13 research outputs found

    Formen des Dialekts in Tadten im Seewinkel (Burgenland)

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    Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Feststellung möglicher Unterschiede zwischen den Dialekten der älteren Generation Tadtens (äGT), der jüngeren Generation Tadtens (jGT) und der ehemaligen Gutshofbevölkerung des Meierhofes in Tadten (äGHm und äGHf). Ich konzentrierte mich auf die Gebiete Phonologie / Phonetik und auf einen Teilbereich der Morphologie – auf die Pluralbildung des Substantivs. Die ursprüngliche Fragestellung nach Unterschieden konnte von mir aus mehreren Gründen nicht zufriedenstellend gelöst werden. Von der ehemaligen Gutshofbevölkerung waren nur noch zwei Personen greifbar, wovon eine nur bis zu ihrem achten Lebensjahr dort wohnte. Die aufgeführten Unterschiede sind daher nur wenig aussagekräftig. Auf der lautlichen Ebene sind Unterschiede oft nur zwischen einzelnen Personen vorhanden. Diese pro Gruppe aufzuzeigen, ist jedoch nicht möglich, da dies individuelle Unterschiede sind, die meist in der älteren und jüngeren Generation gleichmäßig verteilt erscheinen. Der Unterschied zwischen der jüngeren und der älteren Generation besteht vorwiegend in einem geringeren Wortschatz der Jüngeren im Vergleich zu den Älteren im bäuerlichen Bereich, der durch die veränderte Lebenswelt zu erklären ist. Der die Natur betreffende Wortschatz, der wahrscheinlich in der Schule gelernt wird, wird in vielen Fällen durch eine neu dialektalisierte Form des Standardlexems gebildet, hauptsächlich durch Vokalisierung der Liquide r und l. Die Svarabhaktibildungen sind stark rückläufig. ÄGHm und jGT verwenden Wörter, die eher von der Standardform beeinflusst scheinen. Der große Unterschied zwischen äGHm und der äGT und äGHf liegt in der Syntax, die ich jedoch nicht untersucht habe. Dazu habe ich zwei Vermutungen: 1. Es liegt an äGHm's Muttersprache Ungarisch. 2. Da es sich nur um eine einzelne Person handelt, könnte es sich auch um eine individuelle Erscheinung handeln. Eine Untersuchung der Syntax wäre daher in diesem Fall nicht aussagekräftig. Zwischen äGHf und äGT sind keine Unterschiede feststellbar. Die jüngere Generation zeigt eine Steigerung der Sprechgeschwindigkeit und eine vermutlich damit verbundene Änderung der Sprachmelodie. Bei der Untersuchung zeigte sich, dass in Tadten nicht in allen Fällen die Pfalz'sche Regel eingehalten wird. Beispielsweise zeigt sich auch die Form [ždrīk] neben [ždrik] als Plural von ždrīg (Strick). In der jüngeren Generation erscheinen diese Formen jedoch weniger häufig. Die Pluralbildung kann im Dialekt von Tadten auf vielfältige Weise erfolgen. Auch bei ein und demselben Lexem im Singular sind unterschiedliche Bildungsweisen möglich. Die vorliegende Arbeit dokumentiert diese. 144 Substantive und alle Variationen der Pluralbildung werden in einer Tabelle aufgeführt, die auch die Zuordnung der jeweiligen Bildungsweisen zu den einzelnen Bevölkerungsgruppen erlaubt. Für die jGT lässt sich eine deutliche Tendenz zur Vereinfachung in der Markierung feststellen. Oft wird der Plural durch einfaches "mehr" ausgedrückt

    Barcoding a partir de posos de café - Explorando la biodiversidad de gasterópodos pterópodos a partir de posos de frascos de colección

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    Despite their cosmopolitan occurrence and massive plankton sampling during expeditions, the genetic diversity within Pteropoda Cuvier, 1804 is still largely unexplored. In this study we present a next-generation environmental barcoding approach to zooplankton bulk samples, which were collected during the circumglobal 2010 Malaspina expedition to evaluate pteropod diversity. We introduce a technique that avoids destructive procedures and leaves material intact for further morphological investigations. We extracted DNA out of the dregs (organic material such as mucus or body parts) of 27 sample containers for molecular barcoding (average 100-260 bp of COI). We were able to identify 7128 operational taxonomic units corresponding to the species composition contained in the examined samples. Among them were three species of thecosome pteropods, Creseis acicula, Creseis virgula and Cavolinia inflexa, which are discussed with respect to their taxonomy and their geographic distribution. Unidentified gymnosomes were also present in our samples from warmer regions in oceanic waters of the southern Indian Ocean. To facilitate identification of species, it is beneficial to create a better database of pteropod COI barcodes. Furthermore, gathering environmental barcoding data on a broad global scale will help to better understand species abundance and distribution of pteropods in the world’s oceans, and potentially those of other planktonic organisms.A pesar de su presencia cosmopolita y las actividades de muestreo masivo de plancton durante las expediciones, la diversidad genética dentro de los Pteropoda Cuvier, 1804 está todavía inexplorada en gran medida. En este estudio se presenta una aproximación desde el barcoding ambiental aplicada a muestras generales de zooplancton recogidas durante la expedición circumglobal “Malaspina 2010”, con el fin de evaluar la diversidad de pterópodos. Se introduce una técnica que evita procedimientos destructivos de tal modo que el material permanece intacto para futuras investigaciones morfológicas. Extrajimos ADN de los posos (material orgánico como moco o partes del cuerpo) de 27 recipientes de muestras para el barcoding (promedio de 100- 260 bp de COI). Se pudieron identificar 7128 “OTUs” correspondientes a la composición de las especies contenidas en las muestras examinadas. Entre ellas se encontraron tres especies de pterópodos tecosomados, Creseis acicula, Creseis virgula y Cavolinia inflexa, cuya taxonomía y distribución geográfica son discutidas. Gimnosomados no identificados procedentes de regiones más templadas de aguas oceánicas del sur del Océnao Indico también estaban presentes. Para facilitar la identificación de especies, es beneficioso crear una base de datos ampliada de códigos de barras COI de pterópodos. Además, la recopilación de datos de barcoding ambiental a una escala mundial amplia ayudará a comprender mejor la abundancia y distribución de especies de pterópodos en los océanos del mundo y de otros posibles organismos planctónicos

    Comprehensive Assessment of the Virulence Factors sub 3, sub 6 and mcpA in the Zoonotic Dermatophyte Trichophyton benhamiae Using FISH and qPCR

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    Skin infections by keratinophilic fungi are commonly referred to as dermatophytosis and represent a major health burden worldwide. Although patient numbers are on the rise, data on virulence factors, their function and kinetics are scarce. We employed an ex vivo infection model based on guinea pig skin explants (GPSE) for the zoonotic dermatophyte Trichophyton (T.) benhamiae to investigate kinetics of the virulence factors subtilisin (sub) 3, sub 6, metallocarboxypeptidase A (mcpA) and isocitrate lyase (isol) at gene level for ten days. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) were used to detect and quantify the transcripts, respectively. Kingdom-spanning, species-specific and virulence factor-specific probes were successfully applied to isolated fungal elements showing inhomogeneous fluorescence signals along hyphae. Staining results for inoculated GPSE remained inconsistent despite thorough optimization. qPCR revealed a significant increase of sub 3- and mcpA-transcripts toward the end of culture, sub 6 and isol remained at a low level throughout the entire culture period. Sub 3 is tightly connected to the de novo formation of conidia during culture. Since sub 6 is considered an in vivo disease marker. However, the presented findings urgently call for further research on the role of certain virulence factors during infection and disease

    Identification of Zoophilic Dermatophytes Using MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry

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    Dermatophytoses represent a major health burden in animals and man. Zoophilic dermatophytes usually show a high specificity to their original animal host but a zoonotic transmission is increasingly recorded. In humans, these infections elicit highly inflammatory skin lesions requiring prolonged therapy even in the immunocompetent patient. The correct identification of the causative agent is often crucial to initiate a targeted and effective therapy. To that end, matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) represents a promising tool. The objective of this study was to evaluate the reliability of species identification of zoophilic dermatophytes using MALDI-TOF MS. The investigation of isolates from veterinary clinical samples suspicious of dermatophytoses suggests a good MALDI-TOF MS based identification of the most common zoophilic dermatophyte Microsporum canis. Trichophyton (T.) spp. usually achieved scores only around the cutoff value for secure species identification because of a small number of reference spectra. Moreover, these results need to be interpreted with caution due to the close taxonomic relationship of dermatophytes being reflected in very similar spectra. In our study, the analysis of 50 clinical samples of hedgehogs revealed no correct identification using the provided databases, nor for zoophilic neither for geophilic causative agents. After DNA sequencing, adaptation of sample processing and an individual extension of the inhouse database, acceptable identification scores were achieved (T. erinacei and Arthroderma spp., respectively). A score-oriented distance dendrogram revealed clustering of geophilic isolates of four different species of the genus Arthroderma and underlined the close relationship of the important zoophilic agents T. erinacei, T. verrucosum and T. benhamiae by forming a subclade within a larger cluster including different dermatophytes. Taken together, MALDI-TOF MS proofed suitable for the identification of zoophilic dermatophytes provided fresh cultures are used and the reference library was previously extended with spectra of laboratory-relevant species. Performing independent molecular methods, such as sequencing, is strongly recommended to substantiate the findings from morphologic and MALDI-TOF MS analyses, especially for uncommon causative agents

    Of Packel(n) (Parcel[s]), Nudel(n) (Noodel[s]), Knödel(n) (Dumpling[s]) and Lamperl(n) (Lam[b/p] [s]) – Noun Plurals of Singulars with Liquid l in Coda in Austrian German

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag befasst sich mit der Pluralmorphologie von Substantiven im österreichischen Deutsch. Anhand einer speziellen Fragestellung zur Morphologie soll gezeigt werden, wie man das Austrian Media Corpus am Institut für Corpuslinguistik und Texttechnologie der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften als Quelle verwenden kann. Dazu werden Methoden zur Datenaufbereitung sowie Möglichkeiten zur Forschung vorgestellt. Zu diesem Zweck wurden einige Fallstudien an typischen Repräsentanten wie Semmerl oder Radl durchgeführt, an deren Beispiel gezeigt wird, wie man methodisch vorgehen kann. Die Ergebnisse wurden statistisch ausgewertet. In der Zusammenfassung wird auf Erklärungsmodelle der Ergebnisse eingegangen. Das Thema Pluralmorphologie wie es hier behandelt wird, ist ein Randthema der Dissertation der Erstautorin, in dem sie sich mit der Pluralmorphologie im Rahmen der Varietätenlinguistik beschäftigt. Bei diesem Beitrag handelt es sich um einen Zwischenbericht mit ersten Ergebnissen zu einigen Lexemen...This paper focuses on plurals of nouns with word final liquid l. The diminutive forms "Lamperl" (lamb, lamp), "Radl" (bicycle) and "Semmerl" (roll) are analyzed as examples in different orthographic forms. The main aim is to answer the following questions: Is there an opposition between the singular and plural forms or not? Are the plurals marked by -n or are they unmarked? The Austrian Media Corpus served as a source for written Standard German and nonstandard German in Austria. In dealing with the examples we show useful steps for successful solving such kinds of linguistic questions when using media corpora

    Comprehensive Assessment of the Virulence Factors sub 3, sub 6 and mcpA in the Zoonotic Dermatophyte Trichophyton benhamiae Using FISH and qPCR

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    Skin infections by keratinophilic fungi are commonly referred to as dermatophytosis and represent a major health burden worldwide. Although patient numbers are on the rise, data on virulence factors, their function and kinetics are scarce. We employed an ex vivo infection model based on guinea pig skin explants (GPSE) for the zoonotic dermatophyte Trichophyton (T.) benhamiae to investigate kinetics of the virulence factors subtilisin (sub) 3, sub 6, metallocarboxypeptidase A (mcpA) and isocitrate lyase (isol) at gene level for ten days. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) were used to detect and quantify the transcripts, respectively. Kingdom-spanning, species-specific and virulence factor-specific probes were successfully applied to isolated fungal elements showing inhomogeneous fluorescence signals along hyphae. Staining results for inoculated GPSE remained inconsistent despite thorough optimization. qPCR revealed a significant increase of sub 3- and mcpA-transcripts toward the end of culture, sub 6 and isol remained at a low level throughout the entire culture period. Sub 3 is tightly connected to the de novo formation of conidia during culture. Since sub 6 is considered an in vivo disease marker. However, the presented findings urgently call for further research on the role of certain virulence factors during infection and disease

    Comprehensive Assessment of the Virulence Factors sub 3, sub 6 and mcpA in the Zoonotic Dermatophyte Trichophyton benhamiae Using FISH and qPCR

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    Skin infections by keratinophilic fungi are commonly referred to as dermatophytosis and represent a major health burden worldwide. Although patient numbers are on the rise, data on virulence factors, their function and kinetics are scarce. We employed an ex vivo infection model based on guinea pig skin explants (GPSE) for the zoonotic dermatophyte Trichophyton (T.) benhamiae to investigate kinetics of the virulence factors subtilisin (sub) 3, sub 6, metallocarboxypeptidase A (mcpA) and isocitrate lyase (isol) at gene level for ten days. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) were used to detect and quantify the transcripts, respectively. Kingdom-spanning, species-specific and virulence factor-specific probes were successfully applied to isolated fungal elements showing inhomogeneous fluorescence signals along hyphae. Staining results for inoculated GPSE remained inconsistent despite thorough optimization. qPCR revealed a significant increase of sub 3- and mcpA-transcripts toward the end of culture, sub 6 and isol remained at a low level throughout the entire culture period. Sub 3 is tightly connected to the de novo formation of conidia during culture. Since sub 6 is considered an in vivo disease marker. However, the presented findings urgently call for further research on the role of certain virulence factors during infection and disease

    Comprehensive Assessment of the Virulence Factors sub 3, sub 6 and mcpA in the Zoonotic Dermatophyte Trichophyton benhamiae Using FISH and qPCR

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    Skin infections by keratinophilic fungi are commonly referred to as dermatophytosis and represent a major health burden worldwide. Although patient numbers are on the rise, data on virulence factors, their function and kinetics are scarce. We employed an ex vivo infection model based on guinea pig skin explants (GPSE) for the zoonotic dermatophyte Trichophyton (T.) benhamiae to investigate kinetics of the virulence factors subtilisin (sub) 3, sub 6, metallocarboxypeptidase A (mcpA) and isocitrate lyase (isol) at gene level for ten days. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) were used to detect and quantify the transcripts, respectively. Kingdom-spanning, species-specific and virulence factor-specific probes were successfully applied to isolated fungal elements showing inhomogeneous fluorescence signals along hyphae. Staining results for inoculated GPSE remained inconsistent despite thorough optimization. qPCR revealed a significant increase of sub 3- and mcpA-transcripts toward the end of culture, sub 6 and isol remained at a low level throughout the entire culture period. Sub 3 is tightly connected to the de novo formation of conidia during culture. Since sub 6 is considered an in vivo disease marker. However, the presented findings urgently call for further research on the role of certain virulence factors during infection and disease

    Identification of Zoophilic Dermatophytes Using MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry

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    Dermatophytoses represent a major health burden in animals and man. Zoophilic dermatophytes usually show a high specificity to their original animal host but a zoonotic transmission is increasingly recorded. In humans, these infections elicit highly inflammatory skin lesions requiring prolonged therapy even in the immunocompetent patient. The correct identification of the causative agent is often crucial to initiate a targeted and effective therapy. To that end, matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) represents a promising tool. The objective of this study was to evaluate the reliability of species identification of zoophilic dermatophytes using MALDI-TOF MS. The investigation of isolates from veterinary clinical samples suspicious of dermatophytoses suggests a good MALDI-TOF MS based identification of the most common zoophilic dermatophyte Microsporum canis. Trichophyton (T.) spp. usually achieved scores only around the cutoff value for secure species identification because of a small number of reference spectra. Moreover, these results need to be interpreted with caution due to the close taxonomic relationship of dermatophytes being reflected in very similar spectra. In our study, the analysis of 50 clinical samples of hedgehogs revealed no correct identification using the provided databases, nor for zoophilic neither for geophilic causative agents. After DNA sequencing, adaptation of sample processing and an individual extension of the inhouse database, acceptable identification scores were achieved (T. erinacei and Arthroderma spp., respectively). A score-oriented distance dendrogram revealed clustering of geophilic isolates of four different species of the genus Arthroderma and underlined the close relationship of the important zoophilic agents T. erinacei, T. verrucosum and T. benhamiae by forming a subclade within a larger cluster including different dermatophytes. Taken together, MALDI-TOF MS proofed suitable for the identification of zoophilic dermatophytes provided fresh cultures are used and the reference library was previously extended with spectra of laboratory-relevant species. Performing independent molecular methods, such as sequencing, is strongly recommended to substantiate the findings from morphologic and MALDI-TOF MS analyses, especially for uncommon causative agents