758 research outputs found

    An Exploratory Study of Learning Transfer from the Online Technical Communication Course to the Workplace

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    For technical communication educators, a fundamental consideration is to what extent the skills and information students learn in the classroom are applied in a workplace environment. While this issue has been studied, it has not been examined from the perspectives of students taking an online writing course or of instructors teaching that kind of course. To investigate this issue, I conducted a two-part, qualitative study consisting of surveys and follow-up interviews that explored instructor and student (former and current) perceptions regarding learning transfer from online business and technical writing courses to postgraduate jobs or careers. Learning transfer theory was used as a theoretical base to guide my investigation and interpret the results. Study findings show that many students in an online technical communication course learn the meta-level rhetorical skills needed for high road transfer to take place. Subjects also perceive inherent features in online technical communication courses that prepare them well for workplace writing. Students perceive strengths of online courses as including flexibility and the high degree of practical real world value that they offer. They also perceive shortcomings of these classes as including lack of community and lack of immediate feedback and guidance. This study resulted in a list of best practices for facilitating learning transfer from the online writing courses to the workplace, along with suggestions for future research

    The Conceptualization and Development of Youth Leadership: A Youth-Driven Model

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    The aim of the current dissertation was to produce a model of youth leadership development, rooted in a youth engagement framework, created through the voices of youth leaders themselves. Participants were 16 youth leaders in the Respect in Schools Everywhere (RISE) Program, a school-based, youth engagement, anti-violence program. Three different qualitative methodologies were utilized to analyze the interviews of youth leaders to develop and validate this model of youth leadership development. Specifically, an inductive, cross-case and a deductive case-based thematic analysis of pre- and post-program interviews of seven youth leaders were conducted to describe and develop the model of youth leadership. A template analysis of nine other youth leaders’ post-program interviews was conducted to validate, confirm, and expand the model. A final model of youth leadership development was created that answers the following questions: (i) How do youth leaders understand and conceptualize leadership? (ii) What leadership-related development do the youth leaders report through their experience in a youth engagement program? (iii) What youth engagement programmatic practices, or mechanisms, are associated with the leadership-related outcomes? Specifically, youth conceptualized leadership as sharing knowledge, taking initiative, being a role model, having social skills, being respectful, and as a group process. For youth, leadership was seen as a collective capacity; one that relies on a team-based approach. Through applying the main tenets of youth engagement, such as meaningful involvement, opportunities to lead, and the support of a caring adult, youth endorsed development in their leadership skills, social network, self-concept, and engagement in their school and community. Overall, the findings of this study suggest that youth engagement is a promising model for developing youth leaders. Further, not only do youth have insights and skills to impact their schools and communities, but they also have important contributions to make to the development of theory and practice

    A macroepigenetic approach to identify factors responsible for the autism epidemic in the United States

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    The number of children ages 6 to 21 in the United States receiving special education services under the autism disability category increased 91% between 2005 to 2010 while the number of children receiving special education services overall declined by 5%. The demand for special education services continues to rise in disability categories associated with pervasive developmental disorders. Neurodevelopment can be adversely impacted when gene expression is altered by dietary transcription factors, such as zinc insufficiency or deficiency, or by exposure to toxic substances found in our environment, such as mercury or organophosphate pesticides. Gene expression patterns differ geographically between populations and within populations. Gene variants of paraoxonase-1 are associated with autism in North America, but not in Italy, indicating regional specificity in gene-environment interactions. In the current review, we utilize a novel macroepigenetic approach to compare variations in diet and toxic substance exposure between these two geographical populations to determine the likely factors responsible for the autism epidemic in the United States

    A macroepigenetic approach to identify factors responsible for the autism epidemic in the United States

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    The number of children ages 6 to 21 in the United States receiving special education services under the autism disability category increased 91% between 2005 to 2010 while the number of children receiving special education services overall declined by 5%. The demand for special education services continues to rise in disability categories associated with pervasive developmental disorders. Neurodevelopment can be adversely impacted when gene expression is altered by dietary transcription factors, such as zinc insufficiency or deficiency, or by exposure to toxic substances found in our environment, such as mercury or organophosphate pesticides. Gene expression patterns differ geographically between populations and within populations. Gene variants of paraoxonase-1 are associated with autism in North America, but not in Italy, indicating regional specificity in gene-environment interactions. In the current review, we utilize a novel macroepigenetic approach to compare variations in diet and toxic substance exposure between these two geographical populations to determine the likely factors responsible for the autism epidemic in the United States

    Cancer patients enrolled in a smoking cessation clinical trial: characteristics and correlates of smoking rate and nicotine dependence

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Hindawi Publishing Corporation via the DOI in this recordIntroduction: A substantial proportion of cancer patients continue to smoke after their diagnosis but relatively few studies have evaluated correlates of nicotine dependence and smoking rate in this population, which could help guide smoking cessation interventions. Aim: This study evaluated correlates of smoking rate and nicotine dependence in a sample of 207 cancer patients. Methods: A cross-sectional analysis using multiple linear regression evaluated disease, demographic, affective, and tobacco-seeking correlates of smoking rate and nicotine dependence. Smoking rate was assessed using a timeline follow-back assessment of cigarettes smoked per day. The Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence measured levels of nicotine dependence. Results: The primary analysis, using multiple linear regression predicting nicotine dependence, showed an association with smoking to alleviate a sense of addiction from the Reasons for Smoking Scale and tobacco-seeking behavior from the Concurrent Choice Task (p < .05), but not with affect measured by the HADS and PANAS (p > .05). Multiple linear regression predicting smoking rates prior to pre-quit visit also showed an association with smoking to alleviate addiction (p < .05). ANOVA showed that Caucasian participants reported greater rates of smoking compared to other reported races. Conclusions: The results suggest that behavioral smoking cessation interventions that focus on helping patients to manage tobacco-seeking behavior, rather than mood management interventions, could help cancer patients to quit smoking, as this data could be used to help tailor treatments for this population

    Knowledge and self-efficacy among healthcare providers towards novel tobacco products in Japan

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    Several new tobacco products, including e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products (HTPs), have become highly prevalent in Japan. As safety data continues to evolve, healthcare providers are considered important sources for product use, yet little is known about provider knowledge or self-efficacy to counsel patient about novel tobacco product use. This cross-sectional study used data from a Japanese Association of Smoking Control Science (JASCS) online survey of physicians, pharmacists, nurses, and public health practitioners (N = 277) to assess provider knowledge of novel tobacco products and self-efficacy to counsel patients about product use. Correlates of knowledge and self-efficacy were also assessed. More than half the sample had received previous training in treating tobacco use, but 62% of respondents had no knowledge of HTPs; 80% of respondents indicated that they occasionally or always provide smoking cessation support. Overall knowledge of HTPs was low (41.4% correct) with higher knowledge for HTPs containing nicotine (89% correct) vs. HTPs emitting no carbon monoxide (25%). Self-efficacy to counsel patients about novel tobacco products was low on a scale ranging from 10 to 70 (Mean = 31.2; Standard Deviation = 16.7). Greater knowledge of HTPs was associated with male gender, higher rates of training at JASCS and previous learning about HTPs at JASCS. (p < 0.05). The results suggested that healthcare providers' knowledge and self-efficacy regarding novel tobacco products remains low in Japan, but additional training may improve it

    Effect of acupuncture and auricular acupressure on smoking cessation:Protocol of a systematic review and Bayesian network meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Tobacco epidemic remains a major challenge to public health, with >7 million deaths attributable to tobacco smoking p.a. Quitting smoking is a proven way of reducing the harm of smoking. Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), auricular acupressure and acupuncture are used for quit smoking, but it remains to be explored which is relatively more effective. Furthermore, a Bayesian network meta-analysis will be applied to determine the relative effects and/or safety of different smoking cessation treatments. METHODS/DESIGN: A literature search for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) will be performed in five electronic databases from inception to December 2019, including PubMed, the Cochrane library, EMBASE, Web of Science, and Chinese Biomedical Database (SinoMed). Cochrane Collaboration quality assessment tool will be used for the risk of bias assessment. A Bayesian network meta-analysis will be performed using WinBUGS 1.4.3, and Stata 14 will be applied to draw the network diagram, while RevMan 5.3.5 will be used to produce funnel plot for assessing the risk of publication bias. Recommended rating, development and grade methodology will also be utilized to assess the quality of evidence. RESULTS: We will evaluate the effect of different smoking cessation treatments (e.g., acupuncture, auricular acupressure, and NRT) by directly traditional meta-analysis and indirectly Bayesian network meta-analysis. CONCLUSION: Our study will provide smokers with the available evidence on the efficacy and safety of quitting regimens

    Mercury exposure, nutritional deficiencies and metabolic disruptions may affect learning in children

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    Among dietary factors, learning and behavior are influenced not only by nutrients, but also by exposure to toxic food contaminants such as mercury that can disrupt metabolic processes and alter neuronal plasticity. Neurons lacking in plasticity are a factor in neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism and mental retardation. Essential nutrients help maintain normal neuronal plasticity. Nutritional deficiencies, including deficiencies in the long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, the amino acid methionine, and the trace minerals zinc and selenium, have been shown to influence neuronal function and produce defects in neuronal plasticity, as well as impact behavior in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Nutritional deficiencies and mercury exposure have been shown to alter neuronal function and increase oxidative stress among children with autism. These dietary factors may be directly related to the development of behavior disorders and learning disabilities. Mercury, either individually or in concert with other factors, may be harmful if ingested in above average amounts or by sensitive individuals. High fructose corn syrup has been shown to contain trace amounts of mercury as a result of some manufacturing processes, and its consumption can also lead to zinc loss. Consumption of certain artificial food color additives has also been shown to lead to zinc deficiency. Dietary zinc is essential for maintaining the metabolic processes required for mercury elimination. Since high fructose corn syrup and artificial food color additives are common ingredients in many foodstuffs, their consumption should be considered in those individuals with nutritional deficits such as zinc deficiency or who are allergic or sensitive to the effects of mercury or unable to effectively metabolize and eliminate it from the body