157 research outputs found

    Von den Hausaufgaben zu Aufgaben in der Ganztagsschule

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    [Die Verfasser greifen] das nach wie vor aktuelle und grundlegende Thema der Hausaufgaben in der Ganztagsschule auf. Sie beschreiben den Entwicklungsweg von den Hausaufgaben zu Aufgaben in der Ganztagsschule in Lernzeiten, beleuchten dabei die Rollen und Aufgaben der Akteure und geben eine Reihe von praktischen Hinweisen. Im Ergebnis plädieren sie für ein didaktisch begründetes Konzept für Lernzeiten und benennen die dafür notwendigen Merkmale. (DIPF/Orig.

    A Systemic Approach for Simulation-based Team Training in Maritime Safety

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    Navigating the tensions of integrating lived experience in participatory healthcare design

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    Despite growing interest in participatory approaches to healthcare design, the integration of people's lived experience-direct, first-hand understanding of a certain condition, situation, or identity-remains a key challenge to meaningful participation. Through an interview study with 23 patients, designers, family caregivers, and healthcare professionals involved in participatory healthcare design initiatives, the authors identify underlying tensions associated with leveraging lived experiences in healthcare design and investigate how existing strategies for integrating lived experience relate to these tensions. In doing so, this research offers insights for practitioners regarding ways of strategically navigating tensions when integrating people's lived experience through design in complex healthcare contexts.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Old traces, read anew - 'The Reading Hermit' painting in the light of X-ray fluorescence

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    There exist several very similar looking versions of the painting ‘The Reading Hermit’, all allegedly painted by Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (approx. in ∼1630 A.D., Leiden). The classification of Rembrandt's paintings, which were produced by Rembrandt himself, in his academy by his students and the ones being mere copies is a crucial and difficult task. We gathered background evidence and performed elemental analyses by non-destructive micro-X-ray fluorescence (micro-XRF) in order to elucidate the painting's provenance. Elemental distributions of Ca, Mn, Fe and Cu show that the painting was presumably changed during the painting process, which indicates, together with neutron autoradiography (NAR) investigations, that this version of ‘The Reading Hermit’ is not a copy

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    DELIKAT – Fachdialoge Deliberative Demokratie: Analyse Partizipativer Verfahren für den Transformationsprozess

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    Das Projekt erfasst und bewertet die Potenziale existierender Partizipationsformate für die Transformation des politischen Systems zu einer kooperativen und deliberativen Demokratie. Angestrebt wird kein Alternativentwurf zu einer repräsentativen Demokratie, sondern Empfehlungen für eine Ergänzung dieser Regierungsform durch kooperative und deliberative Elemente, die der gesellschaftlichen Forderung nach einem „Mehr an Beteiligung“ Rechnung tragen. Den Hintergrund für die theoretische Reflexion bildet die normative Annahme, dass die Öffentlichkeit nicht nur an Wahlprozessen beteiligt sein soll, sondern auch an der Entscheidungsvorbereitung und der Abwägung von kollektiv verbindlichen Handlungsoptionen, von deren Konsequenzen sie in ihrem Lebensumfeld betroffen sein werden. Anhand der Ergebnisse des Projektes ergeben sich Anknüpfungspunkte für zukünftige Vorhaben auf zwei Ebenen. Die Partizipationsmatrix bietet auf der Verfahrensebene gute Möglichkeiten zur Kombination und Rekombination einzelner Verfahren wie auch Verfahrensbestandteile. Die Politikempfehlungen zeigen weitergehend konkrete Wege für die Umsetzung einer neuen Partizipationskultur durch Politik und Verwaltung im Sinne eines neuen Mainstreamings von Partizipation. Diese sprechen sich im Kern dafür aus, mehr Beteiligung zu wagen, ja, eine „Kultur der Beteiligung“ zu etablieren. Diese ist jedoch an Voraussetzungen gebunden, die ebenso aufgeführt werden. Der institutionelle Unterbau einer solchen Beteiligungskultur wird letztlich in einem Mainstreaming von Partizipation auf allen Ebenen von Politik und Verwaltung lokalisiert.The project detects and evaluates the potential of existing participation formats to transform the political system into a cooperative and deliberative democracy. The aim is to develop recommendations for the integration of cooperative and deliberative elements into representative democracy, rather than to develop an alternative model. These new elements take societal demands for increased involvement into account. The normative assumption that the public should not only be involved in elections but also in the preparation of collectively binding decisions and in the assignment of trade-offs between various political options serves as the basis for the theoretical reflection. The results of this project have significant implications for future projects on two levels. On the procedural level, the participation matrix offers opportunities for combining and recombining individual procedures and procedural elements. On the substantive level, the political recommendations offer structural advise on how to realise a new participation culture through politics and administration. This can also be described as a “mainstreaming” of participation. The recommendations promote attempts at increased participation and the establishment of a “culture of participation”. This, however, is bound to certain conditions, which are also listed and explained. Ultimately, the institutional foundation of such a participation culture is localised in a serious attempt to implement mainstreaming of participation on all levels of politics and administration

    Effects of Phytoestrogen Extracts Isolated from Elder Flower on Hormone Production and Receptor Expression of Trophoblast Tumor Cells JEG-3 and BeWo, as well as MCF7 Breast Cancer Cells

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    Hereinwe investigated the effect of elderflower extracts (EFE) and of enterolactone/enterodiol on hormone production and proliferation of trophoblast tumor cell lines JEG-3 and BeWo, as well as MCF7 breast cancer cells. The EFE was analyzed by mass spectrometry. Cells were incubated with various concentrations of EFE. Untreated cells served as controls. Supernatants were tested for estradiol production with an ELISA method. Furthermore, the effect of the EFE on ER alpha/ER beta /PR expression was assessed by immunocytochemistry. EFE contains a substantial amount of lignans. Estradiol production was inhibited in all cells in a concentration-dependent manner. EFE upregulated ER alpha in JEG-3 cell lines. In MCF7 cells, a significant ER alpha downregulation and PR upregulation were observed. The control substances enterolactone and enterodiol in contrast inhibited the expression of both ER and of PR in MCF7 cells. In addition, the production of estradiol was upregulated in BeWo and MCF7 cells in a concentration dependent manner. The downregulating effect of EFE on ER alpha expression and the upregulation of the PR expression in MFC-7 cells are promising results. Therefore, additional unknown substances might be responsible for ER alpha downregulation and PR upregulation. These findings suggest potential use of EFE in breast cancer prevention and/or treatment and warrant further investigation