131 research outputs found

    Refraction and scattering of sound by a shear layer

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    The angle and amplitude changes for acoustic waves refracted by a circular open jet shear layer were determined. The generalized refraction theory was assessed experimentally for on axis and off axis acoustic source locations as source frequency varied from 1 kHz to 10 kHz and free stream Mach number varied from 0.1 to 0.4. Angle and amplitude changes across the shear layer show good agreement with theory. Experiments confirm that the refraction theory is independent of shear layer thickness, acoustic source frequency, and source type. A generalized theory is, thus, available for correcting far field noise data acquired in open jet test facilities. The effect of discrete tone scattering by the open jet turbulent shear layer was also studied. Scattering effects were investigated over the same Mach number range as frequency varied from 5 kHz to 15 kHz. Attenuation of discrete tone amplitude and tone broadening were measured as a function of acoustic source position and radiation angle. Scattering was found to be stronger at angles close to the open jet axis than at 90 deg, and becomes stronger as the acoustic source position shifts downstream. A scattering analysis provided an estimate of the onset of discrete tone scattering

    Helicopter rotor trailing edge noise

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    A two dimensional section of a helicopter main rotor blade was tested in an acoustic wind tunnel at close to full-scale Reynolds numbers to obtain boundary layer data and acoustic data for use in developing an acoustic scaling law and testing a first principles trailing edge noise theory. Results were extended to the rotating frame coordinate system to develop a helicopter rotor trailing edge noise prediction. Comparisons of the calculated noise levels with helicopter flyover spectra demonstrate that trailing edge noise contributes significantly to the total helicopter noise spectrum at high frequencies. This noise mechanism is expected to control the minimum rotor noise. In the case of noise radiation from a local blade segment, the acoustic directivity pattern is predicted by the first principles trailing edge noise theory. Acoustic spectra are predicted by a scaling law which includes Mach number, boundary layer thickness and observer position. Spectrum shape and sound pressure level are also predicted by the first principles theory but the analysis does not predict the Strouhal value identifying the spectrum peak

    Rotor-vortex interaction noise

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    A theoretical and experimental study was conducted to develop a validated first principles analysis for predicting noise generated by helicopter main-rotor shed vortices interacting with the tail rotor. The generalized prediction procedure requires a knowledge of the incident vortex velocity field, rotor geometry, and rotor operating conditions. The analysis includes compressibility effects, chordwise and spanwise noncompactness, and treats oblique intersections with the blade planform. Assessment of the theory involved conducting a model rotor experiment which isolated the blade-vortex interaction noise from other rotor noise mechanisms. An isolated tip vortex, generated by an upstream semispan airfoil, was convected into the model tail rotor. Acoustic spectra, pressure signatures, and directivity were measured. Since assessment of the acoustic prediction required a knowledge of the vortex properties, blade-vortes intersection angle, intersection station, vortex stength, and vortex core radius were documented. Ingestion of the vortex by the rotor was experimentally observed to generate harmonic noise and impulsive waveforms

    Prediction of rotating-blade vortex noise from noise of nonrotating blades

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    Measurements were conducted in an acoustic wind tunnel to determine vortex noise of nonrotating circular cylinders and NACA 0012 airfoils. Both constant-width and spanwise tapered models were tested at a low turbulence level. The constant-diameter cylinder and constant-chord airfoil also were tested in the turbulent wake generated by an upstream cylinder or airfoil. Vortex noise radiation from nonrotating circular cylinders at Reynolds numbers matching those of the rotating-blade tests were found to be strongly dependent on surface conditions and Reynolds number. Vortex noise of rotating circular cylinder blades, operating with and without the shed wake blown downstream, could be predicted using data for nonrotating circular cylinders as functions of Reynolds number. Vortex noise of nonrotating airfoils was found to be trailing-edge noise at a time frequence equal to that predicted for maximum-amplitude Tollmein-Schlichting instability waves at the trailing edge

    Experimental assessment of helicopter rotor turbulence ingestion noise in hover

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    An experiment was conducted to assess the accuracy of a theory for non-isotropic turbulence ingestion. In order to generate non-isotropic turbulence in a controlled environment, a scale model rotor in a closed chamber was used so that the turbulence generated by the rotor was reingested by the recirculating flow. Simultaneous measurements of turbulence inflow properties and far field acoustics were acquired. Measurements confirmed that the inflow turbulence was highly non-isotropic. The measured aerodynamic properties were used as inputs for the noise prediction procedure. The general agreement between the non-isotropic noise prediction procedure and the experiment was good, although the procedure generally overpredicts the quasi-tonal low to mid range frequencies and underpredicts the higher broadband signals. The predicted sound power level as a function of polar angle was in close agreement with measurements, except near the rotor plane, which is not modeled by the present analysis. It is determined that the most sensitive parameter influencing the predicted noise was the turbulence intensity

    Helicopter rotor noise due to ingestion of atmospheric turbulence

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    A theoretical study was conducted to develop an analytical prediction method for helicopter main rotor noise due to the ingestion of atmospheric turbulence. This study incorporates an atmospheric turbulence model, a rotor mean flow contraction model and a rapid distortion turbulence model which together determine the statistics of the non-isotropic turbulence at the rotor plane. Inputs to the combined mean inflow and turbulence models are controlled by atmospheric wind characteristics and helicopter operating conditions. A generalized acoustic source model was used to predict the far field noise generated by the non-isotropic flow incident on the rotor. Absolute levels for acoustic spectra and directivity patterns were calculated for full scale helicopters, without the use of empirical or adjustable constants. Comparisons between isotropic and non-isotropic turbulence at the rotor face demonstrated pronounced differences in acoustic spectra. Turning and contraction of the flow for hover and low speed vertical ascent cases result in a 3 dB increase in the acoustic spectrum energy and a 10 dB increase in tone levels. Compared to trailing edge noise, turbulence ingestion noise is the dominant noise mechanism below approximately 30 rotor harmonics, while above 100 harmonics, trailing edge noise levels exceed turbulence ingestion noise by 25 dB

    Supersonic Jet Noise from Round and Chevron Nozzles: Experimental Studies

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    High speed exhaust noise reduction continues to be a research challenge for supersonic cruise business jets as well as for current and future tactical military aircraft. Significant noise reduction may be possible from advanced concepts for controlling instability generated large-scale turbulence structures in the jet shear layer, generally accepted to be the source of aft-angle noise. In response to this opportunity, our team is focused on experimental diagnostic studies and unique instability modeling suited for identifying control strategies to reduce large scale structure noise. The current paper benchmarks the jet noise from supersonic nozzles designed to provide the supporting experimental data and validation of the modeling. Laboratory scale jet noise experiments are presented for a Mach number of Mj = 1.5 with stagnation temperature ratios ranging from Tr = 0.75 to 2. The baseline configuration is represented by a round converging-diverging (CD) ideal expansion nozzle. A round CD nozzle with chevrons is included as the first of several planned non-circular geometries directed at demonstrating the impact on large scale structure noise and validating noise prediction methods for geometries of future technological interest. Overexpanded and underexpanded conditions were tested on both nozzle configurations. The resulting data base provides an opportunity to benchmark the statistical characteristics of round and chevron nozzle data. The current paper examines far field spectra, directivity patterns, and overall sound pressure level dependence comparing observed characteristics with the fine scale turbulence noise and large-scale turbulence structure noise characteristics identified by Tam. In addition, the paper probes the effect of chevrons on the developing flow field and suppression of screech tones. Measurements are also reported from a far-field narrow aperture phased array system used to map the acoustic source distribution on the jet axis. The dominant source region, situated between the end of the potential core and the sonic point, was found to agree with the peak amplitude location of the jet near field wavepackets measured using a unique near field array. This observation supports the cause-effect link between large-scale turbulence structures in the shear layer and their dominant contribution to aft radiated far field noise

    Unstructured Large Eddy Simulation Technology for Prediction and Control of Jet Noise

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    Development of concepts for reduction of jet noise has relied heavily on expensive experimental testing of various nozzle designs. For example, the design of nozzle serrations (chevron) and internal mixer/ejector nozzles have relied largely on laboratory and full-scale testing. Without a deeper understanding of the sources of high-speed jet noise it is very difficult to effectively design configurations that reduce the noise and maintain other performance metrics such as nozzle thrust. In addition, the high complexity of the flow limits the success of a parametric black-box optimization

    Decomposition of High Speed Jet Noise: Source Characteristics and Propagation Effects

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    Current research programs directed at supersonic engine exhaust noise reduction are demonstrating benefits of 3-4 dBA using passive methods to increase jet mixing and break up shock cells in over-expanded flows. While progress is being made, high speed jet noise continues to be a research challenge for small business jets and tactical military aircraft. The current work benchmarks high speed jet noise using laboratory scale jets for the purpose of a) identifying source and propagation mechanisms, and b) providing validation data for simulation/modeling methods. Laboratory scale experiments are presented over a Mach number range of M = 0.68 to 1.5 with static temperature ratio ranging from Tr = 0.68 to 2. A unique near field rotating phased microphone array technique was used to identify the large-scale turbulence structure noise source and Mach waves in supersonic shock-free jets. A companion paper documents the near field pressure statistics and projection of the convected wave packet to the far field. Validation against the directly measured far field levels quantitatively establishes the large scale structure noise contributions. The combined studies underpin a long term effort to develop modeling methods and new concepts for jet noise suppression based on controlling the evolution of the large-scale turbulence structures
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