938 research outputs found
Interim report on Media Analysis
PACHELBEL WP4 “Stimulus Materials” uses findings from WP3 (Policy Assumptions) and from additional sources to prepare stimulus materials for the group-based process to be implemented in WP5. The output, informed by the present report, will be a set of materials to inform and stimulate the group-based process. These will take the form of real or simulated media coverage and/or documentary materials produced by various sources, scenarios, vignettes, and dramatised accounts. Another output, also informed by this report, will be an individual questionnaire for use in the group-based process.
The present deliverable is centred on one of the data-gathering and analytic activities set up by WP4 to identify pertinent representational elements that should be included in the future stimulus materials, country by country.
“Representational elements” have been defined in WP4 as typical images, anecdotes, examples, and references which are used by policy actors to explain and justify policy choices within the policy domains pertinent to PACHELBEL. Particular attention is given to references made to citizens, their perceptions and behaviours.
In Task 4.2, PACHELBEL partners gathered representational elements in their respective contexts. To support this task, a “media analysis” template was developed by WPL SYMLOG for discussion at the second Consortium project meeting (Dorking, Mo. 6). Criteria were agreed for the analysis of a selection of actual publications in a range of media (print periodicals, public information materials disseminated by authorities, etc.). In Summer 2010, partners in each country used the template to analyze and report a sample of several dozen articles in selected policy areas.
This interim report (D4.2) recalls methodology (Part 1), presents representational elements country by country (Part 2) and provides a summary overview of similarities and contrasts across country samples (Part 3). Conclusions and next steps are presented in Part 4. Also provided are a simplified media analysis template (Annex 1) and the compiled basic frequency analysis (Annex 2)
„Palliative Care? Ich will noch nicht sterben!“ : Wie Palliative Care von Betroffenen mit einer onkologischen Erkrankung wahrgenommen wird
Einleitung: Palliative Care befasst sich mit Menschen, die eine unheilbare Erkrankung haben und verhilft zur bestmöglichen Lebensqualität, ohne dabei die Ursache zu behandeln. Unter Palliative Care verstehen Patienten und Patientinnen mit einer onkologischen Erkrankung oftmals dasselbe wie End-of-Life Care oder der eigene Tod in absehbarer Zeit.
Ziel: Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht, wie erwachsene Patienten und Patientinnen mit einer onkologischen Erkrankung Palliative Care wahrnehmen. Anhand der Ergebnisse soll ein Patientenflyer erstellt werden, der Pflegefachpersonen im Praxisalltag unterstĂĽtzt.
Methode: Zwischen Juli 2017 und Februar 2018 wurde in den pflegerelevanten Datenbanken Medline, Cochrane Library, AMED und CINAHL eine systematisierte Literaturrecherche durchgefĂĽhrt. Dadurch konnten sechs Studien sowie ein Review identifiziert werden, welche sich mit der Wahrnehmung Betroffener von Palliative Care auseinandersetzen.
Ergebnisse: Die Ergebnisse wurden in zwei Oberkategorien gegliedert. Negative Wahrnehmungen, welche Palliative Care bei den Betroffenen auslösen, sind die Assoziation von Palliative Care mit dem Tod, dass Palliative Care angsteinflössend ist, nicht interveniert, keine Perspektiven mehr bietet und autonomieeinschränkend ist. Als positiv nahmen die Betroffenen die Steigerung der Lebensqualität wahr.
Schlussfolgerung: Patientenedukation ist eine evidenzbasierte und wirksame Intervention, die Betroffenen zum verbesserten Verständnis verhilft. Die Ängste, welche durch Wahrnehmungen entstehen, können mithilfe von Patientenedukation angegangen werde
Paying the Bills Is Not Just Theory: Service Learning about a Living Wage
This article discusses how to combine service learning, and spccifica!Iy a living wage research project, with radical political economy-based undergraduate economics courses to promote critical thinking, civic engagement, and active learning in students. The authors explore how instructors can integrate service learning into the teaching of political economy. In addition, the article describes the authors\u27 experiences with living wage projects that they have implemented. The article makes the argument that the combination of experiential learning and political economics enriches the course experience for students significantly, leaving a much more lasting impression on students than a standard economics class
Koronarangiographische Befunde bei Patienten mit akutem Koronarsyndrom nach zurĂĽckliegender aorto-koronarer Bypassoperation
Current recommendations suggest invasive coronary angiography and interventional revascularization in patients with acute coronary syndromes and previous bypass surgery. Angiographic findings in such patients can be complex and have not been systematically evaluated. We therefore systematically analyzed coronary angiograms of patients with acute coronary syndromes and previous bypass surgery in order to determine differences between patients whose culprit vessel was a bypass graft and those whose culprit vessel was a native artery. Furthermore, the success of interventional revascularization in these patients was reviewed.Gemäß aktueller Leitlinien wird für Patienten mit akutem Koronarsyndrom und zurückliegender aorto-koronarer Bypassoperation ein invasives Vorgehen mittels Koronarangiographie und perkutaner Revaskularisation empfohlen. Die Koronaranatomie bei solchen Patienten kann allerdings sehr komplex sein und bisher wurden angiographische Befunde in diesem Patientenkollektiv nicht systematisch evaluiert. Ziel der Arbeit war es, Koronarangiographien von Patienten mit akutem Koronarsyndrom bei zurückliegender Bypassoperation zu analysieren, um Unterschiede zwischen Patienten, bei denen ein Bypass- bzw. ein Nativgefäß betroffen war, zu ermitteln. Außerdem sollte der Erfolg der interventionellen Revaskularisation bei diesen Patienten beurteilt werden
Guidance on Stimulus Materials
PACHELBEL WP4 “Stimulus Materials” uses findings from WP3 (Policy Assumptions) and from additional sources to prepare stimulus materials for the group-based process “STAVE” implemented in WP5. The output was material to inform and stimulate the group-based process. The material was of two types: a set of questionnaires common to all partners (EVOC/CAPA/SIMI questionnaires), and material that is issue-specific and individually produced for each country.
EVOC/CAPA/SIMI short questionnaires serve as a comparative tool between countries, giving insight on the social construction of “sustainable consumption” across the PACHELBEL population. Partners asked participants to fill out the set individually at the first meeting of the STAVE group, results were then analyzed and data were fed back for discussion by group participants at their second meeting. A “re-test” was then conducted at the third of three group meetings. The present report details the representations revealed through this methodology – but moreover the impact of applying such a technique in STAVE groups in France, Germany, Romania, Spain, Sweden and the UK (where the methodology was slightly altered).
The issue-and-country-specific material consists of an informative simulated newspaper article on the particular issue addressed in a given STAVE process, and/or other materials (for example, humorous drawings). The report details how this material was developed, and the experience of applying these stimulus materials in each country. On this basis, guidance for future STAVE processes is offered.
Foremost among observations is that PACHELBEL stimulus materials serve a purpose that is distinct from that of “group exercises” as developed in WP5. The materials contributing to the formation of a group identity, a reflexive group norm, and a shared information basis. As such, stimulus materials prepare the group for a cooperative investigative process
Charakterisierung von neuralen Stammzellen des HĂĽhnchens (Gallus domesticus) in vitro
Im Hinblick auf die vielfältigen therapeutischen Aussichten stehen Stammzellen im Focus moderner Forschung. Andererseits ist Stammzellforschung mit heftig diskutierten Problemen assoziiert. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Eignung von neuralen Vorläufer-Zellen aus der Neuralleiste des Hühnchenembryos als Stammzellmodel untersucht.
Ziel war, geeignete Bedingungen für die Kultivierung und Differenzierung der neuralen Vorläuferzellen des Hühnchens zu etablieren. Es sollte gezeigt werden, dass es sich bei dem Hühnchenmodell um ein attraktives System zur Stammzellforschung handelt. Die Stammzellen wurden aus dem embryonalen Hühnchen extrahiert und nach
Supplementierung des Mediums mit NGF, NT4 oder FGF auf Proliferationsverhalten und Differenzierung untersucht.
Neben der morphologischen Beurteilung der Zellen wurde auch die Expression des Stammzellmarkers Nestin, der Marker GFAP und MOSP fĂĽr Astrozyten und Olilgodendrozyten und des neuronalen Markers Neurofilament immunhistochemisch ĂĽberprĂĽft
Exploring Music in a Globalized World
Beyond the simple fact that many people enjoy music, as a social act music is also related to a wide range of emotions, associations, politics, and identifications that draw people to making, playing, and listening to music. To explore the interactions between music and various social phenomena, we have invited a number authors and musicians to share their thoughts on music for this issue. They present us a variety of perspectives on and of music practices, how music is lived and experienced in a range of settings, and why music has such an important role in the lives of people and societies around the world
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