1,049 research outputs found

    Major Surge Activity of Super-Active Region NOAA 10484

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    We observed two surges in H-alpha from the super-active region NOAA 10484. The first surge was associated with an SF/C4.3 class flare. The second one was a major surge associated with a SF/C3.9 flare. This surge was also observed with SOHO/EIT in 195 angstrom and NoRh in 17 GHz, and showed similar evolution in these wavelengths. The major surge had an ejective funnel-shaped spray structure with fast expansion in linear (about 1.2 x 10^5 km) and angular (about 65 deg) size during its maximum phase. The mass motion of the surge was along open magnetic field lines, with average velocity about 100 km/s. The de-twisting motion of the surge reveals relaxation of sheared and twisted magnetic flux. The SOHO/MDI magnetograms reveal that the surges occurred at the site of companion sunspots where positive flux emerged, converged, and canceled against surrounding field of opposite polarity. Our observations support magnetic reconnection models for the surges and jets.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; To appear in "Magnetic Coupling between the Interior and the Atmosphere of the Sun", eds. S.S. Hasan and R.J. Rutten, Astrophysics and Space Science Series, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin, 200

    Magnetic field in atypical prominence structures: Bubble, tornado and eruption

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    Spectropolarimetric observations of prominences have been obtained with the THEMIS telescope during four years of coordinated campaigns. Our aim is now to understand the conditions of the cool plasma and magnetism in `atypical' prominences, namely when the measured inclination of the magnetic field departs, to some extent, from the predominantly horizontal field found in `typical' prominences. What is the role of the magnetic field in these prominence types? Are plasma dynamics more important in these cases than the magnetic support? We focus our study on three types of `atypical' prominences (tornadoes, bubbles and jet-like prominence eruptions) that have all been observed by THEMIS in the He I D_3 line, from which the Stokes parameters can be derived. The magnetic field strength, inclination and azimuth in each pixel are obtained by using the Principal Component Analysis inversion method on a model of single scattering in the presence of the Hanle effect. The magnetic field in tornadoes is found to be more or less horizontal, whereas for the eruptive prominence it is mostly vertical. We estimate a tendency towards higher values of magnetic field strength inside the bubbles than outside in the surrounding prominence. In all of the models in our database, only one magnetic field orientation is considered for each pixel. While sufficient for most of the main prominence body, this assumption appears to be oversimplified in atypical prominence structures. We should consider these observations as the result of superposition of multiple magnetic fields, possibly even with a turbulent field component.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Open questions on prominences from coordinated observations by IRIS, Hinode, SDO/AIA, THEMIS, and the Meudon/MSDP

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    Context. A large prominence was observed on September 24, 2013, for three hours (12:12 UT -15:12 UT) with the newly launched (June 2013) Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS), THEMIS (Tenerife), the Hinode Solar Optical Telescope (SOT), the Solar Dynamic Observatory Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (SDO/AIA), and the Multichannel Subtractive Double Pass spectrograph (MSDP) in the Meudon Solar Tower. Aims. The aim of this work is to study the dynamics of the prominence fine structures in multiple wavelengths to understand their formation. Methods. The spectrographs IRIS and MSDP provided line profiles with a high cadence in Mg II and in Halpha lines. Results. The magnetic field is found to be globally horizontal with a relatively weak field strength (8-15 Gauss). The Ca II movie reveals turbulent-like motion that is not organized in specific parts of the prominence. On the other hand, the Mg II line profiles show multiple peaks well separated in wavelength. Each peak corresponds to a Gaussian profile, and not to a reversed profile as was expected by the present non-LTE radiative transfer modeling. Conclusions. Turbulent fields on top of the macroscopic horizontal component of the magnetic field supporting the prominence give rise to the complex dynamics of the plasma. The plasma with the high velocities (70 km/s to 100 km/s if we take into account the transverse velocities) may correspond to condensation of plasma along more or less horizontal threads of the arch-shape structure visible in 304 A. The steady flows (5 km/s) would correspond to a more quiescent plasma (cool and prominence-corona transition region) of the prominence packed into dips in horizontal magnetic field lines. The very weak secondary peaks in the Mg II profiles may reflect the turbulent nature of parts of the prominence.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figure

    Filament absorption study using THEMIS and SOHO/CDS-SUMER observations

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    A long filament has been observed with THEMIS/MSDP and SOHO/CDS-SUMER, during a coordinated campaign (JOPs 131/95) on May 5, 2000. THEMIS provided 2D Hα spectra, SUMER rasters in the L4 line and spectra of the whole Lymanseries and the Lymancon tinuum, CDS obtained rasters in several EUV lines (e.g., Mg X 624 ˚A, Si XII 520 ˚A, Ca X 557 ˚A and He I 584 ˚A). A large depression of coronal line emission in the CDS images corresponds to the absorption by the hydrogen Lyman continuum and represents the EUV filament. Non-LTE radiative transfer calculations allow to explain, in terms of opacities, the large width of the EUV filament compared to the width of the Hα filament itself. The optical thickness of the Lyman continuum is larger than that of Hα line by one to two orders of magnitude. This could be of great importance in the understanding of the filament formation, if we consider that cool material does exist in filament channels but is optically too thin to be visible in Hα images

    Physics of Solar Prominences: I - Spectral Diagnostics and Non-LTE Modelling

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    This review paper outlines background information and covers recent advances made via the analysis of spectra and images of prominence plasma and the increased sophistication of non-LTE (ie when there is a departure from Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium) radiative transfer models. We first describe the spectral inversion techniques that have been used to infer the plasma parameters important for the general properties of the prominence plasma in both its cool core and the hotter prominence-corona transition region. We also review studies devoted to the observation of bulk motions of the prominence plasma and to the determination of prominence mass. However, a simple inversion of spectroscopic data usually fails when the lines become optically thick at certain wavelengths. Therefore, complex non-LTE models become necessary. We thus present the basics of non-LTE radiative transfer theory and the associated multi-level radiative transfer problems. The main results of one- and two-dimensional models of the prominences and their fine-structures are presented. We then discuss the energy balance in various prominence models. Finally, we outline the outstanding observational and theoretical questions, and the directions for future progress in our understanding of solar prominences.Comment: 96 pages, 37 figures, Space Science Reviews. Some figures may have a better resolution in the published version. New version reflects minor changes brought after proof editin

    Multiwavelength Study on Solar and Interplanetary Origins of the Strongest Geomagnetic Storm of Solar Cycle 23

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    We study the solar sources of an intense geomagnetic storm of solar cycle 23 that occurred on 20 November 2003, based on ground- and space-based multiwavelength observations. The coronal mass ejections (CMEs) responsible for the above geomagnetic storm originated from the super-active region NOAA 10501. We investigate the H-alpha observations of the flare events made with a 15 cm solar tower telescope at ARIES, Nainital, India. The propagation characteristics of the CMEs have been derived from the three-dimensional images of the solar wind (i.e., density and speed) obtained from the interplanetary scintillation data, supplemented with other ground- and space-based measurements. The TRACE, SXI and H-alpha observations revealed two successive ejections (of speeds ~350 and ~100 km/s), originating from the same filament channel, which were associated with two high speed CMEs (~1223 and ~1660 km/s, respectively). These two ejections generated propagating fast shock waves (i.e., fast drifting type II radio bursts) in the corona. The interaction of these CMEs along the Sun-Earth line has led to the severity of the storm. According to our investigation, the interplanetary medium consisted of two merging magnetic clouds (MCs) that preserved their identity during their propagation. These magnetic clouds made the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) southward for a long time, which reconnected with the geomagnetic field, resulting the super-storm (Dst_peak=-472 nT) on the Earth.Comment: 24 pages, 16 figures, Accepted for publication in Solar Physic

    High-resolution spectro-polarimetry of a flaring sunspot penumbra

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    We present simultaneous photospheric and chromospheric observations of the trailing sunspot in NOAA 10904 during a weak flare eruption (GOES magnitude B7.8), obtained with the Swedish Solar Telescope (SST) in La Palma, Canary Islands. High-resolution \ion{Ca}{ii} HH images show a typical two-ribbon structure that has been hitherto only known for larger flares, and the flare appears in a confined region that is discernible by a bright border. The underlying photosphere shows a disturbed penumbral structure with intersecting branches of penumbral filaments. High-resolution Doppler- and vector-magnetograms exhibit oppositely directed Evershed flows and magnetic field vectors in the individual penumbral branches, resulting in several regions of magnetic azimuth discontinuity and several islands where the vertical magnetic field is reversed. The discontinuity regions are co-spatial with the locations of the onset of the flare ribbons. From the results, we conclude that the confined flare region is detached from the global magnetic field structure by a separatrix marked by the bright border visible in \ion{Ca}{ii} HH. We further conclude that the islands of reversed vertical field appear because of flux emergence and that the strong magnetic shear appearing in the regions of magnetic azimuth discontinuity triggers the flare.Comment: 20 pages + 1 online Figure for A&

    The Ly<alpha> and Ly<beta> profiles in solar prominences and prominence fine structure

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    We present the first combined Ly and Ly profiles in solar prominences obtained by the SOHO/SUMER instrument and discuss their important spatial variability with respect to predictions from 1D and multithread models.Comment: Accepted in Solar Physics, 14 pages with 9 figures and 3 Table

    Nonuniform sampling and maximum entropy reconstruction in multidimensional NMR

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    NMR spectroscopy is one of the most powerful and versatile analytic tools available to chemists. The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) played a seminal role in the development of modern NMR, including the multidimensional methods that are essential for characterizing complex biomolecules. However, it suffers from well-known limitations: chiefly the difficulty in obtaining high-resolution spectral estimates from short data records. Because the time required to perform an experiment is proportional to the number of data samples, this problem imposes a sampling burden for multidimensional NMR experiments. At high magnetic field, where spectral dispersion is greatest, the problem becomes particularly acute. Consequently multidimensional NMR experiments that rely on the DFT must either sacrifice resolution in order to be completed in reasonable time or use inordinate amounts of time to achieve the potential resolution afforded by high-field magnets.Maximum entropy (MaxEnt) reconstruction is a non-Fourier method of spectrum analysis that can provide high-resolution spectral estimates from short data records. It can also be used with nonuniformly sampled data sets. Since resolution is substantially determined by the largest evolution time sampled, nonuniform sampling enables high resolution while avoiding the need to uniformly sample at large numbers of evolution times. The Nyquist sampling theorem does not apply to nonuniformly sampled data, and artifacts that occur with the use of nonuniform sampling can be viewed as frequency-aliased signals. Strategies for suppressing nonuniform sampling artifacts include the careful design of the sampling scheme and special methods for computing the spectrum. Researchers now routinely report that they can complete an N-dimensional NMR experiment 3 times faster (a 3D experiment in one ninth of the time). As a result, high-resolution three- and four-dimensional experiments that were prohibitively time consuming are now practical. Conversely, tailored sampling in the indirect dimensions has led to improved sensitivity.Further advances in nonuniform sampling strategies could enable further reductions in sampling requirements for high resolution NMR spectra, and the combination of these strategies with robust non-Fourier methods of spectrum analysis (such as MaxEnt) represent a profound change in the way researchers conduct multidimensional experiments. The potential benefits will enable more advanced applications of multidimensional NMR spectroscopy to study biological macromolecules, metabolomics, natural products, dynamic systems, and other areas where resolution, sensitivity, or experiment time are limiting. Just as the development of multidimensional NMR methods presaged multidimensional methods in other areas of spectroscopy, we anticipate that nonuniform sampling approaches will find applications in other forms of spectroscopy

    Probing the Role of Magnetic-Field Variations in NOAA AR 8038 in Producing Solar Flare and CME on 12 May 1997

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    We carried out a multi-wavelength study of a CME and a medium-size 1B/C1.3 flare occurring on 12 May 1997. We present the investigation of magnetic-field variations in the NOAA Active Region 8038 which was observed on the Sun during 7--16 May 1997. Analyses of H{\alpha} filtergrams and MDI/SOHO magnetograms revealed continual but discrete surge activity, and emergence and cancellation of flux in this active region. The movie of these magnetograms revealed two important results that the major opposite polarities of pre-existing region as well as in the emerging flux region (EFR) were approaching towards each other and moving magnetic features (MMF) were ejecting out from the major north polarity at a quasi-periodicity of about ten hrs during 10--13 May 1997. These activities were probably caused by the magnetic reconnection in the lower atmosphere driven by photospheric convergence motions, which were evident in magnetograms. The magnetic field variations such as flux, gradient, and sunspot rotation revealed that free energy was slowly being stored in the corona. The slow low-layer magnetic reconnection may be responsible for this storage and the formation of a sigmoidal core field or a flux rope leading to the eventual eruption. The occurrence of EUV brightenings in the sigmoidal core field prior to the rise of a flux rope suggests that the eruption was triggered by the inner tether-cutting reconnection, but not the external breakout reconnection. An impulsive acceleration revealed from fast separation of the H{\alpha} ribbons of the first 150 seconds suggests the CME accelerated in the inner corona, which is consistent with the temporal profile of the reconnection electric field. In conclusion, we propose a qualitative model in view of framework of a solar eruption involving, mass ejections, filament eruption, CME, and subsequent flare.Comment: 8 figures, accepted for publication in Solar Physic