129 research outputs found

    A jurisdição administrativa na Alemanha: Entre tarefas clássicas e desafios atuais

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    A jurisdição administrativa na Alemanha:                                Entre tarefas clássicas e desafios atuai

    A jurisdição administrativa na Alemanha: Entre tarefas clássicas e desafios atuais

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    A jurisdição administrativa na Alemanha:                                Entre tarefas clássicas e desafios atuai

    International Administrative Law: the constitution of a concept in the mirror of a changed Statehood

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    Characteristic legal concepts do not only have an ordering function. Behind them, there are conceptions, which at the same time show observation relationships and define research perspectives. This paper seeks to demonstrate these roles in relation to the concept of international administrative Law (Internationalen Verwaltungsrechts), which is discussed here with three variants for the purpose of scientific clarification, once it is relevant to demonstrate the structures that underlie legal concepts and the preconceptions they carry. The conceptual variations analyzed are: international administrative Law as Collision Law (Internationales Verwaltungs­recht als Kollisionsrecht), as global administrative Law and as Action, Determination and Cooperation Law based on international law (im Völkerrecht begründetes Aktions-, Determinations- und Kooperationsrecht)Os conceitos característicos da ciência jurídica não desempenham apenas função ordenadora. Por trás deles estão concepções, que ao mesmo tempo mostram relações de observação e definem perspectivas de pesquisas. Neste artigo, busca-se demonstrar esses papeis em relação ao conceito de direito administrativo internacional (Internationalen Verwaltungsrechts), aqui abordado com três variantes para fins de esclarecimento científico, já que é revelante demonstrar as estruturas que estão subjacentes aos conceitos jurídicos e as pré-concepções que eles carregam. As variações conceituais analisadas são: o direito administrativo internacional como um direito de colisão (Internationales Verwaltungsrecht als Kollisionsrecht), como direito administrativo global (Global Administrative Law) e como um direito de ação, determinação e cooperação fundado no direito internacional (im Völkerrecht begründetes Aktions-, Determinations- und Kooperationsrecht)

    Das Demokratieprinzip

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    This essay demonstrates some fragilities regarding the theoretical treatment and insertion of the democratic principle in the general theory of administrative Law in Germany nowadays and proposes a systematic for the treatment of the mentioned principle by the doctrine.Este artigo demonstra a precariedade do tratamento do princípio democrático nas obras gerais de direito administrativo alemão da atualidade e propõe uma sistemática para o tratamento do princípio no campo doutrinário

    Hafenentwicklung in Hamburg

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    Manifesto - Model Engineering for Complex Systems

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    Complex systems are hard to define. Nevertheless they are more and more frequently encountered. Examples include a worldwide airline traffic management system, a global telecommunication or energy infrastructure or even the whole legacy portfolio accumulated for more than thirty years in a large insurance company. There are currently few engineering methods and tools to deal with them in practice. The purpose of this Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop on Model Engineering for Complex Systems was to study the applicability of Model Driven Engineering (MDE) to the development and management of complex systems. MDE is a software engineering field based on few simple and sound principles. Its power stems from the assumption of considering everything - engineering artefacts, manipulations of artefacts, etc - as a model. Our intuition was that MDE may provide the right level of abstraction to move the study of complex systems from an informal goal to more concrete grounds. In order to provide first evidence in support of this intuition, the workshop studied different visions and different approaches to the development and management of different kinds of complex systems. This note presents the summary of the discussions