3,594 research outputs found

    Philosophie als ”Plagiatprofil“. Wissen und Erkenntnisgrenzen der Literatur im Werk Max Frischs

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    Max Frisch a non seulement niĂ© avoir une prĂ©tention philosophique, mais il a aussi dĂ©lĂ©guĂ© ce refus Ă  ses personnages, en particulier Ă  l’ingĂ©nieur Walter Faber. Toutefois ce refus est contredit d’une part par de nombreuses sources qui relient les textes de Max Frisch Ă  des Ɠuvres philosophiques, d’autre part, par un intĂ©rĂȘt constant pour des questions dĂ©battues dans la philosophie contemporaine ; enfin, le fameux scepticisme de Max Frisch se rĂ©vĂšle ĂȘtre la face cachĂ©e d’une fascination pour la connaissance. La contribution propose par consĂ©quent un dĂ©veloppement en trois Ă©tapes. La premiĂšre partie Ă©claire les diffĂ©rentes facettes de la critique philosophique chez Max Frisch ; dans une deuxiĂšme partie, sont identifiĂ©s les liens avec la philosophie sur la base des rĂ©sultats des recherches actuelles. La troisiĂšme partie reprĂ©sente le point culminant. D’une part, dans un axe qui va de Don Juan ou l’amour de la gĂ©omĂ©trie Ă  travers Stiller et Homo Faber jusqu’à Montauk, est retracĂ©e la triade sensualitĂ©, philosophie et « inventaire de la mort » de l’écriture. D’autre part le scepticisme de l’écrivain Max Frisch envers la philosophie est intĂ©grĂ© de maniĂšre gĂ©nĂ©rale dans le dispositif de scepticisme de la connaissance, qui est dĂ©veloppĂ© dans l’Ɠuvre de cet auteur.Nicht nur Max Frisch selbst hat sich dem philosophischen Erkenntnisanspruch verweigert, sondern er hat diese Weigerung auch an seine Figuren, insbesondere an den Ingenieur Walter Faber, delegiert. Allerdings steht dieser Verweigerung eine Vielzahl von Quellenbeziehungen, die Max Frischs Texte mit philosophischen Werken verbinden, entgegen, des weiteren ein stĂ€ndiges Interesse an Themen, die in der zeitgenössischen Philosophie verhandelt werden ; und schließlich lĂ€ĂŸt sich auch die notorische Erkenntnisskepsis Max Frischs als die Kehrseite einer Faszination an sicherer Erkenntnis entziffern. Der Beitrag geht demnach in drei Schritten vor. In einem ersten Abschnitt werden die verschiedenen Facetten der Philosophiekritik bei Max Frisch beleuchtet, in einem zweiten werden auf der Basis bisheriger Forschungsergebnisse die Verbindungslinien zur Philosophie aufgezeigt. Das Schwergewicht aber liegt auf dem dritten Abschnitt. Hier wird zum einen in einem Bogen von Don Juan oder die Liebe zur Geometrie ĂŒber Stiller und Homo Faber bis zu Montauk das Dreieck von Sinnlichkeit, Philosophie und dem ’Todesinventar’ der Schrift nachgezeichnet, zum anderen wird in einem generalisierenden Schritt die Skepsis des Schriftstellers Max Frischs gegenĂŒber der Philosophie in ein Dispositiv der Erkenntnisskepsis, wie es im Werk dieses Autors sukzessive entfaltet wird, eingeordnet.Not only Max Frisch himself denied the philosophical claim for knowledge, he also delegated this refusal to his personae, in particular to the engineer Walter Faber. However, contrary to this refusal stand the various relations to the sources that link Max Frisch’s texts with philosophical works. In addition, his writing shows an ongoing interest in topics of contemporary philosophy. Finally, the notorious scepticism towards knowledge can be deciphered as the downside of such a fascination with knowledge. The article will analyze this in three steps. In a first part, the different facets of Frisch’s philosophical criticism will be analyzed. Secondly, the relations to philosophy will be shown on the basis of previous researches. The major focus, though, is on the third part. On the one hand, the triangle of sensuality, philosophy, and the ’deathly’ inventory of scripture will be traced using Don Juan oder die Liebe zur Geometrie, Stiller,Homo Faber and Montauk. On the other hand, in a generalizing step, the writer Max Frisch’s scepticism concerning philosophy will be put in the context of a dispositif of scepticism towards knowledge alltogether

    Werkstattbericht zum Lehr-Lern-Projekt "Monarchie und Adel - Forschungsorientiertes Projektlernen in Kleingruppen"

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    Im Wintersemester 2013/2014 fĂŒhrten der Dresdener Lehrstuhl fĂŒr Neuere deutsche Literatur und Kulturgeschichte und der Chemnitzer Lehrstuhl fĂŒr EuropĂ€ische Geschichte des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts das gemeinsame interdisziplinĂ€re Lehrprojekt Monarchie und Adel durch. Themen waren die Entwicklung monarchischer ReprĂ€sentationskultur vom spĂ€ten 18. bis zum frĂŒhen 20. Jahrhundert zum einen, die kĂŒnstlerische und insbesondere die literarische Auseinandersetzung mit monarchischen Herrschaftstypen, welche die europĂ€ische AufklĂ€rung und ihre Gegenbewegungen begleitete, zum anderen. Kernziel der Veranstaltung war die Vorbereitung der Studierenden auf ein eigenstĂ€ndiges, forschungsorientiertes Arbeiten nach dem Studium. Dabei wurde besonderer Wert darauf gelegt, Methoden im Dialog mit der Forschung erfahrbar zu machen; die systematische und vollstĂ€ndige Erschließung des Forschungsstandes zu einer je spezifischen Fragestellung war unabdingbar; der Weg zu den Quellen wurde damit geöffnet. Dieses zweifellos aufwendigere, am Anspruch genuiner Forschungsarbeit orientierte Vorgehen sollte gegenĂŒber dem RĂŒckgriff auf Handbuchwissen etabliert werden, der gerade in den zeitlich knapp strukturierten modularisierten StudiengĂ€ngen allzu oft eine grĂŒndliche Recherchearbeit ersetzt. Die studentischen BeitrĂ€ge, die als Studienleistung den Abschluss des Lernprojektes bildeten, wurden an der FĂ€higkeit zu selbstĂ€ndigem Arbeiten innerhalb des Forschungsfeldes gemessen. Das konnte durch die Leistung umfassender Überblicksdarstellungen, aber – in einigen FĂ€llen – auch durch die eigenstĂ€ndige Arbeit an Desideraten geschehen

    Comparison of Calculated with Measured Oxygen Consumption in Children Undergoing Cardiac Catheterization

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    Our objective was to compare calculated (LaFarge) with measured oxygen consumption (VO2) using the AS/3 TM Compact Airway Module M-CAiOVX (Datex-Ohmeda, Helsinki, Finland; AS/3 TM) in children without cardiac shunts in a prospective, observational study. VO2 was determined at the end of the routine diagnostic and/or interventional catheterization. VO2was calculated according to the formula of LaFarge and Miettinen for each child and compared with the measured VO2. Data were compared using simple regression and Bland Altman analysis. Fifty-two children aged from 0.5 to 16years (median, 6.9years) and weighing 3.4 to 59.4kg (median, 22.9kg) were investigated. Calculated VO2values ranged from 59.0 to 230.8ml/min, and measured VO2 values from 62.7 to 282.2ml/min. Comparison of calculated versus measured VO2 values revealed a significant correlation (r=0.90, p<0.0001). Bias and precision were 8.9 and 48.3ml/min, respectively (95% limits of agreement: −39.4 to 57.2ml/min). Comparison of calculated VO2 in children older than 3 years (n=41), as restricted to the formula, with measured VO2, revealed a slightly reduced correlation (r=0.86, p<0.0001). Bias and precision were 10.0 and 52.5ml/min, respectively (95% limits of agreement: -42.4 to 62.5ml/min). We conclude that calculation of VO2 by the LaFarge formula does not provide reliable values compared to measured values. In clinical routine, measured rather than calculated VO2 values should be used for the estimation of cardiac output and related variable

    Physical Attacks on the Railway System

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    Recent attacks encouraged public interest in physical security for railways. Knowing about and learning from previous attacks is necessary to secure against them. This paper presents a structured data set of physical attacks against railways. We analyze the data regarding the used means, the railway system's target component, the attacker type, and the geographical distribution of attacks. The results indicate a growing heterogeneity of observed attacks in the recent decade compared to the previous decades and centuries, making protecting railways more complex

    Kinetic and morphological differentiation of Ettringites in plain and blended Portland cements using Metakaolin and the ASTM C 452-68 test. ï»żPart I: kinetic differentiation.

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    22 pages, 3 figures, 5 tables.ï»ż[ES] En esta Parte I de la investigaciĂłn, se han logrado verifi- car mediante el ensayo ASTM C 452-68, los resultados obtenidos en anteriores investigaciones realizadas con DRX y SEM y el ensayo Le Chatelier-Ansttet. Para ello, a 10 cementos Portland –6 CPO y 4 CPRS– se les añadiĂł 20%, 30% y 40% de metakaolĂ­n (MK). Tanto los 10 CP como los 30 de sus mezclas con metakaolĂ­n (MK), se ensayaron durante 2 años, mediante dicho mĂ©todo ASTM C 452-68, y a sus probetas no sĂłlo se les determinĂł su incremento porcentual de longitud, ∆L(%), sino ademĂĄs, el contenido de sulfatos de sus aguas de conservaciĂłn. Otras determinaciones complementarias fueron: anĂĄlisis quĂ­mico de los materiales cementiceos utilizados y pro- piedades especĂ­ficas de algunos cementos ensayados. Los resultados experimentales, ∆L(%) frente al tiempo, han confirmado de nuevo que la velocidad de formaciĂłn de la ettringita de origen alĂșmina reactiva, Al2O3 r-, de las puzolanas, tiene que ser considerablemente mayor que la velocidad de formaciĂłn de la ettringita de origen C3A de los CP, lo que ha sido verificado por la evoluciĂłn durante todo el ensayo, del contenido de sulfatos de las aguas de conservaciĂłn de las probetas. Debido a ello, se ha pro- puesto denominar a ambos tipos de ettringitas, ettringita de rĂĄpida formaciĂłn, ett-rf, y ettringita de lenta forma- ciĂłn, ett-lf, respectivamente.[EN] In this first part of the study, the results obtained in prior research with XRD and SEM, as well as the Le Chatelier- Ansttet test were confirmed with the ASTM C 452-68 test. To this end, 20%, 30% and 40% metakaolin (MK) was added to ten Portland cements, six OPCs and four SRPCs. Both the ten plain PCs and the 30 metakaolin (MK) blends were tested for two years under ASTM C 452-68 specifications, determining not only the percentage increase in length, ΔL(%), of the specimens, but also the sulphate content in the curing water. Other parameters studied included: chemical analysis of the cementitious materials used and specific properties of some of the cements tested. The experimental results, ΔL(%) versus time, re-confirmed that the formation rate of ettringite from the reactive alumina, Al2O3 r-, present in the pozzolan must be substantially higher than the formation rate of ettringite from the C3A present in the PC. This was verified by the variation of the sulphate content in the specimen curing water throughout the test. In light of those findings, in this article these two types of ettringite are denominated rapid forming ettringite or ett-rf, and slow forming ettringite or ett-lf.Peer reviewe

    Hereditary Human Prion Diseases: an Update

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    Prion diseases in humans are neurodegenerative diseases which are caused by an accumulation of abnormal, misfolded cellular prion protein known as scrapie prion protein (PrPSc). Genetic, acquired, or spontaneous (sporadic) forms are known. Pathogenic mutations in the human prion protein gene (PRNP) have been identified in 10-15 % of CJD patients. These mutations may be single point mutations, STOP codon mutations, or insertions or deletions of octapeptide repeats. Some non-coding mutations and new mutations in the PrP gene have been identified without clear evidence for their pathogenic significance. In the present review, we provide an updated overview of PRNP mutations, which have been documented in the literature until now, describe the change in the DNA, the family history, the pathogenicity, and the number of described cases, which has not been published in this complexity before. We also provide a description of each genetic prion disease type, present characteristic histopathological features, and the PrPSc isoform expression pattern of various familial/genetic prion diseases

    Cardiac output measurement in children: comparison of the Ultrasound Cardiac Output Monitor with thermodilution cardiac output measurement

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    Objective: To compare the assessment of cardiac output (CO) in children using the noninvasive Ultrasound Cardiac Output Monitor (USCOM) with the invasive pulmonary artery catheter (PAC) thermodilution cardiac output measurement. Design and setting: Prospective observational study in atertiary center for pediatric cardiology of auniversity children's hospital. Patients: Twenty-four pediatric patients with congenital heart disease without shunt undergoing cardiac catheterization under general anesthesia. Measurements and results: CO was measured by USCOM using asuprasternal CO Doppler probe in children undergoing cardiac catheterization. USCOM data were compared to CO simultaneously measured by PAC thermodilution technique. Measurements were repeated three times within 5 min in each patient. Amean percentage error not exceeding 30% was defined as indicating clinical useful reliability of the USCOM. CO values measured by PAC ranged from 1.3 to 5.3 l/min (median 3.6 l/min). Bias and precision were −0.13 and 1.34 l/min, respectively. The mean percentage error of CO measurement by the USCOM compared to PAC thermodilution technique was 36.4% for USCOM. Conclusions: Our preliminary data demonstrate that cardiac output measurement in children using the USCOM does not reliably represent absolute CO values as compared to PAC thermodilution. Further studies must evaluate the impact of incorporating effective aortic valve diameters on CO measurement using the USCO

    "Siehst Du mich?" - "Hörst Du mich?": Videokonferenzen als Gegenstand kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Forschung

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    "Mit neuen Kommunikationstechnologien sind stets verĂ€nderte Verwirklichungsbedingungen von Mitteilungsprozessen verbunden. Die in diesem Artikel thematisierte Videokonferenz, eine Form audiovisueller Fernkommunikation, wird als ein spezifischer Fall interpersoneller Kommunikation begriffen und auf ihre Bedingungen, Realisierungsformen und -zwecke hin untersucht. Sie lĂ€sst sich verstehen als eigenstĂ€ndige Kommunikationsform, die durch a) die technischen Realisierungsbedingungen, b) die Leistungen und Kompetenzen der Kommunikationspartner und schließlich c) die jeweils verfolgten Kommunikationszwecke bestimmt werden kann." (Autorenreferat

    Cerebral lesions on magnetic resonance imaging correlate with preoperative neurological status in neonates undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass surgery

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    OBJECTIVES To determine the prevalence, spectrum and course of cerebral lesions in neonates with congenital heart disease (CHD) undergoing full flow cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) surgery using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and to examine the correlation between cerebral lesions and clinical neurological abnormalities. METHODS Prospective cohort study of neonates with d-transposition of the great arteries (n = 22), univentricular heart malformation with hypoplastic aortic arch (n = 6) and aortic arch obstructions (n = 2) undergoing CPB. Neonates underwent cerebral MRI and blinded standardized neurological examination before (median day 6) and after surgery (day 13). The MRI findings were compared with those of 20 healthy controls. RESULTS Preoperative cerebral lesions were present in 7 of 30 patients (23%) with isolated mild or moderate white matter injury (WMI) (n = 4), isolated small cerebral stroke (n = 1) and combined WMI and stroke (n = 2). None of the healthy controls had cerebral lesions on MRI. CHD neonates with preoperative cerebral lesions had more neurological abnormalities (P = 0.01) than neonates without cerebral lesions. Low arterial oxygen saturation (P = 0.03) was a risk factor for preoperative cerebral lesions, while balloon atrioseptostomy (P = 0.19) was not. After surgery, preoperative cerebral lesions persisted in 5 of 7 neonates, and 2 neonates (7%) showed signs of additional WMI in their postoperative MRI. CONCLUSIONS In neonates with severe CHD, WMI was the predominant preoperative finding, while cerebral strokes were less frequent. New postoperative lesions were rare. Preoperative neurological abnormalities correlated with the presence of cerebral lesions on MR

    Increased chromatin accessibility facilitates intron retention in specific cell differentiation states

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    Dynamic intron retention (IR) in vertebrate cells is of widespread biological importance. Aberrant IR is associated with numerous human diseases including several cancers. Despite consistent reports demonstrating that intrinsic sequence features can help introns evade splicing, conflicting findings about cell type or condition-specific IR regulation by trans-regulatory and epigenetic mechanisms demand an unbiased and systematic analysis of IR in a controlled experimental setting. We integrated matched mRNA sequencing (RNA-seq), whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS), nucleosome occupancy methylome sequencing (NOMe-Seq), and chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq) data from primary human myeloid and lymphoid cells. Using these multi-omics data and machine learning we trained two complementary models to determine the role of epigenetic factors in the regulation of IR in cells of the innate immune system. We show that increased chromatin accessibility, as revealed by nucleosome-free regions, contributes substantially to the retention of introns in a cell-specific manner. We also confirm that intrinsic characteristics of introns are key for them to evade splicing. This study suggests an important role of chromatin architecture in IR regulation. With an increasing appreciation that pathogenic alterations are linked to RNA processing, our findings may provide useful insights for the development of novel therapeutic approaches that target aberrant splicing
