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    O fenómeno índigo: CriArteÍndigo - plano de ações criativas para os pais

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    Tese apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências Sociais, especialidade de PsicologiaA presente investigação sobre o Fenómeno Índigo pretende ser um alerta e aconselhamento aos Pais, e uma contribuição para a Psicopedagogia da Criatividade no âmbito da Escola de Pais. A aceitabilidade dos Pais quanto ao Fenómeno Índigo e ao comportamento da criança Índigo foi facetada na Aceitação Geral, no Conhecimento, na Consciencialização e na Sensibilidade, e transversalizada pelas Dimensões Fenómeno Índigo, a interrelação e as atitudes dos Pais com seus filhos Índigo e comportamento da criança Índigo. Simon (2010), Carrol & Tober (2008), Vecchio (2006) afirmam a importância de consciencializar-se para obter, orientar e aconselhar os Pais para este fenómeno próprio da criança Índigo, que aflora novos comportamentos, exigindo um nível maior em termos psicoeducacionais. Para tal efeito utilizou-se um estudo de intervenção com design quasi-experimental que se assume como potencial instrumento de trabalho no domínio psicoeducacional. Testou-se a eficácia de um Plano de Ações Criativas – proposto por esta doutoranda em 3 módulos sequenciais − tendo em vista o aumento da Aceitabilidade (AC) dos Pais, em um grupo de 11 Participantes ─ com idade dos 21 aos 65 anos e com filhos na faixa etária dos 2 aos 12 anos, tendo como instrumentos Questionários com perguntas fechadas em Escala Likert. Foi observada a melhoria da Aceitabilidade (AC) de Antes (T1) para Depois (T2) da intervenção, considerando-se igualmente as variáveis Gênero dos filhos e Escolaridade dos Pais. Diferenças significativas tanto para as Facetas como para as Dimensões da Aceitabilidade foram detectadas. O Plano de Ações Criativas mostrou-se ser um veículo de intervenção eficaz, como facilitador para o aumento da Aceitabilidade dos Pais e para a desmitificação do fenómeno Índigo na sociedade civil. Na variável Gênero, o Plano de Ações Criativas teve efeito − em matching de Pós-Teste vs. Pré-Teste, segundo os Pais − em quase todas as Facetas e Dimensões para os meninos, e enquanto que para as meninas o Plano teve efeito mitigado. Quanto à variável Escolaridade dos Pais − no matching de Pós-Teste vs. Pré-Teste − para os Pais Não-Licenciados houve diferenças significativas em várias Facetas e numa Dimensão, enquanto que para os Pais Licenciados houve algumas diferenças significativas. Os resultados enfim apontam que os Pais estão preocupados com a performance e a formação dos seus filhos Índigo, tendo sido o Plano globalmente eficaz na melhoria da Aceitabilidade (AC) dos Pais. This research on the Phenomenon Indigo is intended to be a warning to Parents and a contribution to the Psychopedagogy of Creativity in the Parent’s School domain. The Parent’s acceptability to the Phenomenon Indigo and the children’s behavior, was faceted on the General Acceptance, in knowledge, Consciousness and on the Sensibility, transversalized by the Dimensions Indigo Phenomenon, interrelationship and attitudes of Parents with their Indigo children, and the Indigo child's behavior. Simon (2010), Carroll and Tober (2008), Virtue (2006) affirm the importance of the awareness to guide parents for their own’s Indigo child phenomenon, emerging new behaviors, requiring an highest psychoeducational level. For this purpose it was used an intervention research with a quasi-experimental design, assuming as potential tool in the psychoeducational working area. The effectiveness of a Plan of Creative Actions was tested proposed by the PhD’student in 3 sequential modules in view of the increasing Acceptability (AC) of Parents, in a group of 11 participants ─ aged 21 to 65, and with children aged from 2 to 12 years old, having as instruments some Questionnaires with closed questions in Likert scale. The Acceptability was observed from Before (T1) to After (T2) the intervention, considering the variables Gender of the Children and the educational level of Parents. Significant differences for Acceptability in both facets and dimensions were detected. The Creative Action Plan has proven to be an effective intervention vehicle, as a facilitator for increased acceptability of parents, and desmytification of the Indigo phenomenon in the civil society. On the Gender variable, the Action Plan had effect – from before (T1) to afeter (T2) in the Parentes opinion – in almost Facets and Dimensions for the boys, meanwhile for the girls the Plan have a mitigate effect. For the variable level de educacion of Parents, for the Non-Licenced Parents there was significative differences in many Facets and in one Dimension, meanwhile for the Licence Parents there some significative differences. The results shows that parents are concerned about the performance and the formation of their children Indigo, considerine that the plan had globally effiesly on the Parent’s Acceptability improvement. Cètte investigation sur le phénomène Indigo est conçue comme un avertissement et un conseil aux Parents, et une contribution à la Psychopédagogie Créative, dans le domaine de l’École des Parents. L'Acceptabilité des Parents quant an phénomène à été facettée dans l’Acceptation Générale, dans la Connaissance, et dans la Sensibilisation, et celles-ci ont été transversalisées par les Dimensions Phénomène Indigo, l'interdépendance et les attitudes des Parents envers leurs enfants Indigo, et le comportement de l'enfant Indigo. Simon (2010), Carroll et Tober (2008), et Vecchio (2006) affirment l'importance de la consciencialization pour obtenir, guider et conseiller les Parents pour ce phénomène propre de l'enfant Indigo, dont l'émergence de nouveaux comportements, en éxigeant un niveau plus élevé em termes psychopédagogiques. À cètte fin, il a été utilisée une etude d’intervention avec un design quasi-expérimentale assumé comme un outil potentiel de travail dans le domaine psychopédagogique. Il a été testée l'éfficacité d’un Plan d'Actions Créatives − proposé par la doctorande en 3 modules séquentiels − dans un groupe de 11 participants de 21 à 65 ans, avec des enfants âgés de 2 à 12 ans, et ayant en vue l’amélioration de l’Acceptabilité (AC) des Parents, il a été utilise comme instruments, des questionnaires avec des questions fermées dans l'échelle de Likert. L’améliodration de l’Acceptabilité a éte observée du temps a vant (T1) pour le temps Après (T2) de l'intervention, compte tenu des variables Gendre des Enfants et le nivrau d’Escolarité des Parents. Des différences significatives aussi bien pour les Facettes comme pour les Dimensions de l'Acceptabilité ont été détectées. Le Plan d'Actions Créatives s’est avéré être un véhicule d'intervention éfficace, en tant que facilitateur pour accroîssement de l'Acceptabilité des Parents et pour la démytification du phénomène Indigo dans la société civile. Dans la variable Gendre, le Plan d’Actions Créatives a eu un efflet – dans le croisement des donnés du Post-Teste versus le Pré-Teste, selou les Parents – en presque toutes les Facettes et les Dimensions pour les garçons, tandis que pour les filles, le plan a eu un effect partiel. En ce qui concerne la variable Escolarité des Parents – dans lr croisement des donnés du Post-Teste versus le Pre-Teste – pour les parents non- licencés il a eu des différences significatives dans plusieures Facettes et dans une Dimension, tandis que pour les Parents liconciés, il a eu quelquer différences significatives. Les résultats enfin montrent que les Parents sont préoccupés par la performance et la formation de leurs enfants Indigo; en étant le Plan éfficace dans l’amélioration de l’Accepptabilité des Parents

    Failing to ignore: Paradoxical neural effects of perceptual load on early attentional selection in normal aging

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    We examined visual selective attention under perceptual load - simultaneous presentation of task-relevant and -irrelevant information - in healthy young and older adult human participants to determine whether age differences are observable at early stages of selection in the visual cortices. Participants viewed 50/50 superimposed face/place images and judged whether the faces were male or female, rendering places perceptible but task-irrelevant. Each stimulus was repeated, allowing us to index dynamic stimulus-driven competition from places. Consistent with intact early selection in young adults, we observed no adaptation to unattended places in parahippocampal place area (PPA) and significant adaptation to attended faces in fusiform face area (FFA). Older adults, however, exhibited both PPA adaptation to places and weak FFA adaptation to faces. We also probed participants\u27 associative recognition for face-place pairs post-task. Older adults with better place recognition memory scores were found to exhibit both the largest magnitudes of PPA adaptation and the smallest magnitudes of FFA adaptation on the attention task. In a control study, we removed the competing perceptual information to decrease perceptual load. These data revealed that the initial age-related impairments in selective attention were not due to a general decline in visual cortical selectivity; both young and older adults exhibited robust FFA adaptation and neither group exhibited PPA adaptation to repeated faces. Accordingly, distracting information does not merely interfere with attended input in older adults, but is co-encoded along with the contents of attended input, to the extent that this information can subsequently be recovered from recognition memory. Copyright © 2010 the authors

    Detecting social‑ecological resilience thresholds of cultural landscapes along an urban–rural gradient: a methodological approach based on Bayesian Networks

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    Context: The difficulty of analysing resilience and threshold responses to changing environmental drivers becomes evident in the social-ecological systems framework due to their inherent complexity. Research is needed to develop new tools able to deal with such challenges and determine potential thresholds for SES variables that primarily influence tipping point behaviour. Objectives: In this paper, a methodology based on the application of Bayesian Networks (BNs) has been developed to quantify the social-ecological resilience along an urban–rural gradient in Madrid Region, detecting the tipping point values of the main socioeconomic indicators implying critical transitions at landscape stability thresholds. Method: To do this, the spatial–temporal trends of the landscape in an urban–rural gradient from Region de Madrid (Spain) were identified, to then quantify the intensity of the changes and explain them using BNs based on regression models. Finally, through inference propagation the thresholds of landscape change were detected. Results: The results obtained for the study area indicate that the most resilient landscapes analysed are those where the traditional silvo-pastoral activity was maintained by elderly people and where there is cohesion between neighbouring rural municipalities. Conclusion: The method developed has allowed us to detect the tipping points from which small changes in socioeconomic indicators generate large changes at the landscape level. We demonstrate that the use of BNs is a useful tool to achieve an integrated socialecological spatial planning


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    The present theoretical essay seeks to discuss and understand the aspects related to ethical care with the patient in palliative care. Ethical care can be understood as a reflection process on issues involving patients in palliative care, as well as their social circle - family and friends - who will be affected by the situation and subsequent decisions about their relative. Taking into consideration that the person in hospice care may not be able to make decisions, it is important that the team involved, together with the family, consider the best action aimed at the quality of life of the patient. Faced with this, it will be approached the best way for the team to prepare themselves to be able to help their families for future actions in relation to the diagnosis, as well as the importance of the psychologist to face the mourning - both for the family and patient as for the team.El presente ensayo teórico busca discutir y comprender sobre los aspectos relacionados con el cuidado ético con el paciente en cuidados paliativos. Los cuidados éticos pueden ser comprendidos como un proceso de reflexión acerca de las cuestiones que involucran a los pacientes en cuidados paliativos, así como su círculo social - familia y amigos - que serán afectados con la situación y las posteriores decisiones sobre su familiar. Teniendo en cuenta que la persona en cuidados paliativos puede no ser apta para tomar decisiones, es importante que el equipo involucrado, junto con la familia, piense en la mejor acción para la calidad de vida del paciente. En este sentido, se abordará la mejor forma del equipo para prepararse para asistir a los familiares para las futuras acciones frente al diagnóstico, así como la importancia del psicólogo para el enfrentamiento del luto, tanto para los familiares y el paciente como para el equipo.O presente ensaio teórico busca discutir e compreender sobre os aspectos relacionados aos cuidados éticos com o paciente em cuidados paliativos. Os cuidados éticos podem ser compreendidos como um processo de reflexão acerca das questões que envolvem os pacientes em cuidados paliativos, bem como seu círculo social – família e amigos – que serão afetados com a situação e as posteriores decisões sobre seu familiar. Levando em consideração que a pessoa em cuidados paliativos pode não estar apta para tomar decisões, é importante que a equipe envolvida, juntamente com a família, pense na melhor ação visando à qualidade de vida do paciente. Diante disto, será abordada a melhor forma da equipe se preparar para estarem aptos a auxiliar os familiares para as futuras ações frente ao diagnóstico, bem como a importância do psicólogo para o enfrentamento do luto – tanto para os familiares e paciente quanto para a equipe


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    O presente resumo refere-se a uma avaliação da disciplica de Psicologia Institucional, do curso de Psicologia, campus de São Miguel do Oeste da Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina. Ele contempla as interfaces do filme "Si Può Fare" com a Psicologia Institucional. O filme “Si Può Fare”, produzido em 2008, sobre direção de Giulio Manfredonia, trata sobre as cooperativas na Itália dos hospitais psiquiátricos. O personagem do filme Nello é um sindicalista que tem uma visão humanizada a respeito dos doentes mentais, sendo possível discutir assuntos acerca do tratamento utilizado nos hospitais psiquiátricos, polêmicos até hoje

    Healthspan Enhancement by Olive Polyphenols in C. elegans Wild Type and Parkinson’s Models

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most prevalent late-age onset neurodegenerative disorder, affecting 1% of the population after the age of about 60 years old and 4% of those over 80 years old, causing motor impairments and cognitive dysfunction. Increasing evidence indicates that Mediterranean diet (MD) exerts beneficial effects in maintaining health, especially during ageing and by the prevention of neurodegenerative disorders. In this regard, olive oil and its biophenolic constituents like hydroxytyrosol (HT) have received growing attention in the past years. Thus, in the current study we test the health-promoting effects of two hydroxytyrosol preparations, pure HT and Hidrox® (HD), which is hydroxytyrosol in its “natural” environment, in the established invertebrate model organism Caenorhabditis elegans. HD exposure led to much stronger beneficial locomotion effects in wild type worms compared to HT in the same concentration. Consistent to this finding, in OW13 worms, a PD-model characterized by α-synuclein expression in muscles, HD exhibited a significant higher effect on α-synuclein accumulation and swim performance than HT, an effect partly confirmed also in swim assays with the UA44 strain, which features α-synuclein expression in DA-neurons. Interestingly, beneficial effects of HD and HT treatment with similar strength were detected in the lifespan and autofluorescence of wild-type nematodes, in the neuronal health of UA44 worms as well as in the locomotion of rotenone-induced PD-model. Thus, the hypothesis that HD features higher healthspan-promoting abilities than HT was at least partly confirmed. Our study demonstrates that HD polyphenolic extract treatment has the potential to partly prevent or even treat ageing-related neurodegenerative diseases and ageing itself. Future investigations including mammalian models and human clinical trials are needed to uncover the full potential of these olive compounds