2,610 research outputs found

    Robust Re-Identification by Multiple Views Knowledge Distillation

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    To achieve robustness in Re-Identification, standard methods leverage tracking information in a Video-To-Video fashion. However, these solutions face a large drop in performance for single image queries (e.g., Image-To-Video setting). Recent works address this severe degradation by transferring temporal information from a Video-based network to an Image-based one. In this work, we devise a training strategy that allows the transfer of a superior knowledge, arising from a set of views depicting the target object. Our proposal - Views Knowledge Distillation (VKD) - pins this visual variety as a supervision signal within a teacher-student framework, where the teacher educates a student who observes fewer views. As a result, the student outperforms not only its teacher but also the current state-of-the-art in Image-To-Video by a wide margin (6.3% mAP on MARS, 8.6% on Duke-Video-ReId and 5% on VeRi-776). A thorough analysis - on Person, Vehicle and Animal Re-ID - investigates the properties of VKD from a qualitatively and quantitatively perspective

    Predicting erythropoietin resistance in hemodialysis patients with type 2 diabetes

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    <p>Background: Resistance to ESAs (erythropoietin stimulating agents) is highly prevalent in hemodialysis patients with diabetes and associated with an increased mortality. The aim of this study was to identify predictors for ESA resistance and to develop a prediction model for the risk stratification in these patients.</p> <p>Methods: A post-hoc analysis was conducted of the 4D study, including 1015 patients with type 2 diabetes undergoing hemodialysis. Determinants of ESA resistance were identified by univariate logistic regression analyses. Subsequently, multivariate models were performed with stepwise inclusion of significant predictors from clinical parameters, routine laboratory and specific biomarkers.</p> <p>Results: In the model restricted to clinical parameters, male sex, shorter dialysis vintage, lower BMI, history of CHF, use of ACE-inhibitors and a higher heart rate were identified as independent predictors of ESA resistance. In regard to routine laboratory markers, lower albumin, lower iron saturation, higher creatinine and higher potassium levels were independently associated with ESA resistance. With respect to specific biomarkers, higher ADMA and CRP levels as well as lower Osteocalcin levels were predictors of ESA resistance.</p> <p>Conclusions: Easily obtainable clinical parameters and routine laboratory parameters can predict ESA resistance in diabetic hemodialysis patients with good discrimination. Specific biomarkers did not meaningfully further improve the risk prediction of ESA resistance. Routinely assessed data can be used in clinical practice to stratify patients according to the risk of ESA resistance, which may help to assign appropriate treatment strategies.</p&gt

    The spectral variability of FSRQs

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    The optical variability of 29 flat spectrum radio quasars in SDSS Stripe 82 region are investigated by using DR7 released multi-epoch data. All FSRQs show variations with overall amplitude ranging from 0.24 mag to 3.46 mag in different sources. About half of FSRQs show a bluer-when-brighter trend, which is commonly observed for blazars. However, only one source shows a redder-when-brighter trend, which implies it is rare in FSRQs. In this source, the thermal emission may likely be responsible for the spectral behavior.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, to be published in Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, as a proceeding paper of the conference "Multiwavelength Variability of Blazars", Guangzhou, China, September 22-24, 201

    Honey bee foraging distance depends on month and forage type

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    To investigate the distances at which honey bee foragers collect nectar and pollen, we analysed 5,484 decoded waggle dances made to natural forage sites to determine monthly foraging distance for each forage type. Firstly, we found significantly fewer overall dances made for pollen (16.8 %) than for non-pollen, presumably nectar (83.2 %; P < 2.2 × 10−23). When we analysed distance against month and forage type, there was a significant interaction between the two factors, which demonstrates that in some months, one forage type is collected at farther distances, but this would reverse in other months. Overall, these data suggest that distance, as a proxy for forage availability, is not significantly and consistently driven by need for one type of forage over the other

    A runtime safety analysis concept for open adaptive systems

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    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019. In the automotive industry, modern cyber-physical systems feature cooperation and autonomy. Such systems share information to enable collaborative functions, allowing dynamic component integration and architecture reconfiguration. Given the safety-critical nature of the applications involved, an approach for addressing safety in the context of reconfiguration impacting functional and non-functional properties at runtime is needed. In this paper, we introduce a concept for runtime safety analysis and decision input for open adaptive systems. We combine static safety analysis and evidence collected during operation to analyse, reason and provide online recommendations to minimize deviation from a system’s safe states. We illustrate our concept via an abstract vehicle platooning system use case

    Spectro-astrometry of the pre-transitional star LkCa 15 does not reveal an accreting planet but extended H alpha emission

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    Context: The detection of forming planets in protoplanetary disks around young stars remains elusive, and state-of-the-art observational techniques provide somewhat ambiguous results. The pre-transitional T Tauri star LkCa 15 is an excellent example. It has been reported that it could host three planets; candidate planet b is in the process of formation, as inferred from its Hα emission. However, a more recent work casts doubts on the planetary nature of the previous detections. Aims: We test the potential of spectro-astrometry in Hα as an alternative observational technique to detect forming planets around young stars, taking LkCa 15 as a reference case Methods. LkCa 15 was observed with the ISIS spectrograph at the 4.2 m William Herschel Telescope (WHT). The slit was oriented towards the last reported position of LkCa 15 b (parallel direction) and 90◦ from that (perpendicular). The photocenter and full width half maximum (FWHM) of the Gaussians fitting the spatial distribution at Hα and the adjacent continuum were measured. A wellknown binary (GU CMa) was used as a calibrator to test the spectro-astrometric performance of ISIS/WHT. Results: A consistent spectro-astrometric signature is recovered for GU CMa. However, the photocenter shift predicted for LkCa 15 b is not detected, but the FWHM in Hα is broader than in the continuum for both slit positions. Our simulations show that the photocenter and FWHM observations cannot be explained simultaneously by an accreting planet, but the lack of photocenter shift alone could still be consistent with an emitting planet with contrast &5.5 mag in Hα or .6 mag in the adjacent continuum. In turn, both spectro-astrometric observations are naturally reproduced from a roughly symmetric Hα emitting region centered on the star and extent comparable to the orbit originally attributed to the planet at several au. Conclusions: The extended Hα emission around LkCa 15 could be related to a variable disk wind, but additional multi-epoch data and detailed modeling are necessary to understand its physical nature. Optical spectro-astrometry carried out with mid-size telescopes is capable of probing small-scale structures in relatively faint young stars that are not easily accessible with state-of-the-art instrumentation mounted on larger telescopes. Therefore, spectro-astrometry in Hα is able to test the presence of accreting planets and can be used as a complementary technique to survey planet formation in circumstellar disks

    Decreased mental time travel to the past correlates with default-mode network disintegration under lysergic acid diethylamide

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    This paper reports on the effects of LSD on mental time travel during spontaneous mentation. Twenty healthy volunteers participated in a placebo-controlled crossover study, incorporating intravenous administration of LSD (75 μg) and placebo (saline) prior to functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Six independent, blind judges analysed mentation reports acquired during structured interviews performed shortly after the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans (approximately 2.5 h post-administration). Within each report, specific linguistic references to mental spaces for the past, present and future were identified. Results revealed significantly fewer mental spaces for the past under LSD and this effect correlated with the general intensity of the drug’s subjective effects. No differences in the number of mental spaces for the present or future were observed. Consistent with the previously proposed role of the default-mode network (DMN) in autobiographical memory recollection and ruminative thought, decreased resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC) within the DMN correlated with decreased mental time travel to the past. These results are discussed in relation to potential therapeutic applications of LSD and related psychedelics, e.g. in the treatment of depression, for which excessive reflection on one’s past, likely mediated by DMN functioning, is symptomatic

    FindFoci: a focus detection algorithm with automated parameter training that closely matches human assignments, reduces human inconsistencies and increases speed of analysis

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    Accurate and reproducible quantification of the accumulation of proteins into foci in cells is essential for data interpretation and for biological inferences. To improve reproducibility, much emphasis has been placed on the preparation of samples, but less attention has been given to reporting and standardizing the quantification of foci. The current standard to quantitate foci in open-source software is to manually determine a range of parameters based on the outcome of one or a few representative images and then apply the parameter combination to the analysis of a larger dataset. Here, we demonstrate the power and utility of using machine learning to train a new algorithm (FindFoci) to determine optimal parameters. FindFoci closely matches human assignments and allows rapid automated exploration of parameter space. Thus, individuals can train the algorithm to mirror their own assignments and then automate focus counting using the same parameters across a large number of images. Using the training algorithm to match human assignments of foci, we demonstrate that applying an optimal parameter combination from a single image is not broadly applicable to analysis of other images scored by the same experimenter or by other experimenters. Our analysis thus reveals wide variation in human assignment of foci and their quantification. To overcome this, we developed training on multiple images, which reduces the inconsistency of using a single or a few images to set parameters for focus detection. FindFoci is provided as an open-source plugin for ImageJ

    An SU(N) Mott insulator of an atomic Fermi gas realized by large-spin Pomeranchuk cooling

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    The Hubbard model, containing only the minimum ingredients of nearest neighbor hopping and on-site interaction for correlated electrons, has succeeded in accounting for diverse phenomena observed in solid-state materials. One of the interesting extensions is to enlarge its spin symmetry to SU(N>2), which is closely related to systems with orbital degeneracy. Here we report a successful formation of the SU(6) symmetric Mott insulator state with an atomic Fermi gas of ytterbium (173Yb) in a three-dimensional optical lattice. Besides the suppression of compressibility and the existence of charge excitation gap which characterize a Mott insulating phase, we reveal an important difference between the cases of SU(6) and SU(2) in the achievable temperature as the consequence of different entropy carried by an isolated spin. This is analogous to Pomeranchuk cooling in solid 3He and will be helpful for investigating exotic quantum phases of SU(N) Hubbard system at extremely low temperatures.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Nature Physic