82 research outputs found

    Галльский пласт в современном немецком литературном языке: структурно-системный и функционально-динамический аспекты

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    Диссертационное исследование Меремкуловой Татьяны Игоревны выполнено в русле контактной лингвистики, стремительно развивающейся ветви исторического языкознания, и посвящено определению структурно-системных и функционально-динамических характеристик заимствованных лексических единиц галльского пласта в системе современного немецкого литературного языка и в синхронной немецкой литературной речи.The dissertation research of Meremkulova Tatyana Igorevna is carried out in the mainstream of the contact linguistics, the rapidly developing branch of historical linguistics, and is devoted to the determination of structural-systemic and functional-dynamic characteristics of the borrowed lexical units of the Gallic layer in the system of modern German literary language and in synchronous German literary speech

    Local Gene Expression Changes after UV-Irradiation of Human Skin

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    UV-irradiation is a well-known translational pain model inducing local inflammation and primary hyperalgesia. The mediators and receptor proteins specifically contributing to mechanical or heat hyperalgesia are still unclear. Therefore, we irradiated buttock skin of humans (n = 16) with 5-fold MED of UV-C and assessed the time course of hyperalgesia and axon reflex erythema. In parallel, we took skin biopsies at 3, 6 and 24 h after UVC irradiation and assessed gene expression levels (RT-PCR ) of neurotrophins (e.g. NGF, BDNF, GDNF), ion channels (e.g. NaV1.7, TRPV1), inflammatory mediators (e.g. CCL-2, CCL-3) and enzymes (e.g. PGES, COX2). Hyperalgesia to mechanical impact (12 m/s) and heat (48°C) stimuli was significant at 6 h (p<0.05 and p<0.01) and 24 h (p<0.005 and p<0.01) after irradiation. Axon reflex erythema upon mechanical and thermal stimuli was significantly increased 3 h after irradiation and particularly strong at 6 h. A significant modulation of 9 genes was found post UV-C irradiation, including NGF (3, 6, 24 h), TrkA (6, 24 h), artemin, bradykinin-1 receptor, COX-2, CCL-2 and CCL-3 (3 and 6 h each). A significant down-regulation was observed for TRPV1 and iNOS (6, 24 h). Individual one-to-one correlation analysis of hyperalgesia and gene expression revealed that changes of Nav1.7 (SCN9A) mRNA levels at 6 and 24 h correlated to the intensity of mechanical hyperalgesia recorded at 24 h post UV-irradiation (Pearson r: 0.57, p<0.04 and r: 0.82, p<0.001). Expression of COX-2 and mPGES at 6 h correlated to the intensity of heat-induced erythema 24 h post UV (r: 0.57, p<0.05 for COX-2 and r: 0.83, p<0.001 for PGES). The individual correlation analyses of functional readouts (erythema and pain response) with local expression changes provided evidence for a potential role of Nav1.7 in mechanical hyperalgesia

    Effects of elevated [CO2 ] on maize defence against mycotoxigenic Fusarium verticillioides.

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    Maize is by quantity the most important C4 cereal crop; however, future climate changes are expected to increase maize susceptibility to mycotoxigenic fungal pathogens and reduce productivity. While rising atmospheric [CO2 ] is a driving force behind the warmer temperatures and drought, which aggravate fungal disease and mycotoxin accumulation, our understanding of how elevated [CO2 ] will effect maize defences against such pathogens is limited. Here we report that elevated [CO2 ] increases maize susceptibility to Fusarium verticillioides proliferation, while mycotoxin levels are unaltered. Fumonisin production is not proportional to the increase in F. verticillioides biomass, and the amount of fumonisin produced per unit pathogen is reduced at elevated [CO2 ]. Following F. verticillioides stalk inoculation, the accumulation of sugars, free fatty acids, lipoxygenase (LOX) transcripts, phytohormones and downstream phytoalexins is dampened in maize grown at elevated [CO2 ]. The attenuation of maize 13-LOXs and jasmonic acid production correlates with reduced terpenoid phytoalexins and increased susceptibility. Furthermore, the attenuated induction of 9-LOXs, which have been suggested to stimulate mycotoxin biosynthesis, is consistent with reduced fumonisin per unit fungal biomass at elevated [CO2 ]. Our findings suggest that elevated [CO2 ] will compromise maize LOX-dependent signalling, which will influence the interactions between maize and mycotoxigenic fungi

    Small RNAs in the peripheral blood discriminate metastasized from non-metastasized seminoma

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    Background: We aimed to better discriminate metastasized (lymphogen/occult/both combined) from non-metastasized seminoma based on post-transcriptional changes examined in the peripheral blood. Methods: Total RNAs including small RNAs were isolated from the peripheral blood of patients suffering from metastasized testicular tumours (lymphogen, n = 5, clinical stage IIb/c; occult, n = 5, clinical stage I) and non-metastasized patients (n = 5, clinical stage I). Small RNA next generation sequencing (SOLID, Life Technologies) was employed to examine post-transcriptional changes. We searched for small RNAs showing at least 50 reads and a significant >= 2-fold difference using peripheral blood small RNAs of non-metastasized tumours as the reference group. Candidate small RNAs were examined in univariate logistic regression analysis and combinations of two small RNAs were further examined using support vector machines. Results: On average 1.3x10(7), 1.2x10(7) and 1.2x10(7) small RNA reads were detectable in non-metastasized, lymphogen and occult metastasized seminoma, respectively of which 73-76% remained after trimming. From these between 80-82% represented annotated reads and 7.2-7.8% (1.6-1.7x10(4)) were annotated small RNA tags. Of them 137 small RNAs showed > 50 reads and a >= two-fold difference to the reference. In univariate analysis we detected 33-35 different small RNAs which significantly discriminated lymphogen/occult/combined metastasized from non-metastasized seminoma and among these different comparisons it were the same small RNAs in 44-79%. Many combinations of two of these small RNAs completely discriminated metastasized from non-metastasized seminoma irrespective of the metastasis subtype. Conclusions: Metastasized (either lymphogen or occult) seminoma can be completely discriminated from non-metastasized seminoma with a combination of two small RNAs measured in the peripheral blood

    Therapy of clinical stage IIA and IIB seminoma: a systematic review

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    Purpose The optimal treatment for clinical stage (CS) IIA/IIB seminomas is still controversial. We evaluated current treatment options. Methods A systematic review was performed. Only randomized clinical trials and comparative studies published from January 2010 until February 2021 were included. Search items included: seminoma, CS IIA, CS IIB and therapy. Outcome parameters were relapse rate (RR), relapse-free (RFS), overall and cancer-specific survival (OS, CSS). Additionally, acute and long-term side effects including secondary malignancies (SMs) were analyzed. Results Seven comparative studies (one prospective and six retrospective) were identified with a total of 5049 patients (CS IIA: 2840, CS IIB: 2209). The applied treatment modalities were radiotherapy (RT) (n = 3049; CS IIA: 1888, CSIIB: 1006, unknown: 155) and chemotherapy (CT) or no RT (n = 2000; CS IIA: 797, CS IIB: 1074, unknown: 129). In CS IIA, RRs ranged from 0% to 4.8% for RT and 0% for CT. Concerning CS IIB RRs of 9.5%–21.1% for RT and of 0%–14.2% for CT have been reported. 5-year OS ranged from 90 to 100%. Only two studies reported on treatment-related toxicities. Conclusions RT and CT are the most commonly applied treatments in CS IIA/B seminoma. In CS IIA seminomas, RRs after RT and CT are similar. However, in CS IIB, CT seems to be more effective. Survival rates of CS IIA/B seminomas are excellent. Consequently, long-term toxicities and SMs are important survivorship issues. Alternative treatment approaches, e.g., retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RPLND) or dose-reduced sequential CT/RT are currently under prospective investigation

    Soil networks become more connected and take up more carbon as nature restoration progresses

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    Soil organisms have an important role in aboveground community dynamics and ecosystem functioning in terrestrial ecosystems. However, most studies have considered soil biota as a black box or focussed on specific groups, whereas little is known about entire soil networks. Here we show that during the course of nature restoration on abandoned arable land a compositional shift in soil biota, preceded by tightening of the belowground networks, corresponds with enhanced efficiency of carbon uptake. In mid- and long-term abandoned field soil, carbon uptake by fungi increases without an increase in fungal biomass or shift in bacterial-to-fungal ratio. The implication of our findings is that during nature restoration the efficiency of nutrient cycling and carbon uptake can increase by a shift in fungal composition and/or fungal activity. Therefore, we propose that relationships between soil food web structure and carbon cycling in soils need to be reconsidered

    Enchytraeidae as prey of Dolichopodidae, recent and in Baltic amber (Oligochaeta; Diptera)

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    Volume: 50Start Page: 89End Page: 10

    Nitrogen Deficiency Increases Volicitin-Induced Volatile Emission, Jasmonic Acid Accumulation, and Ethylene Sensitivity in Maize

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    Insect herbivore-induced plant volatile emission and the subsequent attraction of natural enemies is facilitated by fatty acid-amino acid conjugate (FAC) elicitors, such as volicitin [N-(17-hydroxylinolenoyl)-l-glutamine], present in caterpillar oral secretions. Insect-induced jasmonic acid (JA) and ethylene (E) are believed to mediate the magnitude of this variable response. In maize (Zea mays) seedlings, we examined the interaction of volicitin, JA, and E on the induction of volatile emission at different levels of nitrogen (N) availability that are known to influence E sensitivity. N availability and volicitin-induced sesquiterpene emission are inversely related as maximal responses were elicited in N-deficient plants. Plants with low N availability demonstrated similar volatile responses to volicitin (1 nmol plant(-1)) and JA (100 nmol plant(-1)). In contrast, plants with medium N availability released much lower amounts of volicitin-induced sesquiterpenes compared with JA, suggesting an alteration in volicitin-induced JA levels. As predicted, low N plants exhibited greater sustained increases in wound- and volicitin-induced JA levels compared with medium N plants. N availability also altered volicitin-E interactions. In low N plants, E synergized volicitin-induced sesquiterpene and indole emission 4- to 12-fold, with significant interactions first detected at 10 nL L(-1) E. Medium N plants demonstrated greatly reduced volicitin-E interactions. Volicitin-induced sesquiterpene emission was increased by E and was decreased by pretreatment the E perception inhibitor 1-methylcyclopropene without alteration in volicitin-induced JA levels. N availability influences plant responses to insect-derived elicitors through changes in E sensitivity and E-independent JA kinetics