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    Recipient Design

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    Grundlage der Studie zur multimodalen Interaktionsanalyse ist der Vortrag der beiden Autoren auf der Arbeitstagung GesprĂ€chsforschung 2014. Sie haben bei der Überarbeitung fĂŒr die Publikation die Studie auf die empirische Basis einer Kollektion von 6 FĂ€llen gestellt. Die Ausarbeitung ist deswegen umfangreicher geworden, weil das Vortragsmanuskript zu einer prototypischen, multimodalen Auseinandersetzung mit einem etablierten, verbal basierten Konzept ausgebaut wurde. Solche empirisch basierten, methodologisch orientierten Konzeptreflexionen sind unverzichtbarer Bestandteil der Profilierung des multimodal-interaktionsanalytischen Ansatzes als eigenstĂ€ndiger Zugang der Analyse von Interaktion

    Recipient design aus multimodaler Sicht

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    Der Beitrag ist eine fallbasierte und konzeptionell ausgerichtete Auseinandersetzung mit dem konversationsanalytischen Konzept „recipient design“. Dieses wird zunĂ€chst in seinem monomodal-verbalen Entstehungszusammenhang erlĂ€utert und anschließend aus Perspektive der multimodalen Interaktionsanalyse reflektiert. In einem methodologischen Exkurs werden die Verfahren der „visuellen Erstanalyse“ und der „rekurrenten Mehrebenen-Analyse“ vorgestellt und im analytischen Teil umgesetzt. So wird zunĂ€chst das visuell wahrnehmbare Verhalten, dann die Äußerungs- und Interaktionsstruktur und abschließend die Prosodie eines lehrerseitigen recipient design analysiert. In einem fallanalytischen ResĂŒmee prĂ€sentieren wir im Detail das Zusammenspiel der bei der Produktion dieses multimodalen recipient design beteiligten Ausdrucksressourcen. Abschließend diskutieren wir eine Reihe offener Punkte, die bei einer multimodalen Konzeption von recipient design zu beachten sind. Dabei wird deutlich, dass recipient design theoretisch neu gerahmt und systematisch in Bezug auf online-analytische und verstehensdokumentarische Überlegungen reflektiert werden muss.This paper is a case-related, conceptually focused analysis of the conversation analytical concept of recipient design. First, the concept is explained in its monomodal – i.e. verbal – context of origin and subsequently reflected from a multimodal perspective. The techniques of “initial visual analysis” and “recurrent multilevel analysis” are then introduced in a methodological excursus and applied in the analysis section. This way, the visually perceivable behavior is analyzed first, followed by the reconstruction of both utterance and interaction structure. Finally, the prosody of a teacher’s utterances is analyzed. The summary presents in detail the interplay of the resources which produce the multimodal recipient design. In conclusion, a number of open issues to be considered in the case of a multimodal conception of recipient design are discussed. This highlights the fact that recipient design requires a new theoretical framework, as well as a systematic reflection with regard to online-analytical considerations and the documentation of understanding

    The d(10) route to dye-sensitized solar cells: step-wise assembly of zinc(II) photosensitizers on TiO2 surfaces

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    Dye-sensitized solar cells have been assembled using a sequential approach: a TiO2 surface was functionalized with an anchoring ligand, followed by metallation with Zn(OAc)(2) or ZnCl2, and subsequent capping with a chromophore functionalized 2,2`:6`,2 ``-terpyridine; the DSCs exhibit surprisingly good efficiencies confirming the effectiveness of the new strategy for zinc-based DSC fabrication

    Die politikfeldspezifische Auswertung von Wahlprogrammen am Beispiel der deutschen BundeslÀnder

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    "Dieser Aufsatz diskutiert die Arbeitstechniken zur politikfeldspezifischen Auswertungen von Wahlprogrammen. Hierbei wird zunĂ€chst der Frage nachgegangen, wie sich aus der Rohfassung eines Wahlprogramms ein Datensatz konstruieren lĂ€sst, der politikfeldspezifische Auswertungen erlaubt. In diesem Zusammenhang wird ein eigenstĂ€ndiges VerschlĂŒsselungsschema dargestellt, auf dessen Basis im nĂ€chsten Schritt Parteipositionen ermittelt werden sollen. Um auf aufwendige Hand-Vercodungen, Expertenumfragen oder Referenztexte verzichten zu können, wird diesbezĂŒglich auf den R-Algorithmus Wordfish (Slapin/ Proksch 2008) zurĂŒckgegriffen. In diesem Zusammenhang soll weniger die Diskussion um die geeignete Methodik zur SchĂ€tzung von Parteipositionen im Vordergrund stehen, als vielmehr die Bereitstellung und Diskussion von Hinweisen und Techniken fĂŒr Anwender dieses computergestĂŒtzten inhaltsanalytischen Verfahrens. Abschließend wird am Beispiel der Hamburger BĂŒrgerschafts- und der hessischen Landtagswahlen von 1991 bis 2008 diskutiert, welche Problemsituationen bei anschließenden Analysen auftreten können und wie man ihnen am besten begegnen kann." (Autorenreferat

    Tracking chromosomal positions of oligomers - a case study with Illumina's BovineSNP50 beadchip

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>High density genotyping arrays have become established as a valuable research tool in human genetics. Currently, more than 300 genome wide association studies were published for human reporting about 1,000 SNPs that are associated with a phenotype. Also in animal sciences high density genotyping arrays are harnessed to analyse genetic variation. To exploit the full potential of this technology single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on the chips should be well characterized and their chromosomal position should be precisely known. This, however, is a challenge if the genome sequence is still subject to changes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have developed a mapping strategy and a suite of software scripts to update the chromosomal positions of oligomer sequences used for SNP genotyping on high density arrays. We describe the mapping procedure in detail so that scientists with moderate bioinformatics skills can reproduce it. We furthermore present a case study in which we re-mapped 54,001 oligomer sequences from Ilumina's BovineSNP50 beadchip to the bovine genome sequence. We found in 992 cases substantial discrepancies between the manufacturer's annotations and our results. The software scripts in the <monospace>Perl</monospace> and <monospace>R</monospace> programming languages are provided as supplements.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The positions of oligomer sequences in the genome are volatile even within one build of the genome. To facilitate the analysis of data from a GWAS or from an expression study, especially with species whose genome assembly is still unstable, it is recommended to update the oligomer positions before data analysis.</p

    High Rate Proton Irradiation of 15mm Muon Drifttubes

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    Future LHC luminosity upgrades will significantly increase the amount of background hits from photons, neutrons and protons in the detectors of the ATLAS muon spectrometer. At the proposed LHC peak luminosity of 5*10^34 1/cm^2s, background hit rates of more than 10 kHz/cm^2 are expected in the innermost forward region, leading to a loss of performance of the current tracking chambers. Based on the ATLAS Monitored Drift Tube chambers, a new high rate capable drift tube detecor using tubes with a reduced diameter of 15mm was developed. To test the response to highly ionizing particles, a prototype chamber of 46 15mm drift tubes was irradiated with a 20 MeV proton beam at the tandem accelerator at the Maier-Leibnitz Laboratory, Munich. Three tubes in a planar layer were irradiated while all other tubes were used for reconstruction of cosmic muon tracks through irradiated and non-irradiated parts of the chamber. To determine the rate capability of the 15mm drift-tubes we investigated the effect of the proton hit rate on pulse height, efficiency and spatial resolution of the cosmic muon signals

    NovelSNPer: A Fast Tool for the Identification and Characterization of Novel SNPs and InDels

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    Typically, next-generation resequencing projects produce large lists of variants. NovelSNPer is a software tool that permits fast and efficient processing of such output lists. In a first step, NovelSNPer determines if a variant represents a known variant or a previously unknown variant. In a second step, each variant is classified into one of 15 SNP classes or 19 InDel classes. Beside the classes used by Ensembl, we introduce POTENTIAL_START_GAINED and START_LOST as new functional classes and present a classification scheme for InDels. NovelSNPer is based upon the gene structure information stored in Ensembl. It processes two million SNPs in six hours. The tool can be used online or downloaded

    Reaction behavior of iron and copper complexes towards dioxygen

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    To provide a better understanding of the reactions of iron and copper proteins with dioxygen, the corresponding reactions of small molecule model complexes with dioxygen were analysed using spectroscopic and kinetic methods. Special attention focused upon the binding and activation of dioxygen by iron proteins such as hemerythrin (Hr) and protocatechuat-3,4-dioxygenase (3,4-PCD) and by copper proteins like hemocyanin (Hc) and tyrosinase. Iron complexes of the ligand tmpa (tmpa = tris[(2-pyridyl)methyl]amine, also known as tpa in literature) were synthesised and modifications of the tmpa ligand were made. Increasing as well as decreasing chelate ring sizes in the highly active complex [Fe(tmpa)(dbc)]B(C6H5)4 (dbc = 3,5-di-tert-butylcatecholate dianion), only resulted in decreased reactivity of the investigated compounds. A detailed low-temperature stopped-flow investigation of the reaction of dioxygen with [Fe(tmpa)(dbc)]B(C6H5)4 was performed and activation parameters of Delta H# = 23 +- 1 kJ mol-1 and Delta S# = -199 +- 4 J mol-1 K-1 were obtained. Crystal structures of bromo-(tetrachlorocatecholato-O,O\u27)(bis((2-pyridyl)methyl)-2-pyridylamine-N,N\u27,N\u27\u27)-iron(III) (2), (mu-oxo)-bis(bromo)(bis((2-pyridyl)methyl)-2-pyridylamine-N,N\u27,N\u27\u27,N\u27\u27\u27)-diiron(III) (3), dichloro-((2-(2-pyridyl)ethyl)bis((2-pyridyl)methyl)amine-N,N\u27,N\u27\u27,N\u27\u27\u27)-iron(III) (4) and (tetrabromocatecholato-O,O\u27)((2-(2-pyridyl)ethyl)bis((2-pyridyl)methyl)amine-N,N\u27,N\u27\u27,N\u27\u27\u27)-iron(III) (5) are reported (Chapter 2). Besides altering the chelate ring size the influence of the donor atoms of the ligand on catechol dioxygenase reactivity was investigated. Two derivatives of the tmpa ligand (uns-penp and acetyl-uns-penp) were synthesised, where one aromatic nitrogen donor was replaced by an aliphatic nitrogen donor. The iron(III) complexes of the tripodal ligands N\u27,N\u27-bis[(2-pyridyl)methyl]ethylenediamine (uns-penp), [Fe(uns-penp)Cl2]ClO4 x CH3CN, [{Fe(uns-penp)Cl}2O](ClO4)2 x 2CH3CN and the amide derivative N-Acetyl-N\u27,N\u27-bis[(2-pyridyl)methyl]ethylenediamine (acetyl-uns-penp), [Fe2(acetyl-uns-penp)2O](ClO4)2 x H2O, [Fe(acetyl-uns-penp)(tcc)Br] x (C2H5)2O and [{Fe(acetyl-uns-penp)(tcc)}2O] x (C2H5)2O x CH3OH were synthesised and characterised. Catechol dioxygenase reactivity of in situ prepared complex solutions only showed slower reactions in comparison with the iron tmpa system (Chapter 3). Corresponding ligand system variations in the small molecule model complexes of copper proteins were made and analysed with respect to dioxygen reactivity. Intramolecular ligand hydroxylation was observed during the reactions of dioxygen with the dicopper(I) complexes of the ligands L3 (L3 = alpha,alpha\u27-bis[(2-pyridylethyl)amino]-m-xylene) and L5 (L5 = alpha,alpha\u27-bis[N-(2-pyridylethyl)-N-(2-pyridylmethyl)-amino]-m-xylene). The dinuclear copper(I) complex [Cu2L5](ClO4)2 and the dicopper(II) complex [Cu2(L3-O)(OH)(ClO4)]ClO4 were characterised by single-crystal X-ray structure analysis. Furthermore, phenolate-bridged complexes were synthesised with the ligand L4-OH and Me-L5-OH (structurally characterised: [Cu2(L4-O)Cl3] with L4 = alpha,alpha\u27-bis[N-methyl-N-(2-pyridylethyl)amino]-m-xylene and [Cu2(Me-L5-O)(mu-X)](ClO4)2 x nH2O with Me-L5-OH = 2,6-bis[N-(2-pyridylethyl)-N-(2-pyridylmethyl)amino]-4-methylphenol and X = C3H3N2- (prz), MeCO2- and N3-). Temperature-dependent magnetic studies revealed the antiferromagnetic coupling of the copper ions of these complexes (Chapter 4). The reactions of dioxygen with copper(I) complexes of the tridentate ligands 1,1,4,7,7-pentamethyldiethylethylenetriamine (Me5dien), 1,1,4,7,7-pentaethyldiethylethylenetriamine (Et5dien), N-methyl-[bis(2-pyridyl)methyl]amine (Me-bpa) and N-methyl-[(2-pyridyl)ethyl(2-pyridyl)methyl]amine (MeL) have been investigated using low-temperature stopped-flow techniques. The formation of a bis(mu-oxo) copper complex as a reactive intermediate could only be detected spectroscopically at low temperatures for [Cu(Me5dien)(CH3CN)]ClO4 and allowed a quantitative kinetic analysis to be performed. Crystal structures of the copper(II) complexes [(Me-bpa)Cu(Cl)2], [{(Me-bpa)Cu(Cl)(ClO4)}2], [{(MeL)Cu(Cl)(ClO4)}2] and [(MeL)Cu(NCS)2] are reported. (Chapter 5)Zum besseren VerstĂ€ndnis der Reaktionen von Eisen- und Kupferproteinen mit elementarem Sauerstoff wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit fĂŒr Eisen- und Kupferproteine Modellkomplexe mit geringer Molekularmasse mit spektroskopischen oder kinetischen Methoden untersucht. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wurde hierbei der Bindung und der Aktivierung von elementarem Sauerstoff durch die Eisenproteine, wie z. B. HĂ€merythrin (Hr) und Protocatechuat-3,4-dioxygenase (3,4-PCD), und die Kupferproteine, wie z. B. HĂ€mocyanin (Hc) und Tyrosinase, gewidmet. BezĂŒglich der Modelle fĂŒr Eisenenzyme wurde der Ligand tmpa (tmpa = tris[(2-pyridyl)methyl]amin; in der Literatur auch mit tpa abgekĂŒrzt) untersucht und systematisch variiert. Die VergrĂ¶ĂŸerung und Verkleinerung der ChelatringgrĂ¶ĂŸe im hochreaktiven Komplex [Fe(tmpa)(dbc)]B(C6H5)4 (dbc = 3,5-Di-tert-butylcatecholat Dianion) fĂŒhrte nur zu einer verringerten ReaktivitĂ€t der untersuchten Verbindungen. Die Reaktion von elementaren Sauerstoff mit [Fe(tmpa)(dbc)]B(C6H5)4 wurde mittels der Tieftemperatur-\u27stopped-flow\u27-Technik untersucht und ergab die Aktivierungsparameter Delta H# = 23 +- 1 kJ mol-1 und Delta S# = -199 +- 4 J mol-1 K-1. Weiterhin wurden die Kristallstrukturanalysen der Verbindungen bromo-(tetra-chlorocatecholato-O,O\u27)(bis((2-pyridyl)methyl)-2-pyridylamine-N,N\u27,N\u27\u27)-eisen(III) (2), (mĂŒ-oxo)-bis(bromo)(bis((2-pyridyl)methyl)-2-pyridylamine-N,N\u27,N\u27\u27,N\u27\u27\u27)-dieisen (III) (3), dichloro-((2-(2-pyridyl)ethyl)bis((2-pyridyl)methyl)amine-N,N\u27,N\u27\u27,N\u27\u27\u27)-eisen (III) (4) und (tetrabromocatecholato-O,O\u27)((2-(2-pyridyl)ethyl)bis((2-pyridyl)methyl) amine-N,N\u27,N\u27\u27,N\u27\u27\u27)-eisen (III) (5) beschrieben (Kapitel 2). Neben der Änderung der ChelatringgrĂ¶ĂŸe wurde auch der Einfluss der Donoratome des Liganden untersucht. Dazu wurden abgeleitet vom tmpa zwei Liganden (uns-penp und acteyl-uns-penp) synthetisiert, bei denen ein aromatischer Stickstoff durch einen aliphatischen Stickstoff ersetzt wurde. Die Eisen(III)-Komplexe mit den tripodalen Liganden N\u27,N\u27-bis[(2-pyridyl)methyl]ethylenediamin (uns-penp), [Fe(uns-penp)Cl2]ClO4 x CH3CN, [{Fe(uns-penp)Cl}2O](ClO4)2 x 2CH3CN und dem Amidderivat N-Acetyl-N\u27,N\u27-bis[(2-pyridyl)methyl]ethylenediamin (acetyl-uns-penp), [Fe2(acetyl-uns-penp)2O](ClO4)2 x H2O, [Fe(acetyl-uns-penp)(tcc)Br] x (C2H5)2O und [{Fe(acetyl-uns-penp)(tcc)}2O] x (C2H5)2O x CH3OH wurden synthetisiert und charakterisiert. Untersuchungen zur CatecholdioxygenasereaktivitĂ€t der in situ dargestellten Komplexlösungen zeigten nur langsamere Reaktionen im Vergleich zu dem Eisen-tmpa-System (Kapitel 3) Die Ligandensysteme fĂŒr Modelle von Kupferproteinen wurden nach denselben Gesichtspunkten verĂ€ndert wie bei den Modellen fĂŒr die Eisenproteine. Intramolekulare Hydroxylierung des Liganden war bei der Reaktion von elementaren Sauerstoff mit Dikupfer(I)-Komplexen der Liganden L3 (L3 = alpha,alpha\u27-bis[(2-pyridylethyl)amino]-m-xylol) und L5 (L5 = alpha,alpha\u27-bis[N-(2-pyridylethyl)-N-(2-pyridylmethyl)-amino]-m-xylol) zu beobachten. Der dinukleare Kupfer(I)-Komplex [Cu2L5](ClO4)2 und der Dikupfer(II)-Komplex [Cu2(L3-O)(OH)(ClO4)]ClO4 konnten durch Einkristallröntgenstrukturanalyse charakterisiert werden. ZusĂ€tzlich wurden PhenolatverbrĂŒckte Komplexe mit den Liganden L4-OH und Me-L5-OH synthetisiert (Strukturlösungen fĂŒr [Cu2(L4-O)Cl3] mit L4 = alpha,alpha\u27-bis[N-methyl-N-(2-pyridylethyl)amino]-m-xylol und [Cu2(Me-L5-O)(mĂŒ-X)](ClO4)2 x nH2O (Me-L5-OH = 2,6-bis[N-(2-pyridylethyl)-N-(2-pyridylmethyl)amino]-4-methylphenol und X = C3H3N2- (prz), MeCO2- und N3-). TemperaturabhĂ€ngige magnetische Untersuchungen zeigten antiferromagnetische Kopplung der Kupferionen in diesen Komplexen (Kapitel 4). Die Reaktionen von elementaren Sauerstoff mit Kupfer(I)-Komplexen der dreizĂ€hnigen Liganden 1,1,4,7,7-pentamethyldiethylethylenetriamin (Me5dien), 1,1,4,7,7-pentaethyldiethylethylenetriamin (Et5dien), N-methyl-[bis(2-pyridyl) methyl]amin (Me-bpa) und N-methyl-[(2-pyridyl)ethyl(2-pyridyl)methyl]amin (MeL) mit Hilfe der Tieftemperatur-\u27stopped-flow\u27-Technik untersucht. Die Bildung eines bis(mĂŒ-oxo)-Kupferkomplexes konnte dabei bei tiefen Temperaturen nur fĂŒr den Komplex [Cu(Me5dien)(CH3CN)]ClO4 spektroskopisch beobachtet und quantitativ kinetisch analysiert werden. Die Komplexe [(Me-bpa)Cu(Cl)2], [{(Me-bpa)Cu(Cl)(ClO4)}2], [{(MeL)Cu(Cl)(ClO4)}2] und [(MeL)Cu(NCS)2] konnten kristallographisch charakterisiert werden. (Kapitel 5

    Got milk? Breastfeeding and milk analysis of a mother on chronic hemodialysis

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    Purpose: Women on dialysis rarely become pregnant. However, the overall rate of successful pregnancies is increasing in this patient population and breastfeeding becomes an option for mothers on dialysis. In this study we performed a systematic breast milk composition analysis of a mother on chronic hemodialysis (HD). Methods: Specimens of breast milk and blood were collected in regular intervals before and after HD from a 39-year old woman starting on day 10 postpartum. Samples were analyzed for electrolytes, retention solutes, nutrients and other laboratory measurements. Breast milk samples from low-risk mothers matched for postpartum age were used as controls. Results: Significantly higher levels of creatinine and urea were found in pre-HD breast milk when compared to post-HD. A similar post-dialytic decrease was only found for uric acid but not for any other investigated parameter. Conversely, sodium and chloride were significantly increased in post-HD samples. Compared to controls creatinine and urea were significantly higher in pre-HD samples while the difference remained only significant for post-HD creatinine. Phosphate was significantly lower in pre- and post-HD breast milk when compared to controls, whereas calcium showed no significant differences. In terms of nutrient components glucose levels showed a strong trend for a decrease, whereas protein, triglycerides and cholesterol did not differ. Similarly, no significant differences were found in iron, potassium and magnesium content. Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge this is the first report on a breastfeeding mother on chronic dialysis. Although we found differences in creatinine, urea, sodium, chloride and phosphate, our general analysis showed high similarity of our patient’s breast milk to samples from low-risk control mothers. Significant variations in breast milk composition between pre- and post-HD samples suggest that breastfeeding might be preferably performed after dialysis treatment. In summary, our findings indicate that breastfeeding can be considered a viable option for newborns of mothers on dialysis
