485 research outputs found

    Non-Uniqueness of Quantized Yang-Mills Theories

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    We consider quantized Yang-Mills theories in the framework of causal perturbation theory which goes back to Epstein and Glaser. In this approach gauge invariance is expressed by a simple commutator relation for the S-matrix. The most general coupling which is gauge invariant in first order contains a two-parametric ambiguity in the ghost sector - a divergence- and a coboundary-coupling may be added. We prove (not completely) that the higher orders with these two additional couplings are gauge invariant, too. Moreover we show that the ambiguities of the n-point distributions restricted to the physical subspace are only a sum of divergences (in the sense of vector analysis). It turns out that the theory without divergence- and coboundary-coupling is the most simple one in a quite technical sense. The proofs for the n-point distributions containing coboundary-couplings are given up to third or fourth order only, whereas the statements about the divergence-coupling are proven in all orders.Comment: 22 pages. The paper is written in TEX. The necessary macros are include

    Seltene Ursache einer Dysurie

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    A community-driven paired data platform to accelerate natural product mining by combining structural information from genomes and metabolomes

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    Natural products are small molecules produced by bacteria, fungi, and plants that have a large variety of functions, including chemical defence and communication. Moreover, many of those natural products are exploited for therapeutic or medicinal use. For example, many antibiotics have natural products as origin ..

    Spatially Offset Raman Spectroscopic (SORS) Analysis of Wine Alcoholic Fermentation: A Preliminary Study

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    Spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (SORS) is a non-invasive analytical technique that allows the analysis of samples through a container. This makes it an effective tool for studying food and beverage products, as it can measure the sample without being affected by the packaging or the container. In this study, a portable SORS equipment was used for the first time to analyse the alcoholic fermentation process of white wine. Different sample measurement arrangements were tested in order to determine the most effective method for monitoring the fermentation process and predicting key oenological parameters. The best results were obtained when the sample was directly measured through the glass container in which the fermentation was occurring. This allowed for the accurate monitoring of the process and the prediction of density and pH with a root mean square error of cross-validation (RMSECV) of 0.0029 g·L−1 and 0.04, respectively, and R2 values of 0.993 and 0.961 for density and pH, respectively. Additionally, the sources of variability depending on the measurement arrangements were studied using ANOVA-Simultaneous Component Analysis (ASCA)

    Ladungen, Wechselwirkungen und Teilchen

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    Die Frage, welche fundamentalen Prinzipien den Aufbau der Materie unseres Universums bestimmen und was sie „im Innersten zusammenhält“, ist seit jeher Gegenstand der Neugier und des Forschungsdrangs der Menschen. Das vorliegende Unterrichtsmaterial möchte Sie und Ihre Schüler in die faszinierende Welt der Teilchenphysik mitnehmen, um einige Antworten auf diese Frage zu finden. Die Inhalte lassen sich in Form eines Spiralcurriculums behandeln, so dass eine wiederkehrende Beschäftigung mit den grundlegenden Konzepten der Elementarteilchenphysik im Physikunterricht in differenzierter Form und Tiefe, in unterschiedlichem Umfang, auf sich steigerndem Niveau und auf der Grundlage unterschiedlicher Vorkenntnisse möglich ist. So können wesentliche Inhalte zu den zentralen Begriffen „Ladungen, Wechselwirkungen und Elementarteilchen“ vermittelt werden. Der Band wird durch Informationen für Lehrkräfte und Aufgaben mit Lösungen abgerundet

    Heterozygous, Polyploid, Giant Bacterium, Achromatium, Possesses an Identical Functional Inventory Worldwide across Drastically Different Ecosystems

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    Achromatium is large, hyperpolyploid and the only known heterozygous bacterium. Single cells contain approximately 300 different chromosomes with allelic diversity far exceeding that typically harbored by single bacteria genera. Surveying all publicly available sediment sequence archives, we show that Achromatium is common worldwide, spanning temperature, salinity, pH, and depth ranges normally resulting in bacterial speciation. Although saline and freshwater Achromatium spp. appear phylogenetically separated, the genus Achromatium contains a globally identical, complete functional inventory regardless of habitat. Achromatium spp. cells from differing ecosystems (e.g., from freshwater to saline) are, unexpectedly, equally functionally equipped but differ in gene expression patterns by transcribing only relevant genes. We suggest that environmental adaptation occurs by increasing the copy number of relevant genes across the cell’s hundreds of chromosomes, without losing irrelevant ones, thus maintaining the ability to survive in any ecosystem type. The functional versatility of Achromatium and its genomic features reveal alternative genetic and evolutionary mechanisms, expanding our understanding of the role and evolution of polyploidy in bacteria while challenging the bacterial species concept and drivers of bacterial speciation