463 research outputs found

    Projection and enterprises controlling in domestic waste water econom

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    The development of the cost of communal waste water disposal is widely discussed among the population, among politicians and experts. Not only the absolute amount of the charged fees are the cause of concern, but also their increase over the last few years. As part of this thesis, the PC software SloVaKon, which facilitates project and operation decision, will be designed to apply the experience gained during the building and expansion of the waste water industry in Germany´s five new federal states to the conditions in the Slovak republic. For this, a comparison of both country´s topographical, technical, legal and economical conditions proved necessary

    Die Einbindung privater Fachunternehmen in die kommunale Abwasserentsorgung (Erfahrungen bei der Ausschreibung von Betreibermodellen in Süd-Brandenburg)

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    Pri hospodárení s komunálnymi odpadovými vodami môu by uplatòované rôzne organizaèné modely. Pretoe táto oblas moných modelov patrí pod¾a zákona do kompetencie miest a obcí, ako nosite¾ov úloh, tieto musia nájs pre takúto èinnos vhodný model. Jedným z nich je prevádzkový model, ktorý môe ma rôzne modifikácie. V poslednom období sa uplatòujú modely, v ktorých sa na rieení tak projektových, ako aj prevádzkových problémov zúèastòujú súkromné odborné spoloènosti. V èlánku sú prezentované praktické skúsenosti spoloènosti SHW Wassertechnik GmbH pri hospodárení s komunálnymi odpadovými vodami v junom Brandenburgsku

    MorphoCluster: Efficient Annotation of Plankton Images by Clustering

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    In this work, we present MorphoCluster, a software tool for data-driven, fast, and accurate annotation of large image data sets. While already having surpassed the annotation rate of human experts, volume and complexity of marine data will continue to increase in the coming years. Still, this data requires interpretation. MorphoCluster augments the human ability to discover patterns and perform object classification in large amounts of data by embedding unsupervised clustering in an interactive process. By aggregating similar images into clusters, our novel approach to image annotation increases consistency, multiplies the throughput of an annotator, and allows experts to adapt the granularity of their sorting scheme to the structure in the data. By sorting a set of 1.2 M objects into 280 data-driven classes in 71 h (16 k objects per hour), with 90% of these classes having a precision of 0.889 or higher. This shows that MorphoCluster is at the same time fast, accurate, and consistent; provides a fine-grained and data-driven classification; and enables novelty detection

    28. Sitzung des FAO/WHO-Codex-Alimentarius-Komitees für Fische und Fischereierzeugnisse

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    Die 28. Sitzung des Codex-Alimentarius-Komitees für Fische und Fischereierzeugnisse fand in Peking, China, vom 18. bis 22. September 2006 statt. Das Komitee folgte damit der in der letzten Sitzung ausgesprochenen Einladung der chinesischen Regierung und dem Ziel, die Codex-Sitzungen in verschiedenen Teilen der Welt abzuhalten. Geleitet wurde die Sitzung von Dr. Bjørn Røthe Knudsen, Regionaldirektor der norwegischen Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit. Professor Li Xiaochuan von der chinesischen Akademie für Fischforschung nahm die Rolle des Co-Chairman ein. Insgesamt 140 Delegierte, die 44 Mitgliedstaaten, die EU und eine internationale Organisation vertraten, nahmen an dieser Sitzung teil. Folgende Punkte wurden auf der diesjährigen Codex-Komitee-Sitzung diskutiert: 1. Erweiterung des Standards für Sardinen und sardinenähn-liche Erzeugnisse 2. Bearbeitung des Entwurfs eines Standards für Störkaviar 3. Überarbeitung des Entwurfs eines Standards für lebende und rohe Muscheln 4. Verhandlung über den Entwurf des Standards für geräu-cherten Fisch 5. Code of Practice für Fische und Fischereierzeugnisse 6. Zukünftige Arbeite

    Historische Konjunkturforschung: Aufriß und Desiderata

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    Quantification of ortholog losses in insects and vertebrates

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    Comparison of the gene repertoires of 5 vertebrates and 5 insects showed that the rate of losses correlates well with the species' rates of molecular evolution and radiation times and suggests that the Urbilateria genome contained more than 7,000 genes

    Quantification of photocatalytic hydrogen evolution

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.A new photoreactor with defined irradiation geometry was developed and tested for the water reduction reaction using carbon nitride (“C3N4”) as a photocatalyst. The hydrogen evolution rate was investigated with a sun simulator (I = 1000 W m−2) in two different operation modes: circulation and stirring of the catalyst dispersion. Only in the stirred mode, where shear stress is lower, a stable hydrogen evolution rate of about 0.41 L m−2 h−1 is obtained. It is confirmed by experiments with D2O that hydrogen is obtained from the water splitting process and not by dehydrogenation of the sacrificial agent. The obtained rate results in an efficiency of <0.1% based on a reference experiment with a photovoltaic-powered electrolysis setup. The change from distilled water to tap or simulated sea water results in a lower hydrogen evolution rate of about 50%.BMBF, 03IS2071D, Light2Hydroge

    Central Water Treatment Plant for the City of Zagreb

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    Opisuje se Projekt infrastrukturnih objekata za potrebe izgradnje Centralnog uređaja za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda Zagreba (CUPOVZ) prema ponudi Zagrebačkih otpadnih voda (ZOV). Prikazani su objekti koji se nalaze u sastavu CUPOVZ-a ili služe njegovoj realizaciji. Opisana je tehnologija čišćenja otpadnih voda te obrade i odlaganja mulja, a ukratko i svi glavni objekti cijelog projekta. Cilj autora bio je informirati stručnu javnost o tome kako je Projekt viđen u ponudi ZOV-a.The Plan of infrastructure facilities needed for the construction of the Central Water Treatment Plant for the City of Zagreb (CUPOVZ), as based on the bid submitted by Zagrebačke otpadne vode (ZOV - Zagreb Water Treatment Company), is described. Facilities planned in the scope of the CUPOVZ project, and those enabling its realization, are presented. The water purification technology, and the method for sludge treatment and disposal, are presented, and all major facilities to be realized within the project are briefly presented. The aim of the authors is to inform the professional public about the project as presented in the ZOV\u27s bid

    Minimal surfaces in nuclear pasta with the Time-Dependent Hartree-Fock approach

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    In continuation to the studies of the whole variety of pasta shapes in [1], we present here calculations performed with the Hartree-Fock and time-dependent Hartree- Fock method concerning the mid-density range of pasta shapes: The slab-like, connected rod-like (p-surface) and the gyroidal shapes. On the one hand we present simulations of the dynamic formation of these shapes at fi- nite temperature. On the other hand we calculate the binding energies of these shapes for varying simulation box lengths and mean densities. All of these shapes are found to be at least metastable. The slab shape has a slightly lower energy because of the lack of curvature, but among these three configurations the gyroidal shape is metastable for the widest range in mean density