2,939 research outputs found

    The role of string-like, supramolecular assemblies in reentrant supernematic liquid crystals

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    Using a combination of isothermal-isobaric Monte Carlo and microcanonical molecular dynamics we investigate the relation between structure and self-diffusion in various phases of a model liquid crystal using the Gay-Berne-Kihara potential. These molecules are confined to a mesoscopic slit-pore with atomically smooth substrate surfaces. As reported recently [see M. G. Mazza {\em et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 105}, 227802 (2010)], a reentrant nematic (RN) phase may form at sufficiently high pressures/densities. This phase is characterized by a high degree of nematic order and a substantially enhanced self-diffusivity in the direction of the director n^\hat{\bm{n}} which exceeds that of the lower-density nematic and an intermittent smectic A phase by about an order of magnitude. Here we demonstrate that the unique transport behavior in the RN phase may be linked to a confinement-induced packing effect which causes the formation of supramolecular, string-like conformations. The strings consist of several individual molecules that are capable of travelling in the direction of n^\hat{\bm{n}} as individual "trains" consisting of chains of molecular "cars". Individual trains run in parallel and may pass each other at sufficiently high pressures.Comment: 24 page

    Input Design for Systems Under Identification Using Indirect and Direct Methods

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    The motivation for system identification can be manifold. In this work, the provocation to identify unknown system characteristics is derived from the control engineering point of view. That is, one intends to design a control strategy based on the identified system properties. The used system identification methods are the Open-Loop Kalman filter System Identification method (OKID) and the Closed-Loop System Identification method (CLID). It is shown that the quantitative largest error of the system identification is given by its model representation, that is the attempt to describe a system with model parameters which poses a linear relationship with the input/output data. Parameter identifiability is reduced to the problem of consistent estimation. The identifiability is largely determined by the way the system is excited, and in addition by the output of the system for the indirect system identification. A quantitative comparison between the indirect and direct system identification method is given, where indirect system identification showed to be slightly superior in accuracy if a suitable controller is selected. The example models used in the comparison are a heat-mass transfer model, a macro economical model, a structural model, NASA\u27s Large-Angle Magnetic Suspension Test Facility (LAMSTF), and a human respiratory system. The problem of defining the input data such that accuracy and identifiability are increased is addressed and controller design criteria can be developed from it. The excitation input is calculated from input/output data and substituted into the current input. Simulations indicate that only a few substitutions are necessary to successfully identify the system. The new input design results in very accurate identification with reduced noise influence and data length requirement. Controller design criteria can be formed based on the input design, such that identification leads to more accurate and more reliable results

    Disorder-induced pseudodiffusive transport in graphene nanoribbons.

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    We study the transition from ballistic to diffusive and localized transport in graphene nanoribbons in the presence of binary disorder, which can be generated by chemical adsorbates or substitutional doping. We show that the interplay between the induced average doping (arising from the nonzero average of the disorder) and impurity scattering modifies the traditional picture of phase-coherent transport. Close to the Dirac point, intrinsic evanescent modes produced by the impurities dominate transport at short lengths giving rise to a regime analogous to pseudodiffusive transport in clean graphene, but without the requirement of heavily doped contacts. This intrinsic pseudodiffusive regime precedes the traditional ballistic, diffusive, and localized regimes. The last two regimes exhibit a strongly modified effective number of propagating modes and a mean free path which becomes anomalously large close to the Dirac point

    Customer premise service study for 30/20 GHz satellite system

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    Satellite systems in which the space segment operates in the 30/20 GHz frequency band are defined and compared as to their potential for providing various types of communications services to customer premises and the economic and technical feasibility of doing so. Technical tasks performed include: market postulation, definition of the ground segment, definition of the space segment, definition of the integrated satellite system, service costs for satellite systems, sensitivity analysis, and critical technology. Based on an analysis of market data, a sufficiently large market for services is projected so as to make the system economically viable. A large market, and hence a high capacity satellite system, is found to be necessary to minimize service costs, i.e., economy of scale is found to hold. The wide bandwidth expected to be available in the 30/20 GHz band, along with frequency reuse which further increases the effective system bandwidth, makes possible the high capacity system. Extensive ground networking is required in most systems to both connect users into the system and to interconnect Earth stations to provide spatial diversity. Earth station spatial diversity is found to be a cost effective means of compensating the large fading encountered in the 30/20 GHz operating band

    Depletion potentials near geometrically structured substrates

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    Using the recently developed so-called White Bear version of Rosenfeld's Fundamental Measure Theory we calculate the depletion potentials between a hard-sphere colloidal particle in a solvent of small hard spheres and simple models of geometrically structured substrates: a right-angled wedge or edge. In the wedge geometry, there is a strong attraction beyond the corresponding one near a planar wall that significantly influences the structure of colloidal suspensions in wedges. In accordance with an experimental study, for the edge geometry we find a free energy barrier of the order of several kBTk_B T which repels a big colloidal particle from the edge.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Quantum Formation of Black Hole and Wormhole in Gravitational Collapse of a Dust Shell

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    Quantum-mechanical model of self-gravitating dust shell is considered. To clarify the relation between classical and quantum spacetime which the shell collapse form, we consider various time slicing on which quantum mechanics is developed. By considering the static time slicing which corresponds to an observer at a constant circumference radius, we obtain the wave functions of the shell motion and the discrete mass spectra which specify the global structures of spherically symmetric spacetime formed by the shell collapse. It is found that wormhole states are forbidden when the rest mass is comparable with Plank mass scale due to the zero-point quantum fluctuations.Comment: 10 pages in twocolumn, 8 figures, RevTeX 3.

    Gluing Initial Data Sets for General Relativity

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    We establish an optimal gluing construction for general relativistic initial data sets. The construction is optimal in two distinct ways. First, it applies to generic initial data sets and the required (generically satisfied) hypotheses are geometrically and physically natural. Secondly, the construction is completely local in the sense that the initial data is left unaltered on the complement of arbitrarily small neighborhoods of the points about which the gluing takes place. Using this construction we establish the existence of cosmological, maximal globally hyperbolic, vacuum space-times with no constant mean curvature spacelike Cauchy surfaces.Comment: Final published version - PRL, 4 page

    Foliations and Chern-Heinz inequalities

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    We extend the Chern-Heinz inequalities about mean curvature and scalar curvature of graphs of C2C^{2}-functions to leaves of transversally oriented codimension one C2C^{2}-foliations of Riemannian manifolds. That extends partially Salavessa's work on mean curvature of graphs and generalize results of Barbosa-Kenmotsu-Oshikiri \cite{barbosa-kenmotsu-Oshikiri} and Barbosa-Gomes-Silveira \cite{barbosa-gomes-silveira} about foliations of 3-dimensional Riemannian manifolds by constant mean curvature surfaces. These Chern-Heinz inequalities for foliations can be applied to prove Haymann-Makai-Osserman inequality (lower bounds of the fundamental tones of bounded open subsets Ω⊂R2\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^{2} in terms of its inradius) for embedded tubular neighborhoods of simple curves of Rn\mathbb{R}^{n}.Comment: This paper is an improvment of an earlier paper titled On Chern-Heinz Inequalities. 8 Pages, Late

    Advanced composite applications for sub-micron biologically derived microstructures

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    A major thrust of advanced material development is in the area of self-assembled ultra-fine particulate based composites (micro-composites). The application of biologically derived, self-assembled microstructures to form advanced composite materials is discussed. Hollow 0.5 micron diameter cylindrical shaped microcylinders self-assemble from diacetylenic lipids. These microstructures have a multiplicity of potential applications in the material sciences. Exploratory development is proceeding in application areas such as controlled release for drug delivery, wound repair, and biofouling as well as composites for electronic and magnetic applications, and high power microwave cathodes
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