2,459 research outputs found

    Mercy Hospital, Chicago -- Past, Present, Future

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    International Markets In Disequilibrium: A Case Study of Beef

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    Antibacterial Activity of and Resistance to Small Molecule Inhibitors of the ClpP Peptidase

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    There is rapidly mounting evidence that intracellular proteases in bacteria are compelling targets for antibacterial drugs. Multiple reports suggest that the human pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other actinobacteria may be particularly sensitive to small molecules that perturb the activities of self-compartmentalized peptidases, which catalyze intracellular protein turnover as components of ATP-dependent proteolytic machines. Here, we report chemical syntheses and evaluations of structurally diverse β-lactones, which have a privileged structure for selective, suicide inhibition of the self-compartmentalized ClpP peptidase. β-Lactones with certain substituents on the α- and β-carbons were found to be toxic to M. tuberculosis. Using an affinity-labeled analogue of a bioactive β-lactone in a series of chemical proteomic experiments, we selectively captured the ClpP1P2 peptidase from live cultures of two different actinobacteria that are related to M. tuberculosis. Importantly, we found that the growth inhibitory β-lactones also inactivate the M. tuberculosis ClpP1P2 peptidase in vitro via formation of a covalent adduct at the ClpP2 catalytic serine. Given the potent antibacterial activity of these compounds and their medicinal potential, we sought to identify innate mechanisms of resistance. Using a genome mining strategy, we identified a genetic determinant of β-lactone resistance in Streptomyces coelicolor, a non-pathogenic relative of M. tuberculosis. Collectively, these findings validate the potential of ClpP inhibition as a strategy in antibacterial drug development and define a mechanism by which bacteria could resist the toxic effects of ClpP inhibitors.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant GM-101988

    Microwave Components with MEMS Switches

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    RF MEMS switches with metal-metal contacts are being developed for microwave applications where broadband, high linearity performance is required. These switches provide less than 0.2 dB insertion loss through 40 GHz. This paper describes the integration of these switches into selected microwave components such as reconfigurable antenna elements, tunable filters, switched delay lines, and SPDT switches. Microwave and millimeter wave measured results from these circuits are presented

    A Simple Fragment of Cyclic Acyldepsipeptides Is Necessary and Sufficient for ClpP Activation and Antibacterial Activity

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    The development of new antibacterial agents, particularly those with unique biological targets, is essential to keep pace with the inevitable emergence of drug resistance in pathogenic bacteria. We identified the minimal structural component of the cyclic acyldepsipeptide (ADEP) antibiotics that exhibits antibacterial activity. We found that N-acyldifluorophenylalanine fragments function via the same mechanism of action as ADEPs, as evidenced by the requirement of ClpP for the fragments' antibacterial activity, the ability of fragments to activate Bacillus subtilis ClpP in vitro, and the capacity of an N-acyldifluorophenylalanine affinity matrix to capture ClpP from B. subtilis cell lysates. N-acyldifluorophenylalanine fragments are much simpler in structure than the full ADEPs and are also highly amenable to structural diversification. Thus, the stage has been set for the development of non-peptide activators of ClpP that can be used as antibacterial agents.National Science Foundation (U.S.)United States. National Institutes of Health (GM-101988

    Exploring the Law of Detrital Zircon: LA-ICP-MS and CA-TIMS Geochronology of Jurassic Forearc Strata, Cook Inlet, Alaska, USA

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    Uranium-lead (U-Pb) geochronology studies commonly employ the law of detrital zircon: A sedimentary rock cannot be older than its youngest zircon. This premise permits maximum depositional ages (MDAs) to be applied in chronostratigraphy, but geochronologic dates are complicated by uncertainty. We conducted laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) and chemical abrasion-thermal ionization mass spectrometry (CA-TIMS) of detrital zircon in forearc strata of southern Alaska (USA) to assess the accuracy of several MDA approaches. Six samples from Middle–Upper Jurassic units are generally replete with youthful zircon and underwent three rounds of analysis: (1) LA-ICP-MS of ∼115 grains, with one date per zircon; (2) LA-ICP-MS of the ∼15 youngest grains identified in round 1, acquiring two additional dates per zircon; and (3) CA-TIMS of the ∼5 youngest grains identified by LA-ICP-MS. The youngest single-grain LA-ICP-MS dates are all younger than—and rarely overlap at 2σ uncertainty with—the CA-TIMS MDAs. The youngest kernel density estimation modes are typically several million years older than the CA-TIMS MDAs. Weighted means of round 1 dates that define the youngest statistical populations yield the best coincidence with CA-TIMS MDAs. CA-TIMS dating of the youngest zircon identified by LA-ICP-MS is indispensable for critical MDA applications, eliminating laser-induced matrix effects, mitigating and evaluating Pb loss, and resolving complexities of interpreting lower-precision, normally distributed LA-ICP-MS dates. Finally, numerous CA-TIMS MDAs in this study are younger than Bathonian(?)–Callovian and Oxfordian faunal correlations suggest, highlighting the need for additional radioisotopic constraints—including CA-TIMS MDAs—for the Middle–Late Jurassic geologic time scale

    Classification and Ranking of Selectd Arkansas Lakes

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    Trophic-state related problems associated with waters in the United States have generated tremendous public interest and concern, particularly during the past decade. These interests and concerns led to Public Law 92-500, the mandate by Congress known as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. Various sections of PL 92-500 directly address the need for trophic-state analyses, particularly Section 314 referred to as the Clean Lakes Program which assigns states the responsibility for classifying their lakes according to water quality, identifying methods of pollution control and restoring those lakes which have become degraded

    NLS cycle 1 and NLS 2 base heating technical notes. Appendix 3: Preliminary cycle 1 NLS base heating environments. Cycle 1 NLS base heating environments. NLS 2 650K STME base heating environments

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    A preliminary analysis of National Launch System ascent plume induced base heating environments has been completed to support the Induced Environments Panel's objective to assist in maturing the NLS vehicle (1.5 stage and heavy launch lift vehicle) design. Environments during ascent have been determined from this analysis for a few selected locations on the engine nozzles and base heat shield for both vehicles. The environments reflect early summer 1991 configurations and performance data and conservative methodology. A more complete and thorough analysis is under way to update these environments for the cycle 1 review in January 1992

    Precise U-Pb zircon ages and geochemistry of Jurassic granites, Ellsworth-Whitmore terrane, central Antarctica

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    The Ellsworth-Whitmore Mountain terrane of central Antarctica was part of the early Paleozoic amalgamation of Gondwana, including a 13,000 m section of Cambrian–Permian sediments in the Ellsworth Mountains deposited on Grenville-age crust. The Jurassic breakup of Gondwana involved a regional, bimodal magmatic event during which the Ellsworth-Whitmore terrane was intruded by intraplate granites before translation of the terrane to its present location in central Antarctica. Five widely separated granitic plutons in the Ellsworth-Whitmore terrane were analyzed for their whole-rock geochemistry (X-ray fluorescence), Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic compositions, and U-Pb zircon ages to investigate the origins of the terrane magmas and their relationships to mafic magmatism of the 183 Ma Karoo-Ferrar large igneous province (LIP). We report high-precision (±0.1 m.y.) isotope dilution–thermal ionization mass spectrometry (ID-TIMS) U-Pb zircon ages from granitic rocks from the Whitmore Mountains (208.0 Ma), Nash Hills (177.4–177.3 Ma), Linck Nunatak (175.3 Ma), Pagano Nunatak (174.8 Ma), and the Pirrit Hills (174.3–173.9 Ma), and U-Pb sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) ages from the Whitmore Mountains (200 ± 5 Ma), Linck Nunatak (180 ± 4 Ma), Pagano Nunatak (174 ± 4 Ma), and the Pirrit Hills (168 ± 4 Ma). We then compared these results with existing K-Ar ages and Nd model ages, and used initial Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope ratios, combined with xenocrystic zircon U-Pb inheritance, to infer characteristics of the source(s) of the parent magmas. We conclude that the Jurassic plutons were not derived exclusively from crustal melts, but rather they are hybridized magmas composed of convecting mantle, subcontinental lithospheric mantle, and lower continental crustal contributions. The mantle contributions to the granites share isotopic similarities to the sources of other Jurassic LIP mafic magmas, including radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr (0.706–0.708), unradiogenic 143Nd/144Nd (εNd < –5), and Pb isotopes consistent with a low-µ source (where μ = 238U/204Pb). Isotopes and zircon xenocrysts point toward a crustal end member of predominantly Proterozoic provenance (0.5–1.0 Ga; Grenville crust), extending the trends illustrated by Ferrar mafic intrusive rocks, but contrasting with the inferred Archean crustal and/or lithospheric mantle contributions to some basalts of the Karoo sector of the LIP. The Ellsworth-Whitmore terrane granites are the result of mafic rocks underplating the hydrous crust, causing crustal melting, hybridization, and fractionation to produce granitic magmas that were eventually emplaced as post-Ferrar, within-plate melts at higher crustal levels as the Ellsworth-Whitmore terrane rifted off Gondwana (47°S) before migrating to its current position (82°S) in central Antarctica

    Bacterioplankton dynamics within a large anthropogenically impacted urban estuary

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    © 2016 Jeffries, Schmitz Fontes, Harrison, Van-Dongen-Vogels, Eyre, Ralph and Seymour. The abundant and diverse microorganisms that inhabit aquatic systems are both determinants and indicators of aquatic health, providing essential ecosystem services such as nutrient cycling but also causing harmful blooms and disease in impacted habitats. Estuaries are among the most urbanized coastal ecosystems and as a consequence experience substantial environmental pressures, providing ideal systems to study the influence of anthropogenic inputs on microbial ecology. Here we use the highly urbanized Sydney Harbor, Australia, as a model system to investigate shifts in microbial community composition and function along natural and anthopogenic physicochemical gradients, driven by stormwater inflows, tidal flushing and the input of contaminants and both naturally and anthropogenically derived nutrients. Using a combination of amplicon sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene and shotgun metagenomics, we observed strong patterns in microbial biogeography across the estuary during two periods: one of high and another of low rainfall. These patterns were driven by shifts in nutrient concentration and dissolved oxygen leading to a partitioning of microbial community composition in different areas of the harbor with different nutrient regimes. Patterns in bacterial composition were related to shifts in the abundance of Rhodobacteraceae, Flavobacteriaceae, Microbacteriaceae, Halomonadaceae, Acidomicrobiales, and Synechococcus, coupled to an enrichment of total microbial metabolic pathways including phosphorus and nitrogen metabolism, sulfate reduction, virulence, and the degradation of hydrocarbons. Additionally, community beta-diversity was partitioned between the two sampling periods. This potentially reflected the influence of shifting allochtonous nutrient inputs on microbial communities and highlighted the temporally dynamic nature of the system. Combined, our results provide insights into the simultaneous influence of natural and anthropogenic drivers on the structure and function of microbial communities within a highly urbanized aquatic ecosystem
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