57 research outputs found

    Identitätspolitiken multilokaler Nachtrennungsfamilien: Praktiken der Vergemeinschaftung im paritätischen Wechselmodell

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    Modernisierungstheoretischen Annahmen zufolge sind soziale Beziehungen in Gesellschaften der zweiten Moderne keine gegebenen Größen mehr, sondern Gegenstand von Aushandlungsprozessen, handlungsleitende gesellschaftliche Wissensvorräte erodieren und das bürgerliche Kernfamilienmodell sieht sich zunehmend soziokulturell legitimierten Alternativen gegenüber. Zahlreiche Wandlungstendenzen von Familie lassen sich ablesen, unter diesen die Zunahme von Fortsetzungsfamilien nach Trennung und Scheidung und im Zuge dessen die Aufweichung der monolokalen Haushaltsbindung von Familie. Diese Dynamiken werfen die Frage nach der Ausgestaltung der Herstellungsleistungen von Familie auf, die mit Doing und Displaying Family im Rahmen einer praxistheoretischen Wende innerhalb der Familiensoziologie bereits angeschnitten sind. Hier setzt das Forschungsinteresse der vorliegenden Arbeit an: (1) Bereits vorliegende empirische Erkenntnisse und theoretisch-konzeptuelle Überlegungen maßgeblicher Forschungsfelder werden zusammengeführt und diskutiert. (2) Aus praxeologisch-wissenssoziologischer Perspektive richtet die Empirie der vorliegenden Studie ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf die Rekonstruktion familialer Identitätspolitiken und der Herstellung von Gemeinschaft im sogenannten paritätischen Wechselmodell, in dem Kinder regelmäßig und zu gleichen Teilen an den Orten der getrenntlebenden Eltern wohnen. Mit den Befunden kann gezeigt werden, dass eine von Eltern und Kindern geteilte Differenzthese zentraler Ankerpunkt für die Identitätskonstruktionen der untersuchten Familien bildet. Zwei Familienkerne stehen sich nach der Relokalisierung eines Elternpaares im Zuge der Auflösung ihrer Zweierbeziehung als zwei Familienwirklichkeiten mit je unterschiedlichen Behauptungen sozialer Ordnung gegenüber. In diese müssen sich die Kinder aktiv einpassen bzw. regelmäßig durch die monolokalen Familienmitglieder re-integriert werden. Die Behauptung und Stabilisierung der lokalen Ordnungen wird über fünf Formen physischer und symbolischer Schließung als Teil familialer Identitätspolitiken abgesichert: (1) kommunikativ, (2) räumlich, (3) personell, (4) materiell und (5) habituell. Zwischen materieller und habitueller Schließung zu verorten, wurde das Olfaktorische als Medium der Vergemeinschaftung identifiziert. Das empirische Material eröffnet zudem einen Blick auf die Normalisierungsstrategien der untersuchten Eltern und Kinder im Umgang mit extern herangetragenen Markierungen von Andersartigkeit, Abweichungsvermutungen und der Normalisierungsmacht des bürgerlichen Kernfamilienmodells. Der Studie liegt ein qualitatives multi-method Design zugrunde. Der Materialkorpus speist sich aus problemzentriert-narrativen Interviews, Gruppendiskussionen, ego-zentrierten Netzwerkkarten sowie fotografischen Alltagsdokumentationen der aktiv multilokal lebenden Kinder aus insgesamt fünf Familienensembles. Die Materialien wurden auf Grundlage der dokumentarischen Methode der Text- und Bildinterpretation analysiert.According to modernization theory social relationships in second modernity are no longer a given quantity but are subject to negotiation processes. Guiding social knowledge is eroding and the nuclear family model is increasingly confronted with sociocultural legitimate alternatives. There are numerous transformations of the family observable – among these increasing numbers of families after separation and divorce, and in consequence the dissolution of the monolocal household family in favour of multi-local family arrangements. These dynamics raise the question of Doing and Displaying Family practices, addressed within the framework of a practice turn within family sociology. Main aim of this paper is (1) to discuss existing empirical findings and theoretical/conceptual considerations of relevant research fields, and (2) by employing a praxeological approach, to focus on identity politics as a means to establish and stabilize family identity and belonging within shared residence arrangements where children regularly shuttle between their separated parent’s households. Data suggest that passive multi-locally living parents and their partners oscillate between referring to the other household on behalf of the active multi-locally living children to create a cross-spatial sense of commonness and belonging and at the same time applying territorialisation practices to promote a place-bound social order and family identity. This includes processes of communicative, spatial, personal, material, and habitual closure. Moreover, in a way between material and habitual closure, the olfactory was identified as a medium of identification and distinction. However, children face the challenge to merge both residential places and family nuclei into a coherent whole and simultaneously need to distinguish between different family sociotopes. Moreover, the empirical material provides insights into the normalization strategies of parents and children in dealing with externally applied difference markers, deviance attributions and the normalization power of the nuclear family model. The basis of the empirical research is a multiple methods comprising qualitative research design. Narrative interviews, group discussions and visual methods were employed. Data are analysed by means of the documentary method for text and picture interpretation within a qualitative reconstructive approach

    The effect of medical and operative birth interventions on child health outcomes in the first 28 days and up to 5 years of age: A linked data population-based cohort study

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    Spontaneous vaginal birth rates are decreasing worldwide, while cesarean delivery, instrumental births, and medical birth interventions are increasing. Emerging evidence suggests that birth interventions may have an effect on children's health. Therefore, the aim of our study was to examine the association between operative and medical birth interventions on the child's health during the first 28 days and up to 5 years of age. In New South Wales (Australia), population-linked data sets were analyzed, including data on maternal characteristics, child characteristics, mode of birth, interventions during labor and birth, and adverse health outcomes of the children (ie, jaundice, feeding problems, hypothermia, asthma, respiratory infections, gastrointestinal disorders, other infections, metabolic disorder, and eczema) registered with the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision, Australian Modification codes. Logistic regression analyses were performed for each adverse health outcome. Our analyses included 491 590 women and their children; of those 38% experienced a spontaneous vaginal birth. Infants who experienced an instrumental birth after induction or augmentation had the highest risk of jaundice, adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 2.75 (95% confidence interval [CI] 2.61-2.91) compared with spontaneous vaginal birth. Children born by cesarean delivery were particularly at statistically significantly increased risk for infections, eczema, and metabolic disorder, compared with spontaneous vaginal birth. Children born by emergency cesarean delivery showed the highest association for metabolic disorder, aOR 2.63 (95% CI 2.26-3.07). Children born by spontaneous vaginal birth had fewer short- and longer-term health problems, compared with those born after birth interventions. [Abstract copyright: © 2018 the Authors. Birth published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

    Childbirth and consequent atopic disease: emerging evidence on epigenetic effects based on the hygiene and EPIIC hypotheses

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    Background: In most high and middle income countries across the world, at least 1:4 women give birth by cesarean section. Rates of labour induction and augmentation are rising steeply; and in some countries up to 50 % of laboring women and newborns are given antibiotics. Governments and international agencies are increasingly concerned about the clinical, economic and psychosocial effects of these interventions. Discussion: There is emerging evidence that certain intrapartum and early neonatal interventions might affect the neonatal immune response in the longer term, and perhaps trans-generationally. Two theories lead the debate in this area. Those aligned with the hygiene (or ‘Old Friends’) hypothesis have examined the effect of gut microbiome colonization secondary to mode of birth and intrapartum/neonatal pharmacological interventions on immune response and epigenetic phenomena. Those working with the EPIIC (Epigenetic Impact of Childbirth) hypothesis are concerned with the effects of eustress and dys-stress on the epigenome, secondary to mode of birth and labour interventions. Summary: This paper examines the current and emerging findings relating to childbirth and atopic/autoimmune disease from the perspective of both theories, and proposes an alliance of research effort. This is likely to accelerate the discovery of important findings arising from both approaches, and to maximize the timely understanding of the longer-term consequences of childbirth practices

    Planned repeat cesarean section at term and adverse childhood health outcomes: a record-linkage study

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    Global cesarean section (CS) rates range from 1% to 52%, with a previous CS being the commonest indication. Labour following a previous CS carries risk of scar rupture, with potential for offspring hypoxic brain injury, leading to high rates of repeat elective CS. However, the effect of delivery by CS on long-term outcomes in children is unclear. Increasing evidence suggests that in avoiding exposure to maternal bowel flora during labour or vaginal birth, offspring delivered by CS may be adversely affected in terms of energy uptake from the gut and immune development, increasing obesity and asthma risks, respectively. This study aimed to address the evidence gap on long-term childhood outcomes following repeat CS by comparing adverse childhood health outcomes after (1) planned repeat CS and (2) unscheduled repeat CS with those that follow vaginal birth after CS (VBAC).A data-linkage cohort study was performed. All second-born, term, singleton offspring delivered between 1 January 1993 and 31 December 2007 in Scotland, UK, to women with a history of CS (n = 40,145) were followed up until 31 January 2015. Outcomes assessed included obesity at age 5 y, hospitalisation with asthma, learning disability, cerebral palsy, and death. Cox regression and binary logistic regression were used as appropriate to compare outcomes following planned repeat CS (n = 17,919) and unscheduled repeat CS (n = 8,847) with those following VBAC (n = 13,379). Risk of hospitalisation with asthma was greater following both unscheduled repeat CS (3.7% versus 3.3%, adjusted hazard ratio [HR] 1.18, 95% CI 1.05-1.33) and planned repeat CS (3.6% versus 3.3%, adjusted HR 1.24, 95% CI 1.09-1.42) compared with VBAC. Learning disability and death were more common following unscheduled repeat CS compared with VBAC (3.7% versus 2.3%, adjusted odds ratio 1.64, 95% CI 1.17-2.29, and 0.5% versus 0.4%, adjusted HR 1.50, 95% CI 1.00-2.25, respectively). Risk of obesity at age 5 y and risk of cerebral palsy were similar between planned repeat CS or unscheduled repeat CS and VBAC. Study limitations include the risk that women undergoing an unscheduled CS had intended to have a planned CS, and lack of data on indication for CS, which may confound the findings.Birth by repeat CS, whether planned or unscheduled, was associated with an increased risk of hospitalisation with asthma but no difference in risk of obesity at age 5 y. Greater risk of death and learning disability following unscheduled repeat CS compared to VBAC may reflect complications during labour. Further research, including meta-analyses of studies of rarer outcomes (e.g., cerebral palsy), are needed to confirm whether such risks are similar between delivery groups

    Family and space-An interpretive perspective on two central concepts in population geography

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    Introductory texts in population geography are often organized using a sociological approach to demography (Barcus and Halfacree 2018:2; Newbold 2014:6). This is particularly evident in discussions on the concept of family. Both sociology and geography center concepts like marriage, divorces, births, the number of children in a household, and the composition of households. However, many of these concepts are outdated, with limited value for understanding contemporary social change. As the editorial to this special issue suggests, population geography must look to other fields for concepts that describe subjects' meaning-making. Interpretive family studies' conceptual and methodological approaches can help reconfigure established assumptions about the term "population"(Gubrium and Holstein 1993; LaRossa and Reitzes 1993; Bösel, 1980; Burgess, 1926). While classic population geography research does engage with new mobility and flexibility regimes and pluralization tendencies, it often fails to identify their consequences for lived experiences and intergenerational relationships. This limits scholars' understandings of new living conditions and practices, as well as their consequences for central concepts of mobility, for example, co-presence, absence, relocation, and residential location. This also occurs with the concept of "family", which is generally applied to mono-local nuclear families in a household unit. In this contribution, we draw on classic and contemporary interpretive research to (re-)evaluate the multi-locality of families and theories of co-presence to extend the concepts of family and space within population geography (see also Halatcheva-Trapp et al., 2019a). By transcending standard quantitative categories (e.g., the household, fertility, simplified models of mobility), we offer interpretive insights to better conceptualize an important topic in population geography-The family.ISSN:0016-731