3,979 research outputs found

    The impact of artificial intelligence on decision-making in Venture Capital Firms

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    This exploratory study examines the opportunity of Artificial Intelligence in the decision-making process of Venture Capitals. Investors have to take decisions under uncertainty, time pressure and suffer from bias. This study investigates the potential of Artificial Intelligence to overcome these challenges and improve the process. The results are based on a qualitative analysis based on 12 interviews with Venture Capitals, AI Experts, and companies offering solutions for Venture Capitals as well as secondary data in form of academic articles and online magazines. The findings reveal that Artificial Intelligence is currently mostly implemented at the beginning of the decision-making process. The usage of Artificial Intelligence improves the process of making decisions by lowering uncertainty, bias and increasing productivity and efficiency. The interviews show that that AI can be implemented in every step in the decision-making process and presents the specific use cases. Furthermore, implementation challenges and implications for practice are outlined. By applying AI, Venture Capitals improve their decision-making process, which ultimately could have a positive impact on the return of their portfolio.Este estudo exploratório examina a oportunidade da Inteligência Artificial no processo de tomada de decisão das Capitais de Venture. Os investidores têm que tomar decisões sob incerteza, pressão de tempo e sofrer de parcialidade. Este estudo investiga o potencial da Inteligência Artificial para superar esses desafios e melhorar o processo. Os resultados são baseados em uma análise qualitativa baseada em 12 entrevistas com Venture Capitals, AI Experts e empresas oferecendo soluções para Venture Capitals, bem como dados secundários em forma de artigos acadêmicos e revistas on-line. Os resultados revelam que a Inteligência Artificial atualmente é implementada principalmente no início do processo de tomada de decisão. O uso da Inteligência Artificial melhora o processo de tomada de decisões, diminuindo a incerteza, o viés e aumentando a produtividade e a eficiência. As entrevistas mostram que a IA pode ser implementada em todas as etapas do processo de tomada de decisão e apresenta os casos de uso específicos. Além disso, desafios de implementação e implicações para a prática são delineados. Ao aplicar a inteligência artificial, as empresas de capital de risco melhoram seu processo de tomada de decisão, o que, em última instância, pode ter um impacto positivo no retorno de sua carteira

    Think Carefully, Let’s Bond, and Other Tutoring Strategies: Socio-academic Participation Patterns in Peer Tutoring

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    CONTEXT. This article investigates how an intervention called SYKL (SYstematiseret Klassekammerathjælp), which used systematized reciprocal peer tutoring in mathematics in the fourth grade, affected student participation and socio-academic inclusion. APPROACH. In contrast to most international peer tutoring projects, SYKL simultaneously focuses on social relations and academic inclusion. Teachers recruited to conduct SYKL lessons attended a four-day course to learn how to apply SYKL peer tutoring techniques, which touch upon social, organizational, and subject matter-related perspectives. Following students are specifically taught how to help each other, and engage in academic conversations when working in pairs. SYKL is specific instruction in how students can become better at helping each other and engaging in academic discussions when working in pairs. Students are assigned one of two positions, either as a tutor or a tutee. To fulfill the role of the tutor, the student receives Scaffold Cards and academic Hints for task completion. The Scaffold Cards remind students to, for example, listen, acknowledge tentative answers, and identify connections. Hints are specific ideas for task completion developed by professionals with the assignment in mind. Based on 15 video-recorded, peer-to-peer conversations, the analysis explores what characterizes the various participation strategies of students who play the role of tutor. FINDINGS. The analysis identified four typical strategies: ‘Let’s bond,’ ‘I’ll wait for you,’ ‘Think carefully,’ and ‘Let’s go.’ The study highlights that these strategies are all potentially conducive to inclusion. The current research supports earlier studies indicating that peer relationships significantly contribute to learning and active participation in mathematics classes. KEY MESSAGE. Teachers can work simultaneously with the social and academic skills of students. The SYKL approach promotes synchronous development of their social and academic skills.   Points of Interest New Danish teaching program in math and science is designed to support student well-being and collaboration in fourth grade. Students help each other through peer tutoring. Four tutoring strategies typically occur: ‘Let’s bond,’ ‘I’ll wait for you,’ ‘Think carefully,’ and ‘Let’s go.’ Teacher awareness of these strategies allows them to spot inclusion and exclusion processes to better assist students in helping each other

    Wissen, leisten, bilanzieren

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    In der Hochschullandschaft zeichnet sich eine Trendwende ab, die durch eine immer stärkere Ökonomisierung der Universitäten charakterisiert ist. In dieser Arbeit wird das im Universitätsgesetz (UG) 2002 neu eingeführte Instrument der Wissensbilanz als ein Beispiel für die Steuerung von Wissenschaft herausgegriffen. Die Frage nach dem Spannungsverhältnis zwischen der gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Wissensbilanzierung auf der einen Seite und der Erkenntnisproduktion von sogenannten "WissensproduzentInnen" auf der anderen Seite wird gestellt. Im Hauptteil der Analyse werden die Erfahrungen der akademischen WissensproduzentInnen entlang der Kategorien Forschung, Wissenstransfer, Lehre und akademische Selbstverwaltung diskursiv erschlossen. Es kann beobachtet werden, dass durch Steuerungsinstrumente wie die Wissensbilanz eine immer größere Durchmengung von wissenschaftlichen und unternehmerischen Ansprüchen innerhalb des universitären Feldes stattfindet, die sich auch auf die Prozesse der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisproduktion niederschlägt.Over the last couple of years a trend reversal in the Austrian scene of universities has been observed, i.e. the commodification of universities. An ongoing national debate was initiated by the coming into effect of the UG 2002 (university law 2002), which implemented the universities' autonomy and created a basis for elementary structureal changes. This diploma thesis focuses on the instrument of "Intellecutal Capital Report", which serves as an example of Governance of Science. The main part of the analysis is a discourse analysis of the practical experience of academic "knowledge workers". It can be seen that tools of governance enhance the mixture of academic and managerial demands within the universities as such

    Klasseledelse i matematik. Hvad ved vi egentlig?

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    Hvilken forskningsbaseret viden kan identificeres om sammenhængen mellem matematiklæreresklasseledelse og elevers deltagelse i læringsfællesskabet? Reviewet stiller skarpt på hvordanlærere praktiserer klasseledelse i den almindelige matematikundervisning, og på hvilke betydningerforskellige praksisformer kan få for elever i matematikvanskeligheder. Det beskrives hvordan lærerensadfærds-, relations- og læringsledelse bidrager til forskellige elevers muligheder for inklusion i fagetmatematik. Der er fundet ti studier af den almene matematikundervisning der peger på forskelligeundervisningsstrategier over for elever i læringsvanskeligheder på begynder- og mellemtrin. Studiernebeskrives her, og der uddrages konklusioner på tværs af studierne.What research-based knowledge can be identified in relation to the connection between mathematicsteachers’ classroom leadership and students’ participation in the learning community? The presentreview focuses on how teachers are practicing classroom leadership in the general mathematicseducation and how these forms of practice can be of importance for students in learning difficulties.It is described how the teacher’s behavioral, relational, and learning leadership can support differentstudents’ opportunities for inclusion in mathematics. Ten studies of general mathematics educationhave been found that point to teaching strategies towards students in learning difficulties at beginnerand intermediate stage. These studies are described here, and conclusions across studies are extracted

    Exploring Housing Policies in Five Swedish Municipalities: Alternatives and Priorities

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    IntroductionHousing shortage due to population growth within metropolitan areas, combined with an ageing population has put pressure on current housing provision policies in Sweden. Thus, there is an urgent need to develop sustainable housing policies to accommodate the growing number of seniors in accessible home environments. This study aimed to gain an in-depth understanding of how municipalities currently address housing accessibility issues and to explore what types of policy solutions they consider for the future.Material and methodsFive Swedish municipalities were selected to represent a diversity of population, housing situations and geographical areas. Two key actors from each municipality (public officials, housing adaptation grant managers, city architects etc.) participated in semi-structured interviews (N=10). Data were analysed using content analysis, i.e. inductive category formation, described by Mayring (2014). ResultsImportant themes included how such factors as the organizational structure of the municipality and the level of collaboration between municipal and private actors impacted the goals and ambitions of current housing policies. Emerging themes concerning possible measures and policies for the future were innovative types of housing and the need for economic incentives for older people to move from housing with poor accessibility to housing designed to better meet their needs. ConclusionMunicipalities struggle with the lack of accessible and affordable housing for the ageing population. The results suggest there is a need to consider how to prevent organizational issues from hampering policy initiatives and implementation and how to improve collaboration between municipal and private actors involved in housing provision

    Ichthyofauna as an environmental quality indicator of the Bertioga Channel, São Paulo (Brazil)

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the ichthyofauna structure in the region of the north outfall of the Bertioga Channel (São Paulo, Brazil) and the possible effects of the environmental quality loss. The samples were collected in a monthly basis, from September to December 2005, at two oceanographic stations with an otter-trawl. The fish fauna structure was evaluated by ecological indicators and the environmental quality evaluated by the ABC analysis and the Estuarine Fish Communities Index (EFCI). A total of 1553 individuals from 50 species were sampled. Ariidae and Sciaenidae amounted to 60 % and Cathorops spixii represented 36 % of all specimens collected. The highest richness and ecological diversity were recorded in December, while the highest numerical abundance was found in October. The majority of the species were represented by juveniles. The cluster analysis and canonical correspondence analysis showed a consistent and clear difference between the sampling stations, and the abiotic factors analyzed (temperature, depth and salinity) do not seem to have influence on the community structure. The ABC analysis suggested a moderate disturbed environment and the EFCI allowed classifying the area as "poor", due to the 12 metrics analyzed, concerning the reduction of the species diversity, composition and abundance, and modifications in the nursery function and trophic integrity of the area. Future studies should focus on jointly analyze chemical indicators of water and sediment with the biological indicators, to confirm the ichthyofaunal condition of the north outfall of the Bertioga Channel.O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a estrutura da ictiofauna na região da desembocadura norte do Canal de Bertioga (São Paulo, Brasil) e os possíveis efeitos da perda da qualidade ambiental. As amostras foram coletadas mensalmente de setembro a dezembro de 2005, em duas estações oceanográficas, com rede de arrasto. A estrutura da fauna de peixes foi avaliada por indicadores ecológicos e a qualidade ambiental por curvas ABC e um índice de comunidades de peixes estuarinos (EFCI). Um total de 1553 indivíduos em 50 espécies foi amostrado. Ariidae e Sciaenidae totalizaram 60% e Cathorops spixii representou 36% de todos os espécimes coletados. Maior riqueza e diversidade ecológica foram registradas em dezembro, enquanto a maior abundância numérica foi encontrada em outubro. A maioria das espécies foi representada por juvenis. As análises de agrupamento e de correspondência canônica mostraram uma diferença consistente e clara entre as estações de amostragem, e os fatores abióticos analisados (temperatura, profundidade e salinidade) parecem não ter influência sobre a estrutura da comunidade. A curva ABC sugeriu um ambiente moderadamente perturbado e o EFCI permitiu classificar a área como "pobre", a partir das 12 métricas analisadas, que consideraram a redução da diversidade específica, a composição e a abundância, bem como a modificação na função de berçário/infantário e a integridade trófica da área. Futuros estudos devem se concentrar em analisar conjuntamente os indicadores químicos da água, do sedimento e os indicadores biológicos, para confirmar a condição da ictiofauna da desembocadura norte do Canal de Bertioga

    Citizen Science beyond Science: A Collaborative Approach for Transformative Sustainable Development

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    In this paper, we lean on experiences from South Africa as a point of departure for discussing the unrealized potentials and complications of applying collaborative, transformative citizen science (CS). We first show the value of exploring community-based ecological restoration and artistic approaches in ecological and development research. Building on these empirical insights, we outline ideas for integrating CS into such research, not only to collect additional data, but as a way to increase incentives and capacities among both CS participants and researchers, and to change mindsets across time and institutional scales. Multiple interlinked Sustainable Development Goals are within reach, exemplified by the monitoring and advancement of Clean Water, Life on Land, and Sustainable Cities and Communities—critical goals to address current and prospective demographic and climatic changes in the context of fast-expanding urban environments and beyond