236 research outputs found

    Subjektives Zeiterleben versus physikalisch messbare Zeit in den englischen Romanen des Fin-de-SiĂšcle

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    Christoph Bodes Der Roman. Eine EinfĂŒhrung verknĂŒpft zentrale Kategorien der ErzĂ€hltextanalyse mit zahlreichen Beispielen zumeist kanonisierter Romane aus verschiedenen SprachrĂ€umen von den AnfĂ€ngen der Gattung bis zu ihrer Gegenwart. Bodes Kernaussage ist, dass der Inhalt eines Romans seine formale Bestimmung ist. Mit der konsequenten Veranschaulichung von Theorien und Modellen an PrimĂ€rtexten und seinem fesselnden wie humorvollen ErzĂ€hlstil löst Bode ein, was der Klappentext verspricht: Er macht deutlich, "dass die analytische Zergliederung eines Romans kein Selbstzweck ist, sondern das VerstĂ€ndnis seines ‚Funktionierens’ ĂŒberhaupt erst ermöglicht.

    Specific DTI seeding and diffusivity-analysis improve the quality and prognostic value of TMS-based deterministic DTI of the pyramidal tract

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    Object Navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation (nTMS) combined with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is used preoperatively in patients with eloquent-located brain lesions and allows analyzing non-invasively the spatial relationship between the tumor and functional areas (e.g. the motor cortex and the corticospinal tract [CST]). In this study, we examined the diffusion parameters FA (fractional anisotropy) and ADC (apparent diffusion coefficient) within the CST in different locations and analyzed their interrater reliability and usefulness for predicting the patients' motor outcome with a precise approach of specific region of interest (ROI) seeding based on the color-coded FA-map. Methods Prospectively collected data of 30 patients undergoing bihemispheric nTMS mapping followed by nTMS-based DTI fiber tracking prior to surgery of motor eloquent high-grade gliomas were analyzed by 2 experienced and 1 unexperienced examiner. The following data were scrutinized for both hemispheres after tractography based on nTMS-motor positive cortical seeds and a 2nd region of interest in one layer of the caudal pons defined by the color-coded FA-map: the pre- and postoperative motor status (day of discharge und 3 months), the closest distance between the tracts and the tumor (TTD), the fractional anisotropy (FA) and the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC). The latter as an average within the CST as well as specific values in different locations (peritumoral, mesencephal, pontine). Results Lower average FA-values within the affected CST as well as higher average ADC-values are significantly associated with deteriorated postoperative motor function (p = 0.006 and p = 0.026 respectively). Segmental analysis within the CST revealed that the diffusion parameters are especially disturbed on a peritumoral level and that the degree of their impairment correlates with motor deficits (FA p = 0.065, ADC p = 0.007). No significant segmental variation was seen in the healthy hemisphere. The interrater reliability showed perfect agreement for almost all analyzed parameters. Conclusions Adding diffusion weighted imaging derived information on the structural integrity of the nTMS-based tractography results improves the predictive power for postoperative motor outcome. Utilizing a second subcortical ROI which is specifically seeded based on the color-coded FA map increases the tracking quality of the CST independently of the examiner's experience. Further prospective studies are needed to validate the nTMS-based prediction of the patient's outcome

    A surveillance system to assess the need for updating systematic reviews.

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    BackgroundSystematic reviews (SRs) can become outdated as new evidence emerges over time. Organizations that produce SRs need a surveillance method to determine when reviews are likely to require updating. This report describes the development and initial results of a surveillance system to assess SRs produced by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC) Program.MethodsTwenty-four SRs were assessed using existing methods that incorporate limited literature searches, expert opinion, and quantitative methods for the presence of signals triggering the need for updating. The system was designed to begin surveillance six months after the release of the original review, and then ceforth every six months for any review not classified as being a high priority for updating. The outcome of each round of surveillance was a classification of the SR as being low, medium or high priority for updating.ResultsTwenty-four SRs underwent surveillance at least once, and ten underwent surveillance a second time during the 18 months of the program. Two SRs were classified as high, five as medium, and 17 as low priority for updating. The time lapse between the searches conducted for the original reports and the updated searches (search time lapse - STL) ranged from 11 months to 62 months: The STL for the high priority reports were 29 months and 54 months; those for medium priority reports ranged from 19 to 62 months; and those for low priority reports ranged from 11 to 33 months. Neither the STL nor the number of new relevant articles was perfectly associated with a signal for updating. Challenges of implementing the surveillance system included determining what constituted the actual conclusions of an SR that required assessing; and sometimes poor response rates of experts.ConclusionIn this system of regular surveillance of 24 systematic reviews on a variety of clinical interventions produced by a leading organization, about 70% of reviews were determined to have a low priority for updating. Evidence suggests that the time period for surveillance is yearly rather than the six months used in this project

    Linguistische Untersuchungen zum gesprochenen Spanisch kolumbianischer Emigranten in Gießen

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    Diese Arbeit wurde von Teilnehmern des Seminars \u27SociolingĂŒĂ­stica urbana\u27 am Institut fĂŒr Romanistik der Justus-Liebig UniversitĂ€t erstellt und befasst sich mit einer Untersuchung des kolumbianischen Spanisch. Es handelt sich um eine heuristische Untersuchung, die innerhalb eines Semesters durchgefĂŒhrt wurde. Das Ziel der Arbeit war festzustellen, ob sich das kolumbianische Spanisch von in Deutschland lebenden Kolumbianern verĂ€ndert hat, d.h. ob durch den Aufenthalt in Deutschland und den eventuellen Kontakt mit anderen diatopischen VarietĂ€ten des Spanischen das kolumbianische Spanisch seine Merkmale erhalten hat oder ob diese geschwunden sind bzw. abgeschwĂ€cht wurden. Als Untersuchungsgegenstand dienten die transkribierten Tonaufnahmen von sechs Kolumbianern unterschiedlicher Herkunft, Bildungsgrads, Geschlechts und Alters. Die Informanten wurden einzeln bzw. in Zweiergruppen von den Seminarteilnehmern befragt. Nach den Interviews wurden die Aufnahmen transkribiert. Auf der Basis dieses Korpus erfolgte die Untersuchung des kolumbianischen Spanisch auf folgenden linguistischen Ebenen: Zum einen wurden die diatopischen Merkmale auf phonetische Besonderheiten hin untersucht wie beispielsweise die AbschwĂ€chung oder den Schwund des finalen -s oder oder des -d- in der Endung -ado. Auf der morphologischen Ebene wurden unter anderem die Verwendung des perfecto compuesto im Vergleich zum indefinido sowie der Gebrauch der Lokaldeixispronomen acĂĄ versus aquĂ­ analysiert. Eine andere wichtige Untersuchungsebene war das Lexikon. Hier wurden die transkribierten Abschnitte auf den Gebrauch von typisch amerikanischen bzw. kolumbianischen Wörtern hin untersucht. Als Ergebnis bleibt festzuhalten, dass eine regionale Zuordnung der Sprecher anhand der aufgetretenen sprachlichen Merkmale schwierig war, weil ihre Sprache insgesamt relativ homogen war und, von einigen Besonderheiten abgesehen, einem amerikanisch geprĂ€gten Standard entsprach.This paper was written by members of the seminar \u27SociolingĂŒĂ­stica urbana\u27 at the Institute for Romance Languages and Literature at the Justus-Liebig-University in Gießen and deals with the investigation of Columbian Spanish. This heuristic research has been carried out by the students within one semester. The aim of the investigation was to find out whether the Columbian Spanish of Columbians living in Germany has changed under the influence of other languages. We were interested in evaluating as to how far the language contact with German speaking people would not only result in the Columbians speaking German as an additional language but also make them change their mother tongue regarding vocabulary, speech melody and/or grammar. The research was carried out by interviewing six Columbians who lived in Germany for more than six months and who were of different social and educational background as well as different age and sex. The Columbians were interviewed by single persons or in pairs of two. The interviews of about 1 hour were recorded and, afterwards, transcribed. Based on this corpus, the Columbian Spanish was evaluated concerning the following linguistic phenomena: All diatopic differences were investigated with regard to phonetic peculiarities such as the weakening or the loss of the final -s or the -d- in the ending -ado. On the morphological level, the differing use of the past forms perfecto compuesto and indefinido as well as the use of the local deictic pronouns acĂĄ and aquĂ­ were analysed. Another important level of investigation was the lexicon. The students investigated the transcribed interviews in order to detect typical Columbian vocabulary and evaluate the special usage of words as characteristic for the Spanish language spoken in Central and South America. The research lead to the conclusion that the different regions of origin of the interviewees were almost not possible to determine by the linguistic phenomena their use of language exhibited. Their language use can be described as relatively homogeneous and, besides some peculiarities, equalled an American way of speaking Spanish

    10 Minuten Reformation

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    Am 31. Oktober 2017 jĂ€hrte sich der sog. Thesenanschlag Martin Luthers zum 500. Mal. Luther hatte als Theologieprofessor gravierende Fehlentwicklungen seiner Kirche und Gesellschaft angeprangert und konkrete Thesen prĂ€sentiert, wie diese MissstĂ€nde beseitigt werden könnten. Dabei sah Luther seine Kirche, seine Gesellschaft, sogar die ganze Welt in höchster existentieller Gefahr. Die ökumenische Hochschulgemeinde von KHG und ESG in Hildesheim nahm das geschichtstrĂ€chtige Datum zum Anlass, um mit Lehrenden unterschiedlicher wissenschaftlicher Fachbereiche an der UniversitĂ€t Hildesheim darĂŒber zu diskutieren, welche gesellschaftlichen „Reformationen“ heute erforderlich sind, je aus der Perspektive des jeweiligen Fachbereiches. Die Statements sollten an unterschiedlichen Orten der UniversitĂ€t gehalten werden, jeweils mittwochs zur programmatischen Uhrzeit um fĂŒnf vor zwölf. Ziel des hochschulöffentlichen Diskurs-Projektes war es, essentielle Dringlichkeitsgebote („Thesen“) aus einzelnen Wissenschaftsdisziplinen zu sammeln und in den Dialog zu bringen. Heraus gekommen sind zehn 10-Minuten-Statements von charmanter Eigenwilligkeit und enormer hochschulpolitischer und gesellschaftlicher Brisanz. Es sind Zeitdiagnosen und VerĂ€nderungsappelle aus der Sozialwissenschaft, der Kulturpolitik und der Psychologie, der Theater- und der Erziehungswissenschaft, der Theologie, der Philosophie und der englischen Sprachwissenschaft, der Informationswissenschaft und aus der Welt der verfassten Studierendenschaft. Die Statements liegen in diesem Buch nun schriftlich vor und provozieren Widerspruch oder Zustimmung, auf jeden Fall aber die Lust, darĂŒber ins GesprĂ€ch zu kommen, unter Lehrenden und Studierenden

    Women in contact with the Sydney gay and lesbian community: Report of the Sydney Women and Sexual Health (SWASH) Survey 2006, 2008 and 2010

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    The Sydney Women and Sexual Health (SWASH) survey was first carried out in 1996. It was initiated by workers from two ACON projects, Women Partners of Gay and Bisexual Men and the Gay and Lesbian Injecting Drug Use Project, who were faced with a lack of empirical evidence on which to base their intervention work. While research on same-sex-attracted women’s health and wellbeing has increased since then, epidemiological data on sexual health, mental health, experiences of abuse and violence and behaviours such as screening, illicit drug use, alcohol and smoking that can leave women vulnerable to adverse health outcomes, is still scarce. Moreover, as long as the inclusion of sexuality questions in large epidemiological surveys remains patchy or data is reported only by sexuality and not by sexuality and gender, SWASH provides a unique and important source of health-related information in Australian lesbian, bisexual and queer (LBQ) women. SWASH has been run biennially since 1996 by a collaboration of ACON and researchers at the University of New South Wales (until 2009), and now the University of Sydney (since 2010). The survey is regularly revised to reflect the needs of the community and research needs identified through research literature. Over its lifetime, SWASH has become a comprehensive survey of sexual health and wellbeing, violence, mental health and levels of psychological distress, and a number of other important health issues relevant to LBQ women, such as illicit drug use, alcohol consumption, and cancer screening behaviours. Where possible, questions have been used from established national surveys such as the National Drug Strategy Household Survey (NDSHS), the Australian Study of Health and Relationships (ASHR), and the Australian Longitudinal Survey of Women’s Health (ALSWH). This report presents results from surveys collected at the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Fair Day and other community events and venues during the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras seasons in 2006, 2008 and 2010

    Epileptic Seizure Detection on an Ultra-Low-Power Embedded RISC-V Processor Using a Convolutional Neural Network

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    The treatment of refractory epilepsy via closed-loop implantable devices that act on seizures either by drug release or electrostimulation is a highly attractive option. For such implantable medical devices, efficient and low energy consumption, small size, and efficient processing architectures are essential. To meet these requirements, epileptic seizure detection by analysis and classification of brain signals with a convolutional neural network (CNN) is an attractive approach. This work presents a CNN for epileptic seizure detection capable of running on an ultra-low-power microprocessor. The CNN is implemented and optimized in MATLAB. In addition, the CNN is also implemented on a GAP8 microprocessor with RISC-V architecture. The training, optimization, and evaluation of the proposed CNN are based on the CHB-MIT dataset. The CNN reaches a median sensitivity of 90% and a very high specificity over 99% corresponding to a median false positive rate of 6.8 s per hour. After implementation of the CNN on the microcontroller, a sensitivity of 85% is reached. The classification of 1 s of EEG data takes t=35 ms and consumes an average power of P≈140 ÎŒW. The proposed detector outperforms related approaches in terms of power consumption by a factor of 6. The universal applicability of the proposed CNN based detector is verified with recording of epileptic rats. This results enable the design of future medical devices for epilepsy treatment

    Automatic covariance pattern analysis outperforms visual reading of 18 F‐fluorodeoxyglucose‐positron emission tomography (FDG‐PET) in variant progressive supranuclear palsy

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    Background: To date, studies on positron emission tomography (PET) with F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) in progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) usually included PSP cohorts overrepresenting patients with Richardson's syndrome (PSP-RS). Objectives: To evaluate FDG-PET in a patient sample representing the broad phenotypic PSP spectrum typically encountered in routine clinical practice. Methods: This retrospective, multicenter study included 41 PSP patients, 21 (51%) with RS and 20 (49%) with non-RS variants of PSP (vPSP), and 46 age-matched healthy controls. Two state-of-the art methods for the interpretation of FDG-PET were compared: visual analysis supported by voxel-based statistical testing (five readers) and automatic covariance pattern analysis using a predefined PSP-related pattern. Results: Sensitivity and specificity of the majority visual read for the detection of PSP in the whole cohort were 74% and 72%, respectively. The percentage of false-negative cases was 10% in the PSP-RS subsample and 43% in the vPSP subsample. Automatic covariance pattern analysis provided sensitivity and specificity of 93% and 83% in the whole cohort. The percentage of false-negative cases was 0% in the PSP-RS subsample and 15% in the vPSP subsample. Conclusions: Visual interpretation of FDG-PET supported by voxel-based testing provides good accuracy for the detection of PSP-RS, but only fair sensitivity for vPSP. Automatic covariance pattern analysis outperforms visual interpretation in the detection of PSP-RS, provides clinically useful sensitivity for vPSP, and reduces the rate of false-positive findings. Thus, pattern expression analysis is clinically useful to complement visual reading and voxel-based testing of FDG-PET in suspected PSP. (C) 2023 The Authors. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society

    A systematic review of the neural correlates of sexual minority stress: towards an intersectional minority mosaic framework with implications for a future research agenda

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    Background: Systemic oppression, particularly towards sexual minorities, continues to be deeply rooted in the bedrock of many societies globally. Experiences with minority stressors (e.g. discrimination, hate-crimes, internalized homonegativity, rejection sensitivity, and microaggressions or everyday indignities) have been consistently linked to adverse mental health outcomes. Elucidating the neural adaptations associated with minority stress exposure will be critical for furthering our understanding of how sexual minorities become disproportionately affected by mental health burdens. Following PRISMA-guidelines, we systematically reviewed published neuroimaging studies that compared neural dynamics among sexual minority and heterosexual populations, aggregating information pertaining to any measurement of minority stress and relevant clinical phenomena. Results: Only 1 of 13 studies eligible for inclusion examined minority stress directly, where all other studies focused on investigating the neurobiological basis of sexual orientation. In our narrative synthesis, we highlight important themes that suggest minority stress exposure may be associated with decreased activation and functional connectivity within the default-mode network (related to the sense-of-self and social cognition), and summarize preliminary evidence related to aberrant neural dynamics within the salience network (involved in threat detection and fear processing) and the central executive network (involved in executive functioning and emotion regulation). Importantly, this parallels neural adaptations commonly observed among individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the aftermath of trauma and supports the inclusion of insidious forms of trauma related to minority stress within models of PTSD. Conclusions: Taken together, minority stress may have several shared neuropsychological pathways with PTSD and stress-related disorders. Here, we outline a detailed research agenda that provides an overview of literature linking sexual minority stress to PTSD and insidious trauma, moral affect (including shame and guilt), and mental health risk/resiliency, in addition to racial, ethnic, and gender related minority stress. Finally, we propose a novel minority mosaic framework designed to inform future directions of minority stress neuroimaging research from an intersectional lens
