of confessing. Study 2 examined the effects social exclusion and interrogation tactics have on false confessions. Results indicate that insecure-anxious attachment style predicts false confessions. Further analyses reveal that social exclusion predicts the likelihood of falsely confessing, as do minimization and maximization


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    Temperature control of the orbital otolith experiment

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    Temperature control of orbital otolith experiment on Apollo fligh

    Evaluator Empathy in Risk Assessment Interviews

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    This study examined evaluator differences in the use of reflective empathy in forensic assessment and the association between empathy and evaluator opinions in a risk assessment case. Participants were 200 experienced forensic evaluators who read excerpts of a parole risk assessment interview transcript. Throughout the interview, participants chose the next question that they would ask the evaluee. In 12 of these instances, they were asked to choose between a question that included reflective empathy and one without reflective empathy. At the end of the interview, they provided ratings of the evaluee’s level of risk for recidivism and future violence and appropriateness for parole. Participants also provided ratings on their perceptions of the evaluee and were asked a series of questions regarding their attitudes towards and use of empathy in forensic assessment. Across analyses, there was clear support for three subgroups of evaluators based on their use of reflective empathy: low empathy (n = 92), moderate empathy (n = 86), and high empathy (n = 22). High empathy evaluators rated reflective empathy techniques as more appropriate than those in the low and moderate empathy classes. Low empathy evaluators were more likely to report they were trained to avoid empathy and were more likely to report they purposefully avoided conveying empathy in forensic evaluations. Low empathy evaluators were also more likely to report that using empathy forensic assessment is unethical. Evaluators in the high and moderate empathy classes rated their overall understanding of the hypothetical evaluee’s thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and situation as higher than those in low empathy class, but evaluator empathy was not strongly associated with opinions about the offender’s risk or need for supervision. Overall, findings indicate experienced forensic evaluators may differ notably in their use of empathy and their opinions regarding empathy’s appropriateness in forensic assessment

    Green Beer: Preserving Dayton's Industrial Legacy Through Sustainable Brewing Practices

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    Small-scale “craft” brewing is experiencing a renaissance in American culture and has caused a cultural shift in urban communities. The movement has rapidly impacted urban development in American Rust Belt cities, and in many ways, has promoted the rehabilitation of historic buildings and districts. This project explores ways in which craft brewing has increased economic redevelopment of historic places, as well as investigating larger trends and benefits of sustainable preservation and brewing. These findings will be synthesized through the design of a proposed ‘sustainable craft brewery’ and business collective, representing the intersections of urban agriculture, historic preservation, and sustainability. Style, materiality, and brand management will be inspired by the history and culture of the Wright-Dunbar Village, which is at the cusp of economic redevelopment in Dayton, Ohio. The goal of this design intervention is to preserve the legacy of a forgotten place, while creating a new urban community and tourist destination for Dayton

    Gyógyszernyomok eltávolítása tisztított szennyvizekből nagyhatékonyságú oxidációs eljárásokkal = Removal of trace pharmacuticals form clarified wastewaters by Advanced Oxidation Processes

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    A projekt megvalósítása során olyan nagyhatékonyságú oxidációs eljárásokon (AOP) alapuló vízkezelési eljárásokat dolgoztunk ki, amelyek alkalmasak biológiailag kezelt szennyvizekben nagyon kicsiny koncentrációban visszamaradó gyógyszernyomok és bomlástermékeik költséghatékony és eredményes eltávolítására. A munkához kellő megbízhatóságú és kimutatási képességű analitikai módszereket fejlesztettünk ki és adaptáltunk. Modellvegyületként ibuprofent, ketoprofent, diklofenakot, naproxent választottunk, de vizsgáltunk antibiotikumot (perfloxacint) is. Az ózon és UV sugárzás kombinációján alapuló módszer jól használható és kellően költség-hatékony az egyszerűen és gazdaságosan üzemeltethető olyan kisnyomású higanygőz-lámpára alapozva, amelynek az ózont termelő 185 nm-es komponensét is hasznosítani tudjuk. Megvizsgáltuk továbbá a vákuum-ultraibolya (VUV) fotolízis és a heterogén fotokatalízis alkalmazhatóságát is. A munkából 12 rangos nemzetközi folyóiratban megjelent dolgozat született (összesített impakt faktor 42,9), 37 előadás hangzott el nemzetközi és hazai konferenciákon, Szabó Rita elkészítette doktori (PhD) dolgozatát, valamint több diplomadolgozat és diákköri dolgozat is készült a tématerületen. | In this project a new wastewater treatment method was developed, based on a novel concept to eliminate toxic organic contaminants of pharmaceutical origin in wastewater effluents and which operates on the principle of combined innovative application of a range of advanced oxidation processes (AOPs). For the reaction kinetic measurements analytical methods with good accuracy, correctness and an unusually low detection limit were developed and adapted, which enables to analyze the components with ppb concentrations. The chosen pharmaceutical compounds were; ketoprofen, ibuprofen, diclophenac, naproxen and one of the antibiotics, the perfloxacin. The combination of ozone and UV-radiation treatment method proved to be the most promising both in terms of cost efficiency and effectiveness. A specific low pressure mercury vapour lamp equipped with a VUV transparent quartz sleeve (transparent to the ozone producing 185 nm component of the light source) was applied. VUV photolysis and heterogeneous photocatalysis also were used in order to compare the applicability of various methods based on the generation of reactive free-radicals. During the elaboration of this project, 12 papers were published (their summarized impact factor is 42.9), 37 conference presentation were held on international and national conferences. Rita Szabó prepared her PhD thesis in this topic and numerous diploma theses were prepared by students worked in this project