12 research outputs found

    Acanalonia conica (Say, 1830) and three other true hopper species new for Austria (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha)

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    Acanalonia conica (Say, 1830) und drei weitere Zikadenarten neu fĂŒr Österreich (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). – Drei Neozoen, Acanalonia conica (Say, 1830), Aplos simplex (Germar, 1830) und Hishimonus hamatus Kuoh, 1976 wurden in einer GĂ€rtnerei in Graz erstmals fĂŒr Österreich nachgewiesen. Sie wurden wahrscheinlich mit ZierstrĂ€uchern aus Italien importiert. Ein weiterer Erstnachweis betrifft Chiasmus conspurcatus (Perris, 1857). Diese Art ist heimisch und wurde an zwei Salzlacken des Nationalparks Neusiedlersee-Seewinkel nachgewiesen. Eine Gesamtliste jener 71 Zikadenarten, die an den beiden Lacken gefunden wurden, wird ebenfalls vorgelegt.  Acanalonia conica (Say, 1830), Aplos simplex (Germar, 1830) and Hishimonus hamatus Kuoh, 1976 are three alien species reported for the first time from Austria. They were found in a garden centre in Graz and presumably imported with ornamental shrubs from Italy. Another first record is Chiasmus conspurcatus (Perris, 1857), an indigenous species found in the Neusiedlersee-Seewinkel National Park. In addition, we present a list of 71 Auchenorrhyncha species found at the two inland salt marshes, where C. conspurcatus occurs

    Zur Zikadenfauna (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) der Lafnitzwiesen bei Wörth (Steiermark, Österreich)

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    The Austrian „Naturschutzjugend“ (ÖNJ) is owner of several sites (called "Öko-Inseln“) of high value for nature conservation issues. The ÖNJ conducts site preservation, but also tries to restore „high value“ ecosystems. The Styrian „Öko-Inseln“ were evaluated from a nature conservation perspective in 2016/2017, with leaf- and planthoppers (among other taxa) as bioindicators. The „Oeko-Insel“ „Lafnitzwiesen bei Wörth“ is situated in the Natura 2000 site AT2208000 „Lafnitztal und Neudauer Teiche“. Auchenorrhyncha were collected with a suction sampler (3 x 100 points) in May and June 2016. Four sites were studied: Two moorgrass meadows and two restored grassland sites (former spruce forests). We collected 2,094 Auchenorrhyncha belonging to 56 species. Criomorphus williamsi China, 1939 and Anoscopus carlebippus Guglielmino & BĂŒckle, 2015 are new records for Austria. The most abundant species are Conomelus lorifer, Cicadella viridis, Forcipata citrinella, Megophthalmus scanicus and Errastunus ocellaris. One third of all species are threatened according to the Red List of Austria. The restoration of wet grassland on former spruce forests is considered as successful, as the Auchenorrhyncha fauna was already dominated by wet grassland species only five years after forest clearance, although rare and threatened species were not present yet

    Die Zikadenfauna der Kallbrunnalm (Salzburg, Österreich)

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    Im Rahmen des Projektes „Almen aktivieren“ wurden in den BundeslĂ€ndern Salzburg (Österreich) und Bayern (Deutschland) Revitalisierungs‐ und Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen evaluiert, welche zur Wiederherstellung der dortig brachgefallenen Almweiden gesetzt wurden. Unter anderem wurde auch die Zikadenfauna auf diesen sechs AlmflĂ€chen aufgenommen. In dieser Arbeit werden die faunistisch bemerkenswerten Ergebnisse der Kallbrunnalm (Nördliche Kalkalpen, Salzburg, Österreich; 1.700‐1.800 m) prĂ€sentiert. Auf 12 Probe‐ flĂ€chen konnten mittels Insektensauger, Kescher und Barberfallen im Jahr 2009 und 2012 63 Zikadenarten (mit insgesamt 3.978 Individuen) nachgewiesen werden. Besonders bemerkenswert ist der Fund von Dicranotropis montana, welche bisher in Österreich und Deutschland aus den Alpen nur von sehr wenigen Standorten bekannt ist. 35 Arten sind neu fĂŒr das Bundesland Salzburg, die Ge‐ samtzahl der aus diesem Bundesland nachgewiesenen Arten steigt damit auf 101.The Auchenorrhyncha fauna of the Kallbrunnalm (Salzburg, Austria). – In Austria (Salzburg) and Germany (Bavaria), six mountain pastures were reactivated for the purpose of nature conservation. The effects of this measures were evaluated by Auchenorrhyncha (among other groups) as bioindicators. Here we present the data gained from the Kallbrunnalm (1700 ‐ 1800 m a.s.l.) in the Northern Calcareous Alps in the federal state of Salzburg, Austria, from a faunistic point of view. These pastures were dominated by calcareous grasslands, but have not been managed for the last 50 years, until 2012 grazing with goats and sheep was re‐established. We studied 12 sampling sites and collected Auchenorrhyncha with a suction sampler (“G‐Vac”), sweepnet and pitfall traps in 2009 and 2012. In total, 63 Auchenorrhyncha species (3.978 specimens) could be found. 35 species were new to the state of Salzburg, thus the number of species known from this federal state increases to 101. The most interesting result is the high abundance of Dicranotropis montana in some patches, a rare and threatened species

    Association between anxiety symptoms and Alzheimer's disease biomarkers in cognitively healthy adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Objective: Anxiety has been identified as both a risk factor and prodromal symptom for Alzheimer's disease (AD) and related dementias, however, the underlying neurobiological correlates remain unknown. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to examine the association between anxiety symptoms and two defining markers of AD neuropathology: amyloid-beta (AÎČ) and tau. Methods: Systematic literature searches were conducted across 5 databases. Studies investigating the relationship between anxiety and AD neuropathology (i.e., AÎČ and/or tau) in cognitively healthy adults were eligible. Where possible, effect sizes were combined across studies, for AÎČ and tau separately, using random-effects meta-analyses. Sensitivity analyses were performed to assess whether results differed according to anxiety type (i.e., state and trait) and biomarker assessment modality (i.e., positron emission tomography and cerebrospinal fluid). Results: Twenty-seven studies reporting data from 14 unique cohorts met eligibility criteria. Random-effects meta-analyses revealed no associations between self-reported anxiety symptoms and either AÎČ (13 studies, Fisher's z = 0.02, 95% confidence interval [CI] -0.01–0.05, p = 0.194) or tau (4 studies, Fisher's z = 0.04, 95% CI -0.02–0.09, p = 0.235). Results remained unchanged across sensitivity analyses. Conclusions: In cognitively healthy adults, meta-analytic syntheses revealed no associations between anxiety symptoms and either AÎČ or tau. There is a critical need, however, for larger studies with follow-up periods to examine the effect of anxiety symptom onset, severity, and chronicity on AD neuropathology. Additionally, further research investigating other potential neurobiological correlates is crucial to advance scientific understanding of the relationship between anxiety and dementia

    Hemiptera records from Lake Spechtensee and from Southern Styria (Austria)

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    Hemiptera records gained in July 2015 in course of the 7th European Hemiptera Congress in Styria are presented. In total, 144 Auchenorrhyncha, 143 Heteroptera, 13 Psylloidea and 2 Aphididae species were collected. Ribautodelphax imitans (Delphacidae), Eurhadina saageri (Cicadellidae), Notonecta maculata (Notonectidae), Notonecta meridionalis (Notonectidae) and Polymerus cognatus (Miridae) are new records for Styria

    Patterns of change and stability in the gender division of household labour in Australia, 1986-1997

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    Recent research in Australia and overseas has suggested that we are witnessing a convergence of men's and women's time on domestic labour activities. But there is disagreement about whether this is due to women reducing their time on housework or men increasing their time on housework. This article addresses these issues using national survey data collected in Australia in 1986, 1993 and 1997. The results show some changes in the proportional responsibilities of men and women in the home with men reporting a greater share of traditional indoor activities. But overall both men and women are spending less time on housework. In particular, women's time on housework has declined by six hours per week since 1986. Hence, while the gender gap between men's and women's involvement in the home is getting smaller, it is not the result of men increasing their share of the load, but is due to the large decline in women's time spent on domestic labour. There is also evidence of change in the relationship. between paid and unpaid work for women. Women's hours of,paid labour had a greater impact on their involvement in domestic labour in 1997 compared to a decade earlier. The article concludes that women's increased labour force involvement in combination with changing patterns and styles, of consumption is leading to some changes in the gender-division:of household labour, but not in the direction anticipated by earlier commentators on the domestic division of labour

    The Auchenorrhyncha fauna of peat bogs in the Austrian part of the Bohemian Forest (Insecta, Hemiptera)

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    The first overview on the Auchenorrhyncha fauna of peat bogs of the Austrian Bohemian Forest is presented. Seven oligotrophic peat bog sites were studied in 2011 by suction sampler (“G-Vac”) and 93 Auchenorrhyncha species (with 7465 adult specimens) were recorded. Eleven species (about 18% of the individuals) are tyrphobiontic or tyrphophilous. The relative species abundance plot is not very steep; the six most abundant species represent 50% of the individuals. The most common species is Conomelus anceps (17% of the individuals). Compared to the whole Austrian Auchenorrhyncha fauna, the fauna of peat bogs comprises distinctly more univoltine species and more species hibernating in nymphal stage. Densities of adult Auchenorrhyncha in peat bogs are low in spring (about 10–60 individuals per mÂČ) and high in July, with up to 180 (±50) individuals per mÂČ. Disturbed peat bogs have higher species numbers and higher Auchenorrhyncha densities in total, but lower numbers and densities in peat bog specialists

    The fauna of true hoppers and true bugs of extensive grassland in the MĂŒhlviertel (Upper Austria, Austria) (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha & Heteroptera)

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    Die Zikaden- und Wanzenfauna von acht extensiv bewirtschafteten Grünlandlebensraum-Komplexen der Österreichischen Naturschutzjugend (önj) Haslach im nördlichen Oberösterreich in Höhen zwischen 500 und 770 m wurde in den Jahren 2015 und 2016 untersucht. Acht FlĂ€chen wurden standardisiert beprobt, indem an zwei Terminen jeweils 3 Saugproben an 100 Saugpunkten (=1,12 m.) genommen wurden. Auf weiteren 12 FlĂ€chen wurden 3 x 100 Saugpunkte zu einem Termin und/oder qualitative Saugproben und KescherfĂ€nge durchgeführt. Die gefangenen Zikaden wurden vollstĂ€ndig, die Wanzen teilweise ausgewertet. 11.519 Zikaden-Individuen aus 127 Arten wurden festgestellt. 29 Arten stellen Erstnachweise für Oberösterreich dar. Sechs Arten sind lt. der Roten Liste Österreichs stark gefĂ€hrdet, vier gefĂ€hrdet, sieben stehen in der Vorwarnstufe. Die Fangsummen dieser Rote-Liste-Arten waren jedoch großteils niedrig. Im Schnitt wurden bei den semiquantitativen Erhebungen Ende Juni/Anfang Juli 86 adulte Zikaden pro m2 dokumentiert, Ende August waren es 148 Adulti pro Quadratmeter. Auf den acht standardisiert bearbeiteten FlĂ€chen wurden im Mittel 32,4 Arten festgestellt, das Maximum lag bei 43, das Minimum bei 24 Arten. Auf den FlĂ€chen konnten 609 Wanzen-Individuen aus 95 Arten nachgewiesen werden. Sechs Arten wurden erstmals für Oberösterreich nachgewiesen. Drei Arten sind gemĂ€ĂŸ Roter Liste stark gefĂ€hrdet, eine ist gefĂ€hrdet und fünf Arten stehen in der Vorwarnstufe.The true hoppers and true bugs of eight extensively managed grassland sites of the „Österreichische Naturschutzjugend” önj) Haslach in northernmost Upper Austria at altitudes between 500 and 770 m were studied in 2015 and 2016. Standardised sampling was done on eight sites by taking 3 samples of 100 suction points (=1.12 m.) on two dates. Another 12 sites were included in the study and sampled either by 3x100 suction points taken once and/or by qualitative suction samples and sweepnet sampling. The Auchenorrhyncha were evaluated completely, the Heteroptera only partially. 11,519 Auchenorrhyncha individuals from 127 species were documented. 29 species are first records for Upper Austria. According to the Austrian Red List, six species are critically endangered, four are endangered and seven are near threatened. However, densities of most of these Red List species were very low. On average, 86 adult true hoppers per m2 were documented during the semi-quantitative surveys at the end of June/beginning of July, and 148 adults per m. at the end of August. On the eight standardised plots, an average of 32.4 species was recorded, with a maximum of 43 and a minimum of 24. A total of 609 true bug specimens of 95 species was found on the plots. Six species were first records for Upper Austria. According to the Red List, three species are critically endangered, one is endangered and five species are near threatened