72 research outputs found

    Soy BIA: una mirada a las intenciones de comunicación de Bradesco al promocionar su servicio de inteligencia artificial en piezas publicitarias

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    O artigo investiga a comunicação publicitária do Bradesco ao personificar seu serviço de inteligência artificialna imagem da Bradesco Inteligência Artificial (BIA). A fim de mapear as intenções de comunicaçãoda marcaé observado como ela se apropria dedimensões intrínsecas à IA. Otrabalho é estruturado numa etapa teórica sobre as relações entre bancos, publicidade e IA na sociedade pós-digital (LONGO, 2014; MALTHOUSE; LI, 2017; GABRIEL, 2019); seguida de uma etapa empírica, na qual são analisadas três peças audiovisuais que usam a BIA na construção da mensagem. O método exploratório auxiliou a dissecar as peças frame-by-frame, permitindo a condução de análises qualitativas aos conceitos estratégicos e elementos audiovisuais da narrativa publicitária.Os resultados sugerem que a BIA potencializa a intenção da empresa em promover relações mutuamente benéficas com seus clientes.The article investigates Bradesco’s advertising communication by personatingits artificial intelligence service in the image of Bradesco Artificial Intelligence (BIA). In order to map the brand communication intentions,it is observed how it appropriates dimensions intrinsic to AI. The work is structured by a theoretical stage on the relation among banks, advertising and AI in a post-digital society (LONGO, 2014; MALTHOUSE; LI, 2017; GABRIEL, 2019); followed by an empirical stage, in which three audiovisual pieces in which BIA appears to support the construction of messagesare analyzed. The exploratory method helped to dissect the pieces frame-by-frame, allowing the conduction of qualitative analyzes to the strategic concepts and audiovisual elements of the advertising narrative. Results suggest that BIA enhances the company intention to promote mutually beneficial relationships with its customers.El artículo investiga la comunicación publicitaria de Bradesco al personificarsu servicio de inteligencia artificial en la imagen de Bradesco Inteligencia Artificial (BIA). Para mapear las intenciones de comunicación de la marca, se observa cómo se apropia de las dimensiones intrínsecas a la IA. Así, el trabajo está estructurado por una etapa teórica sobre las relaciones entre bancos, publicidad e IA en la sociedad postdigital (LONGO, 2014; MALTHOUSE; LI, 2017; GABRIEL, 2019); seguido de una etapa empírica, en la que se analizan tres piezas audiovisuales con BIA para apoyar la construcción del mensaje. Elmétodo exploratorio ayudó a diseccionar las piezas cuadro por cuadro, permitiendo la realización de análisis cualitativos a los conceptos estratégicos y elementos audiovisuales de la narrativa publicitaria. Los resultados sugieren que BIA apoya la intención de la empresa en promover relaciones de beneficio mutuoconsus clientes

    Postural evaluation in women with chronic pelvic pain

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    OBJECTIVE: to evaluate by photogrammetry, postural changes in women with chronic pelvic pain. METHODS: thirty women with complaint of chronic pelvic pain and 37 without it, in a total of 67 women, were evaluated. The evaluation was realized through anamnesis, fixed markers in defined anatomical sites, and frontal, posterior, left and right lateral photographies. Photo analysis has been done by the software CorelDraw®, version 11.0. Quantitative values for postural analysis of the ankle, the knee in the saggittal plan, pelvis, lumbar lordosis, thoracic kyphosis, adducted/abducted scapula, shoulders, head and third finger on the floor test were obtained. The qualitative variables studied were the knee (varus, valgus or normal), the presence or not of winged scapula and leveling of shoulders. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences, version 16.0 was used for the statistical analyses. Fisher's exact test and Monte-Carlo method were used to compare the qualitative variables, and for the quantitative data, t or Mann-Whitney test was used. The comparisons among continuous data, corrected for possible confusion variables were realized by the univariate covariance analysis. Significance level was established at 0.05 or 5%. RESULTS: there were significant differences between cases and controls for protruded head (47.5 and 52.0º, respectively; p<0.0001) and for protruded shoulders (1.9 and 1.6 cm, respectively; p=0.03). The other variables did not show significant differences. CONCLUSIONS: based on these results, attention to head and shoulder posture, to antalgic postures and to the emotional factor is recommended. Women with chronic pelvic pain should be treated, taking into consideration individual muscle-skeletal changes, and social and emotional conditions.OBJETIVO: avaliar por meio da fotogrametria as alterações posturais de mulheres com dor pélvica crônica. MÉTODOS: foram avaliadas 30 mulheres com queixa de dor pélvica crônica e 37 sem essa queixa, totalizando 67 mulheres. A avaliação constituiu de anamnese, colocação de marcadores fixos em pontos anatômicos definidos e obtenção de fotografias em vista frontal, posterior, lateral esquerda e direita. A análise das fotos foi realizada com o software CorelDraw®, versão 11.0. Foram identificados valores para as variáveis de análise postural de tornozelo, joelho no plano sagital, pelve, lordose lombar, cifose torácica, escápula aduzida/abduzida, ombros, cabeça e teste do terceiro dedo ao chão. As variáveis qualitativas estudadas foram joelho (varo, valgo ou normal), presença ou não de escápula alada e de nivelamento de ombros. Para as análises estatísticas utilizamos o Statistical Package for Social Sciences, versão 16.0. Para a comparação entre as variáveis qualitativas foi utilizado o teste exato de Fisher e método de Monte-Carlo e, para a comparação de dados quantitativos foi utilizado o teste t ou o de Mann-Whitney. As comparações entre os dados contínuos corrigidos para possíveis variáveis de confusão foram feitas pela análise de covariância univariada. O nível de significância foi estabelecido como 0,05 ou 5%. RESULTADOS: foi observada diferença significante entre casos e controles para cabeça protusa (47,5 e 52,0º, respectivamente; p<0,0001) e ombros protusos (1,9 e 1,6 cm, respectivamente; p=0,03). As demais variáveis não apresentaram diferenças significativas. CONCLUSÕES: com os resultados obtidos sugere-se atenção à postura da cabeça e dos ombros, à postura antálgica e ao fator emocional. A mulher com dor pélvica crônica deve ser tratada levando-se em consideração suas alterações musculoesqueléticas individuais, condições sociais e emocionais.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de GinecologiaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de GinecologiaSciEL


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    Significance: Several educational technological innovations are developed with the purpose of contributing to the training of future optometrists and ophthalmologists. However, very little is available for teaching refractometry. EYE REFRACTION is a simulator mobile applications (App) that works as a fast, straightforward and interactive interface tool for teaching refractometry. Purpose: Develop novel mobile application software (EYE REFRACTION) as a tool for teaching refractometry in medical schools. Methods: EYE REFRACTION software was developed by the emerging company “Ciência Ilustrada studio” incubated at “INOVA Metrópole” of the Digital Metropolis Institute of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil (IMD-UFRN), using the XCode 4.6.2. program (Apple Computer, Inc. Cupertino, CA, USA). This application software (App) was created for Tablets and has a fully interactive workspace, where after inserting the refraction data of the patient, the user can observe points or focal lines of the refractive errors and all the arrangements resulting from the various possible corrections. Results: After 90 days of blind and random simulations of the EYE REFRACTION App performed by volunteered ophthalmologists, six failures were detected and promptly corrected. Two were detected when refractive errors were simulated (simple myopic astigmatism), two during simulations of hypermetropic astigmatism, being one simple and the other compound, and two others during the simulation of mixed astigmatism. Conclusion: A novel App for teaching refractometry was successfully developed, where it enabled a real-time observation of refractive errors and their arrangements. The EYE REFRACTION App is currently available at Apple App Store

    Progesterone receptor gene polymorphism (PROGINS) in women with pelvic endometriosis

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    OBJECTIVE: the aim of the present study was to verify whether there is a correlation between the prevalence of the polymorphism in the progesterone receptor gene named PROGINS and pelvic endometriosis at different stages. METHODS: a case-control study carried out from November 2003 to May 2004. The genotypes of 104 women were analyzed 66 women had had surgically confirmed endometriosis (26 women at stages I-II and 40 at stages III-IV), and 38 were healthy women. The 306-base pair Alu insertion polymorphism in the intron G of the progesterone receptor gene was detected by polymerase chain reaction and analyzed on 2% agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide. ANOVA analysis was performed in order to make comparisons between among the studied groups. RESULTS: the groups of women with endometriosis stages I-II (EndoI group) and stages III-IV (EndoII group) showed statistically significant increased incidence of PROGINS polymorphic allele as compared with the control group: 27% in the EndoI group, 38% in EndoII and 18% in the control group (p < 0.001. In the analyses, a high frequency of the PROGINS insertion was observed in women with endometriosis as compared to healthy women, disregarding the clinical stage of the disease (p = 0.0385). CONCLUSION: there is a significant statistical association between the PROGINS polymorphism and pelvic endometriosis.OBJETIVO: o objetivo do estudo foi verificar a prevalência do polimorfismo denominado PROGINS no gene do receptor de progesterona entre mulheres com endometriose em seus diferentes estádios. MÉTODOS: estudo caso-controle desenvolvido entre novembro de 2003 e maio de 2004. Foram analisados os genótipos de 104 mulheres, das quais 66 com endometriose comprovada por videolaparoscopia (26 mulheres nos estádios I-II e 40 nos estádios III-IV) e 38 saudáveis. A inserção Alu de 306 pares de base no intron G do gene do receptor de progesterona denominada PROGINS foi detectada por meio de reação em cadeia da polimerase e analisada em gel de agarose 2% corado com brometo de etídio. Para análise estatística foi utilizado o teste ANOVA paramétrico. RESULTADOS: as amostras pertencentes aos grupos endometriose estádios I-II (grupo EndoI) e estádios III-IV (grupo EndoII) tiveram significativo aumento na incidência do alelo polimórfico do receptor de progesterona em relação ao grupo controle: 27% no grupo EndoI, 38% no EndoII e apenas 18% no grupo controle (p < 0,001). A prevalência da inserção, quando comparamos mulheres com endometriose, independente do estádio, com as do grupo controle, foi estatisticamente superior no grupo das doentes (p = 0,0385). CONCLUSÃO: há associação estatisticamente significante entre o polimorfismo PROGINS e a endometriose pélvica.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de GinecologiaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de GinecologiaSciEL

    Adolescence, sexual life and reproductive planning of adolescents of Serra Pelada, Pará

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    The life conditions in which an adolescent develops determine his choices and influence his sexual life. The present study aimed to characterize the daily activities and sexual life of 108 adolescents aged between 11 and 15 years, living in Serra Pelada, a municipality of Curionópolis, state of Pará, through a quantitative and qualitative data analysis, distinguishing them according to gender. Results showed the strong presence of gender relations in some cases. Some relation was found between religion and sexual life only in the female sex: 58.5% of them followed some religion and 66.7% had not initiated sexual life at the age of 12 or below. When the adolescents were asked whether they had sexual intercourse with their boyfriends or girlfriends, 93.6% of the girls answered they did not, while 59.6% of the boys answered the same, showing that the girls avoid more the sexual intercourse. The great majority of the girls stated they used a contraceptive method in the first intercourse, while more than 50% of the boys said the opposite. This difference reveals that the responsibility for contraception is deemed as belonging to the female sex. Approximately 70% of the girls state they intend to marry the person with whom they are currently having sexual intercourse, while 60% of the boys say the opposite, which shows that the girls are more afraid to have children early, and more open to commitments.As condições de vida em que um adolescente se desenvolve determinam suas escolhas e influenciam sua vida sexual. O presente estudo visou caracterizar o cotidiano e vida sexual de 108 adolescentes entre 11 e 15 anos de idade, residentes em Serra Pelada, município de Curionópolis, PA, através de análise quantitativa e qualitativa de dados, diferenciando-os quanto ao gênero. Os resultados mostraram a forte presença das relações de gênero em alguns casos. Foi encontrada alguma relação entre religião e vida sexual somente no sexo feminino, em que se observa que 58,5% delas eram adeptas a alguma religião e 66,7 % não haviam iniciado a vida sexual aos 12 anos ou menos. Quando questionados se mantinham, ou não, relações sexuais enquanto namoravam, 93,6% das meninas afirmaram que não, enquanto 59,6% dos meninos disseram o mesmo, mostrando que as meninas evitam mais a relação sexual. A grande maioria das meninas afirmou ter feito uso de método para evitar filho na primeira relação, enquanto mais de 50% dos meninos afirmaram o contrário. Essa diferença reflete que a responsabilidade da contracepção é julgada como pertencente ao sexo feminino. Cerca de 70% das meninas afirmam ter a intenção de se casar com a pessoa com quem tem relação sexual atualmente, enquanto 60% dos meninos afirmam o contrário, o que mostra que as meninas se mostram mais receosas quanto a ter filho cedo, em relação aos garotos, e mostram-se mais abertas ao compromisso

    Bolivia and the paradoxes of democratic consolidation

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    In Bolivia from the 1990s on, two presidents were ousted by popular protests, and protests were rampant. The protests expressed a growing discontent not only with successive administrations and their policies but with politics itself. The polity failed to built trust in democracy, ignored or repressed protests, and thus contributed to a process of democratic "deconsolidation." The main factors were corruption and the reluctance of the traditional political parties to discuss the neoliberal economic model. As a result, the current administration of Evo Morales faces two challenges: to change economic policies and to repair the support for democracy