10 research outputs found

    Environmental Risk of Pesticides for Fish in Small- and Medium-Sized Streams of Switzerland.

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    This study assessed the acute and chronic risk of pesticides, singly and as mixtures, for fish using comprehensive chemical data of four monitoring studies conducted in small- and medium-sized streams of Switzerland between 2012 and 2018. Pesticides were ranked based on single substance risk quotients and relative contribution to mixture risk. Concentrations of the pyrethroid insecticides, λ-cyhalothrin, cypermethrin and deltamethrin, and the fungicides, carbendazim and fenpropimorph, posed acute or chronic single substance risks. Risk quotients of eighteen additional pesticides were equal or greater than 0.1, and thirteen of those contributed ≥30% to mixture risk. Relatively few substances dominated the mixture risk in most water samples, with chronic and acute maximum cumulative ratios never exceeding 5 and 7, respectively. A literature review of toxicity data showed that concentrations of several pesticides detected in Swiss streams were sufficient to cause direct sublethal effects on fish in laboratory studies. Based on the results of our study, we conclude that pesticides detected in Swiss streams, especially pyrethroid insecticides, fungicides and pesticide mixtures, pose a risk to fish health and can cause direct sublethal effects at environmental concentrations. Sensitive life stages of species with highly specialized life history traits may be particularly vulnerable; however, the lack of toxicity data for non-model species currently prevents a conclusive assessment across species

    Ökotoxikologische Wirkungen von PMS auf Fische

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    Priorisierte Pflanzenschutzmittel (PSM) können unter Laborbedingungen bereits in umweltrelevanten Konzentrationsbereichen subletale Effekte bei Fischen bewirken. Zudem könnten schädliche Effekte auf empfindlichere aquatische Invertebraten die Nahrungsverfügbarkeit für Fische auch in Schweizer Fliessgewässern beeinträchtigen. Frühe Lebensstadien, darunter vor allem die Larven, scheinen für PSM besonders empfindlich zu sein. Zusätzliche Stressfaktoren, die auf Fische in Gewässern wirken können, zeigen vielfältige Wechselwirkungen mit PSM

    Ökotoxikologische Risiken vom PSM für Fische

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    Basierend auf Messdaten der drei Spezialkampagnen im Rahmen der Nationalen Beobachtung Oberflächengewässerqualität (NAWA SPEZ) von 2012, 2015 und 2017 in kleinen und mittelgrossen Schweizer Fliessgewässern wurde eine Risikobewertung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln (PSM) spezifisch für Fische durchgeführt. Damit wurden die bereits publizierten Bewertungen, welche die Risiken für die Organismengruppen Wirbeltiere, Wirbellose und Pflanzen quantifizierten, ergänzt. Informationen zu möglichen toxischen Effekten der hier priorisierten PSM finden sich im Folgeartikel

    Standard Versus Natural: Assessing the Impact of Environmental Variables on Organic Matter Decomposition in Streams Using Three Substrates

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    AbstractThe decomposition of allochthonous organic matter, such as leaves, is a crucial ecosystem process in low‐order streams. Microbial communities, including fungi and bacteria, colonize allochthonous organic material, break up large molecules, and increase the nutritional value for macroinvertebrates. Environmental variables are known to affect microbial as well as macroinvertebrate communities and alter their ability to decompose organic matter. Studying the relationship between environmental variables and decomposition has mainly been realized using leaves, with the drawbacks of differing substrate composition and consequently between‐study variability. To overcome these drawbacks, artificial substrates have been developed, serving as standardizable surrogates. In the present study, we compared microbial and total decomposition of leaves with the standardized substrates of decotabs and, only for microbial decomposition, of cotton strips, across 70 stream sites in a Germany‐wide study. Furthermore, we identified the most influential environmental variables for the decomposition of each substrate from a range of 26 variables, including pesticide toxicity, concentrations of nutrients, and trace elements, using stability selection. The microbial as well as total decomposition of the standardized substrates (i.e., cotton strips and decotabs) were weak or not associated with that of the natural substrate (i.e., leaves, r² < 0.01 to r² = 0.04). The decomposition of the two standardized substrates, however, showed a moderate association (r² = 0.21), which is probably driven by their similar composition, with both being made of cellulose. Different environmental variables were identified as the most influential for each of the substrates and the directions of these relationships contrasted between the substrates. Our results imply that these standardized substrates are unsuitable surrogates when investigating the decomposition of allochthonous organic matter in streams. Environ Toxicol Chem 2023;42:2007–2018. © 2023 The Authors. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of SETAC.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001659Umweltbundesamt http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100010809https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.93167

    The lowland stream monitoring dataset (KgM, Kleingewässer-Monitoring) 2018, 2019

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    Plant protection products in the environment are partly responsible for the progressive loss of biodiversity. The mostly insufficient ecological status of surface waters is often explained by habitat degradation and excessive nutrient input. But what role do plant protection products play in this context? The Kleingewässermonitoring (KgM) project provides a worldwide unique quantitative assessment of the impact of pesticides from diffuse agricultural sources on small and medium-sized streams. The dataset comprises 124 monitoring stream sections all over Germany covering a wide pollution gradient where consistent measurements were carried out in 2018 and 2019 during the major pesticide application period from April to July. These measurements include event-driven sampling to record surface rainfall-induced short-term peak concentrations in addition to regular grab sampling of pesticides and a wide range of other pollutants resulting in more than 1,000 water samples. All further relevant anthropogenic and environmental parameters reigning ecological stream quality were recorded comprehensively (morphological and stream bed structure, temperature, flow velocity, dissolved oxygen, pH, catchment land use, stream profile). The dataset also contains effect monitoring data featuring sampled invertebrate communities and bioassay analyses of water samples. The data enables an assessment of pesticide exposure and related effects as well as the analysis of complex causal relationships in streams

    Interdisciplinary Screening, Diagnosis, Therapy and Follow-up of Breast Cancer. Guideline of the DGGG and the DKG (S3-Level, AWMF Registry Number 032/045OL, December 2017) - Part 2 with Recommendations for the Therapy of Primary, Recurrent and Advanced Breast Cancer

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    Purpose The aim of this official guideline coordinated and published by the German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics (DGGG) and the German Cancer Society (DKG) was to optimize the screening, diagnosis, therapy and follow-up care of breast cancer. Method The process of updating the S3 guideline published in 2012 was based on the adaptation of identified source guidelines. They were combined with reviews of evidence compiled using PICO (Patients/Interventions/Control/Outcome) questions and with the results of a systematic search of literature databases followed by the selection and evaluation of the identified literature. The interdisciplinary working groups took the identified materials as their starting point and used them to develop suggestions for recommendations and statements, which were then modified and graded in a structured consensus process procedure. Recommendations Part 2 of this short version of the guideline presents recommendations for the therapy of primary, recurrent and metastatic breast cancer. Loco-regional therapies are de-escalated in the current guideline. In addition to reducing the safety margins for surgical procedures, the guideline also recommends reducing the radicality of axillary surgery. The choice and extent of systemic therapy depends on the respective tumor biology. New substances are becoming available, particularly to treat metastatic breast cancer

    Interdisciplinary Screening, Diagnosis, Therapy and Follow-up of Breast Cancer. Guideline of the DGGG and the DKG (S3-Level, AWMF Registry Number 032/045OL, December 2017) - Part 1 with Recommendations for the Screening, Diagnosis and Therapy of Breast Cancer

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    Purpose The aim of this official guideline coordinated and published by the German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics (DGGG) and the German Cancer Society (DKG) was to optimize the screening, diagnosis, therapy and follow-up care of breast cancer. Methods The process of updating the S3 guideline dating from 2012 was based on the adaptation of identified source guidelines which were combined with reviews of evidence compiled using PICO (Patients/Interventions/Control/Outcome) questions and the results of a systematic search of literature databases and the selection and evaluation of the identified literature. The interdisciplinary working groups took the identified materials as their starting point to develop recommendations and statements which were modified and graded in a structured consensus procedure. Recommendations Part 1 of this short version of the guideline presents recommendations for the screening, diagnosis and follow-up care of breast cancer. The importance of mammography for screening is confirmed in this updated version of the guideline and forms the basis for all screening. In addition to the conventional methods used to diagnose breast cancer, computed tomography (CT) is recommended for staging in women with a higher risk of recurrence. The follow-up concept includes suggested intervals between physical, ultrasound and mammography examinations, additional high-tech diagnostic procedures, and the determination of tumor markers for the evaluation of metastatic disease

    Interdisciplinary Screening, Diagnosis, Therapy and Follow-up of Breast Cancer. Guideline of the DGGG and the DKG (S3-Level, AWMF Registry Number 032/045OL, December 2017) - Part 2 with Recommendations for the Therapy of Primary, Recurrent and Advanced Breast Cancer

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