698 research outputs found

    The instant sequencing task: Toward constraint-checking a complex spacecraft command sequence interactively

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    Robotic spacecraft are controlled by sets of commands called 'sequences.' These sequences must be checked against mission constraints. Making our existing constraint checking program faster would enable new capabilities in our uplink process. Therefore, we are rewriting this program to run on a parallel computer. To do so, we had to determine how to run constraint-checking algorithms in parallel and create a new method of specifying spacecraft models and constraints. This new specification gives us a means of representing flight systems and their predicted response to commands which could be used in a variety of applications throughout the command process, particularly during anomaly or high-activity operations. This commonality could reduce operations cost and risk for future complex missions. Lessons learned in applying some parts of this system to the TOPEX/Poseidon mission will be described

    Autonomic cardiovascular function in high-altitude Andean natives with chronic mountain sickness

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    Autonomic cardiovascular function in high-altitude Andean natives with chronic mountain sickness. C. KEYL, 1 A. SCHNEIDER, 1 A. GAMBOA, 2 L. SPICUZZA, 3 N. CASIRAGHI, 4 ́ N-VELARDE, 2 AND L. BERNARDI 4, A. MORI, 5 R. TAPIA RAMIREZ, 2 F. LEO 1 Department of Anesthesiology, University Medical Center, 93042 Regensburg, Germany; 2 Department of Physiological Sciences, Universidad Cayetano Heredia, Lima 700, Peru; 3 Institute of Respiratory Diseases, University of Catania, 95124 Catania, Italy; 4 Department of Internal Medicine and Institute of Hematology, and 5 Department of Pathology, University of Pavia and Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico San Matteo, 27100 Pavia, Italy We evaluated autonomic cardiovascular regulation in subjects with polycythemia and chronic mountain sickness (CMS) and tested the hypothesis that an increase in arterial oxygen saturation has a beneficial effect on arterial baroreflex sensitivity in these subjects. Ten Andean natives with a Hct >65% and 10 natives with a Hct 65% showed an increased incidence of CMS compared with subjects with Hct <60%. Spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity was significantly lower in subjects with high Hct compared with the control group. The effects of supplemental oxygen or modification of the breathing pattern on autonomic function were as follows: 1) heart rate decreased significantly after both maneuvers in both groups, and 2) spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity increased significantly in subjects with high Hct and did not differ from subjects with low Hct. Temporary slow-frequency breathing may provide a beneficial effect on the autonomic cardiovascular function in high-altitude natives with CMS

    Sleep-related hypoxaemia and excessive erythrocytosis in Andean high-altitude natives

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    Sleep-related hypoxaemia and excessive erythrocytosis in Andean high-altitude natives. L. Spicuzza * , N. Casiraghi # , A. Gamboa } , C. Keyl z , A. Schneider z , A. Mori \ua7 , F. Leon-Velarde } , G.U. Di Maria * , L. Bernardi # *Dept of Internal Medicine and Medical Specialities, University of Catania, # Dept of Internal Medicine and \ua7 Pathology, IRCCS S. Matteo and University of Pavia, Italy. } University Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru. z Dept of Anaesthesiology, University of Regensburg, Germany. To determine whether nocturnal hypoxaemia contributes to the excessive erythrocytosis (EE) in Andean natives, standard polysomnographies were performed in 10 patients with EE and in 10 controls (mean haematocrit 76.6 +/- 1.3% and 5.4 +/- 0.8%, respectively) living at an altitude of 4,380 m. In addition, the effect of O2 administration for 1 h prior to sleep, and the relationship between the hypoxic/hypercapnic ventilatory response and the apnoea/hypopnoea index (AHI) during sleep were studied. Awake arterial oxygen saturation (Sa,O2) was significantly lower in patients with EE than in controls (83.7 +/- 0.3% versus 85.6 +/- 0.4%). In both groups, the mean Sa,O2 significantly decreased during sleep (to 80.0 +/- 0.8% in EE and to 82.8 +/- 0.5% in controls). The mean Sa,O2 values remained significantly lower in patients with EE than in controls at all times of the night, and patients with EE spent significantly more time than the controls with an Sa,O2 of <80%. There were no differences between the two groups in the number and duration of the apnoeas/hypopnoeas. None of these variables were affected by O2 administration. In both groups the AHI positively correlated with the hypercapnic ventilatory response. Andean natives undergo minor respiratory disorders during sleep. The reduction in oxygen saturation found in subjects with excessive erythrocytosis was small, yet consistent and potentially important, as it remained below the threshold known for the increase in erythropoietin stimulation. This may be an important factor promoting erythropoiesis, but its relevance needs to be further explored

    Time-temperature superposition in viscous liquids

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    Dielectric relaxation measurements on supercooled triphenyl phosphite show that at low temperatures time-temperature superposition (TTS) is accurately obeyed for the primary (alpha) relaxation process. Measurements on 6 other molecular liquids close to the calorimetric glass transition indicate that TTS is linked to an ω1/2\omega^{-1/2} high-frequency decay of the alpha loss, while the loss peak width is nonuniversal.Comment: 4 page

    Cluster Transformation Coefficients for Structure and Dynamics Calculations in n-Particle Systems: Atoms, Nuclei, and Quarks

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    The structure and dynamics of an n-particle system are described with coupled nonlinear Heisenberg's commutator equations where the nonlinear terms are generated by the two-body interaction that excites the reference vacuum via particle-particle and particle-hole excitations. Nonperturbative solutions of the system are obtained with the use of dynamic linearization approximation and cluster transformation coefficients. The dynamic linearization approximation converts the commutator chain into an eigenvalue problem. The cluster coefficients factorize the matrix elements of the (n)-particles or particle-hole systems in terms of the matrix elements of the (n-1)-systems coupled to a particle-particle, particle-hole, and hole-hole boson. Group properties of the particle-particle, particle-hole, and hole-hole permutation groups simplify the calculation of these coefficients. The particle-particle vacuum-excitations generate superconductive diagrams in the dynamics of 3-quarks systems. Applications of the model to fermionic and bosonic systems are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, Wigner Proceedings for Conference Wigner Centenial Pecs, July 8-12, 200

    The Sensitivity of HAWC to High-Mass Dark Matter Annihilations

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    The High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) observatory is a wide field-of-view detector sensitive to gamma rays of 100 GeV to a few hundred TeV. Located in central Mexico at 19 degrees North latitude and 4100 m above sea level, HAWC will observe gamma rays and cosmic rays with an array of water Cherenkov detectors. The full HAWC array is scheduled to be operational in Spring 2015. In this paper, we study the HAWC sensitivity to the gamma-ray signatures of high-mass (multi- TeV) dark matter annihilation. The HAWC observatory will be sensitive to diverse searches for dark matter annihilation, including annihilation from extended dark matter sources, the diffuse gamma-ray emission from dark matter annihilation, and gamma-ray emission from non-luminous dark matter subhalos. Here we consider the HAWC sensitivity to a subset of these sources, including dwarf galaxies, the M31 galaxy, the Virgo cluster, and the Galactic center. We simulate the HAWC response to gamma rays from these sources in several well-motivated dark matter annihilation channels. If no gamma-ray excess is observed, we show the limits HAWC can place on the dark matter cross-section from these sources. In particular, in the case of dark matter annihilation into gauge bosons, HAWC will be able to detect a narrow range of dark matter masses to cross-sections below thermal. HAWC should also be sensitive to non-thermal cross-sections for masses up to nearly 1000 TeV. The constraints placed by HAWC on the dark matter cross-section from known sources should be competitive with current limits in the mass range where HAWC has similar sensitivity. HAWC can additionally explore higher dark matter masses than are currently constrained.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, version to be published in PR

    The 2HWC HAWC Observatory Gamma Ray Catalog

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    We present the first catalog of TeV gamma-ray sources realized with the recently completed High Altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory (HAWC). It is the most sensitive wide field-of-view TeV telescope currently in operation, with a 1-year survey sensitivity of ~5-10% of the flux of the Crab Nebula. With an instantaneous field of view >1.5 sr and >90% duty cycle, it continuously surveys and monitors the sky for gamma ray energies between hundreds GeV and tens of TeV. HAWC is located in Mexico at a latitude of 19 degree North and was completed in March 2015. Here, we present the 2HWC catalog, which is the result of the first source search realized with the complete HAWC detector. Realized with 507 days of data and represents the most sensitive TeV survey to date for such a large fraction of the sky. A total of 39 sources were detected, with an expected contamination of 0.5 due to background fluctuation. Out of these sources, 16 are more than one degree away from any previously reported TeV source. The source list, including the position measurement, spectrum measurement, and uncertainties, is reported. Seven of the detected sources may be associated with pulsar wind nebulae, two with supernova remnants, two with blazars, and the remaining 23 have no firm identification yet.Comment: Submitted 2017/02/09 to the Astrophysical Journa

    Can We Really Prevent Suicide?

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    Every year, suicide is among the top 20 leading causes of death globally for all ages. Unfortunately, suicide is difficult to prevent, in large part because the prevalence of risk factors is high among the general population. In this review, clinical and psychological risk factors are examined and methods for suicide prevention are discussed. Prevention strategies found to be effective in suicide prevention include means restriction, responsible media coverage, and general public education, as well identification methods such as screening, gatekeeper training, and primary care physician education. Although the treatment for preventing suicide is difficult, follow-up that includes pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, or both may be useful. However, prevention methods cannot be restricted to the individual. Community, social, and policy interventions will also be essentia